Helping Others (Part II)

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So before you all begin reading, let me explain what's been going on... 

First, I may have gotten distracted by many good wattpad stories again. I couldn't help myself!😂

Second, I published a new story called "The Mikaelson Prince", it's very different from my other TVD Universe stories, so go check that out.

Third, I've been taking a lot of breaks because I feel like I'm wearing myself out. Between my outside life and wattpad life, I feel like it's taking a lot out of me and it's making me want to take a break at some point. But not now! I'm still very determined to continue this story. So if you guys continue seeing less updates, I apologize.

"So you're telling me that a valkyrie child got away from you guys and made her way over here to Mystic Falls?" Clarissa asks Kenzi while lifting her shirt up so that Kendra can put the gel on her stomach.

"Yep and that's where I need your help in finding her. Someone mentioned that she was somewhere in Mystic Falls." 

"Alright. I'll call our little hunter for this task. By the way... How longer are you two going to keep glaring at each other?" Clarissa asks with an annoyed tone.

Kai and Kenzi stand on each side of Clarissa, hovering over her while glaring daggers at each other.

"Why are you here, Mackenzie?"

"Didn't I already explain? And don't call me that!"

"What I mean is, why do you have to be here?"

"Of course I would want to know the gender of my and Clarissa's second lovechild. Matilda was the first you know." Kenzi smugly smirks.

"Oh please! Mattie may be your goddaughter but she took after her grandfather in personality! She also got my looks and violent traits!" He retorts with a proud smile.

"Hey, Mattie. I get mommy or daddy calling you by your full name but that's whenever you get into big trouble. But why does Aunt Kenzi get to call you by your full name?" Kailee whispers.

"Because not only is she my godmother, she was the one who named me. But for my middle name, you know that mom and dad are the ones who named me after grandpa." Mattie whispers back while crouching down to her younger sister's height.

"...Why do you say that last part like it's something to be proud of, Kai?"

"You do realize that my family is filled of Forbes', Morningstars' and Parkers', right?"

Clarissa giggles. "He's not wrong."

Kenzi lets out a deep sigh. "If it hadn't been for you, Clary would have been mine... You do know that, don't you?"

"No, no, no... You came in way after I was already here. So you weren't even the leftovers! Clary and I were always meant to be. We're pretty much soulmates. Who else can handle her...Clarissa-ness better than I can?" Kai looks down at Clarissa. "I love you, baby." He gives her a peck and then looks back to Kenzi with a smug smirk.

"I'm not even... Okay, it's about to get real! Children, cover your eyes you don't need to see this!" Kenzi says while rolling up her sleeves. "If I win, you and Clarissa get a divorce so I can officially marry her."

"I rather let Miliani eat my spleen! And aren't you already married?! Where's your husband at?!"

"Aunt Kenz, I agree with my dad. As me and my siblings are supporters of the ParkStar ship, we will not allow anyone to come between our parents." Mattie says pulling Kenzi away from her parents.

"Why do you guys always have to be so greedy for me?"

"Of course everyone will want you, do you forget whose child you are?" Lucifer states coming in and goes to stand next to his daughter.

"Hi, daddy." Clarissa smiles at her father.

"Hello, my little devil." He smiles back and kisses her forehead before looking over to Kendra. "So my favorite niece! What is the gender of my next grandchild? I know it's a boy... Make sure it's a boy!" He looks at Clarissa's stomach. "You best be a boy!" He whispers to her stomach.

"I was waiting for these guys to be done. They've been bickering over who should be Clarissa's spouse should be. And Uncle Luci? That's not how that works. You can't control the gender. Now are you all ready?"

"Wait! If you guys don't mind me asking, why aren't the rest of your devil nest here?" Kenzi asks.

Clarissa playfully rolls her eyes. "Well, Lottie and Kal may have been arguing about whose hotter. Anthony Mackie or Ben Barnes? So Charlie tried to put a stop to it by throwing sugar at them...which led to a sugar fight. So they're still at home, getting cleaned up and cleaning up the mess they made."

"Ah, Charlie. Always playing the mediator." Kenzi says with a proud grin.

"Now that's over with, can we get onto the results?"

Everyone nods.




(Ha! Did you honestly think I would all let you know what the gender is now? Nope! You all have to wait just a little more!😂)

Kendra groans and facepalms, making Clarissa giggle. "Isn't that my thing?"

Lucifer's eyes widened and he takes Kai's hands in his.

"My son... Do you realize what this means?"

"I do... We have to get to the baby shop right now!" Kai yells while running out.

"I'm calling our favorite doppelgänger about the baby clothes!" Lucifer yells following his son-in-law.

"I'm going to be a big sister!" Kailee squeals.

"Wait! I have to call Charlie and tell him the news! Wait for us!" Mattie grabs Kailee's hand and runs after them making Clarissa laugh.

As Kendra shakes her head, she wipes away the gel from her cousin's stomach. Kai quickly returns and heads over to his wife's side.

"Wait, hold on. I'm not leaving you. Who is going to feed you corndogs when you get hungry or give you a backrub when you get tired?"

"Kai, go with them. We'll be fine, okay? We won't be alone because we'll have backup. And I'm practically capable of eating a corndog myself. Now, I should be back before the night is over with." She takes his hands in hers and gives him a loving smile. "Since you've been spoiling me so much lately, how about you and me cozy up while watching Cobra Kai? I'll make you a Zima and I make myself a hot chocolate. Along with it, we'll eat a peanut butter lasagna."

"...How do I know you won't eat it all?" He asks while swinging their arms back and forth.

"I'll make five of them, just to be safe."

"Deal." He leans down to give her a kiss. "Just one more thing... Do we need to have a discussion about the weight of corndogs again?"

"Kai, I love you but not make me di-"

Kai shuts her up with a longer kiss. "Forget what I said. Love you! Bye!" He yells as he runs out.

After Clarissa pulls her shirt down, she notices Kendra's troubled expression.

"Ken, you haven't been saying much... Something wrong?"

Kendra sighs. "I rather not tell you but...we're suppose to report to you when another supernatural child comes up... Mom told me that there's a supernatural creature that has been extremely violent and it never goes well for anyone that tries to go near him. There's been word that he's here in Mystic Falls."

"...Extremely violent? What species is he?" Clarissa sits up with a frown on her face.

"If I tell you, will you still go?"

"Yes. I also have to find the valkyrie child."

"Ken, if your cousin won't hesitate to beat someone up with her own corndog then you shouldn't worry. Besides, I'll be there! I brought my chainsaw just in case." Kenzi grins resulting in Clarissa smacking her shoulder.

"Now I'm even more worried." Kendra mutters.

Mattie returns and walks over to her mother.

"Mother... I know that I can't stop you from going out to look for that lost supernatural child but... Just be careful. Please?" Clarissa smiles and nods. Mattie smiles back and places her hand on her mother's stomach, gently patting it. "And take care of our mom for us, okay?" She then turns to her Aunt Kenzi. "...Aunt Kenzi, you know that I love you but...if my mother as so much comes back with an injured feather or trips over a rock, I will personally make sure that you find a big badass bug in your bed... Understand?"

"Clarissa, a little help here?" Kenzi looks over Mattie's shoulder, only to see Clarissa on her phone.

"Kenzi, I'm on the phone right now... Hey, my child! Listen I... Oh, of course you already know about him... You already have a lead? Okay, I'll meet you nearby the woods. Love you!" Clarissa hangs up and looks back over to Mattie and Kenzi. "So what do you need help with?"

"It's nothing, mom. I have to get going now but make sure to change into hiking clothes. I love you, mommy." Mattie kisses her mother's cheek before leaving.

"Love you too, Mini Devil! "

"That girl, I swear she's such a freak!" Kenzi mutters to Clarissa.

"Wonder where she got it from? Did you forget that you're the one responsible for her first word being a swear?"

At the Salvatore school, Clarissa and Alaric have all the students gather to inform them of the potential new students.

"Everyone! We just wanted to let you all know that we've learned of two new supernatural children and I will be going out to look for them."

The kids begin to protest due to their headmistress' pregnancy.

"Kids, kids! I know! But you all know how your headmistress can be with her motherly instinct." Alaric tells them.

"Oh, shut up. Kids, I know that you're worried about me but did you all forget? I'm the child of the actual devil. Plus, I'll have my corndog with me. Now gotta go, love you all!"

She runs away despite hearing the students shouting at her to come back. Alaric shakes his head and walks after her. She stops before she bumps into Anastasia and becomes confused when she sees her in hiking gear.

"Ana, why are you wearing that?"

"Because I'm going too. So hurry up and go get ready." Anastasia says while putting on her gloves.

"Huh? Wh-"

"Mom already told me everything. Since she can't go due to all the patients she has today, I'll be going in her place. Also, I refuse to suffer the wrath of my cousins if anything happens to you."

"Are you sure? I don't want anything bad to happen..."

"Aunt Clary..." Anastasia crosses her arms. "Who am I? I'm the granddaughter of Mazikeen and Amenadiel. I'm the daughter of Kendra and Markus Martin. I come from a family of angels, demons and a bloodline of powerful witches."

"Yeah but I'm not worried about you, I'm more worried about those kids."


"Because your temper is worse than Clarissa and your mother's... Even your grandmother." Alaric says walking up to them and shudders at the thought of Maze.

"What?! I am nice, what do you mean?!"

"We didn't say you weren't. But you can't deny your mean side, Ana... What about that guy that tried to hit on Lottie and you threatened to dismember his lower region?" Alaric asks with a raised eyebrow.

"My grandmother taught me how to slash people with words, though! And it was used for a good cause!"  Anastasia defends herself.

"Umm, excuse me? Is it alright if I go too?"

They look behind them to see Hope standing there with a nervous look on her face.

"You too, Hope?"

"I'm still new to the school and I would like to see how things work when you find new people to join. Plus Clarissa is pregnant, so the more the merrier?"

Alaric and Anastasia look to Clarissa who shrugs. 

"Sure, why not?"

After getting changed into proper attire for going into the woods, Clarissa, Anastasia, Kenzi and Hope arrive to the entrance of the woods.

"Little Gilbert, my child!" Clarissa squeals running over to Jeremy and giving him a hug.

"Hey, hey! Aunt Clary, stop with the running!"

"Hey, Clarissa..." He pulls back and frowns after seeing what she is holding. "Is that a corndog covered in cheese sauce? You're disgusting!"

"You know how my pregnancy cravings get and you're just mad because this bad boy is more sexier than you." She retorts and he rolls his eyes. "How are Davina and the kid?"

"Good. Davina is smothering herself with lemon raspberry cakes that Ari sent her. And Ari even me a new baseball bat. She still wants me to get better at baseball."

"Well, she is your guys' big sister. Of course she spoils Davina and wants to see you hit a ball... You really do suck at it, Jer." Clarissa teases him.

"Ha, ha. Before we go... Clary? Please try not to trip or choke on that corndog. I do not want your dad or Kai coming after me."

"I'm good, Jer." Clarissa gives him a thumbs up.

"Ana? Please keep your temper in check."

Anastasia rolls her eyes as Clarissa tries not to laugh while eating her corndog.

"Kenzi? Try not to be yourself so much."


"Of course it is... You're Hope Mikaelson?"


"Be careful. You're new here but we'll look out for you..." He sighs. "Why do I have to be the only guy?"

Clarissa giggles and pokes his cheek. "Because it's so much fun to tease you, my child."

He rolls his eyes. "Let's get going. And I'll give you a piggyback ride if you get tired, Clary."

"Aww, Jer!"

While walking in the woods, the two teenagers lag behind the adults.

"Ana, can I-"

"You want to talk about the twins?"

Hope nods. "Charles told me his reasoning about not wanting to have a relationship but... I appreciate that they're able to be civil with me but... I just want them to take a chance of getting to know my dad. He has done better-"

"Hope, if you want to have a relationship with your siblings you cannot force them to have a relationship with your dad... You don't even know what happened between him and my aunt, do you?"

Hope shakes her head and Anastasia lets out a deep sigh.


Meanwhile, up ahead with the adults...

"Kenzi, why would a valkyrie be here in Mystic Falls?" Jeremy asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You guys see valkyries more than we do. So why is she here? We've really never gotten their kind here, so she's the first. Aren't they suppose to take the souls of great warriors and send them to Valhalla?"

Clarissa stops walking, lost in her thoughts.

"Yeah but honestly? I don't know. One day, me and Bo just found her with her valkyrie wings out. We get some info out of her but she just doesn't speak." Kenzi notices Clarissa no longer walking beside her and looks back to see her just standing there. Kenzi frowns and heads over to her. "Penny for your thoughts, wifey?" She asks while linking arms with her.

"Huh? Uh... No..."

Jeremy stops them when he spots a little girl wandering around.

"Kenzi. Is that the valkyrie child that you were talking about?"

"It's her!" Kenzi lets go of Clarissa and begins to run over to the child. "Hey! You little-"

Suddenly, she falls back onto the ground as a muscular giant with russet skin and glowing red eyes comes out of nowhere, growling at Kenzi. Jeremy and the others rush forward.

"Whoa! Hey, calm down! No one is going to hurt either of you, okay?" Jeremy stands in front of Kenzi, shielding her from the giant.

"Kenz, you okay?" Clarissa asks while helping her up.

Kenzi groans. "I think I broke my back."

"...What's a berserker and valkeryie doing here in Mystic Falls? It doesn't make any sense." Anastasia whispers before taking a step forward next to Jeremy. 

Just as the berserker is about to attack Jeremy, Anastasia begins chanting a spell that creates a barrier around the berserker. He becomes furious and constantly keeps beating against the barrier. The young girl runs over to it, beating against it while showing concern for her friend.

"Are you going to calm down now or keep throwing a temper tantrum?" Anastasia asks, earning a roar from the berserker.

"Kids." Clarissa takes a step forward. "We mean you no harm, okay? We come from a school that enrolls supernatural children and we're granting the opportunity for you two to join as well. Be with others that are like you. You can have a home there... My name is Clarissa Forbes-Parker and I'm the headmistress there."

The young girl's eyes widened upon hearing Clarissa's name and runs over to her, wrapping her arms around Clarissa's leg. Surprising Clarissa, she places her hand on the little girl's head, gently caressing it. The giant eyes' soften seeing the little girl attaching herself to Clarissa. He calms himself and returns himself back to his original size.

"Of course. Another kid who loves my wifey." Kenzi smirking at Clarissa and the child.

"Hmm, you're pretty nice to look at." Anastasia removes the barrier from around the young man.

"Ana! Excuse her manners, she kinda got that from her grandmother. She's Anastasia Martin. Technically my cousin but I treat her more like my niece. He's Jeremy Gilbert. Sorta like another one of my kids. She's Hope Mikaelson, she's our newest addition so I'm sure you'll get along fine. And I'm pretty sure that you little one know Kenzi here." Clarissa bops the little girl's nose making her giggle.

"What's your-"


"What..." Clarissa's eyes widened when seeing a familiar face nearby. "Katherine?!"

"Ah, Clary." Katherine smirks. "Miss me? Hold that thought."

She walks over to the boy and smacks the back of his head.

"Ow! Why did you hit me?!"

"That's for running off!"

"I thought she was in danger!"

"You still should have waited for me!"

"Whatever, you old cat!"

"You brat! Is that any way to speak to your mother?!"

Everyone looks at the bickering duo with dropped jaws.

"Wait... You have a kid?" Clarissa asks.

Jeremy and Kenzi burst out laughing.

"Adrian Pierce, huh? So after hearing the rumors, you decided to take him in because you felt he kinda reminded you of himself. Am I right?" Clarissa asks Katherine.

"...Maybe. Anyway, he said he had to come out for someone. Guess it was this little one right here." They look at the little girl holding Adrian's hand. "But why is that?"

"She's a valkyrie. Me and Bo found her and kept her with us until she disappeared. But you two are connected, aren't you? Valkyries and berserkers are each others counterparts."

Adrian nods and glances at the girl who gives him a small smile. Clarissa walks over to the two and crouches in front of the girl.

"Hi, sweetie. What's your name?" The girl shakes her head. "You don't have one?" 

"How about you name her?" Kenzi taps Clarissa's arm.


"Yeah. She's become so attached to you. So why not take her in?"

"Why don't you? Aren't raising valkyries your specialty?" Clarissa asks with a teasing smile.

"Hey, I raised two and they were both a handle! Help me out here!" Kenzi whines as she tugs on Clarissa's arm.

"Okay, fine." Clarissa chuckles then looks back to the young valkyrie. "Sweetie, I've never really adopted anyone but... Would you like to become an official member of my family?" She nods. "Alright... From now on, your name will be Amoriel Adeline Parker."

Amoriel gives Clarissa a bright smile and hugs her.

"So what now? Are you going to have your son join the school?" Clarissa asks looking up at Katherine.

"Only if he wants to. By the way, you know your dad called me about baby clothes?"

"Will you make them?"


"...Mama." They all suddenly hear a small voice say, shocking all of them.

"...Yes, sweetie... I'm your mom." Clarissa's whispers with a tearful smile.

As they return to the school, they see Alaric and Kaleb standing in front of the entrance. Clarissa is soon tackled in a hug by her son.

"Mom! You okay? How are you feeling? How is my future- Wait! Who is hot stuff?" Kaleb rants before checking out Adrian who slightly blushes.

"Whoa! We're all fine. I'm fine. We have one new student joining us. Now this is Adrian Pierce, he's still undecided. Adrian, excuse my son's manners. He got it from his grandfather." Clarissa explains before patting her son's head.

"Did you just say... Katherine?!"

"Hello, Ric. Jeez, how many grey hairs do you have now?"

"Shut up. Clarissa, before we continue talking, you might want to get in there. The whole school has been on edge since you made your escape from them."

"Fine... But first. Amoriel? Do you want to meet one of your big brothers?" She nods. "This is Kaleb. Son, this is your new little sister."

"Wait... I'm getting another sibling?"

Clarissa smiles and nods before leaving.

"Mom, you're the best!" Kaleb then crouches down to Amoriel's height. "Nice to meet you, Amoriel. Welcome to our crazy family."

"Katherine... You're seriously a mom?"


Alaric burst out laughing.

Hope returns home to find her dad in the living room. He smiles as she sits next to him.

"Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah... Dad, can we talk about something?"

"Of course. What is it, my littlest wolf?"

"I spent the day with Clarissa today... We were looking these other supernatural children so that we could help them... Everyone is so lucky to have her as a mother. She's just not the twins mom, she's a mom to all the students. Everyone really loves her and I know why you did."

"Yes... She truly is a remarkable woman, isn't she?"

"Dad, I know everything... About what you did back then... Even what mom did." 

Klaus' eyes widened. "Hope, I-"

"I'm not going to talk about your past. Dad, you didn't do right by her before. But you have the chance to do right by her now. So please..." She sighs. "One more thing. If Charles and Charlotte don't want to have a relationship with you, then please leave them be. I'm fine if they can never accept me as a sibling or friend... I'm just glad that I got to know them."

Hope heads upstairs to her room, leaving a shocked Klaus.

When Clarissa, Kaleb and Amoriel return home, they see Kai sitting on the porch waiting for their arrival.

"Babe! You're still in one piece right? You chewed your corndog properly, didn't you?"

Clarissa smiles and wraps her arms around Kai's neck. Kaleb covers Amoriel's eyes as their parents kiss.

"The little one just got here! Can bring the PDA down a notch?"

"Is this the valkyrie child that you guys were looking for?"

"Yeah... Kai, we have a new member of the family. This is Amoriel Adeline Parker... Is it alright with you?"

Kai smiles and picks Amoriel up. "Hey there, sweetheart. I'm your dad and it's okay. I know that I'll be your favorite parent." Clarissa rolls her eyes as Amoriel giggles. "Hey, is Kenzi still here?"

"Yeah, she's staying with Ken and Ana."

"Damn, thought I got rid of her." Kai mutters. "Oops! Don't repeat that word." Amoriel giggles once more. "Let's go inside and meet your other siblings."

"You all go on ahead. Kai, I'm going to start making the peanut butter lasagnas for our date night."

"...I may have already started working on it."

"Kai, I'm suppose to be spoiling you!"

"Hey, you're carrying precious cargo and it's only half made."

"Fine but I'm finishing it. Get inside and don't even think about going back into the kitchen." Clarissa begins pushing him inside the house. She turns around to see Kaleb grabbing her hiking gear out of her car. "Aww, my sweet baby. You all take it easy on Amoriel, okay? Don't overdo it." 

Don't worry, mom. Besides, I already know that I'm her favorite brother."

"...Like father, like son. Get inside."

As Kaleb goes into the house, Clarissa goes back to her car to get her purse.

"Hi, sweetie, you're finally back."

She turns around to see her father watching her with a smile. She watches him for a moment then frowns.

"...Did you honestly think that you could fool me?"

"What do you mean, sweetie?"

"I would say nice to meet you, but it's not... So what trouble are you trying to cause, Uncle Michael?"

Kiowa Gordon as Adrian Pierce

Age: 17


Species: Berserker

Love Interest: Kaleb Parker

Mackenzie Foy as Amoriel Adeline Parker

Age: 7-8


Species: Valkyrie

Wanted to write this chapter a bit better but I kept you all waiting long enough, hope you all enjoyed!

Now both these characters will play very important roles, mostly in a later storyline that I have planned!

Thank you to Samantha_Mikaelson for your audition! I hope you don't mind the changes I made to your character. When I saw you had his last name as Pearce, it made me think of Katherine Pierce. So why not make him her adoptive son? I was trying to think of a way to bring her in anyway and I felt this was the opportunity! If you have any nicknames that you like to suggest, feel free to let me know!

Also thanking -XXDEACTIVATED for the name Amoriel and to kasierose99 for the name Adeline! Now these names were suggested for baby names but Mackenzie's character will play an important role and will be very much part of the Parker family!

Does anyone want to suggest any nicknames for Amoriel?

Jeremy finally appeared, yay! And yes, he's married to Davina! I was really wondering about doing that in Ariel Forbes but wasn't sure... Do you all think you could imagine Jeremy and Davina as a couple?

And it was asked if Michael was going to make an appearance... Well, now he has!

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