Chapter Three

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Rubbing my tired eyes furiously I look down at my phone screen  to see the name Caleb. I blink twice to ensure I'm not just seeing things. My heart starts beating faster almost on cue.

"Come outside, I promise I won't hurt you- Caleb," Eight simple words, yet I can't bring myself to move a single inch. What exactly does he want from me, what if he's outside with a bunch of other guys, how did he get my number even. My mind goes haywire picturing so many horrid scenes

Breathe Iris, I remind my self. I've got this.

As if sensing my hesitation, another message pops in. "Don't worry, Iris, I'm not out there, I just want to apologise."

Apologize huh, first he acts like a jerk and now he wants to apologise?

It wouldn't hurt for me to have a peek though, would it?, something outside my normal routine. Something different.

Maybe, just maybe. No, there's no maybes, life isn't some fairytale.

Yet I find my self moving towards my door, down the stairs and out the front door where a cute little kitten placed in a box greets me. I look around for any signs of life before I pick it up.

"You're so adorable," the little kitten with white fur and the cutest beady blue eyes looks up at me. It reminds me of him. Pull yourself together Iris.

Yet I don't resist, I just hold it in my arms so tight I feel it flushing against me.

A note in the box catches my eye and I move the kitten to my other arm and pick it up.

"Sorry I spooked you this afternoon and then laughed, I'm not usually that rude, my mother raised me better than that, to make up for it all, you'll be seeing more of me indirectly. I heard about your condition and I guess you must be pretty lonely, you won't be anymore. Now you have ruffles and me." He ends it with a cute smiling face which makes me smile too.

But then my mind trails to how it must be some sort of plot, he must be trying to win my trust before doing something to me. I just don't know what to believe anymore. My head starts aching badly.

"Meow," a soft purr reminds me that I'm not alone.

I can't just drop the cat right? she'll barely survive the night out here. With that in mind, I tear the note to pieces and take only the cat inside.

He won't get to me that easily, the next time I ever come across him I will give him back his cat no matter how adorable and cute, fluffy and peaceful she looks in my arms.

Camila walks towards me the moment I step into the house.

"Oh my, what an adorable cat, where'd you find it?" She mushes over it for a while before her protective instincts kick in.

"Are you allergic?, Is it some stray cat?, Are you sure you're okay?" She asks all in one breath.

"I'm fine, the delivery boy from earlier today sent it, said something about how he's sorry," I reply moving to seat on a kitchen stool and she quickly follows me.

"He messaged me this evening and I can't even imagine how he got my number or why he keeps bothering me." I add huffing.

"Have you seen yourself, you're like some sort of Rapunzel. Beautiful, sexy and yet trapped in this castle, of course he would want you."

"I'm actually quite surprised this is the first time someone has shown interest..." She stops realising how insensitive she sounds.

"I'm sorry," she starts.

"It's okay," I stop her. "I'm just going to go up to my room now," I take Ruffles in my hand and head upstairs.

Taking off my clothes, I run the shower and step in. While lathering my body, my mind trails to what it would feel like to actually have a boyfriend, to have someone who would hold me like couples did on TV. But who would want a girlfriend who couldn't even look you in the eye or who whimpered when you touched her.

The cold water pours down engulfing me. I'll get better. I'll get better before I go to college. And then I'll finally be normal.

The next morning, I'm awoken by singing birds, literally.

I immediately take my bath and pack my hair in a ponytail. Blessed with unnaturally pin straight hair, I don't bother with numerous hair routines.

I put on a plain white oversized sweater and pair it with a black leggings. My usual.

I spend the next 3 hours in the music room playing the harp, the piano, the drum set, every single instrument I can lay my hands on.

I even write several sheets of music, something I never do except on days I am extremely bored but yet I still feel like something is missing.

After having a taste of how the world outside feels like, I could not wait to be outside again.

I move up to my room to give ruffles food, I play with her for a while but yet that yearning feeling still doesn't fill up.

A bunch of romantic comedies later and the yearning only seems to widen. My head fills with what if thoughts.

My mind moves back to Caleb, my greatest what if question.

I shake it completely out of mind. I couldn't trust anybody but myself.

The door bell rings during my second season of Harry Potter and Camila beats me to it, she turns around to face me and in her hands she holds a huge brown teddy bear, the biggest I've ever seen and strangely enough, it's eyes are blue.

Blue?, Caleb!!!
"Send it back, I don't want it." I immediately say pouting.

My thoughts on him having a different motive is finally confirmed. Why else will he be showing this much attention to someone he can't ever be with?

"It's just a harmless gift, Iris." Camila argues with me urging me to take it and I do.

Immediately I hold it in my hands I remember. I remember all the times my grandfather would buy me a teddy bear after I had cried for hours when he was done with me.

He would give me one like some sort of compensation and I immediately push it to the ground.

All boys are the same, they never give you something without expecting something in return.

I huff and walk out leaving a dumbfounded looking Camila. Maybe it was time to change my caretaker again.

You're probably wondering what's up with Caleb right?
Leave your conclusions...
This is a bonus chapter. 300 reads in four days!!!;
Thank you so much for reading

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