Chapter 13; Preparation

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I lay in a pond of red, the thick taste of iron coated my throat. My lungs screamed as I started to drown in blood, I'm violently pulled up. I start to cough and spit blood up, my breaths were shallow and my body felt heavy. I slowly stand up, the shallow lake was in a field of kelp. I follow the kelp sky ward to see water floating above my head, I try to move only to feel my hands restricted to no higher then my waist. They sat shackled... I was in prisoned in knee deep blood. My eyes look back up, I see... me... I sat shackled to a wall with magic ruins hung from my neck. I didn't look... human... I acted like an animal backed into a corner. The water started to drip down onto my face, the... dream... is breaking apart.

A man walked into the room I was trapped in and I couldn't see his face or mark indicating what he was, he held my otherself's chin. I moved away and snapped at him slightly. The water started to fall more, soon it clasped on me as he looked up blocking my view.

...Dream end...

I sat up panting, my eyes quickly looked around. My hand clasped the sides of the cot, slowly my memory of what I'd been doing and I quickly looked over my body seeing all the bruises have disappeared. I stand up and walk over to the door frame, I look out to see everyone sleeping in my living room... well besides Diane. The fire still had ambers on the sticks, I walked quietly outside. The morning air covered my skin, the salt was only greeting. I missed this feeling, but the dream still lingered in my mind. It twisted my confidence into a bitter fear. The 'what ifs' start to fill my mind, I didn't want to be caged up like a rabid beast. I was a person, I had a soul... dreams... wants... needs.

A stayed awake, meditating next to the ocean. I focused on all of the currents that I could move to hitting the castles northern end, the hope for the king should be the first to go. I mentally prayed to the Goddess herself for forgiveness for destroying her wing. I sat there still only having 3/4ths of my gate open, I understood the currents, how fast the went compared to the others. There were a total of 4 currents that ran around the kingdom, hitting why we only having 4 Gods and Goddesses that are worshipped. I'll use the northern current to take out her own end, it'll be the least expected... at least I hope so.

...King Boreal's POV...

A low growl left my throat, I swim down the hall. Guards were on high alert, the water was thick with tension. I open the gate of my Queen's garden, she was picking some of the more poisonous herbs. "Any word?" She asked without even looking up to confirm it was me, I merely sigh.
"My love, you shouldn't be here, you should go hide. We must ensure your safety, if I get defeated she will ascend the throne." I say walking to her, planting a soft kiss to her head.
"Don't speak as if we'll lose, there is no chance. You'll capture this girl, manipulate her into doing what you want. She's a beast that will slay whomever, once she gets a taste of blood and the lust that comes with it." She said holding up a basket of deadly herbs, she smirked.

"You think I'm not aware of that, but I'm not confident in the guards. Every person who has been born under the beast's curse, ultimately turn into nothing more then a bloodthirsty monster. I'm extremely surprised that she hasn't succumb to those urges after killing her Mother and Father."
"It is strange, but it's enviable." She interjected, "have you talk to the witch as of late?" She stood up.
"No, I don't see a point, she'll never voice her secrets."
"Maybe not to you, but to me," she paused and walked to her small working table. "She'll sing her truths to the world if I do wish."

...Witch's POV...

I sat in my prison, my old bones ached. I stared out the small crumbling window, I look up at the ruins. "Be careful, young child. I hope you can decipher that vision I sent you... the worst outcome shall not come to pass. As long as I can hold them off I'll do my best, (Y/N). I promised your Father."

...Queen's POV...

I stood in my Garden, alone once more. I slowly start to grind herbs in a confined area to prevent the toxic plants don't poison the water I breathed. I hummed as the poisoned mixed perfectly, this poison will make the person talk or it'll bring them to their own stubborn deaths. Tell the truth or die, simple as that. I carefully added the poison to a needle and swam down the hall. I enter the servants halls and push myself down the halls quickly, I stop at the door. My loving husband waited beside the door, I hold up the syringe smiling.
"After this you are to go under ground." I roll my eyes and open the door, the witch sat on her cot. Her long nails tapping the bars.
"Hello, madam, can you hold your arm out please?" I heard her grumble something and did it like it was nothing.

I slowly inject her wrist with the poison, I watched as her veins blackened from the mixture. Her body tensed and she took a deep breath, "bitch, couldn't stand my silence could you. I'll be a dead woman before I ever give my grand daughter up, especially since I thought she was dead fro years." She said truthfully, I heard my husband growl.
"Where is the monster?" I ask glaring down at her.
"I welcome death." She answers, smirking.
"Is she above the surface?" My tone never faltered.
"Soon be in the Trenches with Lord Amir." She coughs up black blood.
"Is she in the waters already, can you sense her?" I start to lose my posture.
"I'll see you in the Trenches very soon." She started to choke on her own blackened bloods.

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