Annie - Sandy (3)

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Annie was baffled or rather say annoyed ... He must be insane... She looked into his eyes to see whether he is serious or not...

"How much did you get to do this work?" He asked again now in more serious tone.. she looked everywhere possible to move outside from there...

"I... Don't know what you are asking about" she said with little confidence left inside...

He took the dress from behind and her eyes went in shock to see the state of this dress... The half designed dress is enough to tell its 1/4th value... Annie could connect the dots and now understand that he is misunderstood with her being the culprit here...may be her shoes found at the cabin as she left that in hurry while getting outside...

"Listen I can explain... I really don't know what's all this about... I think you are highly mistaken" Annie stuttered in between not able to form her sentence into a convincing one.. if he didn't believe, what she gonna do... She surely can't repay for the loss... Neither she can't go to jail... She started biting her nails in tensed manner... All the while he looked at her keenly...

"Fine... But... You should accept this ... And tell everyone that someone asked you in purpose" he spatted more like an order to her... She looked at him bewildered... He did believe her... But he wants her to accept this ....

"Listen Mr.whatever... I didn't do this... That's it... If you believe me it's good for you... If not, then it's up to you" Annie snapped in no seconds and turned to leave... She did scared with this man present she don't really waste further time to deal with him...

But in no seconds she was swinged and locked at corner of the cabin... Before she could process the happenings, her hands were locked behind her with his hands and he banged the wall in such force that surely made her shiver in fear.. her eyes brimmed with tears formally ...

"You were the only person who came to the cabin before the mess happened to this beautiful masterpiece... And here instead of begging me to believe you, you are giving attitude?" He asked literally shouting at her making her sweat continuously...

"Listen... I didn't " Annie started again with her explanation by controlling her shivering tone ....

"You have only two options... One to admit the crime and point someone whom I ask you to do... And number two... " He paused to look at the reaction of her which is no less than blank... She sure knows to hide her every emotions in just seconds...

"And?" She asked slowly trying to get away from his clutches and she already decided the second option... And Sandy can guess that easily... He smirked at her seeing her confidence...

"You can even give a police complaint... As I didn't do anything... I can prove my innocence" Annie spoke as if she is trying to console her own self... Sandy smirk grew wider giving her more fear...

"You think? I will let you prove it?" He asked releasing her slowly and she stumbled back ...

"Fine... Option two is ... Little beneficial for you... A job offer ..." Sandy spoke with calm voice to calm her nerves...

She blinked in confusion as what he is telling ...

"Secretary for me" saying so he threw his card over her and starts leaving...

"Don't be late... I prefer people who is punctual... So tomorrow morning sharp 8 o clock" he said without even looking at her baffled expression ...


"We can just make her confess dude" Arya voiced out in frustration when he saw Sandy all calm and composure....

"Get me details of that girl right now" he demanded him without paying any attention of arya's whining... Sighing tiredly he took his mobile phone to process the task he is just given...

"Check the mail I just forwarded you" snapped Arya after ten long minutes . He is surely man of perfect... Sandy checked the mail and his smile grew wider and dangerous... If Arya don't know about him, he would have guessed him being lenient over that girl.

" Is there something about her?" He asked carefully not wanting to anger him because once he decided to not share then he won't share that till end...

"It's gonna fun" Sandy smirk thinking something else which increases the curiosity of Arya...

"But what about the show?" Asked Arya who is totally upset with the fact of it...

Without answering him, Sandy entered the cabin where his father is already present and the expressions he is throwing, anyone could guess that he already knew about the mess arose....

"Do you have any explanation?" Asked Chandrasekar with stern voice as he is not at all impressed with this ... He surely thought so high of his son that he would never ever make mistake...

"No" voiced out Sandy making Arya widen his eyes... What the hell he is planning.... He could have told him about that girl being culprit and blame Niharika Mittal easily.... But this boy seemed to play another game...

Chandrasekar closed his eyes in frustration and banged the table...

"Relax uncle... We have 8 more days to fix our problem before the event" as soon as the words left his mouth, Arya felt so stupid to utter such nonsense and the two pair of eyes didn't even bother to look his side rather than declaring war between themselves...

"What now?" Asked Chandrasekar as calm as he could voice....

"I don't have any evidence to prove that someone did this in purpose... As you won't believe my words without any proof" snapped Sandy with venom filled words and his father just looked away...

"If you don't want me to take over your company, I am not going to beg you" spatted Sandy atlast making him to raise his eyes to him...

Chandrasekar dialed some number from his landline " transfer the investment amount to rathore's account and cancel the show.... " He ordered with full dominance in his voice...

"Don't think that I will leave the company for this small loss... It's my fashion house and I won't leave" said Sandy making his father sigh tiredly...

"As if it's making millions of turnover" taunted Chandrasekar...

"Everything won't be counted by money" Sandy spoke in hatred voice making him flinch by his tone...

"The decision will be taken by board members only..." Chandrasekar snapped tired of his sons' antics which is increasing day by day...

Arya found it correct to drag Sandy out of the cabin to avoid further arguments which would never end... Both father and son are two souls same mind... They can't win over the other. Only if they work in team, the whole world would follow them...


"Since everyone is here, let's started" chandrasekar voiced so professional whole the other nodes in agreement...

"The particular M fashion world is facing continuous loss... It would be advisable to just sell that" Harish , one of the shareholder holding 13% shares as a whole voiced out.. no one could think it against as he has some valid point... The MFW which is the primary source of entire M groups is now facing heavy loss and it's of no use.

"For past 1 year, in my management i don't remember any loss occured" Sandy spoke nonchalantly making everyone look in his direction where he was fiddling with his own.

"It neither show any profit" snapped chandrasekar showing his interest in selling it which surely annoys Sandy...he can't give up his company especially when it's holding his mom's memory.

"And the recent loss occured for some event?" Taunted Sushanth who came to the meeting as usual as a last members but sitting as if he is the owner of the entire building... His eyes holds much hatred for the man sitting from of him arguing to keep his fashion house, whereas the feelings were mutually exchanged...

"Let's vote and decide" Dev suggested and everyone agreed...

"Just give me one year I will make it gain it's position back" Sandy tried his best to provoke everyone ...

"Who all are supporting him in this?" Asked Sushanth literally started the voting method asking them to raise hands....

No one raises the hands Sandy closed his eyes in frustration.. he can't let this happen ... His knuckles turned white with every force his giving to himself to calm down his nerves....

A soft tiny pinkish hands raised making everyone turn their head to the girl standing there who is in her early twenties... Her presence itself was very sudden for everyone. She turned her eyes towards Sushanth who was very angry with her presence and she even raised her hands to support Sandy... She slightly widen her eyes to as Sushanth to raise his hands. But Sushanth cared least about it...

"Do as I say, or else trust me you will regret it great time" Ishika spoke softly over his ears making it turn red in anger... This tiny piece is now blackmailing her directly... But he has no option... He raised his hands making everyone in confused state...

When the persons with more power voted, everyone found it safe to play along with them and Sandy now turned to see Ishika who smiled at him softly receiving a sharp glare from his side...

"Fine... It's decided then" chandrasekar spoke .. a little delight dances in his tune as that fashion house still holds some value for him too. Now he trusts his son more that he would make it gain it's position again. Everyone dispersed leaving them behind...

"You back from London?" Asked Arya in his unaffected tone making her turn her eyes from Sandy...

"Yeah... Now returned for good" Ishika said in her soft tone.....

"How are you bhaii?" Asked Ishika hoping to get an answer from her only brother Sandy .... But he chose to leave the hall to avoid any further arguments which would hurt both...

Ishika smiled bitterely as she expects this already... She looked at Arya hoping that atleast he would understand her... But he zoomed out behind Sandy not wanting to prolong the conversation...

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