Helping Others (Part I)

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So originally this was meant to be one chapter but I felt it would work better as two parts.

In front of the airport, Clarissa is in a group hug with Kol and Finn.

"Are you sure you don't us to stay? We don't mind."

"Finnie, it's fine. 

"You still have the butcher knife that I gave you right? Don't hesitate to use it."

"That's why you've always been my favorite original, Kol."

"What about me?" Finn feigns an offended look.

"You're my favorite big brother, of course."

"Hey! Where does that leave me?!" Enzo asks when walking up next to Finn.

"Enzo, you know that you're my favorite male best friend."

"...I'll take it." Enzo says before pulling Clarissa in for a hug. "Don't hesitate to call me when you're feeling down, alright? Even if my wife is forcing me to help her organize one of her events, I'll still answer."

Clarissa giggles. "I know you will. You can call me too if you're ever suffering from Caroline's wrath."


"Hmm?" Clarissa feels Enzo tightening their hug.

"If you're ever in trouble, I'll take the first plane back here... Alright?"


"I'll see you soon."

After the two separate, he kisses her forehead and walks away with Kol and Finn. Sage comes up and goes in for a hug.

"I'm still your favorite Forbes, right?"

"Of course you are."

"Good. Just checking."

Sage smiles at Clarissa after pulling away. When she walks towards Finn and the others, Carina and Jolie approach Clarissa.

"Carina, I packed some iced sugar cookies in your bag. Jolie, you've got triple chocolate chip cookies."

"Aunt Clary, you know me so well!" Carina hugs her.

That's why I'm your guys favorite aunt. So do me a favor?" The girls nod. "While you guys are on the plane, make yourselves hyper and drive Caroline crazy for me, will you?"

"Is that your revenge for the corndogs?" Jolie asks while smirking.

"Yeah, she kept trying to get between me and my corndogs. Same for Ariel and her burgers." Clarissa says with a smug smirk.

"Sure, why not? Anything for my favorite aunt." Jolie grins and hugs her. "...I love you, Aunt Clary."

"Love you too, Jojo."

"...Are you sure that you're going to be alright?" Jolie whispers.

"I always am, aren't I?" Clarissa whispers back.

After Jolie slowly pulls away, Clarissa kisses the top of her head. Carina then goes in for another hug.

"Since you gave me my favorite cookies, I will return favor by accepting your revenge plot."

"Thank you, Giddy. Now both of you take care of yourselves and look after your parents for me, will you?"

The girls nod and go to join Finn, Sage, Enzo and Kol. Clarissa notices Alexander shielding his mother and sister from a glaring Caroline. Clarissa sighs and walks over to them.

"Care, really?"

"I caught those two eating cotton candy for breakfast!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Yeah! It gives us life, Auntie Care! Would you deny us that?!"

"Veronica, you may have taken after your father but why did you have to inherit Ariel's cotton candy obsession?!"

"Aunt Care, you have to be fair. It is tradition." Alexander defends Veronica.

"Alexander, don't even get me started on you! You took so much after Ariel, plus you got her burger obsession!"

"Like he said, it's tradition." Ariel points out. "It started with my biological mother. And it will be passed down to my grandchildren."

"Cuz, my corndog and chocolate cake obsession? It started way before my mom. Then it was passed down to me. Charles and Charlotte inherited it. And it will be passed down to my grandchildren. There's no stopping it."

"What is wrong with you all? Do you not care for the calories?!"

"Nope." They all shake their heads.

Caroline looks back and forth between her sister and cousin then sighs. She closes her eyes and looks away.

"Care, please don't."

"Sis, look I'll take a month off the burgers and cotton candy! Just please don't cry!"

"...It's just... I've really missed this." Caroline cries. "Almost every day, I would always catch Ari secretly eating cotton candy or Clary with a corndog in her hand. But for so many years, we've all lived apart and it's just..."

Clarissa and Ariel glance at each other with small smiles and they both pull the crying Caroline into a group hug.

"Honestly, cuz? I've missed it too."

"I agree. Who else other than my big sis will scold me about eating too many burgers?"

Caroline laughs and squeezes them. "I swear that you two always get on my nerves but it's one of the things I love about you both."

"We know. Now get going." Clarissa says pulling away from the hug.

"Make sure to tell us what the gender of the baby is once you find out. I hope it's girl." Caroline says.

"Come here, squirts. Give me my hug."

Alexander and Veronica both give Clarissa hug.

"We'll miss you, Aunt Clary." The siblings both say.

"I'll miss you both too. Make sure your dad doesn't kill anyone." Clarissa whispers to them, making them laugh.

Kol comes back over and wraps his arms around his children.

"First, I heard that and to let you know, I haven't killed anyone. I knocked someone out with my baseball bat for insulting my darling. Second, please let it be a boy."

"Why do you want it to be a boy?"

"Because you Forbes' women are dangerous and have a huge temper. Expect my darling and my little girl."

"Do I need to get Miliani?"


Giving her family one last wave and watching them leave, she heads to her car and suddenly feels someone's arms wrapped around her waist. She looks behind her to see it's Caroline.

"Whoa! Another hug? You almost act like you're never going to see me again."

"I love you."

"...Love you too, Care Bear." Clarissa says with a tearful smile.

"Wait, I want another hug too!" Ariel runs up to them, joining in on the hug.

"I love you as well, Ari."

A month later...

"Come on! We're going to be late!" Clarissa shouts.

As she walks towards her car, a limo pulls up in front of the house. She screams when she sees the person who comes out of is...



If you call read the Cake Date oneshot and were curious to who Clarissa's "wife" was... Here she is! Now I'm wonder if any of you figured it out from the hints I gave...

You all do not know... For a while I was thinking about doing another crossover but none of the shows I was thinking of would go with this story and then it finally came to me...

Kenzi (ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS EVER!) is in the building! She is one of the main characters from the Canadian series, Lost Girl. I remember those days of watching that show back on Syfy... Good times. I'm hoping there are some of you who know her, where's my Lost Girl fans at?! Let me know!

Also, I have an announcement. Now I have another story coming in the future and I don't know when I'll post it. This is a story I planned last year. So far, it's another TVD universe story. I tried to fit these characters in somewhere else but it really only fitted with TVD, mainly because of Klaus. Not saying it's a Klaus story! It's Klaus being a father to the oc, so you're getting Papa Klaus! 

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