Chapter 19

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Nightpaw, Sunpaw, Moonheart, and Ambershine's littermate, Fawnmist, gathered around Ambershine's body, grieving thoughout the night.

Nightpaw thought about his memories with his father. Ambershine's amber eyes staring down at him with pride, Ambershine demanding Sunpaw and Nightpaw to stay at camp, Ambershine bringing Nightpaw to collect catmint, Ambershine fighting the kittypet and ShadowClan apprentice with him...

Something moved at the corner of his eyes. Nightpaw's head raised up. He saw that Moonheart had pulled Sunpaw closer, licking her fur and wrapping her tail around her daughter.

Nightpaw also shifted closer to his mother, but Moonheart paid no attention to him. Instead she wrapped Sunpaw in even closer. Both she-cats never looked up.

Nightpaw felt a twinge of jealousy. Why won't my mother bring me closer, like Sunpaw?

Maybe because she just wasn't paying attention. He hoped.

He went back to mourning, but something nagged him in his heart, something other then jealously. And the jet-black apprentice had a feeling that it was not the first time it nagged him.

Blossomflower! Nightpaw's mind whirled. I'm supposed to meet her tonight! How am I supposed to sneak out of camp?

Nightpaw suddenly thought of an idea. But before he placed his plan in action, he raised his head to face the stars. I'm sorry, Ambershine. Nightpaw thought. I have to go. I promised to meet with someone.

With that, Nightpaw muttered, "I have to go make dirt."

He dipped his head at Ambershine's body and headed towards the dirtplace.

Inside, Nightpaw slipped through an opening in between rocks. He paddled out of the camp. He is going to meet with Blossomflower, whatever it takes.


Nightpaw found the young she-cat warrior staring out at the stars, her pinkish eyes glimmering in the moonlight.

"Nightpaw." Blossomflower mewed, her head suddenly snapping towards the ThunderClan apprentice's direction. "Why did you come here? I thought you'd be grieving for your father."

"I came here for you." Nightpaw replied, paddling closer. He tried to twine his tail around Blossomflower's tail, but Blossomflower held it away from Nightpaw's grasp.

"We can't do this anymore." The SkyClan warrior breathed. "You have to continue with your grieving. Clan loyalty comes first."

Nightpaw's whiskers prickled with alert. "What do you mean by 'We can't do this anymore'?" He asked. "Do you mean- You can't possibly mean- that we have to stop meeting each other at night?!"

"That's exactly what I mean." Blossomflower meowed softly, looking into Nightpaw's amber eyes.

Nightpaw choked back a sob. "No. We can't just... spilt up like that! I already lost my father, now I'm going to lose you too. Why are you doing this to me?"

"Oh Nightpaw." Blossomflower murmured, putting her muzzle on his shoulder. "You know that we could never be together."

Nightpaw didn't want to admit it, but Blossomflower was right. Nightpaw had wanted to be with the white-furred she-cat. And she was also right that they could never be together. There has to be a way. He wanted to think. But there is no way, as far as he could think of.

"I love you." He whispered to Blossomflower.

"I wanted to love you too, Nightpaw," Blossomflower responded with a sad meow. "But I cannot let myself. We have to be seperate."

"This isn't happening." Nightpaw muttered.

"I'm sorry." Blossompaw meowed. "But reality is reality." She pressed her pelt into Nightpaw's for the last time.

Nightpaw wanted to move away and scream, How dare you do this to me! I thought we were more than friends! But instead he enjoyed the moment.

He was reminded of a night after gathering, when two apprentices sat on a hill, feeling the wind's breeze run through their fur.

Way to soon, Blossomflower pulled away and took out a leaf wrap. She unwrapped it, revealing a piece of glowing rock no bigger than half of his claw. "It's a gift for you."

With quick and nimble paws, the SkyClan apprentice tied the piece of rock to one of Nightpaw's hind legs.

Nightpaw knew that this was the last goodbye. "I-I don't know what to say."

Blossomflower's nose touched Nightpaw's for the last time. "Remember me. Good-bye, Nightpaw."

"Good-bye, Blossomflower." Nightpaw started sobbing.

"May StarClan light your path." Blossomflower meowed.

With that, the white-furred she-cat that Nightpaw loved turned away, vanishing into SkyClan's trees.

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