Chapter Fifteen

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"Iris tell the class how you feel," Miss Emily says looking pointedly at me.

"I guess I'm feeling better," I reply boldly. "No thanks to your no good group therapy," I whisper quietly to myself.

"What was that?" Miss Emily questions raising her eyebrow, the girls around me who heard chuckle.

"Nothing." I reply and set my lips into a grim smile.

"The girls and I have been having some sessions in your absence," she says gesturing to the girls in the circle around us. "You missed two sessions actually."

I nod my head and readjust myself on my seat.

"We're ready to go further and I don't know if you're up for it."

I look around me and also notice the change in the girls, they have bonded and are actually having side talks, they feel free amongst themselves. Everyone except me.

"I'm okay. I think I can handle it." I reply suddenly finding my nails very interesting. I pick at them.

She smiles at me and stands up beckoning on us to follow her. We follow in a straight line and I can't help but feel awkward around the other girls.

Good luck Iris, now you can't fit in amongst neither genders.

"Hi Emily," A voice said behind me, I turned around to come face to face with Lily. I willed myself to smile but I couldn't so instead I nod my head and scold myself, I would forever be lonely if I don't make a move now.

She walks past the rest girls and stands beside me.

"You missed quite alot," she starts, really bubbly. I send a tired smile her way.

"We're going to be doing something fresh. Out of the box." She adds and bounces on her heels not quite getting the hint. I roll my eyes and try to walk faster.

Lily notices, gives me the stink eye and walks ahead of me.

We stop in front of what seems to be a room with multiple doors in it. Kind of like a school hallway. Miss Emily asks for volunteers to go in first.

Not really wanting to stay with these girls whom I obviously can't get along with I raise my hands up along with three other girls, one of them is the girl who cried when Mrs Emily played those videos, she looks happy and cheerful now and that makes me feel bad.

I mask my feelings with a smile and walk into the smaller hallway with miss Emily and the three other girls. We leave the other girls outside.

"Okay Emily I know we didn't talk about this sooner, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to." She holds my shoulder and looks me in my eyes. I nod at her grimly and smile.

"Okay so if you feel uncomfortable all you need to do is press the red buzzer on top the table and we'll come and take you out okay."

I nod my head in reply.

"In there is a boy from the other class. Amica. They're boys with gynophobia."

I shrug trying to process the information. I believe I can do this, this could prove that I am over my phobia for boys.

Miss Emily sends a smile my way and leads me and the other girls to four doors

She shows me to my room and then takes the other girls to theirs.

She gives us the thumbs up signal and we open our doors at once and walk in.

The walls are painted grey, the ceilings too. There is no single furniture except a chair and a ceiling fan. A glass wall separates the room in half.

I walk to the iron chair and takr my seat, it creaks underneath my weight.

I'm tapping my nails on the table in front of me when a guy walks in. I look up to say something when I realize it's the same guy from before, the guy I met in this same building punching the wall, the guy who saved me from my fall, the exact same guy. I readjust my self in my seat and watch as he looks at me recognition dawning in.

I reach across and touch the wall, ensuring that it is indeed glass and he can't pass through. I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable, this is exactly how things with Caleb started out. He was everywhere even when I didn't need him.

I find my hand hovering on top the red button but then I take a deep breath and hold back.

The boy across the wall just looks at me in amusement, chuckling to himself once in a while. He takes a seat on the chair opposite me.

"Hi crazy, I'm hunter." He smirks and makes his hand into a bow and arrow aiming it at me and then letting go.

The glass wall has holes in it and so I can hear him perfectly well.

"What do you want from me?" I ask seething but then I realize miss Emily and her husband are probably watching and so I compose myself.

"What do you want from me?" I ask with a lower octave and put on a smile instead.

"Definitely crazy." He laughs again and folds his arms across his chest leaning on top the table.

"I should be asking you." He says suddenly feigning mock anger.

And he called me crazy..

I roll my eyes and stand up deciding not to spend anymore time with him.

"Calm down Iris." He says solemnly and pushes his chair backwards.

"See what I'm saying. How do you know my name?" I ask paranoid.

He doesn't say anything and my throat starts getting parched. I can feel the room getting smaller.

He stands up and tries to reach for me but the glass wall separates us.

My mind interprets him standing up as him trying to attack and I feel myself sinking in, drowning, going back to the day my grandpa first laid his hands on me, the guys who kidnapped me, Caleb and then suddenly I can't breathe, they're voices surrounding me, men.

The last thing I see before my eyes flutter close, before blood fills my mouth and my lungs burns so much all I feel is the metallic taste of copper, before my hand reaches for my chest and I squeeze it with hopes of calming my beating heart is the boy breaking through the glass with blood surrounding his beautiful face and glass strands stuck all over his body. He holds my fragile body in his arms, I flutter my eyes close and let him.

I think this chapter was alright but I'll re-edit it. It's been so long since I last wrote Iris's story so some things are out of place..

Miss Emily is such a quack doctor though.
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