Welcome to the Family!

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"Mattie! Open the door! I know that Annie and you are in there!" Leon shouts while banging on the door.

The door is soon opened and he is faced with an irritated Mattie.

"What the bloody hell do you want?!

"How can you make out with your girlfriend at a time like this?"

"Well, what do you want me to do?! Dad didn't want us to go to the hospital with him because mom tends to get very violent when she gives birth. It's not a pretty sight and thought it be best for us to stay home... The very thought of my mother being in so much pain and the only things to calm me down are either tacos or my girlfriend's kisses. The latter just happened to show up. And what are you doing in my house anyway? Lottie isn't here."

"Annie texted me."

Mattie looks back at her girlfriend with a frown. "I was trying to talk to you but you jumped me as soon as I got here!" Annie explains while walking over to the two.

"Come on." Leon grabs both girls hands. "Everyone at school is working on the welcoming party. So we're help your siblings with cleaning the house up with the mess you all made. Also do not prank anyone, especially me!" Leon tells Mattie while leading them downstairs.

"Fine... I hate you." Mattie groans.

"Love you too."

"I wonder how auntie and uncle are doing..." Annie mumbles.

While at the hospital, Lucifer is blocking Chloe from going inside Clarissa's room.

"Chloe, it's really best that you wait out here."

She narrows her eyes at him. "Do you not hear her screams?!"

"Of course I bloody do but it will not be a pretty sight! Trust me, I'm doing this in your best-"


A sickening crack echoes throughout the room and Kai drops to his knees groaning in pain. Lucifer and Chloe rush into the room with shocked expressions.

"Clarissa Adelaide Forbes-Parker! Did you just break his other hand?!" Lucifer yells while helping Kai off the floor.


Chloe rushes over to Clarissa's other side and grabs the cold rag. "It's alright. It's alright." She soothes her daughter while patting her forehead with the cloth. "Lucifer, you never told me the births were like this!"

"I tried to warn you! This is what the first birth was like! Now how are you doing, son?"

"I'm good, dad... Could you just put my hands back in place?"

Lucifer nods and as he helps his son-in-law, Kendra comes into the room.

"Ready to give birth, cuz?"

"LET ME PUSH OR GIVE ME DRUGS!" Clarissa screams causing everyone in the hospital to hear... Possibly all of Mystic Falls...

"Did you guys hear something?" Josie asks her twin and father.

"It sounded woman on a warpath." Lizzie mutters.

"No... That was the sound of your Aunt Clarissa giving birth." Alaric explains to the girls who eyes widened.


"Umm, big brother what was that scream?" Kailee asks as she tugs on Kaleb's shirt.

"Uh... Nothing to worry about, Lee. Come on, let's go help with the chocolate cake." He says before grabbing her hand and heading to the kitchen.

While fixing the broken chairs, Charles notices Leon staring at Charlotte who is helping Annie putting up decorations.

"Having fun admiring my twin?" Charles teases.

"What if I am?" They both chuckle. "...Hey, I hope I'm not sounding too weird or anything but... Have you ever thought about what you would name your future kids?"

"What brought this on? Because of the newest addition?"

"Yeah. You lucky to have so many siblings, I grew up as an only child."

"You know that you're part of this family too, right? I've already declared you as my brother even though you and my twin aren't married yet." The two smile at each other. "And I have... Well, I only decided what name I would want for a daughter."

"Which is...?"

"Not telling!" Charles chuckles. "It's a surprise. What about you? You and my twin ever talk about your future kids?"

"Yeah. She wants two kids, a girl and a boy." Leon sighs. "Kinda wonder what we'll all be like once we're adults. Have jobs and become parents ourselves."

"Pretty sure we'll be fine. I would say we all turned out pretty okay, didn't we?" Charles smirks.

"...Yeah... Yeah, we did." Leon smiles.

After pulling up in the driveway, Kai turns to Clarissa and caresses her cheek softly.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm okay... Sorry for breaking both your hands." She gives him a tired smile.

"Hey, anything to help lessen the pain." He smiles back as he strokes her cheek with his thumb. "Are you sure . We could

"Yeah... Just wanted to get back home to our beautiful babies."

He chuckles. "Knowing them, they're probably making a chocolate cake for their gorgeous mother."

Lucifer and Chloe get of his car and head over to Clarissa's side, opening the door.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you all inside." He says while helping her out of Kai's car. "Let's hope the children got everything cleaned up and didn't create another mess."

"We'll see."

Charles and Leon look out the window to see the adults have returned and the two give each otherthe biggest grins.

"Guys, they're back!" Leon tells the siblings.

"What?! Wait! Kal, make sure it doesn't fall or I'll bite your head off!" Mattie shouts as she along with Kailee and Amoriel join everyone else.

"Doesn't fall? What are the world are you guys doing? I thought you were making a chocolate cake?" Leon asks.


The adults enter the house and smile seeing the decorations put up 

"Aww, you kids worked on a welcoming party? See who they got their kindness from?" Kai smiles until he notices his wife's glare. "I'm joking! They clearly got it from you, babe!"

"LET US SEE!" Mattie shouts as she pushes Charles and Leon out of the way.

"Oh my devil, I'm a big sister!" Kailee squeals.

Mattie pushes Kaleb and Charles out of the way with Kailee right behind her, hurrying over to their parents and looking at the newest additions to the family...

"Guess some people are a little too excited." Kai teases. "Kaleb, get in here! What are you doing, son?!"

"Coming, dad!" Kaleb vamp speeds into the living room and smiles seeing the the babies.

"They're so precious..." Mattie's eyes begin to glisten with tears.

"Can I hold him, mommy?"

"Of course, sweetie. But let's go to the living room first so you can learn how to hold him properly, okay?"

After getting getting comfortable in the living room, Clarissa gently passes Legacy over to Kailee.  Once in her arms, he gives her a smile.

"Oh, he smiled at me! He likes me! Hi. I'm your favorite big sister, Kailee Vanessa Parker. Nice to meet you!"

"Look at her. Already taking claim of the favorite sibling." Kaleb whispers, earning a laugh from the others.

"Wanna hold this little one, Mattie?" Kai asks.

Mattie nods and carefully takes the other baby into her arms. While looking at her, his eyes flash red for a second. "Ah, I see the devil in those eyes. We're gonna have to be careful with this one."

"Yeah, just like you and Lee." Charles comments.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Kailee giggles.

"Alright. Are you guys ready to reveal the names you've chosen for your twin brothers?" Lucifer asks.

They all look at each other and nod. The rest of the siblings go to stand next Mattie and Kailee to look at the newest additions of the family.

"The angel that Kailee is holding? Legacy Apollo Parker." Charlotte says. 

"And the devil that Mattie is holding? Royal Ares Parker." Charles says.

"...Legacy and Royal?" Lucifer smiles. "Excellent names. You've all chosen quite well."

"But one being called an angel and one being called a devil, huh? Guess these twins will be a force to reckon with." Kaleb says. "By the way Mattie, you look like mother material." Kaleb smirks earning a smack on the arm from Annie. 

"Please, you know how much I detest children." Mattie says earning pouts from Kailee and Amoriel. "Except you two... Hey Ellie, come here." As Amoriel goes to sit next to Mattie, Royal is placed carefully in her arms. "You're a big sister now."

"Hey, where did Clary go?" Kai asks noticing Clarissa no longer beside him.

"...She probably went into the kitchen, dad." Kaleb answers.

Kai frowns until he notices a familiar smell. He playfully rolls his eyes and heads to the kitchen.

"Lottie, my arms are getting tired." Kailee whines.

Charlotte giggles taking Legacy from her arms. Leon smiles at the sight of his girlfriend holding her baby brother, making him think of their future. He earns a slight nudge from Charles and they both let out a low chuckle.

Kai walks into the kitchen to find Clarissa with a chocolate cake tower.

"Really?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I... I... It was calling my name." She defends herself.

He sighs and walks over to her, eating the chocolate cake from her fork.

"Hey, that was mine!" She whines while stomping her foot.

He laughs. "I know... Thank you, babe."

"For what?"

"...For giving me love. A family. And for showing me what a home is like."

She smiles and gives him a kiss. "I love you."

"Right back at cha." He grins.

"By the way, when are you going to scold the kids about the mess they made yesterday?"

"...I can't do that. I can't. I can't scold them! I can't! Why? Because it would be a lie! And the reason you want me to do it is because you can't do it yourself! You would be lying and you never lie. I saw right through your trick, baby." He tells her before planting another kiss on her.

Lucifer and Chloe join them, witnessing their make out causing Lucifer to cover Chloe's eyes.

"Can you two control yourselves for one day?" Lucifer asks as Chloe pushes his hand away.

"Impossible." The couple tells him.

"Clary, are you sure about going to that ball? Klaus is likely trying to get another shot with you." Chloe says.

"It's not like he has a chance anyway! When my woman and I make our arrival, we'll be the couple that everyone can't keep their eyes off of. Klaus who?" Kai grins as he wraps his around Clarissa's waist.

"Allow me to join as well. I also want to see what kind of surprise he gives." Lucifer says with a grin.

"See, mom? I have these two halfwits to keep me company." Clarissa giggles.


Chloe playfully rolls her eyes. "Look as much as I also dislike Clary's past love, you two will not create a scene at that event. Agreed?" Chloe asks glancing between Lucifer and Kai. "Because I just feel that you one of you or both would walk in with some kind of insult."

"Clo-Clo... What do you take us for?" Kai acts hurt as he places a hand over his heart.

"With your Kai-ness and Lucifer-ness, what do you think?" Chloe asks while doing hand gestures. "I know that I don't need to worry about Clary. She's well more behaved than you two."

"Chloe... We would never do that." Lucifer says.

A couple days later...

"Good evening, everyone! Klaus Mikaelson, the old leftovers! What will surprise us with today, you bloody puppy?!" Lucifer shouts as he walk into the Mikaelson mansion with Clarissa and Kai right behind him.

"That was fun... Babe? You didn't do your thing, you know? The facepalm."

"Oh yeah... I made an exception." Clarissa giggles.

Little did they all know, what would happen at the Mikaelson Ball would change their lives forever...

"Miss? We're almost there."

A young woman wakes up in the cab and looks out the window to see them approaching Lux. She smiles and leans on the back of the front seat.

She sighs. "Home sweet home."

Shoutout to-XXDEACTIVATED for the names Royal and Legacy! And to Alizezul1 for the names Apollo and Ares! Thanks to everyone who submitted names and I will definitely go back to them for other future little devils! You all really didn't think they be the last ones, did you?😏Clarissa intends to keep her promise she made.

As much as I wanted to do pregnancy fluff, I couldn't! I felt if I had done so, I would accidently reveal that it was going to be twins. I did think about saving the twin brothers as the last addition to the ParkStar children but due to their relationship with Kailee and certain things that are going to happen very soon, thought it was best to do it now. And yes, they will be the last set of twins in the family... At one point I was almost going to make it triplets😂

And just who is this mystery woman at the end? Any guesses?🤔 You all will see her pop up a few times. Originally I was going to reveal her identity within a few chapters but things changed and it won't be revealed for a while. Let's see if any of you can figure it out though...

Anyone hyped for Lucifer Season 5B?! Finally glad we got a release date!

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