Chapter 1

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   The sun peeked out over the horizon and stretched its warm arms of light across the land. The rays reached through the glass of a window and stretched across the room lighting it up. A rustle came from the bed as it was drowned with light and a girl sat up stretching and yawning. She opened her big blue eyes and looked at the window with a slightly annoyed look. She crossed her arms and huffed. "Oh c'mon sun did you really have to wake me up? I was having an amazing dream. I was performing on stage with my guitar in front of a crowd." she sighed wistfully as she thought about the dream. "Oh was was only a dream." She swung her legs off her bed and stood. She put on her usual servant maid outfit with the addition of her signature ribbon. The girl opened her door, which was also the attic, and walked down the stairs. She went through the manor turning on the lights and as she did she stopped to wake up her step-sisters, as it was apart of her daily routine.

  She knocked on the first door. "It's time to wake up Luka." She said kindly. A groan was heard from inside the room, and satisfied with this she continued down the hall and stopped at the second door. She knocked. "Meiko it's time to get up." Not a single sound came from the room the room so she knocked again. This time an annoyed groan came from the room. The girl went downstairs to make tea and when she finished she balanced one tray on her head and carried the other two in her hands. "Good morning Luka." She said as she opened the door to see her step-sister with a slightly irritated look. Her long pink hair was fastened in a messy braid. "Well it's about time! Sit the tea down and take the laundry and don't mess it up or else." Luka threatened. The girl quickly picked up the laundry and left. She quickly went to the next room. "Good morning Meiko" The girl sighed. "What took you so long?!" Meiko asked harshly. Meiko's short brown hair was a mess, with strands of hair springing out from all sides. The girl tried to contain her giggle from the sight, luckily Meiko didn't notice. The girl went to her step-mother's room. She gave her tea and waited for her orders of the day. 

   "Today I expect you to weed the garden, polish the floor, clean the windows-" "But I've already-" "Then do it again! And if you ever interrupt me again Rin there will be dire consequences." She sneered. Rin bit her lip nervously.  "Now as I was saying, you will also do the dishes, dust all the shelves, window cases, and bookshelves in the manor, sweep and mop the floor, and feed the animals and water the plants and don't forget the laundry, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner, also clean out the basement and go to the market and when you do DON"T forget your hood. Now hurry and get out of my sight." Rin walked out as quickly as possible to get away from her intimidating step-mother. 

~Rin's P.O.V~

  'She gave me more than usual,' I thought. 'Must be because I interrupted her.' My thoughts were interrupted by my name being called. "Rin! Get in here now!" Luka yelled. I ran into the room but as soon as I got there Luka slapped me across the face. The sudden force caused me to fall backwards and hit my head on the edge of her vanity. I reached up to touch the wound to feel that it was wet. I looked at my hand and saw a red substance on my palm. "That serves you right. I had to call you three times before you decided to get over here! Do you have no respect?!" Luka scoffed. "Now fasten my corset and don't you dare get any of your filthy blood on it." She sneered. I shakily got up and made my way to Luka. After helping her into her corset I went straight for the bathroom to fix the damage done to my head. I felt a stinging sensation as I touched the wound with the wet rag.

  I sighed, exasperated. I looked down towards my locket. On days like these I like to just look at it and remember that my father is here supporting me in spirit. I found it when I was younger, while I was cleaning the basement. The locket had a picture of me when I was a baby in a blue onsie, which I though was odd since usually people would dress the girls in pink. Maybe he was expecting a boy.  So I asked Step-mother about it and she said that my father gave it to me when I was young before he died. Then I asked her where the other half was and why it was in the basement. She said that it was buried with my father and that it was in the basement because I didn't need it and then she ordered me to put it back and that I wasn't allowed in the basement anymore. But she doesn't know that I secretly went and got it back.

   I quickly snapped out of my little daydream and finish fixing my wound. When I finished I rushed to get started on my chores.

~3rd person~

   A grand castle sat on top of a big, tall hill that overlooked the town. The golden walls sparkled like diamonds in the light. Within the walls sat the prince of the land and his royal advisor in training. The advisor was pacing around the young prince's room as the prince sat, arms folded, on his bed as he waited for his friend. "Look Len I've gone through multiple scenerios in my head and it's just too risky." The advisor said to the blonde haired prince. "But Kaito I have to do this. I don't want to live like this for the rest of my life." Len said to his blue haired friend. After the "incident" the king and queen had strengthened security and now if Len wants to go out he has to be surrounded by guards which makes it impossible for him to interact or see people. Because of that he barely leaves the castle anymore. But today he wants to change that, today he plans to sneak out and explore the town for himself but he cant do that without his advisor' help.

   "I need to be able to meet other kids and make friends Kaito! And I can't do that with like a million guards smothering me." "I thought I was your best friend?" Kaito asked a bit downhearted. "Don't take it the wrong way Kaito you're always gonna be my best friend. It's just.." He looks out his balcony, towards the village. "...I always felt that something was missing, like a part of me and I just think that having more freedom is what I need. He turned to Kaito with a desperate look on his face. Kaito groaned. "Fine. But if our parents find out I will literally quit being your advisor." "Yes!" Len exclaimed. "Just stay here and I'll be back with some stuff you'll need." 

  He came back several minutes later with a relieved look on his face. "I almost got caught by our dads. You better be grateful." He mumbled. "I am, trust me. Now, what do you have for me?" Len asked excitedly. "Peasant clothes so you won't stand out, a hooded cape so no one recognises your face and a grappling hook so you can sneak in and out of your room. Now take the clothes and put them on." Kaito ordered as he pushed Len into the bathroom.

~Len's P.O.V~

   I quickly took off my shirt and felt a soft weight on my chest. I looked down to see my locket resting on my chest. It contains a picture of me as a baby but I haven't shown anyone the picture because I was wearing a pink onesie. I don't know why my parents did that to me, that's so embarrassing! I guess they were expecting a girl. But I always wondered who had the other half. I asked my parents but they alaways dodge the question. I guess that'll always be a mystery. I finished getting dressed and walked towards Kaito who was doing something by the window. "Kaito what are you doing?" He was going to answer me until he saw my appearance. "Woah Len! I almost didn't recognize you without your expensive prince get-up." He teased. "Very funny but seriously what are you doing on the balcony.

   "I'm making sure the grappling hook is secure so you can climb down." He said calmly. I jumped back in shock and fright. "Climb down?! We are about 200,000 ft high up right now! Are you mad?!" I questioned my friends sanity. "Hey, do you want to see the world freely with your own eyes or through the gaps of 50 guards? Your pick." Kaito can't be serious! There is no way he will make me climb down that thing, I refuse to move from this spot. "I'll give you a banana if you do it." The next thing I knew I was halfway down the rope, hanging upside down because I got my foot tangled in the rope, and with Kaito laughing his butt off on the balcony. "You're supposed to be my advisor! So stop laughing and advise me, you ice cream addict!" "Okay Okay!" He said in between laughs. But instead of him saying something, like I expected, he just shook the rope until my foot got untangled.

   Then I started falling for what seemed like my death until my very manly scream was abruptly stopped when I landed safely in a bush. "Kaito you douche! I could've died!" I yelled up to him. All I get is a very distant sounding "But you didn't!" as a reply. I said a lot of angry words toward Kaito in my head as I headed to the village.

  When I finally got there I was so happy and excited that I totally forgot about Douchebag Kaito! It felt so wonderful to say hello to people and see and touch things for myself! There is so much that I wanted to explore in the village! Right now I am in the market looking at all the neat things they were selling as I thought of my village plans. But my planning was abruptly interrupted by a terrified scream.

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