Family Time

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"Mom? As much as I enjoy our mother-son bonding that at times include corndogs, how much longer are you going to stay mad at dad?" Charles asks before taking another bite of his corndog.

"It's only been four hours, he can suffer a bit." Clarissa grumbles. "He accused me of cheating on him!"

"So Lottie, Ellie and you didn't fly to Romania and have all the chocolate cakes they had?"

"Look it was mother-daughter bonding time, okay? You all know that Lottie and I have our chocolate cake obsession. Trixie wasn't able to go so it was the perfect opportunity to bring Ellie and show her other parts of the world! But your father accused me of cheating on him with the Amandine cake which I didn't have! I only ate the Joffre cake! I was completely faithful!" Clarissa whines.

"Mommy, eat your corndogs. Calm down, okay?" Kailee rubs her mother's stomach. "Charlie! I understand mommy's frustrations! Daddy got mad at me for growing an inch! He can suffer a bit longer!"

"Lee, you know how dad is about us growing up too fast. He literally cried the day I started growing facial hair. And mom? You and dad have such the weirdest relationship."

"What other couple are you going to find like us, huh?" Charles rolls his eyes at his mother's question. Clarissa glances outside and chuckles. "Uh oh, who pissed our Mini Devil off?"

Charles and Kaliee look outside the grill to see Mattie pulling off a tire of someone's car.

"Mattie, for devil's sake!" Charles grabs another corndog before leaving the grill.

"But mommy, you and grandpa did that once."

"Yeah for good reason though. Grandpa was trying to catch someone and when I did it, it was to save your Grandma Chloe."

"That bitch! What is she doing to my car?!" A young man yells while stomping his way over to the entrance.

"Sweetie, cover your ears."

"Okay, mommy."

Clarissa immediately stands up and quickly gets there before he does, blocking the young man from leaving.

"Uh, could you move-"

"Could you talk more politely? I'm older than you, dear." She crosses her arms and glares at the young man. "Now what's the problem you have with my daughter?"

"You're that bitch's mother?" He asks as he checks her out. "You look a little young to be her-"

"I'm too old for you and I know I have my charms and all but...the fact that you can see that I'm nine months pregnant and still have the audacity to be checking me out? And if you insult my daughter one more time, I will rip out your spine and beat you up with it." She snaps at him. "Now explain what the issue is."

He clears his throat and tries not to look frightened by her threat, then proceeds to explain what had happened.

"So you mean to tell me that you were hitting on my daughter, she told you off by telling you her number was 666 and then you insult her?" He nods. "Okay..." She goes to open the door and peak her head out. "Mini Devil? You do what you gotta do."

"Thank you, mother." Mattie says with a grin.

Charles shakes his head and facepalms.

"Are you kidding me?! What the fu-"

"Watch your tone with me. Now what is your name?"


"How old are you? You look like you're in your late teens, maybe early twenties."

"I'm twenty..."

"Okay, then you're old enough to know better and show women some bloody respect. So to settle the issue..." She takes a step forward and places her hands on his shoulders. "What do you truly desire?"

"I... I..."

"Yes? Tell me."

"I've... I've always wanted to run around the town naked."

"Then go do that." She tells him with a devilish smirk. "And after you get arrested, you think long and hard about what happened today. Remember to have some manners and don't ever piss off a pregnant woman. Do you understand?" He nods. "Good. Now go fulfill your greatest desire. But wait until after you a far distant from the grill. My children don't need to see what you have down there. Go on."

After he leaves, Kailee finally uncovers her ears and looks up at her mother.

"You taught him a lesson about learning some manners, didn't you?" 

"You know me so well." Clarissa lightly pinches her daughter's cheek.

"Well, I am mini you after all!" Kailee giggles.

"Uncle Kai, are you still moping? What was in that envelope?" Lizzie asks while poking his cheek. "Are you going to just keep lying on the floor like this? You're making a mess." She still doesn't get a response and sighs.

"Grandma Chloe!" Amoriel runs up and hugs her.

"Hi, Delly!" Chloe crouches down to properly hug her and her eyes widened by the sight over Amoriel's shoulder. "Uh... What's going on?"

Lucifer comes in behind Chloe and has a shocked look on his face. "Bloody hell! What happened to my son?!"

Kai is lying on the floor while covered in powdered sugar, chocolate syrup and feathers. Kaleb, Charlotte, Josie and Lizzie stand nearby him.

"Kal pulled another one of his pranks earlier. Let's just say that he set a trap that dad stepped into that ended up hanging upside down and getting covered in all this... But Kal, did you really have to do all this? I already gave him a stern talking to and spray him with the water hose this morning."

"Yes! You and Charlie are way more mature than the rest of us."

"What is with this family?" Chloe mumbles as she rolls her eyes.

"Dad, do understand why this happened?" Kaleb asks and receives a nods. "Good... I hope you learned your lesson. Just to let you know Mattie and Lee planned this prank and I carried out the execution in their stead... I had to spare them from that pain." He lets out a deep sigh. "I want you to know that it hurt me to do this to you but this was for mom... I hope no love is lost between us."

"No love lost between us, mini me. No love lost." Kai says sitting up and patting Kaleb's shoulder. "If anything, I'm proud of you, son."

"Thanks, dad... Why am I leaking?" Kaleb cries and Kai pulls him into a hug.

While having the fatherly-son moment, Charlotte and the Saltzman twins watch them while shaking their heads. Lucifer and Amoriel have amused expressions and Chloe just looks done with the situation.

"What did Uncle Kai do to deserve this treatment?" Josie asks.

"He accused mom of cheating on him with the Amandine cake while we were in Romania." Charlotte tells her.

"...Why is my husband decorated in sugar, chocolate syrup and feathers?"

Everyone looks to see Clarissa, Mattie, Charles and Kailee standing in the doorway to the living room.

Looks like our prank worked out perfectly." Mattie says with a smirk.

"Babe!" Kai vamp speeds over to her and holds her hands in his. "I'm so sorry! I'll never accuse you of cheating me with any type of chocolate cake unless I catch you in the act!"


"I'll buy or make you whatever chocolate cake your heart desires!"


"I love you so much, you know that don't-" Kai's is cut off as Clarissa covers his mouth with her hand.

"Kai... I love you too but can you please shut up so that I can talk?" He nods. "Thank you. Now give me the envelope. As soon as I got home, Lizzie said you've been pouting about it ever since you looked at it."

Kai glares at Lizzie and shakes his head at Clarissa's demand.

"Honey, you know I love you but I will forbid you from pork rinds for a week if you don't hand it over."

He hands her the envelope and when she goes to take it, he continues holding onto it.

"Kai, give it to me." She pulls it once more but he still refuses to let go. "Are you serious? Kai, you're being such a child!" She tells him as she continues pulling it finally getting it out of his grasp. "I swear I married the second most childish man in this universe!"

"Whose the first?" Amoriel asks.

"It's grandpa." Kailee whispers.

Clarissa opens the envelope revealing a Mikaelson Ball invitation.

"For devil's sake..." Charlotte groans.

"...Yep, he's up to something..." Clarissa shrugs. "Okay. Now kids, why did you prank your father?"

"Wait, just "okay"?! Charlotte asks.

"It's nothing to worry about. He wants to go back to his usual plotting, so I'll play along." Clarissa grins as her her eyes glow red briefly. "So you guys going to tell me about this prank?"

"Dad was wrong so we punished him."

"That was Kal, Mattie and Lee's doing. I sprayed him with a water hose this morning." Charlotte says, making Charles roll his eyes.

Charles crouches down next to Amoriel. "Guess we're the only mature siblings in this family." He whispers, making her giggle.

Lucifer chuckles. "See what your mother and I always had to deal with? You were always extra protective of your mother when I wasn't around. Your mother told me how you were so tempted to throw the dumb brother off a roof because he flirted with her so instead you stabbed him in his hand."

"Hey, I couldn't do that because I had to hide my powers remember? Besides, you were the one who did throw him off a roof after we revealed our identities!" 

"Little brother, you know you got a little..." Charlotte gestures to mess on his shirt and pants.

"Damn, he got back at me." Kaleb mutters. "I'm gonna go clean up."

"Dad, you get cleaned up too. Grandma, how about you and mother take a walk? Grandpa, you stay with us." Mattie begins pushing her mother and grandmother out the door then shutting it.

"What are you up to?" Charlotte asks.

"Helping our lovely parents make up." Mattie answers with a smirk. 

"Do you really intend on going to that ball? You know he's trying to stir up old feelings." Chloe says.

"I know and I'll gladly play along... He's been too quiet these past few months, so I know that he's plotting."

"And you're just going to go along with it?"

"Yep..." Clarissa sighs. "I'm craving another corndog again."

"Of course you are. I still remember you were eating them even at crimes scenes... Can't believe you got pregnant again." Chloe says while rubbing her daughter's stomach. "I honestly thought Kailee would be the last one but then you guys adopted Amoriel."

"...It was a promise." Clarissa whispers.

"What was that?"


The mother-daughter duo return home and their eyes widened by the unexpected sight...

"What the bloody hell happened here?!"

Food thrown everywhere, broken chairs, glass and plates. Lucifer, the siblings and the Saltzman twins point their fingers at Mattie.

"She started it!" They all shout, making Mattie's jaw drop.

"No! Charlie started it when he threw taco sauce at me!"

"I wouldn't had done that had you not started that argument on who is the best uncle! Kol or Enzo!"

"Lucifer! Why didn't you stop them?! You're the adult! Why do you have to be such a bad influence?!" Chloe points an accusing finger at him.

"I beg your pardon, I'm a good bad influence. Second, I did try to step in but I almost got flour thrown on five-hundred dollar suit here!"

Clarissa and Chloe facepalm.

Kailee grabs Amoriel's hand and rushes over to their mother. "Just to let you know, Ellie and me are just innocent bystanders! We played no part in this!"

"I believe you both. You two have always been our most well-behaved children." Clarissa says.

"WHAT?!" The older siblings yell.

"Hey, I'm all-" Kai comes from upstairs and his jaw drops. "Oh... So this is what you all were doing... I thought you guys were just playing Fall Guys..."

Clarissa facepalms once more as Chloe rolls her eyes.

"So you all wanted us to leave just so you could trash the house with your grandfather's help?" Chloe asks while sending a glare Lucifer's way.

"No. That was not the reason, this was just a spur of the moment." Mattie heads over to the piano and sits on the bench. Kailee joins her. "Mom, are you still mad at dad?"


"What?! I thought we were past that!"

"No, we aren't! Don't you know what I am by now? I'm a devil so you can suffer a bit longer!"

"Baby, I told you I was sorry!" Kai whines.

"Son, stop. You're making yourself look pathetic." Lucifer whispers.

"Did you forget that time I caught you in a supply closet cheating on me with a hot chocolate layer cake. You ate the whole thing! And it was on Valentine's day!"

"Children, cover your ears. That was different! I was pregnant with Kailee back then and technically I didn't hide it because you caught me in the act! How would you feel if I accused you of cheating on me with epic pork rinds, huh?! I got accused of doing something that I didn't do so me being mad at you for maybe twenty-four hours, maybe more, is your punishment!"

"If you're going to give me a punishment, at least give me something I can enjoy!"

"Whoa, whoa! Okay, okay!" Charles grabs both his parents hands and leads them over to the piano. "This is what we were planning to do. We were trying to make you guys a romantic dinner but Kaleb kept eating the meatballs and Mattie nearly stabbed him with a fork. Grandpa and Lottie burned the soufflé because they kept arguing about the world's greatest chef is. Lizzie and Josie were just watching everything happen while eating junk food... Then this mess had happened. So now, we have to settle for this. My sisters, go ahead and start." Charlie says before taking his place next to Charlotte.

"Ready, Lee?"

"Ready, Mattie!"

Kai gives Clarissa a smirk. "They're playing our song... Dance with me."

"...I don't get a say?"

"Nope." Kai answers as she grabs her hand and gently pulls her closer to him. The couple slowly swaying to the music.

"Fine... But after this dance is over, you deal with your kids."

"Oh, so when they cause so much mayhem that's when they become my kids."

"Yes, you know how this works."

He sighs. "I truly understand how your parents felt having to deal with you..." He says making her giggle. "I love you."

"I love you too."

There's something I never told Clary... I never told anyone...

She always thought it was because of the big guy that we were always destined to meet. That may be part of the reason but... It was different for me.

It was all because of "her" that I would find my future happiness. My reason to live.



"My water just broke."

We're finally here! The newest addition is about to arrive! Oh, I've been waiting to get to this part!

You all don't know how hard it was trying to figure out a prank for Kai. I was considering gluing him to the floor or ceiling but then I decided to save that for someone else...😏 But the devil nest always protecting their mama.

So someone requested a family prank oneshot and I decided to add it in the main story instead. Hope you all enjoyed because this was a tough chapter to write! A lot of madness was going on!😂

ParkStar has such the weirdest relationship, don't they? But I still love them!😂

And you read Kai's thoughts... What do you think he means?

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