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It's been a week since Shivika were married and Shivaay was disowned.
Shivaay applied for job in many companies but he was rejected everywhere on the basis of being overqualified or not being associated with Oberois. He was very disappointed as Shivaay Singh Oberoi never failed in his life but he faced more than enough failures in a week.

Anika was worried about him. Sahil also left for his hostel 4 days ago and now there was no life in the house. Shivaay hardly uttered a word in this week and Anika was heartbroken after seeing his state. No one in his family contacted him which made his behaviour more worse.

It was early Morning when Anika woke up from her sleep. She saw Shivaay was still sleeping and it was already 10 in the morning. He always woke up at 5 in the morning for early shower.

A- Shivaay?

Anika tried waking him up but he didn't budge.

A- Shivaay? Wake up. It's 10 in the morning.

Anika tried to shake him but when she touched his hand, it was burning warm. Anika immediately touched his forehead and he had high fever.

She looked at him worriedly.

A- Shivaay? Shivaay? Wake up.

But Shivaay was unconscious.

She immediately got down from the bed and ran to fetch the doctor in her colony.

She returned with the doctor.

A- doctor, Shivaay has high fever and he isn't waking up.

Anika said worriedly.

D- Calm down Anika. I'll just check him.

Anika nodded her head.

The doctor did Shivaay's check up and injected him with medicine.

D- Anika, he has high fever. Is he very tensed or over exhausting himself?

Anika nodded her head.

D- Okay. Maybe the fever is because of that. Please make sure that he doesn't take tension and over exerts himself. I've written him some medicine, please give them to him on time. Make sure he eats healthy and light food. He'll be conscious in an hour or so. Don't worry. He'll be fine.

Anika nodded her head and the doctor left from there.

Anika sat on the bed beside Shivaay with teary eyes. She then slowly covered him with blanket.

A- Please be alright soon. I like strong and tadibaaz Shivaay, not weak and ill Shivaay.

Anika wiped her tears and went to make some soup for Shivaay.

She was pacing in the kitchen, worried thay how to make soup.

A- Now what to do? He's already so Ill and if I feed him the burnt food made by me then he'll get more Ill. Okay. Anika calm down. You can do this. Let's see some cooking videos. Let's hope for the best. Oh God! Please help me in making edible food for Shivaay.

She took a deep breath and started making soup while watching the cooking video carefully. Finally the soup was ready and Anika was proud of her creation.

A- Not bad Anika. Now let me go and see if Shivaay is awake or not.

She was about to go to their bedroom when the and doorbell rang.

She frowned in confusion and went to open the door.

She was shocked to see OmRu standing there with a small smile.

A- Om! Rudra!

OmRu hugged Anika and Anika smiled with teary eyes. Finally Shivaay will feel much better after seeing his brothers.

A- You guys are here to Shivaay right. Come.

Anika was about to walk towards the room when OmRu stopped her.

O- Wait bhabhi.

Anika looked at them with confusion.

R- Yes bhabhi. We're not here to see him. We're here to see you.

Rudra said with a plain expression.

O- Bhabhi, we got to know that he's living here with you so we came here to know if...he....

Om hesitated to complete the sentence.

R- If he harmed you or something.

Anika looked at them in shock.

A- What?

Anika said but it came out only as a whisper.

A- OmRu, he's your brother. He can never do anything wrong. Why would you think that?

O- He already did wrong, Bhabhi. With you. With us.

Om said angrily.

R- Yes bhabhi. Why are you letting him stay here? He manhandled you before. He's a beas.....

Before Rudra could complete his sentence, Anika slapped him hard. OmRu looked at Anika in shock.

A- Don't even dare to complete that sentence. You're talking about my husband and he's nothing like you mentioned. He did everything he could do for his family. He took all the dirty work and blames on himself so that his family could remain spotless. Om, you're talking About the man who spoiled his childhood in taking care of you both as a father, he became a businessman so you could do become artist. And Rudra, you. He was your superhero right, you had all the fun because Shivaay always had your back. And you're calling him a b...... Chii!  What he did to me was between us, Nothing that concerns you or the family? The Oberoi's have already hurt him enough that now he's lying lifeless in our bed. Now you both came here to increase his pain more. I thought that Shivaay finally got his brothers back. I thought that no force can keep the Obros from getting separated but guess what... I was wrong. Now, get the hell out of my house if you can't respect my husband. He was the Great Wall of Shivaay for all of you, right so that no harm and worries can reach you all so now I'm the great Wall of Anika who will protect Shivaay from all the pains. So get out and come back when you have respect for my husband.

Anika said while tears were making their way through her eyes.

O- Bhabhi.

Om And Rudra looked at Anika with guilt.

A- Get out.

Anika pushed them out of the house and closed the door with a thud.

She slid down the door and started crying.

After few minutes, she calmed down when the thought of Shivaay crossed her mind.

She immediately stood up and wiped her tears. She took deep breaths and took soup for Shivaay with a fake smile on her lips.

She entered the room and saw Shivaay sitting there blankly. She was scared thay Shivaay might have heard the conversation.

A- Shivaay, when did you wake up?

Shivaay looked at her and smiled a little.

S- Just now.

Anika nodded with a smile. She sat beside him and checked his forehead. Thankfully, his fever was down now.

A- Look I prepared soup for you.

Shivaay looked at her with wide eyes.

S- Is it even edible?

Shivaay asked her with horrified eyes and Anika glared at him.

A- Yes it is. I've already tasted so no worries.

Anika said and Shivaay nodded his head.

He started having the soup.

S- Not bad but not too good also.

Shivaay said to tease her and Anika's eyes widened.

A- Hawww... I took so many efforts and you're saying that it's not too good also.

Anika said with a pout and he chuckled.

S- It's a complement for you because atleast it's edible.

Shivaay and Anika both looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Soon Shivaay finished his soup and lied down on the bed.

A- okay. You rest for a while and I'll go put this bowl in the kitchen.

Shivaay nodded his head.

Anika left the room and Some tears escaped from his eyes. Yes, he heard their conversation. He knew that now his brothers think that he's a beast now. He smiled sadly and wiped his tears.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

OmRu aren't negative, they are just angry at their brother.🥺🥺

How many stars are you gonna give this book? 😅😅

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