Chapter 20

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"I, Redstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.

"Nightpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Nightpaw meowed, eager and excited. He had finished his assessment yesterday, and Stormflight had told him that he did a great job.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Nightpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Nightstrike. StarClan honors your energy, fighting skill, strategy, and strength. We welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

Nightstrike paddled forward, putting his muzzle on Redstar's shoulder and licked it once. After Nightstrike and his sister came Skypaw.

Redstar recited the traditional words for the third time, then asked, "Skypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." The remaining apprentince meowed.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Skypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Skyflight. StarClan honors your courage, determination, loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

Skyflight licked Redstar's shoulder, and the Clan began chanting out the newly made warrior's new names.

"Sunheart! Nightstrike! Skyflight!"

Nightstike felt warmth coming from his clanmates, as well as pride coming from himself. His black tail was raised high. Ambershine, He thought, I hope you're proud of me...


"You three are guarding the camp tonight." Lightfire, who had been appointed as the new deputy, meowed.

"We will sit a silent vigil." Sunheart, Nightstrike, and Skyflight responded.

Lightfire nodded, then whispered, "Try to not fall asleep."

"We won't." The three former apprentices meowed in unison. Nightstrike wondered if they could actually keep that promise.


They couldn't. By midnight, the two she-cats had fell asleep, snoring as if they just battled ten badgers.

Nightstrike was the only cat awake, staring into the night. 

He found himself exiting the camp, his paws leading him to the place where he usually meets Blossomflower. It had been a night since we last met, I hope I'm not late...

Nightstrike's paw steps suddenly stopped. Oh right. His heart sank. We decided to stop meeting. Blossomflower wouldn't be there.

Still, The other half of his mind argued. Maybe she forgot that we're not supposed to meet and went there anyways.

So Nightstrike continued walking, paddling in the small glade that they usually meet. He sniffed around. There was SkyClan scent, but none of them were Blossomflower's.

His heart sank even more, dropping low into his stomach. Blossomflower wasn't here.

The newly made warrior stared out across SkyClan's borders, where Blossomflower would be, sleeping in her den...

A pair of pinkish-red eyes flashed in front of Nightstrike. The black tom blinked. The eyes disappeared.

Nightstrike blinked a few more times. It must be my imagination, He thought, mentally sighing. He stared at the stars, gleaming and looking the same as before.

Suddenly, his ears prickled. He heard shuffling through the brackens. Is it... Is Blossomflower actually here?

But the cat was coming from ThunderClan's camp's direction...

"Nightstrike!" Skyflight meowed. "Why didn't you stay at your post?"

Uh oh. Nightstrike tried to come up with a reasonable excuse. "Uh, I got bored and wanted to take a walk for a while." 

Skyflight definitely did not take the excuse. But before the the silver warrior can stay anything, Nightstrike meowed,

"I thought you were asleep."

"I was." Skyflight replied. "But then I woke up and found you gone, so I went to find you."

"I'm not sure of you noticed, but Skypaw likes you." Ambershine had told Nightstrike. 

Does Skyflight actually like me? Nightstrike thought curiously.

To see if what Ambershine had said was true, Nightstrike asked, "Do you care about me?"

Skyflight blinked slowly. "Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"Do you consider me more than a friend?" The black tom pressed.

"Yes." Skyflight murmured, then narrowed her eyes with a, Why do you ask? expression.

"Oh." Nightstrike said out loud, "So you do like me."

Skyflight's features softened. She slid next to Nightstrike and pressed her pelt against him. "I'm glad you understand."

No. Nightstrike thought. I refuse to love you back. I can't just switch from Blossomflower to you! He shifted away. "Let's get back to camp."

Skyflight looked mildly puzzled, but then meowed, "Okay."

As the two cats headed back to camp, Nightstrike found himself dreading the days ahead.

Skyflight thinks that I like her. But I don't. How am I supposed to tell her that?

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