Chapter 8; Flower Spell

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(So before I start this I'd like to say bare with me I have an actual language made but I can't type in the lettering so there will be the pronunciations. And instead of making it really confusing I'll type in bold when they speak in another language and normal for everything else, okay that's all, happy reading)

We land a bit away so we aren't noticed as fast, we landed in a small clearing on the mountain side. I quickly get walk towards the town, my heart was pounding. I was so excited, this legend that I'd heard and read over and over again was possibly true! The others followed behind me as I stumbled across a path leading downhill.

We all ventured down... well beside Diane, we decided to not seem to much as a threat she had to stay back. I notice a piece of wood with writing covered in vines, a started reading out loud, "sei'line'vem'suit'tck'luv'line" I smile a little, "it says 'welcome'." I walk down the path and start to see the people walking around the streets and paths, the other stood behind. I little girl ran over to us and smiled wide.
"HI! Are you lost!? Do you need help!?" She grabbed my arm and started to pull me down the road. A woman quickly came over.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! She never meets new people." She pulls the girl to her side, I shake my head a little.
"It's fine madam, I was wondering if you could help me, I'm looking for an old legend, a flower that allows you to temporarily breath under water." I saw her mussels tense slightly.

She quickly mumbles something in my native language, "more idiots trying to rob us." I rolled my eyes and spoke back to her in the language.
"That's a bit rude, it was a mere question." I crossed my arms, she was shocked.
"You... you're from the ocean aren't you? So you still do exist! O-our community lost contact with your our home world—" I quickly cut her off.
"And to my world, you're nothing more then a fairytale we are told when children." I stepped forward and part of me wanted them to understand where I come from.
"(Y/N)? Calm down, there is no reason to be so harsh." Elizabeth said from behind me.
"A fairytale? What...? How did we become a... tale for kids?" She mutters. "If you are from that world show your marks!" She demanded in distrust.

I pull up on my dress high enough to show the mark on my ankle, I didn't want to show me as a criminal to these people. "There you are. Now yet us speak to your leader." I said harshly to the woman. She nodded.
"This way." She waved the girl off and the girl obeyed her mother, running to a home.

We were lead down the more mud, slick roads, I study the people. They were more saturated than we had become, years over evaluating in different atmosphere shone through. The older they were the more grey-scaled they were, I didn't know if these people even held the abilities that we did. I was curious to know if they relied on the flowers properties or if they could still hone the skill that they no longer needed. The air was warmer and thick, but not dry. I glanced back at the others and they'll were walking nonchalantly and just taking in the area.

Before long we presented with a log cabin and a man sitting in on the lawn, smoking. He's hair was a pale purple and eyes were a light grey almost white. Very similar to my own, a mark of a Royal Guard sat on his left shoulder and on his left hand sat the mark of a hero. I did not know if they knew this or they treated it more as a symbol of house over marks given by the king himself. His demeanor was lax and unbothered, he was well built and very pale. It seemed like he did not see the sun often, he pulls himself up to his feet.

A coy smile crossed his face as he pulled the cigarette from his mouth, "who the are you?" He rubbed his tired eyes slightly. My cloak sat engulfing my frame, my hood sat down, showing my white eyes and (H/C) hair. It was messy and unkept, I'm sure my smaller stature didn't pose a threat to most but I could be threatening if I so chose to. "I am (Y/N) (L/N), of the house of (L/N)." He walk over to me and looked at my features closely, his rough hand gently grabbed my chin.

I knew better than to pull away or show any hostility, even from a young age, I was taught to be head strong but to know when I should show more of a timid personality.
"So (Y/N), what brings your kind here?" He says steps away and smiles a little, ignoring my companions. The woman left without a glance or word, my eyes never left his. The way he spoke was mature beyond his age, he seemed to know more then the woman did.
"I am here to find the flower." He smirks and nodded.
"I could guess that, I'd like to speak with you further on it in private if you don't mind, they are my livelihood and job to watch over the gardens. I'd rather know more about you and your plan." His voice was deep and held some weight to it, something about made me uneasy. "Does that seems fine?" He held his hand out for me to take.
"Yes... That would make sense, since you do protect the flowers." I nodded grabbing his hand.

...Ban's POV...

As soon as we got to the creepy town, I didn't like it. Everything was... quiet. When we met the guy with purple hair, from the way he moved to his voice seemed like he was plotting something. I didn't understand all of the conversation but after she mentioned the flower he switched to speaking in her language, knowing that we wouldn't understand it. But I didn't trust it, her body language was between tense and holding up a comfortable front. She took his hand and over the last few days I'd started to see her as younger sister then friend, seeing her walking off with him I went to follow but she stopped... all of us. Her next few words were brief and chosen carefully.
"I'll be back, we are just going to talk things over."

I stood back as she walk away with him hand and hand, to the small wooden cabin. I didn't like this at all, no matter which way I looked at it, it just seemed too easy. He was hiding something.

...(Y/N)'s POV...

I was walked into the small cabin, it was rustic and had bits of clutter here and there. He walks into the sitting room, I followed suit. I go sit down but he stops me gently grabbing my shoulders, "I'm sorry for the mess, please I'll take your cloak." Without permission or anytime for me to react. He pulls it off of me and hangs it up on a hook, I instantly felt cold wash over me. My skin cover itself in goosebumps, my short sleeves didn't help either. He invited me to sit, I did; holding my arms for warmth. The home was darker then I first expected and the only light in the room was the glow of lanterns.

He cleared his voice slightly, "so, about the Oceans' Heart flower. I'll gladly spare a few of the 100s we harbor, but I'd like to know why you wish to use them." I nodded a little and straightened my back.
"I wish to overthrow the current Monarch, my companions wish to help me. As I'm sure you noticed they cannot breath under the oceans tides like I can." I state holding my hands in my lap as I rested the urge to shiver.
"Okay, I'll help, in return I want to speak with you if you do become the Queen. For the betterment of my small town, but there is a requirement to make the potion you want." He says leaning back on the couch.
"I'll do it, no matter what it is, I'll do it." I answer seeing the kings head on a spike more clearly, I leaned forward. My hands tightening until my knuckles were white, I was determined to see this through.
"I need the blood and body of a 'god' ranked caster of the sea. Power that surpasses the Royal Family itself," he stood and smirked again, "I need you to give yourself to the spell." I was frozen, he could sense my power, everything I held back constantly. I didn't know how to react or move, should I be appalled or willing. I already agreed to it and now I most give myself to whatever he meant.

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