Date Night

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"To be with Clarissa again."

Mattie snorts. "We know that's not happening."

Clarissa looks at Kendra and Alaric watching the scene. She pleads with her eyes to keep the other kids distracted. They both nod and she nods back in appreciation.

"What... What did you just do to me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know? Now listen here, pup." Klaus scowls at the nickname. "Leave my daughter alone and we won't have any problems."

Klaus' anger grows and takes a step forward towards Lucifer.

"Step away from my grandfather."

Charles steps in front of Lucifer as Klaus really pays attention to the boy's appearance having not done so the first time they met due to the shock of Clarissa's marriage and other children. He begins to notice the similarities in his appearance to himself. Elijah notices as well.

"Charles, right?"


"You shouldn't get involved when the adults are talking-"

"I'm giving you a little warning. You might have been able to do whatever you wanted back then but not now. Those times are over with. You're back in our town, so you follow our rules. Don't cause unnecessary drama. Don't threaten anyone to get what you want. Don't try to take the town under your control. And don't bring any old or new enemies here, you keep that shit outside of the town. If somebody I care about gets hurt or killed because of you or your family, you're going to wish you hadn't come back here."

"You dare try to order me? Threaten me?"

Clarissa stands up from her seat. "Watch it, Niklaus!"

"Brother, calm yourself!" Elijah tells Klaus, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Mattie now stands next to her brother and glares at Klaus. "You know there's a special section in hell reserved for bastards like you."

"What did you just say to me?"

"Did I stutter? Big bad puppy, you have three options. One, follow the rules and you get a bone for good behavior." Kai and Charlotte hold back their laughter but it makes Klaus even more angrier. "Two, get out of our town which I prefer you do but your daughter can stay and finish her education. And lastly three..." Gesturing to her mother and grandfather, "If you don't want to do either of the first two options, then you can make a good guard dog next to their thrones in hell."

"Are you two challenging me?"

"Niklaus, don't."

Charles smirks and wraps his arm around Mattie's shoulders. "You win some, you lose some... Except for us. We always win." He looks at Elijah. "So you're Elijah Mikaelson. The noble one whose always wearing the suit. Hmm... The suit part is right but noble? Not so much."

"Look we did not come here to fight. We just wanted to speak with Clarissa."

"Well, as you can see I'm spending time with my family before we were rudely interrupted. And honestly? I don't want to talk to either of you."


"Don't call me that, Elijah! Only friends and family can call me by that name!" Clarissa snaps at him.

Elijah is hurt by Clarissa's words but does not let it show. "We're sorry to have disturbed you all. But Clarissa, we are going to have to talk at some point. Niklaus, let's go."

Elijah heads to the entrance and notices Klaus not following after him. Klaus continues staring at Charles, confused by the familiar feeling he has.


 Before leaving, he throws one more glare at Kai and Mattie. After Klaus and Elijah leave, Lucifer appears before them outside.

Klaus looks back inside the grill then back at Lucifer. "How did you-"

"How I did that doesn't matter. If you honestly think that I would ever allow you to be my daughter again, you're mistaken."

"Her father? You were never in her life."

"Oh, I was. You just never saw me or knew who I was."

"What do you mean?"

Lucifer chuckles. "Can't reveal all my secrets yet. I'm just waiting for the right moment."

"And what is the right moment?"

Lucifer sighs and frowns. "When you do something to really make me angry. And believe me when I say that you don't want to do that."

Klaus gives a smug smirk. "No one's temper is worse than mine." 

"You're wrong there. Oh, one more thing... Don't you disrespect my son-in-law or my grandchildren ever again and stay away from my daughter. You hurt her enough, I won't let you do that again. Same goes for you, Elijah."

Lucifer finally walks away from the brothers and back into the grill. Elijah looks at his brother and can't help but worry of what will happen in the future. Klaus' thoughts however still lie on Clarissa and the boy who reminds him a bit of himself.

Later on, the family return to the school and Clarissa tells the children of the presents that their Uncle Enzo left. They quickly rush to their rooms. After bidding goodnight to her father and Kendra, she along with Kai return to their room. She throws herself on the bed and sighs. Kai lies down next to her, rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For everything."

He sighs and makes her look at him. "It's not your fault, baby. You know that, right? The things that he did to you, it's his own damn fault. He didn't deserve you. It's his loss and my gain. Why? Because of him, I got someone who showed me love and care in my miserable existence and I don't even know what I did to deserve you. As a bonus, I got five outstanding kids, two precious nieces, the devil as a father-in-law and two knuckleheads as best friends... I love you, Clarissa Adelaide Parker."

She gives a small smile as he wipes her tears then kisses her forehead. By morning, she would wake up to find a dozen roses next to her on the bed. Happily smiling as she reads the card, "Happy Anniversary to the love of my life. Relax for today but get ready for tonight." She giggles and smells the roses.

At the Mikaelson mansion, Hope answers the door and is surprised to see Charlotte.


"Hi... Charlotte, right?"

"Yeah... I was just wondering... Do you wanna hang out?"

"...Really? But why?"

"Just being friendly. Help you get used to the town and thought I could help you make some friends."

"...Is it really okay?"

"I don't mind. But if you don't want to-"

"No, wait! I'd like that!"

Charlotte chuckles and nods her head. "Come on then."

Charlotte already walks away as Hope hurries to pack up her things and rushes after her.

Clarissa heads to the kitchen to see a breakfast buffet and her kids stuffing their faces. She's not surprised by it though as Kai always brings out a buffet on holidays and specials occasions.

"Morning, mom! Happy Anniversary!" The kids say as soon as they see their mother.

"Thank you, my babies! Where's your father?"

"Dad is getting things ready for your date tonight. He wanted to make sure everything is perfect." Mattie tells her as she wipes the syrup and powdered sugar off Kailee's face.

"Of course he did... Where's Lottie?"

Charles is the only one to speak up. "...Umm... She went to go bring Hope here... Is that okay?"

Clarissa gives a surprised look. "Really? Are you kids okay with...?"

"...Me and Lottie don't know what kind of relationship we want with her but we thought we just be nice. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be? I just want you all to be comfortable."

"We don't mind... Thanks, mom."

Clarissa smiles at Charles and kisses his cheek.

"So, mom. How about you, Kailee, grandpa and me hang out for the day until your date?" Kaleb suggests.

"You sure? Don't you want to hang out with the others?

"Mom, I speak on behalf of Kailee and myself that we missed you the most while we were away."

"Hey!" Charles and Mattie protest.

Clarissa laughs as Charlotte and Hope arrive. "Morning, mom. Happy anniversary."

"Thanks, sweetie."

"Is it okay that I brought Hope here to hang out?"

"Of course. Good morning, Hope."

"Morning. Thank you for having me."

"It's not a problem. Now you guys have fun today and behave."

"By behave you mean Mattie, right mommy?" Kailee asks.


"Why me?!"

Charlotte giggles and answers her question. "Are you forgetting who you take after?" 

Mattie scoffs. "Am I the only one in this room who inherited his traits? I might be the mini version of him but mom takes a lot after him as well. She just doesn't show her mean side often. At least in front of us."

Clarissa rolls her eyes and smirks. "Kal, Lee. Come by my room when you're done with breakfast, okay?"


"Yes, mommy!"

After a day of playing video games, dancing and eating junk food with Kaleb, Kailee and Lucifer, Clarissa finishes up getting ready for her date. She hears a knock on her door and notices Charles standing in the doorway.

"You look beautiful, mom."

"Thank you, sweetie. How was your day?"

"Good. We might hang out again, we'll see."

She walks over to him and caresses his cheek. "I'm so proud of you... Thank you for being born as my son."

"Thank you for being my mom."

The two smile at each other and hug. He is the first to pull away and offers his arm. "May I escort you to your date?"

She takes his arm. "You may."

The mother and her eldest son walk to the entrance of the Salvatore school where they see Kai waiting.

"Hey there, gorgeous. Happy anniversary."

"You don't look to bad yourself." She kisses him, making Charles groan. "Happy anniversary to you too."

Kai offers his hand which she takes. "Thanks, son."

"You're welcome, dad. Be back by midnight."

"Yeah, yeah."

The couple finally leave and head to car, entering from the backseat. The driver takes them to their destination. Once they arrive, the couple exits the car and Clarissa tears up at the sight.

"Kai... It's beautiful."

"Like I've said before, you deserve everything."

"Remember when we first met?"

"...How could I forget?"


After another party, Lucifer gets into the elevator heading up to the penthouse. Upon arriving, he finds two crying babies and an unconscious Clarissa on the floor.

"Clary? Clary?!" He runs over to her and holds her in his arms. "Wake up!"

Maze soon arrives and becomes filled with worry once she sees Lucifer holding the unconscious Clarissa. "What the hell happened to her?!"

"Get the children!"

Maze gets Charles and Charlotte, trying to calm them down as Lucifer continues trying to wake Clarissa.

Suddenly, Clarissa finds herself back in front of the grocery store in Mystic Falls. "What's going on?" She hears a commotion from inside and heads inside. She shockingly finds Damon being stabbed by a young man who apparently can't stop talking. She walks up behind them since they don't see her. She taps the young man's shoulder. "Hey."

He turns around and is not just surprised to see another person there but amazed by her beauty. And before he can say anything, she knocks him out.

She removes the knife from Damon's hand then looks back at the young man and sighs. "He's kinda cute but talks way too much."

"...Clary?" She looks up to see Bonnie standing before her. "How are you here? You can't be..."

"Dead? I'm not. One thing I'm taking care of the twins, next I'm here all of a sudden. How am I here? I believe that my soul was summoned here. So I possibly won't be here long once my dad or Maze finds my body. Now, come here." She tears up as she brings Bonnie and Damon into a hug. "I've missed you both."

Later at the Salvatore home, Kai regains consciousness and realizes he's tied to a chair. 

Damon crouches down in front of him. "You're awake. Good. Now for the Q&A portion of the evening."

"Let me guess. I answer right, I get a pork rind. I answer wrong, I get the poker."

Clarissa walks up and stands next to Damon. "The pork rinds are mine. You just get the poker."

"May I say that you are the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on. I don't believe that I made a very good first impression. My name's Kai Parker, I didn't mean to stab your friend in front of you-"

"Yes you did!" Damon glares at him and the girls roll their eyes.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted! I might lack manners but my parents didn't care much to teach me about proper etiquette-"

"...Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?"

"One too many times."

Clarissa nods and hears someone calling her. "...Dad?"

"Sweetheart, come on! Princess, you have to come back to us!"

Damon gives her a confused look. "Clary, I don't hear anyone."

"...Looks like it's time to go back. Now before I go. Kai, two questions. First, what is this place?"

"A prison world. The 1994 prison world."

"Prison world? Hmm... Second question." Her eyes glow red. "What do you truly desire?"

After receiving her answer, she awakens back in the real world with her father hugging her tightly. She also sees the worried look on Maze's face.

"I'm okay, dad."

"What happened?"


As she explains what happened, she thinks of Kai and his greatest desire... Love.

End of Flashback

"Thinking back to that, who would have thought we end up together?"

"Damon did. He was always interfering with our flirting."

"No, you were flirting. I was deciding whether or not to stick you with the fire poker or letting my dad bite your head off."

"...Guess it was a good thing that he liked me."

After their romantic dinner, they take a walk out in the town. Unfortunately, they run into a certain hybrid.

"Well, well. If it isn't Mystic Falls favorite couple?"

"Do you mind? My wife and I are celebrating our anniversary and we appreciate it if you make like a puppy and scram."

"Anniversary... Wedding anniversary, perhaps?"

"No. When we first met. January 5th, 2012."

"You know, Clarissa. There's something that I just don't understand. How did your standards fall so low after me?"

Next thing he knows, he is slapped by her.

"You have no right to talk to me that way! You think that you're better than Kai?! You're not! You don't even know him!"

"So Malachai Parker didn't murder his siblings in cold blood?"

"...You are such a hypocrite. For someone who has daggered his siblings multiple times for centuries because they either got in your way or didn't do what you wanted. Don't talk about things you don't even know, Niklaus." Clarissa snarls at him.

The couple leaves Klaus standing there as he fumes with anger. When he finally returns home, he sees Hope waiting for him in the living room.

"Dad! Charles and Charlotte invited me to their seventeenth birthday party!"

He calms down a bit seeing how happy his daughter is and smiles. "That's nice, sweetheart. When is it?"

"February 18th."

"Wait, what?"

Today is January 5th, Clarissa and Kai's anniversary of the when they first met. And the twins turning seventeen meaning they were born in 2011. Also why Charles reminds him so much of himself... "Could they be...?"

2K reads? SERIOUSLY?!

Uh oh! I guess Klaus might know! And I had Kai's greatest desire be love because you know his backstory, so it makes sense.

Just wondering, do you all think the twins should give Hope a chance as a sibling or only associate with her when they have to? I mean they are being nice but the thing is, they want nothing to do with Klaus and none of the drama that comes with the Mikaelsons, which is understandable. To them, Kai is and will always be their father.

Also the timeline will be a bit different as well but I'll explain that another time!

Also the first flashback of the Lucifer tv series will be coming!

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