Meet The Mavericks Hunters

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A giant Mechaniloid have been defeat by the Maverick Hunter Axl.

"One Maverick have been destroyed, two more remain", said Axl.

"Are you sure that you don't need X and Zero for back up, you know you get trouble again", said Pallette on com link.

"Don't worry, beside....", said Axl using his Special Arms to unleashed lots of Axl Bullet at it weakpoint, "Now I have one more to...".

Axl stop talking and saw two blinking light in the sky, it seem to coming down to Earth very fast.

The first one landed on the last Mechaniloid while the second one is miles away from the area.

"Axl, what happened?", said Pallette on com link.

"You know what, get X and Zero, I think their is...", said Axl then he heard a loud roared in the crates.

He slowly head to the crator, he saw a tall blue skeletal wolf-like humanoid.

The humanoid wolf wasn't even scratch during the impact, mostly dusty.

"Damn, the good thing I have a healing factor", said Cinos as he retract his wings and flew out of the crator.

"Hey you umm... you're under arrest", said Axl as he act brave.

"Oh hey kid", said Cinos then he saw what look like a motorcycle, "Is that your vehicle"

"Ummm what if I say no, it ...", said Axl then Cinos push him with his tail.

"Hopping on this weird... futuristic... Harley Davidson.. looking thingy", said Cinos as he hop onto the Ride Chaser.

"Hey, you can steal my Ride Chaser, now you are in so much..... ", said Axl then he saw something coming, "Here comes my partners are coming".

"So what are you, you look like a kid but smell like a metal, like a robot and also if you call the po-po, then I'm not afraid of the...", said Cinos then saw the incoming threat, using his superior eyesight to see threw the dust, "Wait a minute, that...".

Cinos quickly react to the incoming, fast object.

"Wait a minute, that couldn't be X or Zero, that thing is way too.. ", said Axl.

The small blue blurr dash almost two meters away from Axl until Cinos use his tail to hit it like a baseball, making it fly to a building.


"What the heck was that!", shouted Axl.

The quick blue blur return to the ground and landed a few feet from them.

The dust cleared away which reveal to be Metal Sonic.

"One of my least favorite rivals, why not bring Infinite instead, he's more a challenge", said Cinos.

"Row roo roh rah", said Metal Sonic.

"Oh yeah, well you're mother is a garbage disposal and father is walkie-talkie, which make to just junk", said Cinos as he taunt.

Metal zoom into Cinos but he quickly evaded, now they're taking the fight in the air.

"Axl, we're here!", shouted X as he and his partner Zero have finally arrive.

"So what here?", said Zero.

"Okay first I fighting all these three Mechaniloids which I definitely defeat until... whoosh two objects falling down the sky and crash landing here and far away from here, the near was a look like a dog and one far is what look like a robotic rat.. ", said Axl as he try to catch his breath from his large sentence.

"So where is the two...", said X then Metal Sonic have been pushed toward a building which cause it to collapse.

"I think that answer your questions X", said Zero.

"CHAOS BREATH!", shouted Cinos then release his trademark energy breath to the rubble which cause explosion.

Metal Sonic who is now damage get up from the explosion.

Cinos use his Chaos Breath again but this time Metal use his Black Shield to defend himself.

"Rah rah roo roo row", said Metal as he taunt.

"Again with the shield M. S., oh well at least it is fun to brake", said Cinos as he sky dive to Metal like a missile.

Cinos retract his wings back in his body and try to scratch the shield with his indestructible, sharp Megatel Finger Claw, he shapeshift his tail into a sledgehammer and retract 10 tendrils then shapeshift them into drills and saws, unleashed a mirage of attack which have down some damage.

Cinos then return to normal and then bite the shield with power jaws which shattered like glass.

"Roo roo roy row", said Metal then he flew up to the air and activated his Maximum Overdrive attack.

"Alright then, let finish this", said Cinos as he did a Spin Charge then unleashed his Spin Dash.

When the two charging opponent collide, Metal flew to the street.

Cinos extended his arms to grab two future cars and slam them multiple time on Metal until the cars are totally junk.

"Rah rah... roo roo", said Metal then he sneakily to out a tranq dart of wolfsbanes from his rotor.

"For the last time Metal, just give up, Eggman made me better than you in many way", said Cinos.

"ENOUGH YOU TWO!", shouted X in anger.

X went in front of Cinos, holding his X-buster at him which Zero is in front of Metal, pointing his sword at him.

"Who the hell you think you are", said Cinos.

"I'm X, Maverick Hunter, and look at the damage that you and pal made", said X.

"Yeah, so now you have to come with us", said Zero.

"Roo roo roo rah roa row", said Metal.

"Metal is right, this is our fight so back off bub or else", said Cinos as he show his claws.

"Sorry but this battle must stop right... ", said X then Cinos web him in the face.

"Sorry, you should be the one to be sorry for getting in my way", said Cinos.

"Zero, take one of them down now!", shouted X.

"On it, I'll take you on Maverick", said Zero as he attack Metal.

"Hey Ponytail, that guy is my beef to fry", said Cinos as he head to the battle.

"I don't think so, Axl, let take care of this chump", said X.

"Wait a minute, X, Zero, and Axl, great names that like math, I HATE MATH!", roared Cinos then he charge.

Back with Metal and Zero, they continue the fight.

The two robot clash each other in blinding speed, but Metal have been damaged with his fist with Cinos but not going down so easily.

"Damage yet you kept on fight like it nothing, you are either tenacious or just stupid", said Zero then he charge and slash off Metal's arm with have the tranq.

"ROO ROO ROW RAH!", shouted! Email in rage as he l flew up in the air and release his chest laser.

X charge up his Z-buster to fire and counter the attack.

Metal charge at Zero with a Spin Dash but he catch like ball.

"Sorry but I have no time to play ball", said Zero then he kick Metal while still doing a Spin Dash and crash into a rumble, with his red eyes fade away.

X try to get a shot but Cinos kept deflect them with his claws.

"Alright then try to blocks these", said X as he launch many Boomerang Cutters.

"Ha you....", said Cinos then he then his Vulpimancer gill warned him, he unleash his tendrils and grab the energy boomerangs which he threw it back.

"Incoming boomerangs!", shouted Axl as he and X duck.

"Come on Tinmen, is that all you can... rahhhh", roared Cinos in pain as Zero cut off his tail.

"You should to don't talk that much when you're fighting", said Zero then Cinos' tail quickly grew back.

"Wait, did you just...", said Axl as he's surprise.

"Oh yeah, how about this", said Cinos as he turn around and lift up his tail.

"So you're just show us your butt", said Axl.

"No this, SKUNK DEFENSE!", shouted Cinos then green gas come out behind Cinos.

"Aw, we can't see, what is this stuff", said Axl as he along with X and Zero.

"Look like... some kind of defense mechanism just like skunks", said X.

"Well good thing we can't smell this odor", said Zero then the green gas clear away.

"Hey, where did that creep go?", said X.

"How could disappeared, we didn't see him far", said Zero.

Axl look around and saw a strange shadow which is behind X and Zero, "BEHIND YOU GUYS!".

"What?", said the two Hunters but then Cinos reappear from invisibility and gave them powerful, then disappeared again.

"Aww, he can turn invisible", screamed X in pain.

"Damn, what ever the hell that guy is, he's not human, some kind of animal", said Zero.

"You got that RIGHT!", shouted Cinos as grab both X and Zero and make them slammed each other.

Axl is ready making the shot, the shadow behind him revealing Cinos is demolishing him.

"Come on, which of these ammo might...", said Axl then he accidentally step on Metal's arm which have a tranq.

Axl pick it up which reveal Cinos' face and labeled wolfsbanes.

"Alright you two, it fun playing with you but interrupted my fight, so now I will devour your RAR!", squealed Cinos then he look behind which got a tranq.

"Bullseye", said Axl.

Cinos pulled it out and saw it label wolfsbanes and beginning to affect him, "Buttermilk... biscuits".

Cinos have finally pass out but Zero and X are serious damage.

"Axl, have you, X, and Zero have completed your mission, Alia and Layer try to contact second ago", said Pallette.

"Well yes we are finish but tell Alia and Layer not to overreact about X's and Zero's conditions, plus we got ourselves a new troublemaker in town, so we need a pickup", said Axl.

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