Chapter 32

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a very long time... I just feel really guilty, leaving stories there and not touching them.

Nightstrike shifted in his nest. "Tonight is the night..." He could hear cats in his dream say.

"Nightstrike... I hate you. I'll hate you forever." Skyflight's voice was slightly blurred out.

His eyes flew open. No, that was just part of the dream. 

It shouldn't have shaken him, really. He had nightmares more than any living cat had. Usually, Nightstrike would recover from it quickly. 

But after learning the nightmare of him killing his littermate was true, he had doubted the dreams more. Still, it wouldn't bother him too much.

However, this time... It had ruffled his fur more than he expected. 

No. Skyflight couldn't had meowed it. He turned to peer over at the grey she-cat. She's sleeping, after all...

Nightstrike's blood stopped cold.

Her nest was empty.

How? Nightstrike bent over to stare at the bedding. What?

The scent wasn't stale.

Not recent enough to be here while the Skyflight in Nightstrike's dream was meowing, but just some time before that...

Skyflight was up to something.

It had to be related to the events earlier, during the day.

Nightstrike debated for a while, whether he should try and track down the she-cat's scent.

It... It could be the clue, He thought. To why Skyflight wanted to stop being mates with me. To why Moonheart was acting weird.

Nightstrike quietly got onto his paws. The sneaky, fear of getting caught feeling reminded him of secretly exiting camp with Skyflight, or even earlier, back when he met with Blossomflower at the SkyClan border.

He soundlessly paddled his way out of the den, carefully avoiding the sleeping cats. The jet-black pelt slipped through the brambles, reappearing outside the entrance.

Nightstrike sniffed and looked around, being aware of any cat that could possibly see him. His head whipped towards the Camp's entrance. No one. 

Out of curiosity, Nightstrike slowly slipped towards the thorn tunnel's gap. Maybe the cat guarding the camp is outside... He peered through the hole. Not even a scent.

There's only one more way to find out... But... If there was a cat out there, he'll be in big trouble...

Not caring to be stealthy, the black tom pushed through the thorn tunnel. As soon as he stepped outside the camp, Nightstrike's head whipped around to check for cats in sight.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw the dark shadow casted onto the ground. But it wasn't a cat. Just a mere shadow of the undergrowth around him.

Although still quite frightened, Nightstrike sniffed the air around him. He had a bad feeling that someone could see him, is following him, and is watching his every pawstep. The thought sent a chill up his spine. He hoped he was wrong.

Nightstrike could pick up Skyflight's scent in the mist of his own. The was also another cat's scent clinging with his former mate's, but Nightstrike couldn't tell who. 

I'm such a mouse-brain, He thought, gritting his teeth. Usual clan cats should be able to identify their own clanmate's scents, but for some unknown reason, Nightstrike couldn't identify them very well. Is there something wrong with my nose? He thought worriedly. 

He sniffed the the air. Once. Twice. Then he realized that something had always lingered in his nose. The scent of blood. Nightstrike shuddered.

Don't get too distracted, He reminded himself. Right. There was another scent with Skyflight. No, not just any scent, a cat's scent. A ThunderClan cat.

The warrior's thoughts whirled as questions began to pop up in his mind. Who would get out of camp with Skyflight, in the middle of the night? And most importantly, why?

Is Skyflight close to any cat other than him? But with a pang of guilt, Nightstrike realized that he hadn't paid much attention to her these moons, and they had been... separated.

Nightstrike shook his head as he paddled ahead, following Skyflight's scent trail. He didn't want to be distracted by his thoughts, although he already had a sinking feeling about this situation.

A cool chill ruffled through his fur as he traveled through the forest. Nightstrike felt a sense of familiarity to the environment around him. Of course, it's ThunderClan's territory. His brain seemed to scold him with a know-it-all tone. But it wasn't just that. Because this path was the path Nightstrike used traveled through every other night, through the darkness.

It was unmistakably the trail that leadings to him and Skyflight's former meeting place, the place where they stopped being mates, the trail he had walked through just a while ago, during the day.

More questions bubbled into his mind. Why does Skyflight want to go there? But he shut his thoughts out. He had to concentrate on finding her.

Nightstrike looked ahead. Although it was dark, he could make out the bushes a few fox-lengths in front of him. He was close. Very close to the hidden, small, glade. All he had to do was run up to the bushes and squeeze through a gap. 

So he kept paddling, thinking of what to say to Skyflight if he was caught... Unless she isn't even here at all.

"I... I did it."

Skyflight's mew startled Nightstrike. He almost jumped. Yes! She's safe! His heart was overjoyed as he saw her silver-grey pelt between the bushes's gap.

Nightstrike was about to yowl at her when she started meowing again.

"I broke up with him," 

Me? Nightstrike blinked. She's talking about me. But to who? 

Skyflight spoke to the other cat, 

"But that doesn't mean I could switch to you just yet. I know I was wrong, and you were right. I thought him and I could have a happy life together, and I've admired him since I was a kit. But then he stopped caring about me. I don't know why. It seemed like all the love he once gave me was just... fake.

"I trust you. Because you were the one who predicted the truth." She finished.

Nightstrike blinked, slightly puzzled. It took a while for the words to sink in. I broke up with him, but that doesn't mean I could switch to you just yet.

A jolt ran through his pelt. Could she possibly mean...? 

"I understand. Nice speech." The other cat complimented wryly. His meow was definitely male. 

Nightstrike's head whipped towards him, his tail lashing. His eyes narrowed as he tried to peer deeper into the bushes.

"You arrogant furball!" Skyflight purred.

Sea green eyes snatched his gaze. Branchfrost! Nightstrike stared at the brown tom, his amber eyes wide. Shock, fury, then disgusted and hatred washed over him.

He stole my mate. Nightstrike's fur bristled with outrage. That haughty, loathsome, and selfish piece of crow-food!

Branchfrost's eyes met Nightstrike's for a small second, and turned away quickly. And he knows I'm here!

"There's something I want to tell you." Branchfrost paddled up to Skyflight, brushing her pelt.

Nightstrike felt as if his heart was shredded into pieces, watching Branchfrost and Skyflight together. Burning flames and fire rose beneath his pelt.

The smooth-pelted tom continued, "I think..."

Nightstrike's paws seemed to be burning. Or... No, his paws are burning. Smoke rose from his paws. He couldn't contain it. 

"...Nightstrike is..."

He's talking about me! Is he going to... Nightstrike suddenly had a sinking thought. No... He had to act now. Before Branhfrost say another word. More smoke rose from his paws.

You have to unleash it. The voice in his mind meowed, unleash your power on him.

Wait! Nightstrike's paw steamed even more. He clamped one paw on top the the other, trying to suffocate the fire he's about to start.

If it isn't done now, he'll ruin your life forever...

Nightstrike's heart felt like a volcano about to erupt. He never liked Branchfrost. He hated Branchfrost. He wanted to do what the voice wants him to do. He... He couldn't take it anymore.

So he obeyed the voice when Branchfrost finished. 

"...Spying on us," The brown ThunderClan warrior mewed.

And Nighstrike tore from the bushes. He leaped towards Branchfrost, his claws unsheathed.

Skyflight let out a gasp, but the jet-black tom ignored her. He knocked his pelt into Branchfrost. Branchfrost rolled away, slashing a claw at Nightstrike.

"Wait! Nightstrike! Let me explain!" Skyflight mewed desperately from nearby.

Nightstrike bared his fangs and snarled at her. Join this battle if you want to die too, he thought. 

His head whipped towards Branchfrost as he felt a claw raked down his flank. He shot a glare at the brown tom. Are you trying to play with me? Because you can't.

Branchfrost's eyes widened as Nightstrike's paws lit on fire, as flames burned from his pelt, hind legs, to his tail tip.

The brown tom shifted backwards slightly, fear written across his handsome face. Nightstrike cracked a small, cunning smile. "Do you still want to fight?"

He lashed out a fiery claw, burning a clump of fur into ashes. Branchfrost flinched, taking another step back from Nightstrike.

But Nightstrike continue to advance. His lashed another claw out, slicing more of the other tom's fur.

This time Branchfrost didn't move back. "That's exactly why Skyflight couldn't be mates with you," He hissed softly, " You're a monster."

Nightstrike mentally flinched. The words hit him like thorns. No.

His black, flaming tail lashed as Nightstrike lunged at Branchfrost.

Branchfrost let out a horrible, choking sound as the flames hit him. He battered a staggering claw at his opponent, but Nightstrike already had him pinned down.

The brown pelt was on fire. But unlike Nightstrike's, the flames seemed to eat him up.

Nightstrike took a step back, watching as Branchfrost's body burned, burned, and burned, until there was nothing but ashes.

And looked back to see Skyflight's green eyes full of shock, fright, and disbelief. You betrayed me, her eyes seemed to say.

Nightstrike's head snapped towards where Branchfrost had once been, and knew it was true. I broke my promise... 

I've killed my Clanmate. With my powers.

Suddenly, realization hit him. I... I can't go back. I'll be exiled and... Moonheart! What would she think of me now?

Nightstrike couldn't meet Skyflight's gaze. He turned his back from her. I've killed someone. His eyes squeezed shut for a second. The second time, if my nightmare had always been real. I'm a murder. For sure this time. Skyflight saw me, and...

The black tom blinked as two green-yellow eyes caught his eye from the bushes. Darkpaw! I have another witness!

Nightstrike's heart was thumping. No. I can't go back to ThunderClan's camp. I have to run. Away from the Clan's territory.

His eyes turned back to Skyflight for the one last time. She took a step forward, as if to approach him. Is she going to say something? He didn't want to hear what his ex-mate had to say. I have to go now!

So with a heavy heart, he ran.

He ran as fast as he can. He could feel the energy running through his veins, the wind flowing through his fur.

If Skyflight had meowed anything, Nightstrike didn't hear it.

He didn't know where he was going. But he felt free. His paws dragged him through the forest. Nightstrike continued running even after he passed ThunderClan's scent markers, out of clan territory. 

Fox-lengths later, Nightstike finally slowed down.

I need time to think. Where will I go next?

You will fulfill your destiny. The voice in his mind told him.

Nightstrike blinked. What? What destiny? I don't even think I have a life now. I'm a rogue. But a shiver of excitement also slithered up his spine. I've never lived out of the clans before... I wonder how it's like to live as a loner, or a rogue...

I know where you could go. The voice mewed.

Nightstrike cocked his head. Really? What do you mean? Find a safe place for me to live alone?

Just follow my lead. Your instincts.

I suppose I could trust you... Nightstrike thought to the voice. After all, we've been together for so long.

Also, The voice mewed, Your name should be changed to Power, since that's what you're named at first.

Nightstrike sounds better, The jet-black tom thought crossly.

You're a rogue now. Save that name for if you ever get back to the clans.

Fine. I'll consider it. Nightstrike/Power replied, still unhappy. And what should I call you?

A pause. Soul. The voice said after a while. My name is Soul.

The former ThunderClan cat got on his paws. Alright then, Soul. Guide me. Tell me where to go now.

So Power the cat followed Soul, and left the four Clans behind, heading towards a new life.

The journey begins.

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