It's Okay

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"You're a smart one, aren't you? I'm impressed." Michael says with an impish grin and no longer speaking with the accent. "But how did you know that I was your uncle and not your father? We are identical after all."

"So what if you're identical, I can still recognize my own dad. You might be able to trick others but your appearance doesn't fool me. Another thing, you called me sweetie. My dad has always called me sweetheart or little devil."

"Hmm... I think that I'm going to like you."

"Are you going to answer my question or not?"

"I thought it was time that I finally meet my precious niece. And congratulate you on the newest addition, of course!"

"After all these years?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and crossing her arms. "Plus do you know how many kids I have?"

"Better late than never! Isn't that what they say?" She gives him a blank stare. "Fine. Fine! Clarissa... You have great things in store for you. "

"Uncle Michael... Whatever that you, your dad or whoever has planned for me? Can kiss my fucking wings, okay? Throw whatever you got at me... I'll be ready."

"Will you now? Hmm..." He takes a step closer to her. "Clarissa, tell me... What is your greatest fear?"

"...I... It's..."


"...My..." She begins laughing, confusing her uncle. "There's no point in confessing it... I already revealed my greatest fear."

"Wow... You're reminding me so much of your mother." He says with an impressed look.

"...Excuse you?" She glares at him.

"Oh, they never told you? I actually met your mother before she became pregnant with you but she didn't fall for my tricks either. She was immune to my powers as well. Wasn't surprised why my brother fell for her... You've admitted your greatest fear but is that your truest fear? What about your father's greatest fear? They already happened, did they not? Eleanor's death." Clarissa flinches at the mention of her mother. "Chloe being afraid of him... But what does he truly fear? It must has to do with his precious daughter." He takes a step closer, leans down and whispers something to her.


Just before the two turn to see Lucifer, Michael is slammed against the hood of Clarissa's car.

"My car!" She whines.

"Hello, Luci. Long time, no see." Michael laughs.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here? Especially near my daughter." Lucifer snarls while tightening his grip on Michael's throat.

"Dad, if you're going to throw him against something, throw him through a window! And I don't care which one just don't ruin my car!" She whines once more while stomping her foot.

Kai comes outside after hearing the commotion and is shocked seeing two "Lucifers".

"Uh... I'm guessing that is the identical twin you mentioned?" Kai asks as he pulls Clarissa close to him and places a hand on her stomach.

"Yes, honey. That's my Uncle Michael and dad's twin brother. How are the kids doing?"

"I see... I sent the kids upstairs and they're ordering a bunch of fast food, seeing what our little valkyrie's taste buds are.... But you know for them being identical, dad is much more handsome."

"Honey, that's not even the bigger issue. Dad is close to destroying my car!"

"Michael, do not make me repeat myself." Lucifer then throws Michael across the lawn and he lands onto the street. "Why did you come here?!"

"Thought it was about time I come meet my niece. I can see how much she took after Eleanor." Michael laughs as he stands up.

"Are you feeling better now?" Kai asks while rubbing her stomach.

"Yes... Thank you, honey." Clarissa takes a bite of her corndog.

"Anything for you... Wait! You didn't think he was dad, did you?!" Kai asks, concern in his voice.

"Of course not. Want to know how I recognized my uncle? There was no devil in those eyes."

"Michael!" Lucifer roars as marches up to him.

"You know, I wonder what you're going to do about that prophecy. Until next time, brother... If there's a next time." Michael chuckles before flying away.

Clarissa walks up to her father and places her hand on his shoulder.

"Dad, calm down." Lucifer takes a deep breathe and his eye color returns to normal. "Just one look at him and I knew it wasn't you."

"Of course it wasn't. I'm much more handsome..." He turns to face her. "Sweetheart, is that corndog covered in mayo and onion sauce?" Lucifer asks with a disgusted expression.

"Hey, you know how my cravings get plus this means the corndog tradition is being passed on." She finishes up her corndog and throws the stick into the trash.

"Just like your mother... Now did my brother do anything to you, sweetheart?" Lucifer asks while pulling his daughter into a hug.

"Nope, more like he wanted to taunt me. Now that's over with..." She pulls away from Lucifer and grabs Kai's hand. "Time for our date!"

As the couple walks back to their home, Lucifer watches his daughter with a concerned expression.

The kids all huddle up together in Mattie's room, spending time getting to know Amoriel and eating fast food.

"Really? Trying to steer her away from the Forbes' corndog and chocolate cake tradition?" Charles asks.

"Look, you and Lottie got that. For Kal, it's cupcakes. And Lee, it's candy. So we're skipping your tradition and getting her into another food. I've decided that she's getting my food addiction, okay?"

"Well, it looks like you've succeeded. Our newest baby sister has already eaten five of them." Kaleb looks down at Amoriel while she's sitting on his lap, eating her sixth taco. "Isn't that right?"

Amoriel nods and giggles.

"Guess it's decided. Out the corndogs, fried chicken, pizza, burgers and so on... She's eaten tacos the most. 

"Of course I won." Mattie says with a smug smirk. "I could see her eyeing those tacos before I gave one to her. She desired it and she took it. She will fit in well with this family."

 "Okay! Next are sweets! Ellie, try this." Kailee hands Amoriel a cupcake. "Grandpa made these and I helped! It's a chocolate caramel cupcake!"

"Wait, so it's a combination of mine, Kal and yours's obsession?" Lottie asks before tickling Kailee.

"Yep!" Kailee giggles.

"Ellie, huh?" Kaleb smirks.

"Yep! She needs a nickname too! So do you like- Ellie, you ate three cupcakes, already?!"

Amoriel giggles and moves on to her fourth cupcake, making the rest of her siblings laugh.

"Looks like she's definitely has an appetite. She'll definitely fit in with this family." Charles lightly chuckles. "So what are we going to do about her room?"

"She has to pick a color." Charlotte shows Amoriel a selection of colors on her phone. "Ellie, which color do you like?"

"Oh, we have to get her toys and stuffed animals too." Kaleb points out.

"A selection of knives. Should wait to give her a set on handcuffs till she's older..."

"Mattie!" Charlotte smacks her sister's arm.

"What? Our sister has to learn not to show any mercy to her enemy unless it's necessary!"

As the older siblings bicker with one another, Kailee goes to sit next to Kaleb and Amoriel.

"Now I have a sibling my own age. Ellie, do you know what this means?" Amoriel shakes her head. "We're partners-in-crime! Lottie has Charlie. Mattie has Kal. Now I have you! So that makes us partners! Here's a lollipop to seal the deal!"

Amoriel takes the offered lollipop from Kailee and the sisters smile at each other.

Clarissa and Kai are in their bedroom, cuddled up together on their bed. As the ending credits of The Karate Kid roll, he sniffles.

"Damn it. I'm leaking again." She passes him a tissue. "Thank you, babe."

"You always cry after the movie is over."

"That's because I miss Mr. Miyagi so much." He whimpers as he wipes his tears. "But I can't deny that Cobra Kai is so good though. It's the show we didn't need but they gave it to us anyway."

"It is. Who would have thought that Johnny Lawrence would become a fan-favorite?" She giggles. "Hey since we've finished the movie, want to watch the next one or do you-"

"Hello, devil nest! Your favorite woman is here!" Kenzi shouts while slamming open the bedroom door. "Hello, wifey." She greets with a flirtatious smile.

"Why are you here? Who let you into the house? You know this is my time with my wife." Kai pulls Clarissa closer to him while glaring at Kenzi.

"My gorgeous godchild. Clary? Get up. You're coming with me."

"But I'm wearing my nightgown!"

Kenzi goes through their drawers and pulls out Clarissa's pajama pants, throwing them at her.

"Put those on." Kenzi then goes through their closet and grabs Clarissa's tennis shoes. "And these. Then get your coat! Girls night!" She then pulls Clarissa up and away from Kai.

"What?! What is it with you and Trixie always kidnapping my wife?!"

"You're married to her, you get to keep her for the rest of your life. So stop being stingy and share her!"

"Dad." The adults turn to see Mattie standing in the doorway. "Aunt Kenzi is leaving tomorrow, so let her hang out with mom. I already gave her permission."

"My own child! How could you betray me like this?!"

"Because she's my godchild, that's why. Don't forget her loyalty towards me."

How's the newest devil spawn doing?" Clarissa asks Mattie as Kai and Kenzi bicker in the background.

"She's already adjusting. We've already found her obsessions are tacos and chocolate caramel cupcakes. She's even handcuffed Lottie and Kal together when they started arguing about Michael B. Jordan's best movie. Creed or Black Panther?"

"Well, it's clearly impossible to choose. Both are amazing movies." Mattie nods her head in agreement. "But damn... At least she's addicted to chocolate." She sighs. "Happy that you all are getting along. While I'm out, I'll get her some clothes and toys. I'm ready, Kenz!"

"Later, bitch!" 

After Kenzi waves happily at Kai, she grabs Clarissa's hand and they leave the bedroom.

"Wait, honey! What were you going to say earlier?!" Kai shouts as he rushes to the doorway.

"Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go to bed early!" She shouts back.

Kai's throws his head back and groans. He turns to Mattie who is smiling at him innocently.

"I will never forgive you, do you hear me?" He says with a glare on his face.

"I'll make you red velvet cupcakes."

"You're forgiven."

"You would have forgiven me anyway. You love me too much."

After a moment, he drops his head and groans. "You're right..."

Just as Kai gets ready for bed, he hears a light knock on his door. He walks over to the door, opening it to see Amoriel.

"Amoriel? Why aren't you with the others? Weren't you having a sleepover in Mattie's room?"


"She went out with Kenzi and she'll most likely won't be back until tomorrow morning." He explains, resulting in a pout from her. He crouches down to her height. "Did you want something, sweetie?"

"...Stay with mama."

"Oh, you wanted to sleep with her tonight... Come here." He picks her up and walks over to the bed. "How about you stay with me tonight? Then tomorrow morning, you can help me make breakfast? Want to try pancakes?" She nods. "Alright, let's get some sleep."

The two get into bed and she goes to lie on top of his chest.

"...Daddy?" She whispers, cuddling closer to her father.


"...Please don't leave me."

Hearing those words, trigger a memory of Kai's childhood.

"Dad! Please don't leave me alone!"

"Shut up! You're nothing but an abomination! "

"Where did that come from all of a sudden? I would never leave you."


"I promise." He kisses the top of her head before the two close their eyes. "It's okay, kiddo." He whispers.

The next morning in Kendra's kitchen, Clarissa, Kendra and Anastasia smirk at Kenzi who is wearing sunglasses and pouring a massive amount of syrup onto her stack of waffles.

"You want some waffles with that syrup?" Kendra asks.

"One more word. One more word and I am having demon with my syrup!" Kenzi says while picking up her fork, pointing it at Kendra.

"You forget that I'm half angel?"

"You shouldn't had chugged those three pitchers of beer, Kenz. Or danced on top of Ana's desk, you ended up falling off of it. You're lucky that you didn't break anything." Clarissa sighs. "If only Hale was here to get rid of your headache."

"...You know, what else could get rid of my headache?" Kenzi says with a grin. "Come with me back to Toronto. Dyson and Hale keep fighting about whose your favorite brother, I keep having to handcuff them. Bo refuses to admit it, but she misses her rival. Remember when the three of us would take our golf clubs and start thrashing those old pieces of junk?"

"Yep, good times... But you do remember that I have a husband and six kids plus an entire school?" Clarissa asks after cutting into Kenzi's waffles and feeding them to her.

"Thank you." Kenzi says after taking a bite. "You can bring the kids but you're just going to have to choose... Me or that pork rind freak?"


Kendra and Anastasia laugh as Kenzi's jaw drops.

"Damn! You're not even going to take a moment to think about it?! What about us?! I thought we had something special!"

"Oh, I do love you and you will always be my wife. No one could replace you... But Kai is literally my soulmate. He's the reason as to why I still breathe. Plus I'm addicted to that man and his beard."

"...Fine. But before I leave, give me a pair of your panties as something to remember you by."

"You perv!"

"What? It's the least you could do after rejecting me!"

Clarissa looks at Kendra and Anastasia for help.

"Hey, she's your wife." Kendra states.

 "Hey, Aunt Kenz. After you get back home, send me some butter tarts."

"Sure thing, Ana. You are my favorite demon after all."

"You do remember that I'm also half angel-half witch?"

As the limo pulls up in front of the Forbes-Parker home, Kenzi gently grabs Clarissa's arm to stop her from getting out.

"You sure you don't want me to take her back with me? Amoriel."

"Why are you asking?"

"...I know that there are some things that you're not telling me. But I know how you are because you don't want me or the others to worry... Are you sure you don't want me to take her back?"

"...I'm sure."

"Okay..." Kenzi quickly goes in for a hug so that Clarissa doesn't see her eyes glistening with tears. "Take care of the newest addition to your nest. Tell her I'll come visit her again in a few months."

"Will do... I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Kenzi quickly wipes away her tears. "Still not gonna let me have a pair of panties?"

"Perv." Clarissa says making them both laugh. She pulls away from Kenzi, giving her one more smile before exiting out of the limo.


Kenzi walks out of the bathroom and hears a couple of voices coming from the next room.

"Uncle Michael showed up? Then it can't be a coincidence about the valkyrie!"

"I know... I always knew the other reason to knew why my dad really protected me from the demons and the other angels. Because I am also the devil's greatest weapon if he ever wanted to take back Heaven. Or killing Michael."

"You knew...all this time?"

"Dad talked to me about the weapon part during my teen years. Since I was old enough, he wanted to be prepared just in case something ever happened. As for Uncle Michael? I realized it, after talking to him... When he tried to get my greatest fear out of me, that's when he messed up. He revealed to me about meeting my mom and his powers not working on her either, so technically he already knew his powers wouldn't work on me and yet he pretended to be surprised. Because of that, I know what his greatest fear is... But him and Amoriel showing up today, was no coincidence. Even Adrian will play his part."

"So you're still going to keep the kid here?"

"Yes... I'm still going to raise her as my own. She's part of the family now, even if there's a chance she may lead me to my death... It's okay."

End of Flashback

"You're gonna be alright because you're Clarissa Morningstar... I'll see you again, wifey."

As soon as Clarissa steps into the house, she feels a pair of arms wrap around her leg. She looks down to see Amoriel looking up at her with grin.

"Did somebody miss me?" Clarissa asks while crouching down to give her daughter a hug.

"Mama!" Amoriel giggles.

"Yes, sweetie... I'm here."


Clarissa looks up to see her father coming towards them. She stares at him while thinking back to what her uncle had whispered to her.

"You know what I believe? Losing his one and only child... He would surely die."

"Dad. Can you do me a favor?"

"Yes, of course."

"...Don't die. Whatever happens, I'll come back to you, okay?"

"Clarissa, if this is about-"

"Promise me, dad."

He sighs. "...I promise."

Everyone, thank vintagewanda for this beautiful ParkStar banner! I will be using this from now on after ending every chapter. I will go back and include this in the previous chapters starting from Hey, Babe! Hi, Sweetheart!

Just so you all will know what Amoriel's bedroom will look like after this

I hope I did the whole interaction with Michael well. This was a short appearance for him and that's only because the focus isn't on him for now. But he will be back!

How do you feel about Amoriel's interactions with everyone? What are you thinking that they're hinting she may play a part in Clarissa's possible death?

And if you loved Kenzi and her relationship with Clarissa, she will most definitely be back!

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