The Study Of Cinos

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Both X and Zero have been brought in for repair.

"Man, what ever that thing is, he totally trash X and Zero like they were nothing", said Axl then notice the one of the Hunter brought in the cut-off tail, "Seriously, even bring that here".

"Axl can tell us what have happened to X and Zero and what is this creature is", said Signas.

"Well is all started...", said Axl then a few minutes of he explaining about happen to X and Zero

"Damn, a creature like that some power, I can't believe it exist", said Signas.

"Guys, what ever this creature is have some unusual anatomy in him!", shouted Alia.

"So you finish analyzing that whatever", said Axl.

"Yes, both you have to see it it yourself", said Alia then Axl and Signas follow her into a room which Cinos is strap down on a table.

"Even up close, he still ugly and freaky", said Axl then he went near Cinos.

"We careful study this creature then he found something", said Alia as she show a diagram of Cinos.

"What ever this creature is, his body is modified long ago according to his strange DNA", said Pallette.

"Strange like how strange", said Axl.

"His DNA is composed of a human, a dog, a hedgehog, two unidentified creature, and a bizarre one", said Pallette.

"And what made him more strange is he have technology inside him, microscopic machine", said Layer.

"Creepier by the moment", said Axl.

"So you're saying this creature is not a nature being", said Signas.

"We're not sure but his blood is showing some strange mutagenic compound", said Alia.

"So he's basic a monster, isn't he", said Axl.

"We're not sure about that", said Alia.

"Well I hope that there are no more of these creatures", said Signas.

"Hey, does anyone seen my hand", said X as he's still injured.

"I try to stop him but it seem like my Z-Saber is gone too", said Zero who is also still injured.

"What are you two doing, you still need rest and repair!", shouted Alia.

"I will but I need my arm back", said X.

"The team recovered all that your parts, are you sure it... ", said Alia.

"Um Alia, I think I remember where their stuff are, I'll be back", said Axl then went near Cinos, open his month, and put his hand inside it.

"AXL WHAT ARE YOU DO!", shouted Pallette.

"Oh nothing, just try to find", said Axl then put his hand deeper in the creatures.

Axl throw a beach ball, a chair, a Frisbee, an umbrella, a tire, and empty contain of chemical waste, a dirty diaper, a license plate, a suit of metal, a dinner plate, and a bunch of lots of things.

"Damn, this creature have an appetite for almost anything", said Zero.

"Ah ha, I fought your arm and your sword", said Axl then he finally got X's X-Buster and Zero's Z-Saber.

"So Axl, how you manage to take him down", said Zero as he grab his Z-Saber while X try to reattach his arm.

"Easy, it just I tired him out with my great skills", said Axl bragging.

"So how did he really do it Alia", said X.

"Axl use some kind of tranq which is made of the plant wolfsbanes, he really affected this creature", said Alia.

"Well that blue rat thing had it, so I thought well.. it better than him trashing you two into the junkyard", said Axl then he return near the unconscious Cinos.

"So what are you planning to do with that thing", said X.

"We're still studying this creature but I'm not sure if it safe to be here", said Alia.

"Axl is awesome, he is the bravest, the strongest, and the most handsome Maverick Hunter that ever defeat me", said Axl as open Cinos' mouth life a puppet.

"Okay Axl, that enough", said Alia.

"Wait now he's happy, now he's sad, happy, sad, happy, sad, happy, sa..", said Axl as he kept on playing.

"She try to warn you, those teeth can tear threw metal ally like nothing", said Pallette.

"Don't remind us, I think I still have a bite mark on my back", said Zero as he reveals his back have bite marks.

"Well at least you didn't get bitten in the butt, it wouldn't been hilarious", said Axl then he laugh

Cinos started to shake as brake free.

"Oh no, HE'S FREE!", shouted Layer as she warn everyone.

Cinos stand upright then grab a table, ready to hammer Zero.

"AHHHHHHHHH, A MOTH, A BUTTERFLY...!", screamed Cinos in fear as he slam the table to Zero.

"Oh no.... DAMN......... FUCK...... SHIT...... SON OF A....... !", screamed Zero in pain as he got hurt by the table five times then Cinos put the table down and return from the study table to sleep on.

"Zero, are you alright", said Layer.

"Don't worry.... I'm tougher than this, a mere table can damage.... me", said Zero injuredly.

"Come on Zero, let head back for a rest and repair", said X.

"Alright, I want to be away from that thing", said Zero.

"Um Zero, you should run now", said Axl.

"BUTTERFLIES, MOTHS!", screamed Cinos in fear again as he pull out a piano out of his pouch which no one noticed.

"Oh you got to be kidding...!", shouted Zero in rage then Cinos hit him with a piano but he went threw the piano.

Cinos head back to the study table and sleep like it was nothing.

Axl open the piano and saw Zero with piano keys in his mouth.

"The good thing... I can be... repair", said Zero as he's now out cold.

"Okay then, I'll just take Zero to repair, well good luck on your study", said X as he carry Zero by his shoulder.

"Whoa, even when he's out cold, he's dangerous", said Axl then look at Cinos.

"Is seem like that tranq is no longer affecting him", said Signas.

"At least he's sleep, so now we can study him... ", said Alia then saw Axl with lots of instruments.

"Um Axl, what are you...", said Alia then Axl blow a tuba near Cinos' ear but didn't even flinch.

"Man, let see if he wake up from these", said Axl then he an alarm clock, a ringing cellphone, a foghorn, and a chalk board which he scratch which irritating everyone.

"Alright Axl, I think that enough", said Alia.

"Wait, one more..", said Axl as he got a whole gear like symbol, drums, and horns.

Axl play all of them at once and Cinos is not even wait up.

"Now you had your fun, now you should help X and Zero", said Alia as she got annoyed.

"Oka, now I'm finish", said Axl as he left.

"Finally, now we can focus", said Pallette.

"Damn, a creature that can sleep threw all of that ruckus, I can't believe it", said Signas then he also left.

Cinos started to move again but this, grab his precious teddy bear and his favorite duck blanket to sleep with.

"Hey girls, I forget to get... my.. bwahh hahaha", laughed Axl as he saw the tough creature is soft with a teddy bear and a blanket, "Now that made him less scary".

Axl grab his two gun and now head out.

"Okay, now we can finally focus", said Pallette.

"Oh, do you miss Axl already", said Alia.

"No... it not that.. it just..  well", said Pallette as she blushed, "Well how about you and X".

"Oh come on, we're just friends, just friends", said Alia as she blushed too.

Cinos' hears are rotating, hear the conservation while he still sleep.

"Alright that enough you two, let not have boys in our heads, how about we just take a break right now", said Layer.

"Yeah, your right", said Alia.

"Definitely, this creature is still freaky too look at", said Pallette.

The three operators left, leaving the body of the sleep dog behind.

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