The Princess of Darkness (Part I)

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I've said this on Ariel Forbes story but please stop posting update comments because they're getting kinda of annoying and it's putting pressure on me. I want to give the best chapter as possible. If you were to say "Can't wait for the next update" then that's fine. I have no issue with this comments. But the constantly telling me to update and some of you post please update as soon as a posted a new chapter. Like I just posted the chapter. I get it, you love my stories and I appreciate it. Sometimes it might take longer because of changes I may have to make. I work extremely hard on every chapter and I'm doing my best to get it out to you all.

Clarissa's outfit above is what she's wearing in the past during the case!

Upon arriving home, Clarissa sees a familiar car sitting in the driveway and rushes inside. Kai chuckles at her antics.

"Uncle Amy!" Clarissa shouts as she rushes towards him and jumps in Amenadiel's arms.

He catches her and spins around, both of the laughing. "Here's my favorite niece!"

She giggles after he puts her down. "Technically I'm your only niece. Lottie, Mattie and Lee are your great-nieces. But I missed you!"

"I missed you too."

"What about me?"

"Ana! Come here!" She says, bringing Anastasia into a hug.

"Glad to be back. Missed you, auntie Clary."

"Missed you too, sweetie."

"What about me?" Kai asks as he wraps his arm around Clarissa's waist.

"I saw you just a couple days ago, did you forget? And no I didn't miss you."

"Ouch, must you always be so brutal?"

"Uh, did you forget whose she's related too?"

"Yeah... Mazie the torturer and Ken the temper tantrum."

"...I really think you should run."

Kai quickly kisses Clarissa's cheek. "I'll see you back in our room later, babe! Have to run for my life!" He rushes away.

"Come back here!" Anastasia chases after him.

Clarissa sighs. "Those two never change, do they?"

Amenadiel chuckles. "...How are you doing? Luci told me about the Mikaelsons returning."

"I'm fine. Not really worried about them. I have Kai. My kids. Kendra and Anastasia. Dad and you. Alaric, Ariel, Kol, Finn, Enzo and Caroline. Trixie and mom. And everyone else. I have so many friends and family who all support me and I'm thankful for that. Niklaus betrayed me so many times. Elijah and Rebekah walked out of my life without a word because they didn't know how to face me. I'm happy with my life now, I don't need them anymore. Even Charlotte and Charles don't need them."

"...Eleanor would be proud of you. She raised you right."

She chuckles. "Wonder what I would have turned out like if dad raised me instead of mom?"

"Oh my... Don't put that idea into my head, you possibly could have become a mini version of him. Having one is bad enough, another one?"

She giggles. "Not my fault that Mattie became a mini devil. I can't control her personality genes."

"Clarissa. You're Lucifer's daughter... In some ways, you do take a bit after him."

"...That's true." Both of them laugh. "Dad always said ever since I was born, that I've got the devil in my eyes."

"That's Lucy for you."

"Where is my dad, anyway?"

"He went to go tuck Kailee in. Knowing her, she'll try to get a story."

"Well, I'm going to check on them. It's good to see you. Good night."

"Good night, sweetheart. See you tomorrow morning."

"Oh by the way, sorry about the prank that Mattie, Kal and Lee pulled on you."

"Don't worry, I'll get them back."

She chuckles. "My lips are sealed."

She hugs him once more and heads upstairs to Kailee's room. About to knock, she stops when she hears what Kailee asks Lucifer.

"Grandpa, will you tell me how you met grandma Chloe?"

"Oh, you haven't heard that story yet? Well, if you're going to hear about that "

"Wait!" Kailee reaches under her bed and pulls out a bag of candy. "My secret stash. No one knows, not even mommy or daddy so you can't tell them."

"I promise that these lips are sealed. This is why you're my favorite grandchild, don't tell the others though." He says getting lollipops for the both of them.

"These lips are sealed."

"Now get comfortable. This is actually one of my favorite memories. How the devil and his princess' story began..."

In the beginning...

The angel Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and commended to rule Hell for all eternity. However he managed to sneak out of Hell for a short time and met Eleanor Forbes, leading to the birth of Clarissa Forbes.

If her existence was ever revealed, the demons would possibly force her to one day replace Lucifer as their new ruler. In order to keep her safe and identity a secret, Lucifer would appear very few times throughout her life.

Until one day, the spirit of his former lover and best friend came to see him one last time. Devastated by Eleanor's death, he went to go see his daughter and learned of her pregnancy. That's when he decided that he and his daughter should take a vacation...


Lucifer gets pulled over for speeding. Once he pulls over, he adjusts his mirror to see the officer approaching.

"Hey, cut the music!" 

He turns the volume down. "Sorry!"

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Obviously you felt the need to exercise your limited power and punish me for ignoring the speed limit. It's okay. I understand." He chuckles. "I like to punish people too... Or at least I used too."

"License and registration."

He sighs. "Coming right up." He instead pulls money out of his wallet.

"Are you trying to bribe me, sir?"

"Yes, of course." He offers the money but the officer does not take it. "Why, is that not enough? Here take more, it's only money."

"It's against the law, sir."

He chuckles. " You people are funny about your laws."

"Let me handle this, dad."

Lucifer looks at Clarissa who has been sitting in the passenger's seat, playing on her phone.

"Alright, sweetheart. Have at it."



"Officer Diggs. Tell me. Have you ever broken the law?" The officer nods. "Oh you have!"

"Do tell."

"Sometimes...I'll pull a woman over for a minor infraction and get her to flash me a little something. Sometimes I let her off with a warning, sometimes I don't. Sometimes other stuff happens."

"Oh... So your deepest desires are that of a dirty dog. Daddy, he's made me angry."

"You shouldn't have done that, sir. I don't like it when someone upsets my daughter.

In the rearview mirror, a glimpse of Lucifer's true face appears.

A while later, Lucifer pulls up at Lux. The father-daughter duo get out of the car and head inside the club.


"Hey, baby Luci. Your demon spawns caused a bit of a ruckus today."

"Do you have to call them that?"

"Sweetheart, she called you the same thing when you were a baby."

"I wasn't that bad!"

"Lucifer, what happened when Clary was six months?"

"Eleanor got in contact with me when Clary just disappeared all of a sudden. So on my way there, I see a flying baby just giggling without a care in the world. That was the day when you got your wings for the first time. Do you know how hard it was to baby proof a house for a flying baby?"

"...Okay, mom may have told me about that."

"And when she was nine months?"

"Ooh, one of my favorite memories! You experiencing the "no" word for the first time. You got really angry and punched through the wall."

"Okay, okay! I get it! I gotta go see my babies!"

Maze chuckles. "Later, demon spawn!"

After Clarissa leaves, everyone goes slow motion except Lucifer and Maze. Someone with majestic wings is in the crowd, walking towards Lucifer.

"Amenadiel! Been a while hasn't it, brother?"

"Lucifer, your return to the underworld has been requested."

"Oh, okay, let me check my calendar. Yep here it is. The seventh of never through the fifteenth of ain't gonna happen? How's that work for you guys?" Amenadiel just stares at Lucifer. "I'm consistently surprised by the whole no sense of humor thing. Look, remind dad that I quit Hell because I was sick and tired of playing a part in his play. I believe in free will, not that tyranny of all his predestination hoo-ha."

"...Would you rather Clarissa take your place?"

"What did you just say to me?"

"Lucifer! What do you think happens when the devil leaves Hell? All those demons, those tormented souls...where do they go?"

"Don't know, don't care."

"You will care if they find about Clarissa and force her to take your throne. I wouldn't even be surprised if they chose one of your grandchildren!"

"...You've overstayed your welcome..." Lucifer glares at Amenadiel. "Tell father that I'm not going back. And to keep my daughter and grandchildren out of it."

"You know... Eleanor was truly an astonishing woman and I allowed her the chance to say her goodbyes to you before I took her to Heaven. She believed that you would always do right by that girl. So do the right thing."

"...The right thing is to be with my daughter and my grandchildren. I am needed here. Are you forgetting what Clarissa went through? And consider the position officially open. So you, my feathered friend can go to hell."

Clarissa and Kai's Los Angeles Home

Clarissa returns home and hears romatic music playing. She goes to the living and sees Kai middle it, gazing lovingly at her. She smiles and walks towards him and he offers his hand.

"Dance with me?"

She takes his hand. "Always."

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?"

"Every day, every time you see me or call."

"Well, you're beautiful. I'm the luckiest man in the world."

"So what did the kids do today? Maze said that they caused a ruckus?"

"The twins were well-behaved but... Mattie may have managed to get ahold of one of Maze's knives and when Maze took it back, Mattie got angry and threw her out the window. And Kal managed to fly up to the roof."

"Oh my..."

"I truly understand how your mother felt when having to deal with you. I could see it now. Dad told me all your embarrassing baby stories."

She smacks his arm. "Hey! And you've already got permission to call him dad? We're not married yet."

"But we will be soon. And your dad loves me." He sighs. "Remember when you introduced me to him and I offered him a joint? Good times."

"I recall walking into my dad's penthouse to see the both of you smoking a joint. Then my dad told me that he likes you and for me to stop playing hard to get with my future husband... Still can't believe he gave his blessing for you to ask for my hand in marriage." 

"Look at me, how can anyone resist this?"

Before she can reply, her cell phone rings. The couple stops dancing so Clarissa can answer it.

"Hey dad. What's up?"

"...Sweetheart, it's about Delilah... She's dead."

The next day, Clarissa and Lucifer decide to interrupt a wedding.

"Speak now or forever hold your-"

"Excuse me!" The father-daughter duo come strolling down the aisle. "Yeah, I have a problem. Has-has anyone else noticed how incredibly jaw dropping, loin-stirringly beautiful this young woman is? And how short, sweaty and altogether fugly this homunculus is? What is this? A wedding or a kidnapping?" When they arrive at the altar, Clarissa holds back her laughter seeing the priest crossing himself and starts mumbling some prayers. "Good luck with that padre. While you're at it, tell him I say hey. It's been a while."

"Jimmy Barnes. Remember us?"

"Hey, this is a private event. How did you two get in here?"

"Yes, and quite lavish, be it tacky one for a record producer on the outs. Now as my daughter asked you, do you remember us?" 

"Of course I remember you two. Now what do you want? I'm a little busy."

"You have some nerve getting married the day after your ex-lover and brightest star gets murdered."

"Yeah, it's sad. But Delilah ruined my wedding once before. I wasn't going to let her do it again."

"Yes. It's hard to get rejected, isn't it, Jimmy? Twice." He chuckles. "Well, you tried to get her back recently. I mean, I'd kill someone if they denied me once. Not that's possible. So, come on. What do you say, jimbo? Did you want her dead?"

"Look, stop looking at me that way, you fr-"

"Say whatever you want about me but watch how you speak of my daughter."

"Look, I was furious and humiliated when she dumped me, but I think I've rebounded pretty well." Jimmy glances at his bride.

"Clearly. Respect." When Lucifer smirks at the bride, Clarissa smacks his arm.

"You should go play those mind games with 2Vile."

"The rapper?"

"Yeah, Delilah dumped me for that lunatic. They were always fighting. He slapped her around a bunch. He's the real deal, man. He surrounds himself with gun-toting morons 24-7."

"...Right..." Lucifer turns to the bride. "Sorry, how rude. Allow me to introduce myself." He extends his hand and she takes it. "Lucifer Morningstar. And this is my daughter Clarissa Morningstar."

The bride stares at the two and feels the need to confess something...

"I really don't want to have sex with him tonight." Jimmy, the bride and the audience are shocked by what she just said. "Oh my... I'm sorry, I... I can't believe I just said that."

"Oh, no, no, no. Let's be honest here." Clarissa puts her hand on the bride's shoulder. "I mean you're not marrying this human stain cause you're actually in love with him, right?" 

"God no."

"No. Right. Well, we should get going dad."

Clarissa already takes her leave as Lucifer turns back to the couple.

"Best of luck to you crazy kids."

Lucifer and Clarissa arrive 2Vile's home. Lucifer rings the bell and the butler answers the door.

"Good afternoon, sir and madam."

"Yes, we're here to see the man sadly known as 2Vile. Is he in?"

"I'm sorry. He's unavailable. He's in mourning, I'm afraid."

"Right. I have narcotics for him."


"...Right this way."

They follow the butler into house and he leads them into the den. People are scattered and hip hop music is thumping. Clarissa covers her ears which Lucifer immediately notices.

"Can someone please turn down this godawful music?!" The DJ stops the music. "Thank you."

"Who is this clown? ...And the beauty?"

"He has narcotics for you, sir."

"My name is Lucifer Morningstar and the beauty you're talking about is Clarissa Morningstar, my daughter. So watch it."

2Vile raises his hands up in defense. "Alright... Morningstar? That's a good hip hop name."

"That offends me."

"What, you don't like hip hop?"

"No he likes it, he just hates your music. Now tell us about Delilah."

"Tell you what? Didn't see the news? Bitch is dead."

"Pause! So let me guess. Mommy threw him out a window?"

"What made you think that?"

"Everyone says mommy got her mean side from you, right grandpa? And one time when Mattie got angry with Leon, she set his hair on fire."

"...Fair enough."

This angers the two and Clarissa shoves 2Vile through a glass door, toppling over the balcony which could lead him to certain death. However, Lucifer is holding him up by his blinged-out chains. 2Vile's crew aims their guns at the father-daughter duo.

"First, if anyone attacks my daughter, I let go. Second, if my daughter says the word, I let go. Either way, you'll fall to your death. So give us the answers we need and I'll pull you back up, understand?"

"Don't shoot them, you idiots! Look, I didn't kill her!"

"Why should we believe you?"

"Because I loved the girl."

"People sometimes kill people with they're in love. The heart's mysterious." He glances at Clarissa. "So I'm told."

She shrugs. "You had to be there dad for the stuff that happened in Mystic Falls."

"Ain't like that! Girl made me crazy!"

"Women can do that. Doesn't mean you should beat them up."

"We worked that out a long time ago! I hit her once because I found out she was cheating on me."


"You can pull him back up." Lucifer lifts 2Vile back up to the balcony. "With whom?"

"I don't know. She wouldn't tell me, all right? Said it was a big secret. Some-some, uh, rich married guy."

"Well, does she have a friend that she might've confided in?"

"She didn't trust no one, man... Her therapist. She is the probably the only one who knows. Some Dr. Linda in Beverly Hills. Saw her like five times a week on the dl. Used a fake name and everything."

"Oh, did she now?" Lucifer pats his shoulder. "Well, thank you for your time."

"One more thing. Don't ever lay a hand on any woman ever again. Don't make me come back here."

Just as the two are about to make their leave, Chloe Decker makes her appearance. "LAPD! Guns down! On the floor, down! You two against the wall!"

"Detective, welcome to the party."

"Grab the bucket, collect the guns. Now!" Chloe orders the butler.

"You sly dog, you did listen to me."

"I ran the dead guy's cell phone. 2Vile was the last person he called."

"Come on, man!"

"What I find highly interesting is how you made the connection on your own."

"Well, "we've", gesturing to Clarissa, "been busy my dear."

"And you are?"

"Clarissa Morningstar, pleasure to meet you." Clarissa extends her hand for a handshake and Chloe takes it. 

"Morningstar? So you're..."

"His daughter."

"Ah, Chloe Decker." 

"If my dad has annoyed you in any type of way, I apologize. It's his personality. I'm lucky to have take more after my mother."


"I appreciate it."

Lucifer mutters to where only Clarissa can hear it. "You little devil." 

Clarissa holds back a smirk as Chloe turns to 2Vile. "Now tell me about Delilah."

"We've been over that one, detective."

"And why you called the shooter two days before she was murdered."

"Fine. Yeah, I called Eddie cause he hooks me up sometimes. He met Delilah through me. Whatever. Don't make me a killer, do it?"

"No, but it does make you a suspect."

"What, so everyone on Eddie's phone is a suspect? Are you joking? You're gonna drag half of Hollywood downtown. Be like the Oscars or something."

"Wait, aren't you that chick from that film?"

"Hmm, what's this? What film?"

"You used to be an actress or something, right?"

"Yeah... That teen movie... I forget what it's called."

"Of course. Hot Tub High School. That's where I know you from."

Clarissa rolls her eyes and facepalms. "Dad, please focus!"

"I agree. Let's stick to my questions, shall we? So-"

"The one with the famous nu-"

Clarissa covers Lucifer's mouth. "Dad. She is a cop and she has a gun. I suggest you stop talking."

"Thank you. 2Vile, we need to talk."

Clarissa's cell rings so removes her hand from Lucifer's mouth to see Kai calling her. "I'll be right back, it's Kai."

Clarissa heads outside and answers her cell. "Hey, honey."

"Hi, babe. How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing fine... I just miss her."

"I know."

"I think we're close to finding Delilah's killer and the detective on the case doesn't seem to like my dad."

"She wouldn't be the first would she? Wonder what he did?"

"Nope but I'm going to find out..." She sees Chloe leading her dad to car while he's in handcuffs. "Umm, honey, I'm going to have to call you back. My dad's in handcuffs again!"

"Wait, what-"

 She hangs up and rushes towards the two.

Sorry about the cliffhanger! I decided to split it into two parts because it would have been too long. I wanted to get Trixie there for the first part but it was taking too long and I kept you all waiting long enough. So next part I'll try to get it out soon! 

So how am I doing with adding Clarissa into the Lucifer tv show? And how do you like her relationship with Lucifer?

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