She Will Always Be Your Daughter

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Another special chapter here and it's dedicated to our lovely couple Carenzo! Enjoy!

Special Chapter

After discovering that Caroline is a vampire, Ariel and Caroline take their mother back to the Forbes home. Liz just sits in her room with a blank expression. Ariel goes inside while Caroline stands outside the door.


When Ariel tries to get close to Liz, she steps back. "Don't come near me."


"You were hiding the fact that Caroline is a vampire, so you must be one too."

"Mom, I'm not a vampire. Look, we didn't want you to find out this way and I understand that you're afraid but... Caroline wanted to learn how to control herself until she was ready to tell you the truth. She's done a great job-"

"Great job? Control herself? Did you see the deputy that she killed?!"

"She only did that because you and them were trying to kill Enzo and the Salvatores!"

"They're vampires! They're monsters! That is not my daughter anymore and if you continue to side with her, I don't want anything to do with you either!"

"Elizabeth Forbes!"

They both turn to see Eleanor standing by the door with an angry expression. As Ariel begins to cry, she notices her sister has left. Eleanor walks over to Ariel and wipes away her tears.

"Go get in my car and wait for me, okay? Clarissa is already there. You're going to stay with us tonight, Caroline will most likely stay with Enzo."

Ariel nods and hugs her aunt before leaving. Eleanor turns to Liz, with her arms crossed.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Me? What about you? Did you know?"


"How could you not tell me?! I know that Clary is a Nephilim!"

"Because Caroline wanted to be the one to tell you. She wanted to be able to learn how to control her bloodlust and show you how that she wouldn't hurt anybody so I respected that. Plus you have some nerve considering neither you nor my own brother never told me about vampires and whatever else is out there. Liz, I told you about Lucifer. So how could you not warn me about vampires? I had to find out from my own daughter!"

"Your family never told you because of your innocence. You have such a kind heart that they wanted to keep you safe from the true dangers of the world. They wanted you to have normal life as possible."

"My life was normal until I met the devil, we had a child together and I married him. I think that was the time to tell me about vampires."

"It's not the same though!"

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is that your child is still alive! She's half human! Mine's became vampire meaning that she's dead! Your husband or child doesn't go around killing people!"

"Liz... She's still standing. You can still hug her. Make her favorite food. Have movie night. Nothing has changed. So what if she's a little different than before? She's still here, that's what matters. As for Ariel, how can you treat her like that? Even if she isn't your blood, you still considered her your daughter. She's a good kid. Clary and her were there for Caroline, every step of the way, supporting her."

"It's not that simple. I've seen what vampires can do."

"I know... But she's your daughter, Liz."

"...Not anymore. My daughter's gone."

"Listen to me... I don't give a damn of what species the kids are... I'll still love them, no matter what. And just to let you know, not all vampires are bad like you think they are. You should thank Enzo and Stefan... They're the reasons why Caroline can control herself."

After Eleanor walks out of the room, Liz places hand over her mouth to muffle her cries.

When Caroline gets in Enzo's car, she keeps her back towards him and he hears her sniffling. "...Love? Look at me." She shakes her head. "Hey, look at me." He turns her head and sees her tears. He begins to feel angry and gets out of the car. He vamp speeds into the house, startling Liz.

"You want someone to blame? Fine. Blame me. I'm the one responsible for your daughter becoming a vampire."

"...It was you? You... You made my daughter into a monster?!"

"I had her consent. I took the time to explain to her the dangers of the supernatural world unlike you. She knew that vampire blood heals and the doctors warned you that there was a chance that Caroline would die. But guess what? Caroline granted me permission that if anything ever happened to her, I could give her my blood. You should be grateful that she's still alive."

"She's not alive, she's dead!"

"Is that what you truly believe? Why don't you take the time to see what she can do? In my entire life, I have never seen anyone with such great self-control. And honestly? Her becoming a vampire, was the best thing that's ever happened to her."

"How... How can you even say that?"

"Because she's not the same person she was before and you have noticed. She's become a better person but that started shortly before she became vampire. So you should try getting to know her again." He turns to leave and stops once he's in the doorway. "One more thing... She's not a monster, she's your daughter. She always will be your daughter." He says before leaving.

After arriving at his apartment, Caroline vamp speeds into his bedroom and lies on his bed. Enzo sighs and goes to lie down next to her.

"...She hates me." She cries.

"Hey, shh..." He pulls her close to him, making her lay her head on his chest. "No, she doesn't. She's just confused. It's understandable. She was raised to hate vampires and now that you're one, she doesn't know what to do... Just give her some time. She'll come around."


"Why what?" He looks down at her.

"Why me? Why do you like me?"

"Hmm... You're gorgeous. Kind. Courageous... And I'm pretty sure you have a thing for accents." The last part making her laugh.

"You're an idiot."

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."

"...I might be falling for you."

"Ha! So you finally admit it!"

She smacks his chest. "I take it back!"

"Love, you were already falling for me before you even became a vampire so you can't take it back."

She rolls her eyes. "You're so annoying."

"I've fallen for you too, Caroline Elizabeth Forbes."

She smiles and snuggles closer to him. Enzo's phone rings and he looks to see that he's received a text.

"...Your cousin just threaten to carve my heart out if I tried anything in your vulnerable state."

She laughs. "That's Clary for you."

"Yep... Still like her."

Was not expecting to do a double update today!

I wanted to do a special dedicated to Carenzo, I hoped you all enjoyed it! If you did what did you like most about it?

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