Chapter 14; The Attack (part 1)

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BOLDING- is once again means another language.

...(Y/N)'s POV...

I stood at the edge of the stone, my back to the ocean. My eyes on my friends, the animal comrades were to stay above incase something goes wrong they can help the others ashore. My fist rest on my hips, the potion in my hand. "Now listen up! In my world, fighting is a little different due to the lack of weight under movements. To rock someone out quickly you have hold them against something and bash there head off another thing fast enough so they can't kick you in the other direction. AND whatever you do DO NOT go near the edges of the city, you'll be swept away by one of the four currents." I opened the glass jar. "Oh and clothes isn't really a... thing... like it is on land."
"Do you mean everyone is naked!?" Elizabeth asked a little uncomfortably.
"Well, we have clothes but... how do I put this," I pause glancing at the water. "Remember how I said that the dress a wore pulled me down and made it hard to swim? It's like that. So we tend to wear just enough to cover our privates." I answer hand the potion to King, he took a small sip.
"O-oh I see... so it's more of a convenience than fashion choice." She said nodding getting the potion after Meliodas.

She took a quick swing of it and coughed a little, handing it to Ban. He drank a little and hand it to Diane. "That taste awful and slightly irony." I held my tongue and turned back to the Ocean.
"Okay, everyone, let's kill this bitch." I mumble the last part more than intended. I jump into a blind spot of the ruins, spot never checked by guards. I sink slightly, my glow lighting up almost on impact. The others slowly join me in the salty sea, I took a deep breath. I look at Ban, "you, breath first." I pointed at him, while floating peacefully. He nodded and took a breath, he coughed air from his lungs as the now developed filters over the lungs filed with oxygen filtering the water out with the carbon dioxide.
"Holy shit, this is weird." He said looking around.

Slowly everyone else started to get used to being able to breath as if they were born with the ability. "Welcome to my world, Sins." I smile and swim down a long tunnel and pull the stone enough for everyone to get through. "Stay low, it's the slums of sorts. Lower you arc in the ocean the lower your rank." I look up at the surface, the castle a dark blue silhouette. I swim through the back alleys of small homes, it was so dark down here that the best light source was your own magic. It wasn't pitch black but it was dark enough to make it hard to make out details of things 10 feet in front of your face. I stop and turn to the people behind me, "we are going to have to go through the least populated areas to have the best chance at getting you guys as high as possible without being seen too early." I sigh and start to think over the cities schematics and layouts. "Fuck." I mutter.

I swim up and around sharp corners, my eyes scanning the surrounding. My body moved sharp and quickly, frequently checking to see if they were still behind me. I kept Elizabeth and Ban close to me at the front, since their features matched the most with Derya-Kin. I stopped and held my arm out stopping them quickly, I stared around the corner at a normal guard. I listened to the soft movement of water and watch as he swims away. I go up, we were near the outer edge of the kingdom, soon I'll have to reveal myself but distracting them with a attack from the north would help as well.

We all were as high as we were going to get without being seen. The castle was a straight shot when you go around this last corner, my eyes glance skyward with a silent prayer. Something I never really did but I need all the help I could get, the security was heavier than normal. But predictable. The high class people were swimming around with not a care in the world, wearing barely anything more then their skin. I lean my head against the building, my markings easily on display for all. "I need to get to the castle," my look at all my friends. " no backing down now, huh?" I let out a soft laugh.
"Hell, no. We made it this far, (N/N)." Ban says hitting my shoulder gently.
"Let's go do this!" Meliodas smiles crossing his arms.
"If you guys start to suffocate, please don't worry about me and swim to the surface... can you promise me that?" I ask softly looking into all their eyes.
"Yes, of course." Gowther answers without a second thought.
"Right." King nods, all the others agree. I notice Ban looks to the side when agreeing.
"Don't die, got it." He says simply.
"I won't."

I quickly look up at the current I needed and feel as if it between my fingers. I pull it harshly towards me slamming it into the northern part of the castle, the power tasted sweet. I put my hands down as guards began to swim that direction, people retreating into their homes. I move my hands to the southern current behind us, I take a deep breath. I move the current to push us forward with strength and speed, I release my hold of it quickly letting it return to its god given direction. We six are pushed to the castle, guards are pushed away as we stop a few yards from the castle. "Perfect!" I smirk and nod at Diane, she was the first defense. She would stay outside to fight off any guards from entering the castle.

I wave my hand quickly and rip the grand door from its hinges, guards float in the water from being behind the door. I swim into the hall with the others, I look at Gowther who nods a little and starts to hold the guards off. He was to hold the main hall off, for as long as he could.

I swim past people quickly, moving swiftly. Slowly everyone left my side, and I stood alone in front of the throne rooms doors. I push them open, there sat the king. He was proudly sitting atop his throne, guards stood in front of him. They wore armor and had with warrior's and witch's embedded on the chest plates, a smirk grew across my lips. "Nice to see you again, my king." I growled out, my words thick with venom.

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