Chapter 23

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Ezra pov.
They took mira. I said. Sabine fell to her knees and started crying. I kneel down next to her and and she holds me while crying on my chest. Don't worry sabine we'll get her back. How can I not. She our daughter ezra the joy in our hearts. When she was born we promise to protect her but now she has been taken by the rebellion and whose known what their doing to her.

Then the captain, hera, leia, and some mandalorians came up to us. Ezra, sabine is everything ok? Hera ask. No the rebellion took mira. THEY DID WHAT! Leia yelled. Yeah and we're going to get her back. If that means destroying the entire rebellion. Don't worry sir we'll get her back because she's inspiration to all of us of clan bridger. The captain said. She is? I ask back.

Yes she is the reason on what we're fighting for. To protect all mandalorian children from the empire and the rebellion. You're right. We're going to her back but we need to find them. Hera and leia stay with sabine. The rest of you come with me. We're going to find mira. I said and we left.

Somewhere in the galaxy
Kanan pov.
I was in command center with mon mothma and bail organa when zeb and chopper walk in but zeb something behind his back. Zeb I trust the mission was a success. Mon mothma ask him. Well not exactly but there is a success. What could there be another success then getting clan bridger information? Bail organa ask. He pulled a sleeping girl behind his back and show us. Who is that?

That's ezra and sabine daughter. I said. Yes kanan since they steal stuff from us that very important to the rebellion. We stole something very important to them. Zeb said. Zeb are you... but I was cut by mon mothma. Wait master jarrus this could work to our advance. What do you mean? Well they're going to want her back. We're going to  make a trade with them.

Then she started to wake up.
Where am I? She ask and look around and was starting to get scared. Where's my mommy and daddy? Come down we're not going to hurt you. I said to her. I WANT MY MOMMY AND DADDY! We will give you back to them but we need something from them.

5 minutes later
Ezra pov.
Me, the captain, and the warriors were in the comman center checking on every star chart to find where the rebellion was hiding. Then sabine, hera, and leia walk in. You ok sabine? I ask. Yes but I'm worry about mira. She said. I am too but we'll her back. Sir we're recovering a transmission from the rebels. The captain said. Put it on.

The transmission came on and we the leaders of the rebellion. Ezra Bridger, Sabine Bridger. We have something that belongs to you. Mon mothma said.  The scene turned and we saw mira. MOMMY, DADDY! She yelled. MIRA! We yelled back. Your daughter is safe but we have some demands if you want her back. Kanan said. What do want? Well since she your daughter. She is worth 3 things. What are you talking about? Sabine ask.

1. She has force abilities.

2. She's your daughter.

3. She's are prisoner which means we can keep her here.

Alright just what is it that you want? I ask. We want your information, we want the cargo that you stole from the empire, and last but not least we want both hera and leia back. Fine! Hera said. Good we'll be expecting you in one hour. Kanan said and ended the transmission.

Hera, leia are you sure? Sabine ask. Yes sabine we are. We will give ourselves up so you can have your daughter back. Leia said. What do you think ezra? Ok but... hey wait a minute I have do we still have those robots? Yes sir we still do. The captain said. Good because I got an Idea.

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