Chapter Fourteen

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A strong hand grabs a hold of my  wrist and I flutter my eyes open.

It's the blue eyed boy from before. The one I met at one of my therapy sessions. The one I ran away from.

"Don't look down okay," he screams. My legs are floating in the air. I hold on to him tightly.

He increases his grip on me firmly and drags me upwards with one hand. I stand on my feet and stumble forward. He grabs me with his strong arms and steadies me on his chest with his arm on my waist.

I listen to his heart beat, his erratic, slow pumping heart beat, I push him backwards roughly with my right hand and rearrange my hospital gown.

The cigarette he was holding is still lit a few feet from us.

"What do I get for saving you?" He says arrogantly and puckers his lips out at me.

I sneer in disgust and move away.
He's male, he's probably one of them.
I give us some more distance and speed walk to the roof door.

"At least tell me your name," he calls out after me.

I turn around with the door handle firmly in my hand. He's standing in the wind, his uneven blonde hair covering half of his left eye. He still has that arrogant smile on his face.

"It's Iris," I reply and walk out the door.

I blush when my hand comes in contact with my hospital gown. He saw me in this flimsy material. I shake my head and go back down to my room. I take the elevators this time.

When I arrive at my floor, it's peaceful. There are no obnoxious crazy boys and no mentally deranged girl bestfriends.

I sigh and lie back down on my bed.

When I wake up the next morning, my mom is back with all my drugs in her bag. She drags me to her car literally and we drive back home.

"Your dad flew back to New York," she says calmly.
I nod in response and walk inside the house. Camilla hugs me and gushes over me for over half an hour.

I send her a tired smile and walk to my room without saying a word to her.

My mother comes in after me.

"Is this the end of your therapy session with Mrs Emily?" She asks taking a seat at the edge of my bed.

I walk away from my vanity mirror and take a seat next to her. I place my head on her shoulder.

"I'll get past this mom, I always do." She looks down at me and smiles with tired eyes.

"Honestly," I shift into the bed and pull the covers over my leg. "I think I'm over it already." I pull my bottom lip into my mouth and bite it down hard with my two front teeth.

"What? How did you know? Are you sure?" she rushes out, she places both hands beside my outstretched legs and waits for a reply beaming.

I think carefully and arrange the words in my head before finally voicing them out.

"When I was kidnapped, I think something happened. I don't know what exactly but it feels like a flip switch in my head." My head becomes fuzzy from just remembering what happened to me. I hold my tears in.

"At the hospital, I spent almost an hour in the room with Caleb and I hugged him without flinching."
I sigh and close my eyes tightly while I wait for her response.

"Oh my gosh that's amazing Iris." She gushes and takes my hands in hers tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

She stops to think and then snaps her fingers in the air "I have to tell your dad." She stands up and fumbles around for her phone.

"Please don't," I start and pull her back down dragging her arm. "I'm not even sure yet. That's why I need Mrs Emily."

"Yeah that's a good idea," she relaxes and puts her phone back in her pocket. "It's just, I'm so excited."

"I know mom. I am too," I lie back down and stare at the ceiling. My exhaustion catches up with me and my eyes close shut involuntarily.

"Good morning Iris," a voice jerks me away.
I rub my tired eyes and groan at the bright light filtering into the room.

The left side of my bed dips and I turn seething at the intruder. Camilla raises her hands up in mock surrender, It makes me laugh.

She looks at me solemnly and sighs. Seconds later, she turns into a sobering mess.

"I'm so sorry I let them go with you. I understand if you don't want me anymore." She plays with both her hands on her lap. I rub my eyes again and seat up straight resting my back on the head board.

"I just wanted to help you. And Caleb he just seems like such a nice guy on the outside, I never thought he would do something like this." More tears fall from her eyes and stains her white apron.

"It isn't your fault Camilla." I shift  and place my hand on top of hers. She faces me surprised and her mouth drops open.

"You're- you're being nice." She stammers.

"No I'm not, get off my bed and never wake me up again. I should fire you but I won't." I completely ignore her after that. I stand up stretch, I point at her and then my door.

She chuckles and stands up quickly cleaning her tears with the back of her hand.

"Besides Caleb didn't do it. He's alot of things but he didn't have anything to do with me being kidnapped." I say when her hand holds my door knob.

She nods firmly and closes the door behind her.

"Don't forget your therapy session Iris." She calls out before her light footsteps echos through the house.

I groan and place my head in my hand. Nevertheless, I pick up my white sweater, black leggings and get dressed.

Iris is slowly becoming a better person.
Thanks for reading
I'm trying to keep my updates consistent. I hope y'all stick with me.
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