Mikaelson Ball

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Sorry for the long wait! Meant to post this last week but writer's block got in the way!

(Just imagine Kai and Clarissa! And just in case you miss it, Clarissa's gown is above!)

(By the way the gif of this show is What's With Secretary Kim? I love that show!)


Clarissa is at the grill, eating cheesy corndogs and fries as an older man comes up to her.

"Before you say anything, I'm seventeen and not interested. I am not in the mood because of some of my dumbass friends. So get lost, old geezer before you lose that very special friend of yours down there." She snaps at him.

"Come on! A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be by all by herself-" The man flirts and as he attempts to her knee, a hand grabs his wrist.

"She's not, so I suggest you leave like she asked you to, mate."

The two turn around to see Klaus Mikaelson in his real flesh.

"And how about you stay out of our business, pal- Ow!"

Klaus tightens his grip on the man's wrist and pulls him forward. "Apologize to the lady and don't you ever hit on another underage girl ever again. Hurry up before I rip your heart out of your chest." He compels him.

After the man does everything that he is ordered to do, Klaus takes a seat next to Clarissa.

"You really didn't need to step in, Klaus. I could have handled that myself."

"Was it my accent that gave it away?" He asks with an amused smile.

"More like why is the hottest guy here doing in a town like this?"

"Then why is the most gorgeous girl here doing in a town like this?"

"Smooth, buddy." She sighs and tilts her head in curiosity. "You're annoying."

"I helped you from a pervert and you think that I'm annoying?" Klaus asks after chuckling.

"One second." She takes another bite of her corndog.

"You truly enjoy corndogs, don't you? After I first met you while in your teacher's body, I had seen you eat at least five of them." Klaus says with an amused smile.

"One thing you should understand about me is that corndogs are my whole life on a stick. Now before we get off topic, what's your deal?"

"Whatever do you mean, love?"

"The moment you locked eyes with me, it's been getting on my nerves. So why aren't you looking at me with carnal infatuation?" She asks while picking up one of her fries.

"Should I be? You don't seem to be the type who jumps into bed with just anyone, especially after a first meeting." He says with an amused look.

"Answer the question." She gives him a glare.

"Well, I guess it's because I enjoy you. When we met before while I was in your teacher's body, yes I was attracted to your beauty but... I saw how full of light you are and there's more to you than that, isn't it? When looking into your eyes, it feels like I've met the devil." 

She stares at him for a moment and sighs. "You wanna know what I think? The way that you're looking at me is really bothering me, so stop it."

"And just exactly how am I looking at you?"

"...Like you adore me." She answers before finishing up her corndog and picking up another one.

End of Flashback

"Babe, you okay?" Kai asks as he places a hand on Clarissa's lower back.

She snaps out of her thoughts and smiles at him. "Mmhmm. Just being here brings back memories... Oh my devil! Is that Eric?!" She squeals before running over to a familiar face.

"Damn, thought I was rid of that guy! Why does he have to be here?!" Kai whines.

"I don't think I'm really surprised. Eric Northgard is one of the most phenomenal actors and still named one of the most sexiest men alive."

"Dad, you're keeping track of the guy?" Kai asks with a look of disbelief.

"Son, that man is one of the reasons why Blood Diaries became such a huge hit. I heard that he's supposedly going to be in the newest Godzilla movie."

"Eric!" She squeals as she runs into his arms.

"Darling, it's been too long!" He gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "My goodness, how is it possible that you've gotten even more gorgeous?"

"Still such a flirt, I see." She giggles.

"And you're still married, I see." He says while holding up her left hand. "Now when is one the greatest screenwriters coming back to the filming industry? We have got to do another project together."

"Well... I have been thinking about returning to Los Angeles after my oldest kids graduate."

"How are they? Last time I saw the twins, Charlotte devoured the whole chocolate cake that was on set and Charles was standing next to you acting like his corndog was his entire world." He says before chuckling.

"What can I say? The corndog and chocolate cake obsession is a trait passed on in the Forbes' family. Mattie and Kal are still little pranksters of course. I think there's still a chance that my sweet Kailee might also get the corndog obsession. Lastly, I recently adopted a girl named Amoriel and just gave birth to twin boys, Legacy and Royal."

"You've gotten even more busy. Wasn't taking care of a whole school of kids enough? You had to three more additions?" He laughs.

"Hey, I'm keeping a promise to someone. But do me a favor?" She leans in and begins to whisper, "Don't stay here for too long, okay? There's a chance things might get ugly."

"As long as you save me a dance." He whispers back.

"Trying to make my husband jealous?" She leans back with a smirk.

"Yes because then maybe he'll take your spot and dance with me." He teases.

"Eric!" She giggles and smacks his arm. "You trying to steal my husband now?"

"Have the both of you look in a mirror? You two are so lucky that you found each other because if I got to one of you first-"


The two see Elijah approaching them with a small smile on his face.


"You look lovely." He compliments her.

"Thanks. You cleaned up nice, as always." She turns back to Eric. "Let's talk another time?"

"Of course." He kisses her cheek once more and gives her another hug. "You better keep your promise on coming back to the industry."

"When have I ever broken a promise?" She smirks as she pats his back.

Once they separate, they smile at each other once more. After Eric takes his leave, she turns back to Elijah.

"So what do you want?" She asks while crossing her arms.

He lets out a deep sigh. "I'm not sure if it was a good idea for you to come here. I need to warn you that I feel that my brother has something more than this ball planned."

"I know, that's why I came here. And either I'll be able to talk some sense into him or I'll have to put him in his place. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go rejoin my husband and father."

"Just a moment... I don't expect for you to forgive me, I am truly sorry for leaving you and for not keeping in contact with you. Or at least saying goodbye... You brought out a side of Niklaus that my family hadn't seen in a long time and... The things he had put you through, the old version of him was coming back and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to face you because I felt ashamed of his actions... I know that I've said all this before but I thought that maybe because of Hope he would find his redemption once more. You would find your way back to each other and see him as the man you fell in love with but better. Though I knew that deep down, that wasn't possible. Especially now that you're with Mr. Parker." He sighs. "The life you've built here, the lives you've changed... You've done quite well."

"...Thank you, Eli." She responses before walking away from a stunned Elijah.

As she approaches her husband, he wraps his arm around her waist.

"Done flirting with Northgard?" He asks, frowning.

"Aww, is my honey still jealous of him?" She asks as she smushes his face. "You shouldn't be because you know that you're the only man for me. Yes you are! My sexy man!" He stares at her until he starts laughing, making her smile. "There's that smile I love soo much... Now where did my dad go?"

"...He may or may not be dealing drugs with those snobbish people over there." He answers as he nods his head over to the crowd that Lucifer is in.

"And you just let him?!"

"He promised me a chocolate peanut butter lasagna! It was a good deal!" He defends himself, making her roll her eyes.

" Uh, if everyone could gather, please." Elijah says.

The guests look up to see the Mikaelsons' standing on the staircase as Elijah addresses the everyone. Clarissa immediately notices Klaus already looking her way with a fond expression.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my family is brought together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

Once everyone begins making their way to the ballroom, Kai takes Clarissa's hand and leads her to the dance floor.

"You're dancing with me."

"I never get a say... So dominating, I love it." She says in a flirtatious tone before kissing his cheek.

He chuckles and Klaus watches them with a frown on his face. Just before Lucifer finds a partner, someone taps his shoulder. He turns around, surprised to see Mattie.

Mattie's Gown

"Mattie, what the bloody hell are you doing here? Charless, Charlotte, Kaleb and you are suppose to be babysitting! You look devilishly sent by the way." 

"Thanks, grandpa. Anyway, Amoriel disappeared and I did a locator spell to find out where she is...which is here."

"Why on earth would she be here?! Do the others know that you're here?"

"Yes and there was a whole argument on who should come. I felt the whole devil nest didn't need to be here so... I may have handcuffed the others together. Now Kailee is the one babysitting everyone." Mattie explains with an innocent smile.

"Lee and you are a force to be reckoned with... I'm so proud." He devilishly smiles as he hugs her.

"Anything to make you proud. Now will you do the honor being my partner for this dance?" She asks with a smirk.

"I thought you never ask, mini devil." He replies with a smirk himself.

During the dance and it's time to switch partners, Clarissa ends up in Klaus' arms. His smile is not reciprocated as she pushes his arms off of her then grabs his wrist.

"We need to talk." She tries to pull him off the dance floor but he doesn't budge.

"What about the dance?" 

"My matters are much more important. So shut up and come with me." She snaps at him with a deadly glare.

Kai dances with Rebekah as he watches Clarissa and Klaus leaving.

"You're not jealous, are you?"

"Of course not." He scoffs. "I know my woman's history with your prehistoric family and if your brother tries anything, I will happily forced him to transform into his doggy form, cut off his tail and make him eat it."

"I'm going to ignore that you just called me prehistoric and tell you that tell you not to worry. When my family thought she was only human, she would always throw cake batter at Nik for upsetting her or someone she cared about."

"Oh, so even he got a special beating?! Wait, I shouldn't be too mad. Dad gets the corndog special and I get the chocolate sauce special! Humph, ours are way better!" Kai says from his thoughts.

"Thank you for being there for Clarissa when we weren't. After my brother broke her heart, I'm glad to see that she has you. I swear I've never seen so happy.

Before Kai can respond, he spots a child passing by the ballroom. While squinting his eyes, he realizes that it's Amoriel.

"What the hell is my little valkyrie doing here?" 

Kai steps away from Rebekah and going to follow his adoptive daughter as Mattie ends up in Adrian's arms.


"Where's Amoriel?"

Clarissa drags Klaus to his art room and shuts the door behind her.

"Being here brings back memories, does it not?"

"Enough about memory lane. Now these past few months, you've been too quiet. So I know that you've been up to something."

"What are you talking about?" He asks with a confused expression.

"Ever since you came back to Mystic Falls, you've been a thorn in my side! You constantly bother me and the twins! I only allowed you to stay here so that Hope could be more around others like her because she definitely didn't have an easy childhood. So you throwing this event means that you're trying to get me back! This is when we first became official, Niklaus! This was when I realized that you were my first love! So out of respect for your kid, tell me the truth! I deserve it after all the terrible things you've done to me!"


"You do realize that it's impossible to kill angels...unless you have help." She takes a step closer to him. "Are you working with demons?"

His eyes widened. "How did you-"

"My step-mother is dealing with a case where nearly a hundred people had gotten murdered all of a sudden. Also a man named Kinley whose suppose to be dead...his body is missing. Now a few months ago back at Miss Mystic Falls, he suddenly showed up alive. Why? Because he was being possessed by a demon named Dromos. Now my Aunt Maze was making sure he returned to Hell and stayed there but from the looks of things, he may have been plotting... Tell me, did you know anything about this?"

"I... I met him at Miss Mystic Falls and he told me that there was a way that I could get you back. If the devil returned to where he truly belonged-"

"Did he also tell you that he suggested having me taking my father's place instead? Who were you planning on getting rid?! My dad?! My husband?!" She screams at him as eyes glisten with tears.

"...Both." Just as she is about to say something, he cuts her off. "Honestly, I was hoping there was still a chance for us. That we could have a future together and I get to be part of the twins' lives. But then there was something Hope said to me... She told me that I have a chance to right by you now as I didn't before... I failed you but I don't want to do that with Hope. So here..." He takes her hand and places a dagger in it. "Dromos gave this to me, telling me that this would sent Lucifer back to Hell."

"You waited till now to tell me all this?" She asks, with a look of disbelief.

"I thought that by throwing this event, it could make you remember what we had. But I realized if things had gone the way I planned tonight, it would have destroyed you..." He answers as he shed a tear. "The people that I never wanted to disappoint were you and my daughter... You don't need to worry about the attack, it's been called it off."

"Called off? You really think that Dromos would give up that easily after months of planning? The demons never knew of my existence until now. Get all the guests out of here now."

After Clarissa leaves the room, she hears a familiar voice nearby...

When Clarissa walks to one of the rooms, she slowly opens the door and the first thing she sees is her "dead" husband lying on the floor with a pillow under his head.

"You will do as I say, do you understand me?! I created you so you will obey me!"

"You wasted no time in pissing me off, Uncle Michael. Snapping my husband's neck, meaning you didn't want him in the way of whatever you're planning. Now you're all in my daughter's face throwing a temper temper tantrum. 

Michael and  turn to see a furious Clarissa standing in the doorway. 

"My lovely niece, it's been a while! At least your daughter made him comfortable."

"Amoriel is your daughter... Am I right?"

He slowly grins. "How did you figure it out?"

"Well, one of my nieces is a banshee and she predicted that either me or my dad would die. Not long after that, word gets out of a valkyrie showing up in Mystic Falls. So you showing up right after she did was no coincidence. Amoriel even confessed that she was here for me. And valkyries are suppose to age faster but she hasn't." Clarissa lets out a deep sigh. "Uncle Michael, you mentioned my dad's truest fear has to do with me... You brought her here to kill me, didn't you?"

"No!" Amoriel's shakes her head as eyes begin to fill with tears. She then runs to her mother and hugs her legs. 

Clarissa looks down at her and pats her head gently. "It's alright, Delly. I know you would never hurt me."

"So you managed to figure it out." He chuckles lightly.

"Well my dad's greatest weapon is able to kill you and of course, you don't want that. So why not make a secret weapon of your own? One that can kill me instead of your brother. Why? Because for some reason, you just want to see him suffer. Plus, since she's from Valhalla, that means you're probably trying to have an army of your own against my dad's demons from Hell."

"Since you know everything, it's best you go ahead and kill me then." He glances at the dagger that she's holding. "I see that you've gotten a hold of the demon dagger."

"I could but I'm not going to. Even though I don't like you, you're still family." She says, shocking him. "But do you want to know why Amoriel will never want to hurt me? Because she's like me. She needs the people in her life who life you truly understand her. She just wanted the dad who truly understood her more than anybody... But you couldn't even do that. You just treated her as a weapon instead of treating her as your child. You want to prove that you're better than my dad but all this isn't the answer. I'm giving you a choice. Either try to work things out or walk away."

Before he can respond, a groan is heard and they all look at a pissed Kai staring at Michael. Kai throws his hand out, flinging Michael out the window.

"Hate to say it, babe but remember when we first met and you knocked me out? I feel like it's a family trait of yours because your uncle just did it to me too."

She shrugs. "Well, I guess now I know who I inherited it from. By the way, Uncle Michael is Delly's sorta biological father and there's a chance demons might be coming to attack at any time now. So we need to get going." She rants, rushing to grab his hand and pulling him up as she holds their daughter's hand in her other.

"Please don't tell me that the weasel was trying to impersonate our old man again- Wait, what?!"

A sudden crash and screams are heard...

Yeah, Amoriel being Michael's daughter technically meaning she's Clarissa's cousin? New plot twist I came up with.

Now for those of you who don't know, I'm going on a hiatus soon. I hope to finish up what I have planned here before that happens though!

What did you think of Clarissa's moment with Elijah? Now back then, he was an older brother figure for her and she looked up to him. She had a lot of respect for him and wanted to make something of herself to see him proud of her. So when he praises her on the life that she built, that's mainly the reason why she thanked him is. This is also her getting closure and being able to cut ties with him. So think this was the best way to do it?

So how did you like that little easter egg? I did mention back in one of the Lucifer flashback chapters that Clarissa was a screenwriter before a headmistress and her tv show "Blood Diaries". See what I did there? (True Blood + Vampire Diaries = Blood Diaries). Now Mr. Eric Northgard! Played by the same actor who played Eric in True Blood and I took the last part from the actor's last name (Skarsgård) replacing the man with gard. What do you all think of that? I thought I could do another little sorta crossover because who doesn't love Eric Northman?

Expect another scene between Clarissa and Klaus soon! I was intending to give them closure but I couldn't fit it in with this. So what do you all think of Klaus' confession? What about their flashback? What about Kai and Rebekah's little moment? I didn't include Hope and Freya because I kinda forgot about them and I feel they wouldn't have been able to fit in this chapter.

The final showdown comes to a wrap next chapter!

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