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rose pov

Getting off the train was a awful experience in my opinion for the simple fact I realized I hadn't seen Nyx entire ride and she was no longer resting in my sleeve.

My current predicament was me being dragged to the great hall by Theo and Whitman insisting that 'Nyx is perfectly capable of taking care of herself' to which I could only scoff at and mimic annoyedly.

After deciding I had enough and needed to go back to the train, I slipped out from under Theo and Whitman's arms as we were walking the steps to the great hall.

Only my plan was ruined as I yelp while being thrown over a broad shoulder, twisting around I see a head full of brown curls. "Theodore Tiberius Nott! You put me down this instant!"

He shakes his head as we walk into the great hall, everyone's eyes turning upon us as the first years are yet to come in. "No can do love, you'll make a run for it the minute I put you down"

I huff at him being right and smack his butt, earning the glances at us to turn into wide eyes.

"Doesn't affect me princess you've been doing that for years" Theo says with cheek.

"Theodore put me the hell down and stop using that name against me!"

When we near the front of the hall I can feel every single gaze fully on us as Theo continues to completely ignore me.

He steps up to wear Dumbledore is standing behind a podium, "Dumble, tell Ro she is not allowed to go back to the train to search for Nyx"

Dumbledore has a smile spread across his face as he responds, "Very well Mister Nott"

Theo whips us around quickly but keeps me slung on his shoulder, only now I face Dumbledore. "Well well Dumbles I see you are not on my side today"

And I knew Theo could be seen smirking shamelessly as he looked across the mass of students watching the interaction with curiosity. Dumbledore on the other hand had a twinkle of youth appear in his eyes as he responded, "It would seem your mission has been prohibited-under Mister Nott's request of course"

I grumble before sassing him, "We are not having any gossip sessions for a week because of this!"

Theo looks over his shoulder before whipping me around again, on the verge of giving me whiplash. "Don't worry Dumble, you know she can't go that long without one"

Theo whips us around yet again as I yelp in shock, beginning to walk us toward the Gryffindor table.

How many time does he plan on breaking my neck?

Mcgongall plays savior for me as she yells, "Dear Godric! Put the girl down this instant Mister Nott!"

I throw my hand up in a first, "Finally Minnie is on my side!"

That's when I spot Professor Lupin beside her, attempting to contain his laughter as she continues. "I mean it! Put her down! I need to bring in the firs' years!"

Theo sighs heavily before finally setting me down beside Harry, across from Ron and Hermione.

I start to stumble a little from all the blood going to my head. Harry and Theo both reach out to steady me, the latter swatting Harry away before I throw a glare at him and sit down.

I began to mumble curse words about Theo under my breathe when he leans over and kisses the top of my head, "Sorry love, and hello Hermione"

My tension builds along with the anxiety of not having my constant companion, uncaring of the trouble I was bound to get in for sitting at the Gryffindor table but in my defense I had went weeks upon weeks without Hermione Granger.




That is the only thing I can think about.

I begin to look around frantically, being brought back to reality hearing Draco's annoying voice.

Not annoying in the way I wish for it to be, annoying because I love it.

Merlin, love is disgusting.

Kill me now.

"Potter! Potter!"

Harry turns to look at him with a scowl as the blonde continues on with amusement, "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?"

"Shove off Malfoy" Ron grumbles before I latch onto Harry's sleeve and forcefully turn him around while flashing my middle finger at Draco with a sickening smile.

I'm bound to injure someone if I don't find Nyx soon as I continue to frantically glance around the hall the entire time the sorting goes on. I didn't even noticed it's been stopped when I give up and go to drop my head onto the wooden rustic table.

But Hermione sticks her hand out quickly, catching my skull from banging on the wood while huffing at me. "What is wrong with you?! You didn't even place bets on the first years with me!"

I look up from her hand before straightening my spine and sitting up with wide eyes, "I can't find Nyx! I'm terrified! What if someone took her?!"

Hermione's face has a look of worry wash over it, as much as she was horrified of Nyx when she first meet her, she grew to love the snake and understand how much she means to me.

I glare at her before slamming my hand down, "That's it! I'm going to lose it!"

I move my plate into Harry's lap with urgency and step onto the table, ignoring Hermione's immediate protest.

But I make sure to shove Hermione half full plate with my boot before, pointing my wand at my throat. "Sonorous"

"I would like to make a announcement on this fine evening"

Mcgonagall instantly stood up, distraught from my actions. "Miss Black!"

My voice echos as the hall falls silent, "Sorry Minnie this has to be said before I let everyone resume their meals!" I clear my throat dramatically, "I am looking for a white snake, she is not huge just medium sized, she has green eyes and may bite if provoked!"

Horror flashes over the first years faces and a few other students that might of somehow been unaware of my pet or just simply knew about the existence of the snake but still feared her.

Did I word that speech badly?

I glance over at the Slytherin table, finding all the boys sitting in our usual spot with stifled laughter.

"Is there something funny boys?"

They all gulp as my voice raises and cease their laughing except Draco who smirks at me.

His face tells me everything I need to know, making me pull my wand down from my throat and aim it straight at him. "Incendio"

A reddish jet-flame shoots out of the tip of the wand and hits his leg, insinuating a yelp as his smirk drops-bringing me joy and even more so when I spot Nyx slithering out of his sleeve.

I sigh dramatically and smile happily, pulling my wand backup to my throat and speaking clearly. "Well she has been found, sorry Min Min!" I go to step down but remember I have one last thing to say while putting my wand back up against my throat, "Oh and congratulations to everyones favorite man, Hagrid!"

I jump down off the table, not paying attention to the crazy looks being shot my way and walk over to the Slytherin table, seeing Nyx curling around Draco's arm.

Draco's stupid smirk is back on his face as he looks up at me, "Well well well, it would seem Nyx seems to favor me Black"

I scoff and stare down at Nyx, her head lifting as she speaks. "I thought it would be hilarious to trick you"

Gasping, I put my hand over my heart before responding back in parseltounge. "How dare you betray me with our enemy!"

Nyx slithered up and around Draco's shoulders, "Call him your enemy all you want but I love him"

I shake my head at her, "Come here-I have yet to eat because of your antics"

She hisses at me harshly then begins to slide off Draco and onto my arm as I bend it onto the table for her in between Theo and Whitman. Once she settles around my neck I look over at Draco and narrow my eyes before speaking back in my regular language, "I will find out how you tricked my snake into liking you and pulling pranks on me still after you became a idiotic prat"

Draco just smirks again and shrugs, "Maybe Nyx has better taste in wizards than you"

That stupid smirk, I want to wipe it off furiously.

Scoffing, I go to turn around when Theo grabs my arm. But I only shake him off and give him a sharp but playful look, "Nope you are officially on my shit list Theodore Nott"

Yes I full named him, he deserves it.

Theo puts his hand over his heart and points, "That hit me Ro, right here"

"I hope it aches forever" I shrug and he groans as if he's been shot, making me roll my eyes while walking back to Hermione-her smiling brightly to see Nyx.

Nyx slides off my shoulders quickly and slithers over to my best friend, deciding she would prefer her shoulders over mine.


"Why the bloody hell did Malfoy have your snake?" Ron asks, crumbs falling out of his mouth.

Me and Hermione both share a grimace as we look at each other, "Apparently Nyx thought it would be funny to prank me by hiding in Draco's sleeve"

They all shake their head before Harry speaks in parseltounge, "I don't know how any living thing could like Malfoy"

Nyx lifts her head off Hermione and hisses at Harry, "Do not speak about him Harry Potter"

I laugh and choke on my pumpkin juice as Harry responds quickly, "It's weird of you to favor your owners enemy"

In agreement I nod and sling an arm around Harry, "I agree Nyx, it's truly offensive"

"Bite me" Nyx says, snapping her jaws at us, startling Hermione who she layed on.

Ron decided to interrupt before the conversation can continue, "Stop talking in parseltounge! Me and Mione have no idea what you two are saying!"

I take my arm off Harry to throw a piece of bread at Ron before they begin telling me stories of their summer, I mostly listening instead of sharing as it is one of my strongest points. Although the highlight of dinner had to be hearing how Harry blew up his Aunt Marge, brilliant if you ask me.


I looked over to see Hermione laying in my insanely large bed in the boys dorm-well my dorm and I'm not sure if I will ever get over my grandmother and Lucius forcing Dumbledore into making it happen after they also forced him into doing a resorting when I was put into Gryffindor my first year. It was easy to say the hat practically screamed Slytherin and from second year on I've been wearing the green tie around my neck.

I sigh and push my covers off of me while checking that Nyx is asleep in my bed but glancing at Theo's bed with his curtains closed, preparing for the pout we would both have over not sleeping together.

I need to get outside, feel the fresh air. But regardless of my excuses I should've known I wouldn't fall asleep as soon as I laid down like everyone else.

I thought of Orion, wondering if there was a life after death.

Stupid, I'm being stupid and I know it.

With one plan in mind I make my way down the steps of the boys dormitory and down to the portrait hole, climbing out of it.

I knew exactly where I needed to go.

It was a long trek from the dungeons and across the bridge of the school, but I finally made it to the tall grassy hill. The summer air was still present but a slight chill of September brought me peace mixed with smell of the forest surrounding the school.

I wrap Whitman's stolen sweater tighter around my limbs as I walk down the wooden path to Hagrid's hut. When I arrive, I wrap my hand around the large knocker on his door-only having to use it once before the door flies open with a thud.

A wide smile spread across my face at the sight of his red pajamas and scruffy face.

"Goodness me! Wha' you doin down he'r this late Rose!"

I just smile impossibly wider, "Don't tell me you forgot about our first of the year story time!"

Hagrid chuckles and opens the door all the way while he steps to the side letting me come in. Fang instantly jumps up on me and starts licking my face as I step inside, the large animal full of cheer.

"He missed' ya Rose" Hagrid says while laughing heartily, going off to fix us our favorite tea.


I chuckle while scratching behind Fang's ears, "Oh trust me I missed him more! I haven't had Fang love in months!"

After settling myself onto the cushioned bench, Fang jumps up beside me and spreads his heavy body over my legs.

I gesture to the dog in my lap, "See Hagrid this is the Fang love I'm talking about"

Hagrid laughs again while carrying our steaming tea cups over, "I made our favorite! I need to hear all about your summer!"

I knew he was making peppermint.

With a sigh I grab my tea from his huge hands as he sits himself across from me, "Trust me Hagrid it was nothing interesting"

"No way Rose! You had major things happen! You can't bottle it up like you always do!"

I smirk at Hagrid, "Watch me-it's a excellent defense mechanism"

He sighs and sets his tea down like a frustrated father, "Whatever you say! But jus' beware I'm keeping my eye on you! It's not safe for you to be out with a target on your back!"

"Hagrid, father dearest isn't going to kill me. I've got more power in my thumb than him and he's definitely not going to lay a finger on Harry without getting burnt to a crisp by my new fiery talent"

I see Hagrid trying to fight a smile off his face as he takes a sip of his tea, "Remind us all to not get on ye' bad side Rose"

We both laugh together before he decides to breach a different subject.

"So Dumbledore said you have revoked his hangout time"

"He took Theodore's side over my own! I felt so betrayed! Then I found out Nyx was playing a prank on me with Draco! With my own nemesis!"

Hagrid laughs loudly and shakes the table accidentally, "Oh me! That's two betrayals in one night!"

I put my hand over my heart and point at it, repeating Theo's actions. "It hit me Hagrid, right here"

While laughing I remember a letter I got from him over summer, gasping at the memory as I startle him and a now sleeping Fang.

"Hagrid! You got a hippogriff and your the new care of magical creatures teacher!"

He smiles widely at me, "I'm honored to be teachin' you lot! Did you like the books I picked out?!"

I laugh even more as remember my book trying to attack Theo, only for Whitman to come in to help him and ending up getting chased too.

"Oh you should've seen how hilarious it was watching it try to attack the boys!"

Hagrid chuckles, "Ye just gotta stroke the spine o' course!"

I can't help but to smile at him once more, "Now tell me all about this hippogriff we are gonna get to meet"

"Well his name is Buckbeak, I've been training him for a eh few years.... but before ye say it I didn't tell you about him because you would want to meet em' before he was ready"

I huff, he is most definitely right about that, but the pure happiness I feel about finally meeting a hippogriff gives me a warmth throughout my whole body.

"Hagrid this is the best news ever! I have been wanting to meet one since you first gave me Newt Scamander's book!"

"Oh I know Rose, why do you think it's gonna be our firs' lesson?" He gives me a wink.

For a while Hagrid tells me a ton of stories about the animals he spent his time with this summer and how my personal favorite, Aragog, was doing. Ron on the other hand was absolutely terrified of Aragog, it never tried to hurt me once when we all met him but I'll blame that on my strange connection to any creature. Every year I go with Hagrid to visit him and all the babies, it helps feed my spider obsession.

Before I knew it hours passed before I slipped back up into my dorm room for sleep, but when I did-I drifted off peacefully for the first time in a while.

I should've known Hagrid would slip calling draught into my tea.


A/N: third post in a day?! okay anyways i need sleep

-I know the first few chapters are slow and I apologize I NEED TO HURRY because I'm ready for the exciting stuff...just bare with me passed these first few

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