Chapter 22

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The next day
Clan bridger planet
Ezra and sabine came outside with hera and leia to see what they stole from the empire yesterday. Alright let's open this baby up. Ezra said. One warrior open the cargo and we look inside. Alright sabine what we got here? It looks like some kind of new detonators. Let me scanned them. Sabine took out her scanner and scans the cargo. According to these readings these are more powerful then any other detonations. So super detonators. This is another great steal for us. Ezra said then his com went off.

Sabine pov.
Ezra com went off and he answer it. This is ezra here. He said. My lord we are detecting a fleet of rebels fighters coming out of hyperspace. The captain said. We all look up and saw the fighters coming straight for us. SABINE TO COMMAND CENTER RAISES THE SHIELDS!!! I order on my com. The shield was raise and 3 rebel ships hit it and explode. That will teach them.

PILOTS TO YOUR FIGHTERS!!! Everyone else stay here and defend the base. I order and left. Sabine I'll be leading the fighters and you defend the base. Ezra said. Alright  ezra. Leia your with me and hera your with ezra. Alright let's go hera. Ezra and hera to their ships and took off. Luckily our ships and the ghost can past through the shield. Leia said. Yes now let's go the comman center. I said and we walk inside the base.

Zeb pov.
Looks like the plan work. Clan bridger was focusing on the fighters they didn't notice our ship. I look at the back door from last time. No one was guarding it. Good no one here. Their all busy with the rebellion. So nobody see us. I said to chopper who was with me. Grrr grrr. He said. Whatever let's just go. We started running to the door and chopper hack into it and it open.

We ran inside and close the door behind us. Ok let's get to the comman center and download their information. It should be in the next hallway. We started walking in the next hallway but we hide behind a wall because we saw sabine, leia, and a group of mandaloraians walking into the comman center. Great if we walk in there will be capture or be killed.

We need to pull back chop. We started pulling back but the door to the comman center open and some mandalorians came out and look like they were heading this way. We ran into another room and they walk past it. That was close hun chop? Grrr. I turn around and saw something that was pretty interesting and it gave me an idea.

Ezra pov.
I was in my mandalorian fighter shooting down x-wings, y-wings, and a-wings. Mon mothma must be pretty pissed for taking the cargo. Hey if they wasn't so slow they might have gotten it. Then something happen. The rebel ships started pulling back and went into hyperspace. Well that was weird.

ALL SHIPS RETURN TO BASE. I order over my com. We landed and I hop out my ship. I was greeted by leia and sabine. Something doesn't feel right. I said. What do you mean? We won. Sabine said. I mean this attack was too easy. Then I felt something that wasn't there. Like someone was.... oh no.

I took off running into base and made my way to a room. I reach the room and open it and sabine came up to me. Ezra what's wrong? They took mira.

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