Chapter Nine

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"Rise and shine princess."
I groan into my bed covers for a while and blink twice to adjust my eyes to the bright light, I let out an animalistic sound before noticing another presence in my room.

"You definitely do not look pretty when you sleep." She chuckles and then moves forward to look at me better like she's literally zooming in on my face, she bursts into a fit of laughter when she notices my discomfort.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want," I scowl her way and use my hands to clean off my drool.

"Can't I even get a break from you and your brother? like common, he was here before I slept and now you're here when I wake up," she stops smiling, moves over to my table and picks up a chair. She drags it towards my bed making these scrapping noises on the floor before she sets it in front of me then she takes a seat.

When she doesn't say anything and just stares at me, I huff and continue trying to get my point across. "I mean I need some me time, some time away from all of this."

Whatever this is," I add silently.

"Well, you don't get to have it, if you're going to get over your fear," she pauses and looks at me intensely not allowing my eyes avoid her gaze, ensuring all my attention is focused on her.

"You're going to have to try, put in some effort," she kicks back out of her chair and stands posing effortlessly. I snicker.

"Now get up and get dressed, you're going out with Caleb, he's waiting for you downstairs." She doesn't even blink while she says this.

"You have to be kidding me," I laugh believing she's actually joking cause she can't be serious.

When she doesn't laugh along with me and her face remains passive, I brush past her and run to the hallways then look down the stairs and there he is, in all his 6'2 glory, seated, dressed in a magnificent suit.

I run back into the room and see Ruby ravishing my closet. She stops when I walk in.

"Goshhh, these are all so plain, common, it's basically just white and black in here." She flings her hands up in the air.

I take a look at her multicolored play suit, cowgirl boots and leggings before replying. "I don't really go out much if you haven't figured that out already." I sit down on my bed and sigh heavily.

"Well that was before you met me," she says and takes a seat with me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll get through this together Iris, stop shutting people out," She gives me a reassuring smile.

"Now let's get searching, I'm sure you have a black gown in there somewhere," she continues enthusiastically and walks back towards my wardrobe.

"Let me," I stop her from making a mess of my organized closet and reach in to bring out a black and white sealed box.

"I was saving this for my first day of college but I can always get a new one," I bite my lip and take off the lid.

Ruby pushes me aside when she sees the first glimpse of the gown.

"This can't be real," she says feeling the material in her hands she moves it to rub it on her face.

"Shut up!" She exclaims and places it on her body before twirling to face my mirror.

She stares at her reflection for a while before placing it on mine, I decide to not read into that too much and I just smile.

"Just how rich are you?" she says continuing to fuss over me.

"We can't keep Caleb waiting for too long," she says all at once while pushing me into the bathroom, I see her drop the dress on the bed before the door closes.

I hastingly have my bath and brush embarrassment flooding through my vains when I realize I just talked to Ruby for hours with my morning breathe.

I tie my towel and walk into my room just in time to see Ruby quickly remove her hand from my cupboard, she closes it shut quickly.

"Um what were you doing in there?" I question my anger overshadowing my excitement.

"Nothing, I was just admiring your room that's all," her feet taps nervously on the floor and her breath hitches while she waits for my response.

"Let's just get this over with," I say giving in.

"Quick!, put it on," she picks the cloth and shoves it into my hand.

I nervously take it and walk back into the bathroom.

You can do this Iris. I chant to myself. I slip the body con dress onto my body and look at the mirror. The dress hugs me in all the right places.

"I can't do this," I walk into the room and sigh in defeat.

"Yes you can," she gives me an encouraging smile and walks over to me giving me a once over.

"No, I don't think you understand, I can't leave, I don't know how bad your phobia is but I can't leave this house, I'll probably faint if I come across a group of guys and I'm not in control," I take a deep breath when I'm done ranting.

"I can't believe this was me once," she chuckles.

"I still fear boys, men in general but just the huge scary ones or those who look like my dad, the key is to focus on who you're with and believe that he/she can protect you and trust me," she takes my hand in hers.

"Caleb will do everything and anything within his power to protect you," she doesn't even let me reply. " Now sit down so I can work on your hair."

Few minutes later and I can't even recognize the girl staring at me.

Ruby squeals like a crazy fangirl and rushes us both down the stairs to show Caleb her creation, her words not mine.

"Y'all took a pretty long time to get ready," Caleb starts before even turning to look out way.

"Wow, Iris you look stunning,"  He compliments without blushing or looking flustered.

"Thank you," I reply shyly.

He doesn't move to hold me this time instead he gives me space.

" I need you to trust me okay, I won't harm you in any way, my sister is going to be right there with us the whole time," He continues his lips set in a charming smile.

How did he mature so much over night.

"Shall we?" he asks pointing towards the direction of his sister's outstretched hand.

"We shall," I laugh at the awkwardness of the situation and place my hand in Ruby's. Together we walk into the open sun.

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I need me a friend like Ruby
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