Chapter 27

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"This better be good..." Chief Chloe grumbled as she approached the construction site on the docks. Looking up at her boss with Tiberius at her side, Gidget led the way to where Viper was trapped in the mechanical claw. "I'm not sure how to explain this Chief but this snake... he went savage," the Pomeranian declared. Chloe merely raised an eyebrow in reply. At that moment, they arrived where Viper had been left.

He was gone.

"What?! He was right here, I swear!" Gidget exclaimed, running over to the mechanical claw. It was open. Somehow Viper had escaped right under their noses. But how was the question. The claw couldn't open and close unless somebody was in the cab controlling it. Last she checked, there was no one else here. And Viper couldn't have been able to open it by himself, even if he was a large snake. It just didn't make any sense.

"I thought you were supposed to be looking for Hu," Chloe pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest. Turning around, Gidget nodded her head and explained, "I still am. The thing is I think there's something much bigger going on." Her face completely emotionless, Chloe grumbled irritably, "No, the thing is that you are not doing your job. Instead you're running around chasing imaginary savage snakes. Not too mention the fact that you got your cruiser destroyed and lost your walkie talkie. Should I even mention that you supposedly lost an imaginary savage snake?"

"I'm sorry, he was right here-" Gidget started to say. However, Chloe interrupted her, "I've had enough of this. I knew you were a mistake right from the start but Mayor Snowball wouldn't listen to me. I don't care what he has to say but I'm done. Hand over your badge." Silence fell upon the area as everyone gasped and looked up at the tabby cat. The feline had her paw held out towards Gidget. The Pomeranian felt torn inside as she glanced down at her badge. Her sky blue eyes watering up, she took it off.

Before she could hand it to Chloe, a voice piped up, "No, stop."

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