Chapter 30

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"Your clan's the one attacking us!" Nightstrike snarled. "And I'm not even killing your clanmates! Plus you're the one who made us break up!"

Blossomflower gritted her teeth. "I-I—"

Nightstrike knew he was winning this argument, this fight. She'll have to admit I'm right, He thought smugly.

But the SkyClan warrior only became more outraged. Fire seemed to flare in her red eyes, imitating Nightstrike's blue flames.

Pinkish-red against greenish-blue.

Nightstrike didn't flinch, even if her hateful glare hurts. On the inside, or the outside? I can't tell.

Blossomflower spat at Nightstrike, "You don't even care a bit about me!"

"You never told me to!" Nightstrike spat back. 

The white-furred she-cat growled. She lunged at the black warrior. Her claws were unsheathed, ready to tear her opponent into pieces.

But Nightstrike was swift and powerful. I'm not going to be defeated!

I thought you are already, the voice in his mind meowed with amusement.

Nightstrike mentally frowned. His body started to move, instinctively battling.

Being more powerful is the only thing that can fix you... The voice told him.

Nightstrike flung out a paw at Blossomflower. It shredded her forehead, burning a 'v' shaped mark into her fur.

Blossomflower screamed as his claws stabbed her. The noise scorched Nightstrike's ears, but he continued to advance.

He didn't know what he wanted, what he's going to do. And that made him feel horrified.

Two options, Nightstrike, The voice started meowing in his mind again, making him feel slightly dizzy.

Either you embrace that you're a murderer and live as one, or be afraid of yourself, letting your fear devour you.

Nightstrike took a step forward.

You'll rather be a murderer than be weak with fear, right?

Another step forward. 

Blossomflower started to back up, wincing at her wounds. Her forehead started bleeding.

Then kill her. Be the murderer you are born to be.

Nightstrike raised a paw.

Blossomflower was trapped, being pushed against a tree. But instead of fighting and struggling her way out, she gasped, "Don't listen to that voice!"

The ThunderClan warrior hesitated. 

Do it. The voice taunted. Don't listen to her. She's your enemy.

But... Nightstrike protested. ... I don't know.

Do it. 

No. It isn't right. What did Blossomflower do that made her deserve to die?

Do it now. Or I'll do it for you.

But this time, Nightstrike refused to listen to the voice. He tried to pull his paw back down.

It was a horror to find out that he can't. 

He wasn't in control anymore.

He body lashed out, pinning Blossomflower to the ground. Nightstrike could only watch his own actions in terror.

"You are Nightstrike." Blossomflower meowed firmly. "You are not someone else. Don't let it take over you."

Nightstrike wanted to sob. There wasn't anything he could do.... to stop this.

"Nightstrike!" Blossomflower screeched. "Take control. Fight it!"

Nightstrike focused. He tried to feel more connected to his body.

He slowly tugged himself closer and closer. 

"It's working." Blossomflower murmured.

But Nightstrike was too concentrated to hear her.

"Nightstrike!" He could hear Redstar yowling at his direction. "The battle's over! Let go of her!"

Something seemed to snap in Nightstrike's brain. He collapsed onto the ground.

Nightstrike could hear Blossomflower getting up onto her paws, dashing back into her territory.

"Nightstrike, are you okay?" Rainfire's voice filled into his ear.

Nightstrike wobbly stood up. "I-I'm fine."

I'm not. What's wrong with my mind?

"We have to carry Sleekfur's body back to camp."

It took some time for the black tom to figure out what she meant. "Sleekfur... she... died?"

Rainfire nodded.

Nightstrike's mind whirled. How am I supposed to tell Skyflight? 


Nightstrike kept his head hanging during the walk back to camp. He could only hope that the voice doesn't come and haunt—no, take over him again.

His clanmates entered the thorn tunnel, Nightstrike trailing after them.

He was exhausted. He clambered towards his den, not bothering to check for wounds.

I wouldn't have any anyways. He thought wearily.

He crumpled into his nest, curling up into a ball of fur.

I hope I don't get any bad dreams.


Nightstrike felt himself getting shaken up by a cat next to him. The scent was familiar. It was Skyflight's scent.

Nightstrike opened one of his eyes. Yep

He sat up and stretched. It had been a long time since he had a dreamless sleep... 

"Nightstrike." Skyflight meowed. "Meet me at the forest. We need to talk."

Nightstrike nodded, still looking a bit dazed.

Skyflight turned and headed out of the den. I wonder what is it?

Nightstrike quickly groomed his fur and headed out of the den. He paddled across the clearing, casually walking past cats that are sharing tongues. 

I honestly miss the days where we do that. He thought.  I've stopped sharing tongues with Skyflight... The last time we did that was moons ago...

After the nap, he had felt more refreshed, more clear, more like himself...

Nightstrike paddled out of the camp, his tail swinging happily behind him.

Skyflight was waiting for Nightstrike at the place they used to meet. She was facing away from Nightstrike, her back towards him.

"Why did you tell me to come here?" Nightstrike asked. I hope I don't sound too threatening.

Skyflight's head whipped around. Her eyes flashed.

They flashed with the same thing that Blossomflower's eyes had: Loathing. Hatred.

"A few things." Skyflight meowed, her eyes lit with flames. Her eyes reminded him too much of the pair of eyes Nightstrike saw this morning. "But first, Nightstrike... 

We need to stop being mates."

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