Chapter 31

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Every untroubled thought Nightstrike had earlier diminished, fading into nothing. His heart dropped.

"Why?" Was all Nightstrike could say.

"Because, " Skyflight's eyes flashed again. "I don't know what have happened to us. We don't share tongues or even share dens anymore! What kind of mates are we?"

"I'm very sorry. I could fix it." Nightstrike meowed, ducking his head.

"And now..." Skyfight's voice broke. "Sleekfur's dead. You've failed me. We can't be mates."

"Please." Nightstrike's mew became more desperate. "Give me a chance. I will fix it, I just want us to be happy—"

"NO!" Skyflight turned her head away, hiding her face. "No, it's not going to work."

There's something wrong. Nightstrike realized. Something she's not telling me.

"Please tell me what's wrong." Nightstrike mewed softly.

"I can't." Skyflight replied. "We can't be mates. I-I don't want us to be mates."

"I don't want us to be mates." Nightstrike's heart stopped. His hope shattered into pieces.

He couldn't force her to be his mate. Yes, he love her, but if she doesn't love him back...

There was nothing he could do but let her go.

You've lost Blossomflower, now Skyflight, The voice in his mind reminded him. Want kind of cat are you?

A terrible cat. Nightstrike thought glumly. I'm the worst mate ever.

"Skyflight..." Nightstrike trailed off. There was nothing to be said.

Skyflight paddled away into the forest. As she walked, Nightstrike caught a glimpse of her face. 

She was smirking.

Am I imagining this? Nightstrike thought.

Smirking. Genuinely smirking. It's definitely not a great sign.

Skyflight is up to something. And he have no idea what is it. And she's happy that we broke up.

Thought whirling, Nightstrike turned towards the camp. He paddled through the forest, his pawsteps quick.

What is going to happen next?


Nightstrike was a quarter way back to ThunderClan's camp when he heard a mew.

"Nightstrike." Moonheart's voice appeared nearby.

The jet-black tom snapped his head towards Moonheart for a moment.

"What do you want from me? You're only going to say that I'm horrible and, I'm not your kin and, that I'm just a failed replacement of your Nightkit," Nightstrike spat. 

He continued to run towards to camp. Moonheart flinched, but Nightstrike haven't noticed. He was already fox-lengths away.

"Nightstrike!" Moonheart called, chasing after him. "I'm sorry. I really am. You haven't done anything wrong... I consider you part of my family."

Nightstrike stopped. What? Now she meows that? He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe her. Skyflight was up to something. Moonheart was probably part of the plan as well. 

Except, what are their goals? To make my life miserable? Is it even related to me?

"And why do you mew that now?" Nightstrike challenged, "After all you've meowed."

"Because I was wrong." Moonheart replied, her shoulders drooping. "And... I still want a family... And—"

"Oh, so it's only because I'm your only 'kin' left?" Nightstrike's eyes danced with amber flames, his tail lashing. If Sunheart was still alive, you would treat me as crow-food, wouldn't you?

"No—I mean, you're my only kin left, and... I don't want to lose you too." Moonheart took a step forward, her apology visible in her grey-blue eyes. "I'm truly sorry, my son."

My son. As if Moonheart actually accepted him. As a member of her kin. And as her son.

She looked at Nightstrike in the eye. "I know I told you you where a failure. But I was wrong. You're not a mistake. I was too selfish."

Nightstrike wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe that her opinion had changed. But... He couldn't. He knew better to."What changed your mind?"

"I didn't know that it would upset you so much..." Moonheart murmured. 

Her foster son narrowed his eyes. No. I shouldn't believe her. She... She could be lying. 

But what if she's not? Another part of his mind asked.

Nightstrike shook his head. "I...I..." I don't know. 

But it didn't seem right if he meowed that to Moonheart. 

"We'll discuss it tomorrow." He decided. I need time to think.

"Alright." Moonheart meowed, nodding.

The two cats paddled towards ThunderClan's camp, Nightstrike's mind debating while he walked. Trust her, or not?

Little he knew that the voice in his mind had swayed his thoughts again, pulling him and Moonheart apart.

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