Chapter Eight

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~ Another major symptom of Androphobia is being quick tempered. I'm putting this up here incase it's confusing how Iris was raped and yet she still seems rude. No one is perfect.~

Carefully, I place the bracelet on my bed before picking up the tiny folded note inside the locker.

'No one can hurt you unless you let them.' The impact of the words he wrote hits me fully. By some unexplainable force, I stumble backwards into my bed.

I squeeze the pendant in my hand and feel it's rough hard casing.

I read the note once more before carefully folding it inside the locker pendant and then I wear it on my neck.

My hand moves towards my neck fiddling for the pendant one last time. I move deeper into my bed and cuddle the warm covers.

Tap, tap, tap. sounds like pellets of rain falling on my window sill wake me up, I rub my eyes with my hand and look around, the darkness surrounds me, I slept far into the night.

I yawn. I hate the fact that I am a light sleeper, little things wake me up.

Knowing it'll take me a couple of hours to fall asleep again, I stand up, wear my fluffy slippers and move towards the windows to close it as the sound doesn't seem to stop.

Taking both sides of my princess curtains in my hands, I pull them apart and freeze.

"Ca-leb." My shuttering starts.

He mouths something inaudible. When I don't respond, he brings out a pen and a note pad and writes something.

He pastes it on the window so I can read it.
'I can't get in, I won't get in. I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about you.'

I back away from the window.

He hits his head with his palm and starts writing again.

'I just want to talk, I need you to remember that I can't get in'

I feel dizzy and so I hold my head with my hands trying to stabilize myself.

He can't get in. I remind myself.

Slowly I walk back towards the window and check the locks, true to his words, they were still locked. I distance myself once more.

I fumble around the room and switch on the lights quickly.

I pick up the nearest available pen and note pad.

'Are you insane? you could fall from up here' I scribble quickly and paste it on the window.

He starts laughing, his body shakes, his eyes crinkle at the edges, his pearly white teeth shines in the moonlight. I find myself smiling.

He stops and looks my way, he sees me smiling, he smiles more broadly, my smile drops.

He writes something quickly and pastes it on the window 'If I don't risk it all for you, who will?' when he notices I'm done reading he gives me a really bright smile and starts writing again.

'You're not alone, you'll never be alone. I'm your friend automatically from this moment on whether you want me or not' he's still smiling.

My first Boy-friend. The thought alone makes my cheeks red.

I look at him once more only this time his smiles begin to make me uncomfortable and so I pick up my note pad and write my final message in bold letters.
'PLEASE LEAVE,' I use the note to wipe the window giving it a dramatic effect.

Then I remember there's only a thin window separating the both of us and so I move backwards.

'I'll never leave you Iris, the sooner you understand this the better,' his smile drops and he pushes from the window sit and starts moving downwards.

I rush to the window to see if he makes it safely down, when I look down I see he has a ladder. A freaking ladder. It's like he doesn't have a life outside me, I frown.

I let out a deep breath and open my room window, he looks up just in time and sends me a tired smile and waves before walking away.

I watch him get into his motorcycle and drive off before I slam my window shut.

"Camila," I scream and pick up my night robe doing the quick job of pushing my arms in and tying it shut.

"Camila," I scream once more.

She walks in minutes later with sleepy eyes.

"Caleb was just here, how does this keep happening? why doesn't anyone try to stop him?"

She gives me an irritated look. "You should be asking your mom that," she doesn't look my way again before walking out.

Did she just-?, Did she just walk out on me. I move into the hallways quickly ready to give her a piece of my mind but she's no longer there.

My anger dissipates since there is no one to vent on and I walk back into my room. I lie on my bed once more and reminisce what  just happened.

I had a conversation with a boy, A conversation!!!!! Even if it wasn't one technically.

Should I just give Caleb a chance, he doesn't seem like such a bad person, if only I could trust him like I trust my dad.

I click my tongue around my mouth feeling for dryness, it's barely there, my hands are barely sweaty and my head isn't pounding. I smile to myself.

My bedside clock makes a noise and I look at it. The colourful lights draw me in. Half-past midnight. I shudder and quickly rush into my bed pulling the covers above my head.

He usually comes at half-past midnight.

I stand up and quick walk to my bedroom door to make sure it's locked and then I run back to my bed, my breathing quickens.

I fall asleep to the memories of hands finding me down under when I shut my eyes to sleep at half past midnight.

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Fun fact: I know a guy who's just like Caleb in real life. Majority of Caleb's character is based off him. So yes, Caleb's actions are completely rational

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