Chapter 9: Oceans' Heart

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He grabbed my hand and made me stand, "follow me." He walked further inside the house and opened a door, behind the door was a pool of water. It was dark and I couldn't see how deep it truly went. "After you, love." He said gesturing to the pool, I took a deep breath and my magic sparked to life as I jumped into the water, my body glowed brightly. I looked down still unable to see the true depth of the water, part of that scared me. He lowered himself into the water beside me, he the swam downwards. I bit my lip and followed him, the dress I wore was a heavy cotton. "You should take that off, I'm sure it's making it difficult to swim." He said looking back at me, he glow was dimmer then mine, the color was a soft purple.
"Fine." I caved, it was weighing me down anyway. I stop mid swim and pull the dress off easily, I folded it and held it in my arms. I prayed that it was too dark to see my markings since I was only in underwear and a bra.

We swam for quite some time, I started to see a soft glow of blue. He pulled a rock to the side, we swam in and I was met with millions of blue and white glowing flowers. I kneeled down next to the garden, careful not to hurt any of them. Part of my felt at peace with the bright, heavenly glow. He swam next to me, closing the 'door'. I push myself up swiftly and swam overtop of them, my fingertips grazed the petals of the Oceans' Heart. "I'm glad you enjoy it here." He said softly, "now for the spell." I slowly swam over to him and he grabbed my arm.
"What am I suppose to do?" I ask simply looking around me, he leans into my ear.
"Just relax and close your eyes, I know what I'm doing." I felt my chest tighten was uncertainty filled me. I closed my eyes and tried my best to relax but I didn't know what he was doing.

He lays me down in the flowers gently, I could the soft petals all over my bare skin. "Put your dam of power down and open the gates, let your power flow at full speed and power. Don't worry about me or the garden, just release control." He whispered gently, I felt the him swimming around me doing things.

I slowly did as told, I focus on the flood gates of my channel that held my power opening it up. My mussels tensed and then relaxed extremely, my body felt as if it was filling to the brim with electricity. I slowly felt thin thread like plants start to latch onto my skin, pedals slowly got pressed against my head framing it. I felt the power of this garden transferring through everything like a complex network, my own channel was excited and moving around its pathways just dying to be released. I could feel my eyes glowing brightly, my body felt so warm and cozy. Being part of the system was comforting and homey feeling, like I was meant to be here in theses flowers... in this magic network. "Now slowly close our gates completely, but be slow about it or it'll drain you quickly. Just slowly easy yourself out of the power." He says quietly and I do so, I control the flow of my own magic, pulling the amount down steadily.

My breaths starts to become heavy and hollow, my body relaxes more and becomes more limp as I'm pulled out. The flow of the network slowly goes down, until I'm completely cut off. "Open your eyes gently." I do so and notice the dimmer lighting, I slowly sit up and he helps support my limp body. "What was that..?" I asked looking up at him, he smiled a little.
"Imbibing. I thought that you should take the magic from the garden itself, you now are more powerful than before and more in control of your abilities. I could sense that you feared your abilities and they sat untamed and dangerously connected to your emotions. The garden is fine and will recover the magic current in a few hours, I retrieved a few flowers for the potion for your friends as well." He stood up and pulled me up from the sand, I look down and see a clearing of where I was laying. My body felt refreshed and lose, not stiff and stressed.

He moved the rock from the entrance and swam outside of the grotto. "What would happen if I didn't do that?" I ask simply and he stops.
"The magic would be too potent and kill the user." He smirks a little and swims farther away, I follow close behind. My eyes looked around for awhile I didn't even see any fish or plant life, the oxygen in the water was low. I hadn't noticed the first time due to my paranoia but the water was so quiet and still.

He swims up and I follow him breaking the surface, I spit the water from my lungs. I pull myself out of the water after him, I move my hair from my face and blink I few times. He walked into what looked like a study, I followed and placed my dress next to the door. He opened the drapes and grabbed a book from the self, he opens it to a page with the beautiful flower drawn next to direction that were in my native tongue. "So that's how you make it?" I ask looking over his shoulder, he just nods. He grabs dried plants and over liquids, he grabs my arm. He pricks my finger and drops my blood into an empty tube, I was interested in what he was doing exactly to be honest.

He walks from the study to to kitchen and fills a pot of water, he sets it on the wood burn oven before firing it. He sits and lets the boil come to a small boil, he starts setting the items in, first with the dried plants then the various other liquids, the flowers, and lastly he drops my blood in. The potion started turning a light indigo color, he cut the heat and started to stirring the concoction slowly.

Eventually he finished and grabbed a glass jar, he poured it in. "Do you guys still practice magic?" I asked as he sealed it, he looks back at me.
"No, we no longer see the need for it. I don't know when we stopped, some of the newer generations can't even breath water anymore."
"Our new generations don't use nearly as much energy to glow in darker water, in fact they kinda just do it." I sigh a little, standing up.
"What is it like living there?" He asks handing me the jar.
"I don't live there, I live in the ruins above. I was exiled when I was young, by the king." I take the jar from him slowly.
"I see, well I hope you don't die in your efforts."
"Me either."

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