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Shivaay and Anika were shocked to see Tia at the door.

S/A- Tia?

Tia smiled nervously at them.

T- Hi. Come in, guys.

Shivaay and Anika exchanged looks and followed Tia inside the house.

As soon as they entered the living room, they saw a man in his early 30s, working in his laptop. Tia sat beside him and hugged him. He smiled widely and pecked her forehead.

Tia looked at Shivaay and Anika who were standing there in shock.

R- Have a seat, guys.

Shivaay and Anika settled down on the opposite couch.

T- Babe, this is Shivaay and Anika. And this is Robin, my fianceé.

R- Of course, who doesn't know about Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Shivaay looked a bit uncomfortable and Anika noticed it so she held his hand and he calmed down a bit.

S- It's just Shivaay, now.

Shivaay said sternly and Tia looked down in guilt.

T- Shivaay, I'm so sorry. I know I'm one of the reason that Oberoi family disowned you but I was in love. Mom was forcing me to marry you because of your money and status but on our wedding day, I realised that how wrong I was. I wasn't doing justice either with you or Robin so I eloped with him. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.

R- Tia is right. We really apologise for everything that happened. But if you don't mind me asking what happened after Tia eloped with me?

Shivaay sighed and Anika rubbed his hand.

A- I got married to Shivaay that day.

S- And I'm happy that Fate played its role and I got married to her.

Shivaay said with a smile while looking at Anika and she blushed. Tia and Robin were happy after looking at them.

T- I'm so happy for you guys. But what happened that Oberoi family.....?

Shivaay immediately tensed after hearing her question and Anika noticed it. She immediately cut Tia's sentence in between.

A- So we started our Wedding Planing company.

Tia understood that it was a touchy topic so she avoided it.

T- That's why you guys are here. Anika, you did everything so perfectly while arranging mine and Shivaay's wedding and now I want you both to organise mine and Robin's wedding. We're getting married after 20 days. And it'll be only us and some friends as my Mom and sisters broke all their ties with me and Robin's an orphan. But still we want a dream wedding.

Anika looked at Shivaay and he nodded with a smile.

A- Great. So have you guys decided some venue or what type of wedding do you want?

R- So Tia always wanted a simple but dream wedding. We want a beach wedding. So we thought of having a wedding in Goa.

Shivaay and Anika smiled.

S- Sure. That can be arranged. What's your budget?

R- 50 Lacs including your payment which is I think, 8 lacs. Is it fine?

A- Of course, it is. It's more than enough.

T- Great. So it's a call for toast.

Tia went to the kitchen and brought a bottle of fruit champagne and four flute glasses.

Tia served them the champagne.

A- I don't drink.

Tia chuckled and gave the glass to Anika.

T- Don't worry. It's a non-alcoholic fruit champagne. Even I can't drink.

Anika and Shivaay looked at Tia in Confusion as they knew that Tia drinks alcohol.

Tia smiled and settled beside Robin. She exchanged looks with Robin and turned to look at Shivika.

T- Actually, we're pregnant.

Shivaay and Anika were shocked for a moment but then they smiled widely.

A- Oh My God! Congratulations, both of you.

S- Congratulations, guys.

T/R- Thank You.

They sipped the champagne while Anika & Shivaay showed them the designs for the wedding. Tia and Robin selected a few designs.

Soon, Shivaay and Anika left for their home.

They reached home and slumped down on the sofa.

A- Ha! It was a tiring but productive day.

Shivaay smiled while looking at her.

S- Yup. I'm still so shocked that Tia is our first client.

A- So true but they were looking so happy together.

Anika smiled dreamily.

S- Hmm.. So it seems that we'll be leaving for Goa in 3 days.

A- Yes. I'm so excited. I've never been to Goa.

Anika jumped in excitement and Shivaay chuckled.

S- I'm sure you'll like it.

Anika smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Shivaay smiled at her gesture.

They sat there for a while in peace.

S- Let's order some takeout. I'm too tired to cook anything.

A- Hmmm.. Let's order some pizza. I'm craving for it.

Shivaay smiled and ordered some pizza while Anika went to freshen up.

Shivaay also freshened up.

After sometime, Pizza arrived and Shivaay recieved it. They sat on the couch with the box of pizza.

S- Do you want to watch some Movie?

A- Yeah. Let's watch Jab we met. It's my favourite movie.

S- What movie is that?

Shivaay asked her in Confusion and Anika looked at him in shock.

A- Don't tell me that you haven't watched a bollywood movie ever?

Shivaay chuckled nervously.

A- Oh My god! You're missing so much in your life. Have you even enjoyed your life or are you just living it?

S- That's the point. I've never enjoyed my life while making others' life worth living.

Shivaay said with a sad chuckle and Anika felt bad for him.

A- Don't worry. I'll make your life worth enjoying. So let's watch Jab we met. You know in that movie, hero is just like you, arrogant and tadibaaz while the heroine is cool like me.

Shivaay looked at her with widened eyes.

S- Really?

Anika nodded her head proudly and Shivaay chuckled. They played the movie on TV. They finished the pizza while watching the movie.

Anika was feeling sleepy throughout the movie and Shivaay was literally enjoying the movie.

Finally the movie ended and Shivaay smiled widely.

S- The movie was really good especially the endi.....

He turned to look at Anika who was sleeping with her mouth open. He chuckled and picked her up in his arms and took her to their bedroom.

He made her lie down on the bed and pecked her forehead.

S- Sweet dreams.

He lies down beside her and drifted to sleep.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

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