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It was Finally the day when Shivika were about to leave for Goa. Anika packed their bags and Shivaay looked around to check if they haven't left any windows or gas supply or water open in the house. Anika chuckled at his behaviour.

Anika wheeled their suitcase to the front door. She looked around and didn't find Shivaay. She frowned.

A- Shivaay, where are you?

Anika asked while walking towards the kitchen. She found Shivaay sitting near the gas cylinder and checking if it's closed or not. She rolled her eyes.

A- Shivaay, what are you doing?

S- Baby, I'm just checking everything for the last time.

Anika tried to control her laughter.

Shivaay noticed her laughter and looked at her with a frown.

S- Why are you laughing, Darling?

Anika controlled her laughter.

A- I'm just surprised that you'd be such a good householder.

Shivaay smiled proudly and just shrugged his shoulders.

Anika chuckled.

A- Now let's go otherwise we'll miss the flight.

Shivaay nodded his head with a smile and they locked the house and left for airport.

They reached the airport and checked in. Their flight was late so they were sitting in the waiting area.

A- I'm so excited. Tomorrow is engagement. I just hope the workers did the preparations already.

Shivaay smiled and held her hand in his.

S- Don't worry. We'll handle it together.

Anika smiled widely and nodded his head.

Their flight was announced and they were about to head towards the bus when they were spotted by Pinky and Shakti.

Pinky rushed towards him and hugged him. Shivaay was surprised for a moment but when he saw that it was his Mom, he smiled with teary eyes.

He hugged her tightly while Pinky sobbed on his chest. Anika's eyes also got filled with tears.

S- Mom. How are you?

Pinky broke the hug and cupped Shivaay's cheeks.

P- What will happen to me? You tell me How are you? Where are you even living?

S- Mom, I'm happy where I am.

Anika bend and was about to touch Pinky's feet when Pinky took two steps back and Anika smiled sadly. She stood up and Shivaay frowned.

S- Mom, What are you doing?

P- What are you doing, Shivaay? Why is this girl with you? I thought that you must have left her already but I'm disappointed after seeing her with you. What's going on?

Pinky said angrily and Shivaay was shocked by his mom's words.

S- Mom, Anika is my wife. Of course, she'll be here with me.

Shakti finally stepped into the conversation.

Sh- Pinky, do you even know what you're saying?

P- I'm right, shakti ji. This girl is bad news. The day she married my Shivaay, his own family disowned him. She took everything from him, his position, his family, his parents, everything. I don't understand what are you even doing here with her. Shivaay, please leave her, divorce her and I'll make sure that mummyji will take you back. We'll convince her together. Leave this girl, Shivaay. She only brought bad times in your life. I want to live with you. I can't lose my only son.

Shivaay glared at Pinky. His eyes got filled with angry tears. Anika was trying to control her tears as she knew that Shivaay will need her support right now.

Anika entwined their fingers to support him.

S- You're right, Mom. I am facing bad times. Even I want to live with you.

Anika looked at Shivaay in shock and her grip loosened on his hand. Pinky smirked at his answer. Anika's eyes filled with tears and she tried to free her hand from Shivaay's grip but he held it tightly.

S- it's true that we're facing bad times, I lost everything, my position, my money, my family, even my parents. They disowned me when everything I did was to give them comfortable lives. None of you supported me but the girl you're accusing, walked with me from step to step, when had Nothing, nothing at all. She was holding my hand every moment, she was holding me from breaking apart. She was with me, when everyone accused me and disowned me. I treated her so badly, still she welcomed me in her home and treated me so good. Mom, you want to live with me right. Come on, pack your stuff and we'll live in Anika's house, in the Chawl. We'll live together and I don't think Anika would mind.

He said while looking at Anika. Anika was crying and she shook her head in negative. All the Colors faded from Pinky's face when Shivaay asked her to live with him in the Chawl.

P- Shivaay, what are you....? I love you but I can't .....

S- That's the point, Mom. My Love for you is empowered by the comfortable life you live. You want me back Because you crave for the respect you had in that house when I was the CEO of Oberoi Industries.

Shivaay said and Pinky was speechless. There was an announcement about Paris flight.

P- We have to leave. That's our flight. Take care Shivaay. I don't know what black magic this girl did on you but when you come back into your senses, I'll be happy to take you back.

Pinky said and left. Shakti blessed Shivaay and Anika and followed Pinky.

Anika was sobbing now when Shivaay hugged her.

S- Shhh.. baby. Everything is fine now. We're together and noone can separate us. I promise. But why are you crying baby?

A- I'm... Just.... I'm.... If I weren't there in the picture, then you would be with your family. It's all my fault, right.

Shivaay immediately broke the hug and cupped her cheeks.

S- Hey... None of this is your fault. And I'm thankful to God that you're in the picture. You made me realise the real meaning of love and family. I'm happy that I'm with you.

Anika smiled and nodded their head.

They heard the final announcement of their flight.

S- Let's go otherwise we'll miss the flight.

Anika nodded her head and they walked towards the bus which will take them to their flight.

They settled in their seats suddenly they saw a cute little girl who came towards Anika and gave her a toothy smile. She had a teddy bear in her hand.

Anika and Shivaay looked at the little girl in surprise.

G- Mumma!

S- Darling, you didn't tell me that your babies were roaming around the world.

Anika glared at him and hit his shoulder.

Anika picked up the girl in her arms and made her sit on her lap.

A- Baby, where is your Mumma?

The little girl chuckled and pointed towards Anika.

G- silly Mumma.

Anika adored the baby girl's cuteness.

A- What's this angel's name?

G- My name is Alia.

A- Hi alia!

Suddenly a woman in her late 20s came towards them.

W- Alia baby, what are you doing here? I was so worried.

The woman said while signing in relief after seeing her daughter.

Alia gave a toothy smile to the woman.

G- Mumma.

the woman picked her up in her arms.

W- Thank you so much for taking care of her. She has a habit of sneaking out. I'm sorry if she called you Mumma, she thinks every woman is her Mumma.

S- then her father must be a very talented man.

Shivaay said and the woman burst into laughter while Anika glared at him.

A- Don't worry. She's very cute kid.

The woman smiled and started walking towards her seat when Alia turned her head to look at Anika and waved her hand.

A- Bye Mumma.

Anika chuckled and waved her hand back.

Soon the flight took off and Anika wrapped her arms around Shivaay.

S- Even I want a little girl like her.

Anika looked at him and blushed to the deepest shade of red.

Soon they started their new journey.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

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