The Lucifer Wannabe

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Thanks again to everyone who made it possible for Clarissa and Kai to get nominated for best Kai/OC couple (incomplete) in the TVD Universe Awards! SO GO VOTE NOW!

Clarissa's outfit above is what she's wearing in the past during the case! And this flashback episode is based on "The Would-Be Prince of Darkness"!


A young Clarissa jolts awake screaming as Eleanor brings her into her arms.

"Clary, it's okay! It's okay!" Eleanor says as she tries to calm her daughter. "You're safe. Everything is alright. Mommy is here."

"Mommy!" Clarissa sobs.

"Shh, my little angel. It was just a bad dream."

"No! It was real! Bad people took daddy away! Daddy left me!"

"If anything, your father would never leave you willingly."

Eleanor turns around to see Amenadiel standing by the window. "Amenadiel?"

"Hello, Eleanor. May I speak to Clarissa alone?"

"...Alright." Eleanor wipes Clarissa's tears away and kisses her forehead before leaving the room.

He goes to sit on the bed and strokes Clarissa's hair.

"Uncle Amy?" She sniffles as she looks up at him.

"Yes little one." He sighs. "Look how big you've gotten."

"Yep... Daddy might cry when he see me. We have this agreement for me not to grow up too fast."

He chuckles. "How's that working out for you?"

"I doing my best but I can't control my growth."

"That is true. It's part of life... Now do you want to tell me what that nightmare of yours was about?"

"...Daddy was home with me and some bad people came and took him away. They told me I would never see him again!" She says as she sheds a few more tears.

"Hey now." He wipes away her tears. "Clarissa. Sometimes I haven't thought the best of my brother but when I see him with you and your mother... I've come to feel there is hope for him yet. Your father loves you so much that he would never leave you and bear the thought of never being able to see you again."


"Really. If he had to leave forever, it would be to protect his little devil. But it won't come to that. Because you have me looking out for you as well."

"Thanks, uncle Amy." She says hugging him.

"You're quite welcome." He says after pulling away. "Don't forget that your father still comes to visit you and your mother. You're still able to see him even if it's not often. How could he miss the mischievous things you do?"

"I'm not that bad!" She giggles.

"Oh really? When you were five years old, one of your classmates stole Ariel's cotton candy. The next day, he woke up with feathers glued to his whole body. Now where do you think those feathers came from?"

"Hey, they were used for a good cause. Besides, that's the thing about Ari and me. You don't touch what we love most."

"Your parents?"

"...Okay, second thing we love most."

He laughs. "If I've learned anything about humans, is that you don't mess with the Forbes' women."

"Eleanor, you can come back in now!"

Eleanor comes back into the room. "I see someone is feeling better."

"Uncle Amy is the best!"

"Don't let your father hear about that. He'll throw a fit." Eleanor says making Clarissa giggle.

"I have to get going now. I'll visit again." He says after kissing the top of Clarissa's head and hugging Eleanor. "Be good." He says to Clarissa.

"I'm always a good girl!"

"Let me see your hands." Eleanor goes to sit on Clarissa beds, gently taking her hands, looking at the front and back. "Yep, I was right... You have the mark of the devil."

Clarissa laughs and Eleanor looks back to see Amenadiel has already left.

"See you soon." Eleanor whispers before turning back to Clarissa. "You were never able to pronounce his name correctly."

"Yes I can. I just like calling him Amy." Clarissa giggles.

"You're so mischievous. Now how about tomorrow morning I make you my special nightmare cure pancakes?"

"Ooh!" Clarissa claps excitedly. "You're the best, mommy!"

"Don't let your uncle hear you say that."

End of Flashback

"Don't tell me you both believe this bloody nonsense."

"Lucifer, why can't you take this seriously?"

"Because it's ridiculous! Of course you believe that prophecy nonsense but don't get why Clarissa is believing in it!"

"The letter was addressed to her!"

"By the very priest who tried to get Chloe to kill me!"

"Have you forgotten? When the devil walks the earth and finds his first love, evil shall be released. What happened after that? Eve showed up."

"And did you forget? Not bad happened."

"Only because Clarissa interfered. After what happened with Chloe, she felt you would go back to your old ways if you had gotten back together with Eve."

"That's a good thing, right? Clary saw right through Eve, had a talk and then Eve left."

"When an old evil returns, a choice will be made. The destruction of everything or it's salvation. But who will sacrifice? The king? Or his heir? Old evil? Who could that be? Let's see... Ah right! The old evil is Klaus! The king is you and his heir is your daughter!"

Lucifer noticing his daughter hasn't said a word, walks over to her and places his hands on her shoulders, making her look at him.

"Sweetheart, you can't listen to any of this. Nothing is going to happen to me or more importantly, you... Okay?"

"...Uh... I'm really tired. I'm heading to bed. See you tomorrow morning."


After Clarissa heads upstairs, Lucifer sighs and turns to his brother.

"I remember when Clary was a child... She had a nightmare about how bad people took you away from her. Maybe that is what this is. You know that girl is terrified of losing you."

"I know that! That's why I'm telling you to ignore this prophecy! What exactly could that puny hybrid pup do? We're angels! We're literally the most powerful beings in the universe! What does he have on us?!"

Lucifer heads towards the stairs and stops to look back at Amenadiel.

"...Eve wasn't my first love... It was Eleanor. So that prophecy was wrong."

"Brother... Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

Lucifer doesn't respond and makes his way upstairs.


Lucifer notices Kailee standing by her door. "Kailee, what are you still doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep. Can you give me another bedtime story?"

"Of course. Get back into the bed and I'll there shortly."


She returns to her room and he goes to knock on Trixie's door.

"What's up, pops?"

"I've told you to stop calling me that, you urchin. Now, I need a favor."

After talking to Trixie, Lucifer goes into Kailee's room to see her back in bed. He closes the door behind him and goes to sit next to her. "Now what story would you like to hear?"

"Umm... Since daddy is a cop, did he ever join any of your cases?"

"Ah, yes he did... Your father had quite the partnership with your mother, grandma Chloe and I."

"Ooh, really?!"

"How about we start from the beginning?"

"Wait! Before you start..." Just like last time, she reaches under her bed and pulls out her secret stash of candy. "Candy time!"


Clarissa opens the front door to see a familiar face.


"Clarissa, hi!" Chloe says giving her a hug. "It's been a while. How have you been?" She asks after pulling away.

"Good. Uh, come in."

Clarissa moves to the side so that Chloe can step into the house and leads her into the living room.

"Can I get you anything? Water? Juice?"

"No, thank you. Nice place that you have." Chloe says as she sits on the couch.


"Wait... What is your job?"

"I'm a screenwriter. Watch a show called Blood Diaries?"

"That series is by you? I always catch Trixie watching it. Other than chocolate cake, it's another thing she's obsessed with."

"Good to know. I'll send her a gift bag. But other than talking about my life, what's the real reason you came over here?"

Chloe sighs. "...Your dad called me-"

"How did he get your number?"

"Not sure but I know that you didn't give it to him. But he called and said that it was an emergency. So I need you to come with me."

"If my dad ever has an emergency, it's because he's suffering from my wrath and I know that is not it. So I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious."

"Clarissa, please."

"Why do I have to go?"

"First reason, you're more likable than your dad."

"...Yeah, I can agree with that." Clarissa nods.

"Second reason, you didn't tell me that your fiancé was going to be an officer at my workplace."

"Oh...I didn't tell you that?"

"No, you didn't! Third reason, Kai never shuts up."

"True... Even though it's one of his most annoying traits, it's one of the things I love most about him."

"Fourth reason, the last case that Kai and I was working on, your dad was smoking the evidence."

Clarissa facepalms.

Chloe drives them over to the destination. After arriving, they get out of the car and walk towards the house.

"I don't know who is more annoying. Your dad or your fiancé! How do you put up with them?"

"I ask myself that question every day."

"Come in!" Kai yells.

Trixie comes into Clarissa and Kai's bedroom, walks to Clarissa and grabs her hand.

"Come with me."

"Where are you talking my wife? You can't be going to a college party... Don't tell me you're taking her to a club. No wait! You can't be secretly taking her out of town! Why are you stealing her from me?!"

"Kai, I love you but shut up. I want to spend some quality time with my sister. You can go a few hours without her. So for once in your life, stop hogging her."

"What are you talking about! Ever since you were a kid, you've been always stealing her from me!"

"...Don't I get a say in this?"

"No!" Trixie and Kai both yell.

Lucifer opens the front door, smiling at Chloe but surprised to see his daughter.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?"

"Chloe asked me to come for protection against you."

Chloe's jaw drops and smacks a laughing Clarissa's arm. They all hear honking and notice a police car pulling up. Kai comes out of the car, waving at everyone.



Clarissa rolls her eyes. "You called Kai too? Dad, what is going on?"

"Just come inside."

As Chloe steps in, Kai comes up next to Clarissa and kisses her cheek. "Hey, babe. Though it's nice to see you, what are you doing here?"

"I'm Chloe's bodyguard. She can only handle so much between dad and you."

"Clary!" Chloe smacks Clarissa's arm again.

"Clo-Clo, I thought you loved me!"

"Stop calling me that. You want the truth? Having to deal with one of you is bad enough. But both of you? I just want to get back in the car and drive far away."

"...I understand... Absence makes the heart grow fonder!" Kai says making Chloe roll her eyes. "Hear that dad?"

"Right! Detective, I didn't realize you care that deeply for us!"

Chloe closes her eyes and rubs her forehead.

Kai turns to Clarissa. "Where's my morning kiss?"

"I already gave it to you so many! When we woke up. When we had breakfast and before you left the house. How much more do you want?"

"Till I'm satisfied."

"...Since you're in uniform, maybe I could give you a few more..."

"As adorable you two are, my matters are much more important. Kai, please save the need for my daughter's kisses for another time."

"Dad!" Clarissa yells as Chloe closes her eyes and shakes her head.

"Sweetheart, I'm your father. It's my job to embarrass you. Now can you both please come inside?" Lucifer ushers them inside.

"Clarissa, I am truly sorry for what you have to put up with." Chloe whispers to her.

"Thank you. It's best we stick together during these times."

"Excuse the mess, but it's so good of you to come, detective." Lucifer says as he leads them through the house.

"Thanks for being super-cryptic in a really unhelpful way." Chloe says making Lucifer chuckle. "What's the emergency?"

"Well, it-it's better to show than tell, really."

The four come across a floating body in the pool. Chloe and Clarissa slowly turn to stare at Lucifer.


Kai notices the look on Clarissa's face and goes to rub her shoulders.

"Need a corndog, baby?"

"...Yes, please."

"On it..." He kisses the side of her head and notices the look Chloe is giving him. "And I will call this in!" He says running away.

Clarissa sits on the table while eating her corndog and Ty Huntley is on the laptop bringing up the photos from the party. Kai stands behind Ty, looking through the photos for the victim. She looks at her father who is bothering one of the workers.

"Ooh. Uh, I'd be careful with that thing in the guest bedroom. There's a good chance you'll go blind. Unspeakable acts. Yes, we got a little carried away." Lucifer chuckles.

"Dad, stop it! Let the man work!"

"Yes, I agree." Chloe says as she walks in. "Stop interfering." She grabs Lucifer's arm and pulls him over to Ty and Clarissa.

"I'm helping. You forget that my expertise is finding the right people to punish, detective. It's what I do... Or, uh, at least did."

"You really don't want to be talking about your expertise, dad."

"Sweetheart, you're eating a corndog in the middle of a crime scene."

"I know and of course I feel bad but you know how I get when I'm stressed. So I have to eat. And right now, this corndog is calming me. Chloe, would you like me to help? I don't mind questioning everyone who was at the party."

Kai sighs. "My fiancée is such an angel. Beautiful, kind, smart, considerate, brave-"

"Get back to work." Chloe cuts Kai off. "Clary, the coroner puts the time of death between 1 and 3 am. Actually, Lucifer. Is there someone who can vouch for your whereabouts at the time?"

"Several someones in fact. Yes. Get them to tell you every little detail-"

"NO! Dad, I didn't want to hear about yours and mom's sex life. I don't want to know about this one! Chloe, please! Anything but that!"

Chloe holds back a smirk. "We'll let someone else handle that."

"Found her!" Kai tells them.

"Do you know anyone there?" Chloe asks Ty.

"No. Sorry. I mean people just show up to these things."

"Did anyone look suspicious?" Kai asks.

Lucifer scoffs. "Where do we start? I mean look at those big strong hands." He points to one of the men in the picture. "Perfect for squeezing the life out of someone."

Clarissa facepalms and Chloe has an annoyed look on her face.

"Oh, ginger lad. Soulless bastards. Give even me the creeps."

"Dad... A woman was murdered at a party. You were at this party. So you need to go sit with the witnesses."

Clarissa finishes up her corndog and begins pushing her father out of the room.


"But nothing. You don't have anything that has proven useful so far nor any evidence. So until you do..." When he is outside, she closes the door in front of him. "Stay."

Clarissa notices Chole and Kai watching and heads over to them.

"Thank you." Chloe pats Clarissa on the shoulder before walking away.



Kai wraps his arm around Clarissa's waist to pull her closer to him, holding her possessively.

"I love it when you're in control."

"Kai! You're working, stop it!" She giggles, pulling out of his grip.

Kai and Chloe are looking through witnesses' purses and bags when Dan comes in.

"Hey. I heard all hands on deck. I came as quick as I could."

"Yeah, and on time."

"Look, Chloe, I'm sorry about earlier. Okay? I got held up at-"

"Danny." Kai speaks. "Let me give you some advice. Father to father. Save your apologies for that child of yours. When you see her, you explain yourself and apologize. Then you give her chocolate cake. Right now, you need to get to work. We have a victim with no fingerprints on file."

Kai glances at Chloe who gives him a nod of appreciation.

"...These all the unclaimed items from the party?"

"Yeah, we checked everything. Unfortunately, no I.D. that matches our victim." Chloe tells him.

"So, what are you both thinking?"

Chloe sighs. "Well... we're thinking our victim wore a cute red dress. There's no way she have that pink clutch. She was out to have fun, so that nixies anything big and bulky, like a tote-"

"Found it!" Kai holds up a car key.

"You both said you were looking for an I.D.-"

"We weren't looking for an I.D. We were looking for a car. Come on, keep up Danny!"

Clarissa walks through the house, she hears sounds she rather not hear. Eventually, she finds her father watching a video on someone's phone.

"Dad, what the bloody hell are you doing?! Are you watching... I don't even want to know!"

"Sweetheart, you know what I'm watching. And I'm making myself useful."

"By watching "that" on somebody else's phone?"

"It's not just anyone's phone. I think it's our recently departed. It's Ty and the witness."

Clarissa hears Ty's voice and sees him down the hallway. She walks towards him ignoring her father's calls.

"Ty. Why did you lie? There's a video of you and the victim. You just made yourself look bad, you idiot!"

"Look I-"

"Wait! Detective, you're making a mistake!"

Clarissa turns around to see her father and Chloe heading towards them.

"Stay out of this, Lucifer! Cuff him."

The officer goes to cuff Ty.

"Ty Huntley. You are under arrest for the murder of Ali Thornton."

"This is ridiculous. Lucifer, this is all your fault. I wish I never met you."

"Hey! Watch how you speak to him. How about you take some responsibility for your own actions? No one made you jump in bed with the woman. And if you hadn't lied about it, you wouldn't be in this position."

"Sweetheart, easy." Lucifer says pulling Clarissa close to him.

After the officer takes Ty away, Lucifer turns back to Chloe while still keeping a hold on Clarissa.

"Trust me, detective. I have been doing this for a long time. I know evil. You've arrested the wrong man. The person responsible is still out there."

"How are you so sure?"

"Can I say something? The video does make him look bad. He's a virgin, sleeps with a gorgeous woman. Finds out that she's filming them. It could ruin everything so he gets angry and loses control. But! That video only proves that Ty had sex. So I think you should make sure that you punish the right person. There may be more to it... Now I have to get home to my beautiful babies. See you later, Chloe!"

"...How is she related to you?"

"How? She got her brains from me!"

"...Did she really? You know what? Lucifer, you can go now. Let the LAPD solve this."

"So daddy and you got on mommy and grandma Chloe's nerves a lot."

"We never! Who told you that?!"

"Mattie told me a lot of things. Once, you tried to take a picture with a dead person till grandma Chloe took the phone from you. When you were held hostage once, daddy tried to tase that person for a long time and mommy smacked him for it. And there's one time you and daddy were acting so childish that mommy and grandma Chloe locked you both in the car."

"...Okay... Maybe all that is true." Kailee giggles. "Your sister needs to stop exposing all our secrets."

After arriving at Lux, the kids run out of the elevator.

"Mommy!" They all yell.

"My beautiful babies! Come here!" She holds out her arms and they all rush to her.

"We missed you, mommy! Where's daddy?" Charlotte asks.

"Don't worry, we'll be seeing him when we get home."

"LAPD called. Financial Investigations Unit." Clarissa hears Maze say. "Apparently, you destroyed the honeymoon suite at the budget hut in Tarzana last night."

"I rather return to the fires of Hell than spend a night in Tarzana."

"And then, someone with your name and credit card skipped out on a two-thousand dollar tab at Zany Wings." Maze laughs.

Clarissa laughs. "Does my dad look like he would eat a Zany wing?" She walks over to them. "Someone is masquerading as him. Dad, who did you piss off?"

"I'm the victim here! Maze, find this cheap knockoff and make him suffer."

"Suffer? I get my knife." Mattie says.

"NO!" The adults shout. However, Lucifer and Maze try to hold back a smile.

The next day, Chloe and Kai go to meet Ty's agent. They also end up seeing Lucifer laughing with men in suits while Clarissa stands off to the side eating a chocolate bar.



"Clarissa. He dragged you here, didn't he?"

"Sorta. I was trying to work on something new but he promised to make me all my favorite types of corndogs...which is probably all of them. Except the vegan and gluten free kind."

Chloe gives her a small smirk before turning back to Lucifer.

"A word, please?" She asks before walking away.

"Yes..." Lucifer notices one of the men looking at his daughter.

"Sir, if you don't stop looking at my daughter like that I'll rip your bloody head off!"

"Or I could just tear you limb from limb." Kai says stepping in front of Clarissa.

The man jumps and runs away. The three of them then go to join Chloe.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Finding, then punishing Ali's actual killer."

"How did you know to come to this agency?"

"Dad apparently looked though Ty's phone before he watched the video."

"Yes. She called here and-"

"Traded calls with Ty's agency a few hours before she was killed. We checked her phone records." Kai says.

"Right, so why did she know Ty's agent? I mean, she was a one night stand. It hardly makes sense."

"Well, that's why we're here to find out. So you can go now."

"Wait! Wait. is kinda fun with the four of us." Kai says.

"I admit it is nice having Clarissa around but Lucifer, I don't need your help."

"Look, I'm not trying to solve this for you. I'm ensuring that the right person is held responsible. Look, come on! Me and Clary have been helpful before, haven't we?"

"I'm here for three reasons. First, is my corndogs." Chloe tries to hold back a laugh. "Second, as Chloe's bodyguard. Third, I agree about the right person needing to be punished."

"...Lucifer, if you step out of line one time-"

"You can give me a right-good spanking, I promise."

"Eww, dad!"

They are now in Ty's agent office.

"Ty wouldn't do something like this. He's such a good kid."

"I'm actually more curious about you, Mr. Hanson." Chloe says. "You spoke to the victim a few hours before she was killed."

"...Maybe it's best I don't say anything without my attorney present."

"He's guilty." Clarissa says.

"Excuse you?"

"She's right. People who say that are always guilty of something." Kai says.

"And I don't want to waste any time so tell me... Clarissa leans over the desk. "What do you truly desire?"

"That's my little devil." Lucifer mutters.

"..I... I want to be the greatest manager of all time."

"Keep talking."

"And to do that, I need to protect my clients."


"And, uh..."

"If you want to protect Ty, tell us what you know."

Joe chuckles. "Let's make a deal. I tell you everything. You look into something."

"Here's a deal. Tell us everything, and I don't cuff you in front of your workers, let my girl here take you to the very top of this building and leaves you dangling from the side of it. My girl has a bit of a temper and I can see you're pissing her off. So it's best you choose wisely."

"You're so hot right now." Clarissa whispers in Kai's ear.

"I know how this goes. Ali's a young actress looking for a break. An agent promises to help her out, in exchange, she's treated them like a party favor to your star clients." Chloe says.

"Okay, okay. I did call Ali. I hired her to have sex with Ty."

"Wow, seems I wasn't the only one who wanted the young virgin to loosen up."

"Dad." Clarissa smacks his arm.

"No. I loved the virgin angle. It's a clean hook, got him lot of attention. But Ty was a mess. I needed him to get over his ex."

Joe takes out a file that contains images that shows Ty's ex-girlfriend Debra being a secret crazy fan.

"Debra McCall, his ex. She left this behind one of the many times she came here trying to find him. She used to call all the time trying to get a hold of him."

"So, he dated a crazy fan?" Chloe asks.

"He didn't know it at the beginning. So when I figured it out, he had already fallen for her... See after a while, Debra got possessive, controlling...she thought she was managing him."

"So I told Ty he needed to break up with her. He refused. I made Ty file a restraining order after she broke a girl's nose just for buying him a mojito. So if Debra found out that Ty had been Ali..."

Later, all four of them are sitting in Kai police car, waiting for Debra to show up.

"Clarissa, you really didn't have to switch places with me."

"It's fine."

"Sweetheart, now that you're sitting in the back like some criminal how does it feel?"

"I'm good."


"I've got my man back here with me so...I'm good."

"Dad, I let you have my seat so I can cuddle up with my girl. And you've got a beautiful woman up there with you for yourself! Focus on her!" Kai tells him. "We're still shipping Deckerstar, right?" Kai whispers to Clarissa and she nods.

"Hmm. Finally, some rain. Maybe someone is looking out for us."

"I can assure you, he's in no way meteorologically involved. Apart from the whole Noah thing, and that was a one-off."

"Anyhow, her roommate confirmed that she took the 4 pm class so... Ty's ex should be here any second now."

"Well could she hurry up? I want my damn corndogs!"

"How about a kiss instead?"

"Kai, stop it."

"See? I told you that you had the wrong man."

"Wrong gender as well." Kai adds.

"Finally, we're getting warmer."

"...Why are you so hell-bent on proving Ty's not the killer?"

"Like I've been saying, I want to punish the real killer."

"But why? Is it cause you pushed him towards Ali at the party?"

"My dad has this thing where he has to punish people who deserved to be punished. It's one way of explaining it."

"She's here." Kai says getting out of the car, the others do the same. "Debra McCall. I'm Officer Parker."

"Detective Decker, LAPD. We need to ask you a few questions about Ty Huntley."

"I've got nothing to say." She walking away from them.

"It's either here or down at the station." Kai tells her as they follow her.

"Leave me alone!"


Debra's car explodes, Lucifer catches Clarissa before she hits the ground.

"See? Warmer."

"I remember when Mattie tried to explode something."

"Yes... A man called your mother a bad word, setting Mattie off which led her to attempt to making a explosive. Good thing Leon caught her before she finished making it."

It is now nighttime, Debra sits with the ambulance as Lucifer interrogates her.

"You couldn't live with yourself for committing murder, so you set your car to explode?"

"Dad, do you hear how you sound?"

"Murder? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on... The bomb was triggered remotely." Chloe says walking up to them.

"Whoever set it off, did it before you got to the car. There's a clear line of sight. I don't think they were trying to kill you, just scare you... So know anyone who would do that?" Kai asks.

"No." She says shaking her head.

"Why did you run, Debra? Awful guil-" Lucifer is cut off when Clarissa covers his mouth with her hand.

"I thought you were going to bust me for my restraining order. I went to Ty's party last night-"

"This is why people need to stop lying and hiding shit! It makes them look guilty! Now why were you there when you know you weren't suppose to be?" Clarissa asks.

"I just looked through the window! I couldn't help it... I missed him."

Lucifer removes Clarissa's hand. "Yes, breaking up is so hard, isn't it? You're like two pathetic peas in a pod."

"We were made for each other. As good as he is as football, that's how good I am at being his girlfriend."

"...You mean ex-girlfriend." Kai says.

"We never stay broken up. It's just a phase. And no one looks out for him the way I do. And then I saw him kissing that girl and I..."

"Squeezed the life out of her?"


"Where were you between 1 and 3 am this morning?"

"The only place that makes me feel better."

After finishing their talk, Clarissa stays behind with Debra.

"Let me give you some advice... Do you feel Ty is worth it? Because if you don't, then stop wasting your time on him. Focus on yourself. Love yourself. You're giving your all to him but what is he giving you? Figure out what you want... There's a guy out there for you. A man who cherish you just like you cherish him."

"Did you find your guy?"

Clarissa smiles. "Yeah... Yeah, I did."

Chloe, Kai and Clarissa are in Lucifer's penthouse, watching through Lucifer and Dan camera, at they attempt to catch Ronnie Hillman, the one responsible the explosion of Debra's car. However, Lucifer discovers from Ronnie that she's met the Lucifer wannabe and lets her get away. She brings the impostor and Maze removes the blindfold.

Maze laughs. "The resemblance is uncanny."

Clarissa and Lucifer go to get a look at the guy.

"It most certainly is not. How could anyone think that you're me?"

"Do you know who you're messing with? I'm Lucifer freaking Morningstar!" The fake Lucifer says in a fake British accent.

"Oh shut up with that fake ass accent! Last time I checked, Lucifer Morningstar has a daughter who happens to be me! And I sure as hell don't have your eyes!"

"Oh my-"

"Don't you even finish that. You know what? Maze go ahead and start torturing him. Cut off his precious jewels first."

"...You've learned well, baby Luci." Maze smirks.

"No, wait! I'm sorry! My name is Justin!" He drops the fake accent. "I only came here one time and just told some girls I owned the place. The I just went with it... Please don't hurt me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you... I'm going to destroy you." He grabs Justin's shirt. "HOW DARE YOU ABSCOND MY NAME!"

"Oh, this is so hot. It's like you're punishing yourself."

"Eww, Maze!"

"...Maybe I'm overreacting just a bit... Go. But never sully my name again."

Justin hurries out of Lux and Maze begins to whine.

"At least take a finger!"

"We've done enough, Maze."

Ronnie walks over to Lucifer. "Pleasure doing business with you, Lucifer."

"Honey, come arrest her!"

Kai, Chloe and two other officers come in.

"Ronnie Hillman, you're under arrest for kidnapping and assault."

During their talk, Ronnie denied killing Ali and convinced her to sleep with Ty. She claimed that Ty's agent hired her to blackmail Ty. The four realize that Joe painted Debra as the killer when he in fact is the real killer.

The next day they head to a meeting that Joe holds to protect Ty's image.

"What do you want? Ty is free on bail."

"We have to talk to Ty down at the station again, maybe walk him past a few reporters." Chloe says pulling Ty out of his seat.

"Whoa, hold on. Joe, what is this?"

"This is ridiculous! Ty wouldn't hurt anybody!"

"What about Debra?"

"I told you to look into her. She's the crazy one."

"You see... I know crazy when I see it and she's not crazy. That's funny coming from a crazy one, isn't it?" Kai laughs and Clarissa kisses his cheek.

"Debra was home with a friend the night of the murder."

"What? She's lying!"

"Joe, give it up. There's no evidence placing her at the party. And no one saw her." Clarissa says.

"I saw Debra there! I went by the party!"

"Oh... See you just told on yourself!"

"My girl is right." Kai wraps his arm around Clarissa's waist. "Because you told us you never went to the party. That's proof we need."

"We also have a sworn statement from Ronnie Hillman that you hired the victim to make a sex tape with Ty. I just need to place you at the scene."

"See? This is why my little devil and I don't lie. It's so hard to keep track of who knows what."

"It's not true. I only want what's best for you, Ty."

"You know, I still don't understand. Why would my own agent want to blackmail me?"

"Because he thought you'd leave him."

"If he left me, I would be ruined!"

"So you resort to murder? Ali refused to give you the video, so you kill her?" Kai asks.

"Stupid bitch." Joe says which angers the father and daughter. "She said she realized Ty was a good guy and didn't want to go through with it."

"Her name was Ali Thornton, and you killed her. She had her whole life ahead of her." Clarissa says and Kai keeps a tight hold on her.

"And what did you kill her for? Greed? Ego?" Lucifer asks stepping forward.

"I didn't want to hurt her. I just want the phone... But I squeezed too hard... I'm done. Forget this, I'm out of here."

Joe goes to walk past Lucifer and ends up getting thrown out a window by Lucifer.

"Did I squeeze too hard?"

"...How did you? Lucifer..."

"Clary, baby. Keep calm. Chloe can calm my dad down, please! Kinda busy with Clary right now!"

Chloe rushes to Lucifer and places her hands on his chest.

"Lucifer, what are you doing?"

"Finally focusing my anger where it belongs."


He stops and looks at Chloe. Clarissa finally stops struggling against Kai and notices.

"Wait! Are they having a moment? Is this a shipping moment?"

"I think we're making progress, baby." Kai whispers in Clarissa's ear. "Deckerstar."

"Grandpa, are you still leaving in a few days?"

"Yes but I will back next month. So it won't be too long, okay?"

"Okay. Until then, you'll still give me more bedtime stories, right?"

"Of course. You are my favorite grandchild, after all."

"Don't let the others hear that." Kailee giggles.

"Goodnight, Lee. I love you."

"Night. Love you too, grandpa."

Lucifer kisses her forehead and leaves her room. He quietly makes his way downstairs, while at the same time making sure the girls don't see him. He sees Clarissa and Trixie in the kitchen, eating chocolate cake.

"I'm your sister, remember? Did you forget what I told you back when I was a kid? If something is bothering you and you can't talk to the others about it, just lean on me. Even if I don't have the ability to do something about it, I can still listen."

"...Thanks, Bay."

Lucifer smiles at the sight.

One month later...

Clarissa and Kaleb are in the kitchen cleaning dishes and hear someone knocking on the front door.

"I'll go get it. You keep cleaning."

"Got it, mom."

She goes to the front door, opens it and is shocked by whose standing in front of her.



The cousins squeal and hug until Clarissa hears a familiar voice.

"It's not just her!"

She looks behind Caroline to see Enzo, Kol, Finn and Sage all waving at her.

"We're back, angel! Love, why did you have to bring so much luggage?"

"Do you not know what event is coming up?!"

"Aunt Clary!" A young girl runs up to them and hugs Clarissa tightly.

"Carina! Wait..." She pulls the girl away. "Did you get prettier?"

Carina giggles and Clarissa looks to see another young girl approaching. "Jolie!

"What's up, auntie?"

"Come here you!" She pulls Jolie into a hug.

"Missed you too." Jolie says after stepping back. "But I think mom missed you the most. She talked about you almost every hour, she was so worried. She even thought you would burn Mystic Falls down to the ground. Or that Kendra would redecorate her office with a hybrid's intestines... But she didn't mind if the last one happen. Did it?"

"You little-!"

Clarissa pulls Jolie into the house before Caroline can grab her.

"Both of you go into to the kitchen. My giddy Rina, I made iced sugar cookies. My precious Jojo, I made triple chocolate chip cookies."

"My favorite! Thanks, auntie!" Carina kisses Clarissa's cheek and hurries inside.

Jolie rolls her eyes playfully. "This is why you're my favorite aunt." She says before following Carina.

"You spoil them, especially Jolie!"

"Uh, I have competition with Ariel and Sage on being the favorite aunt."

Caroline sighs and rolls her eyes. "Look, go upstairs and see who you find." Clarissa gives Caroline a confused look. "Go on."

Clarissa still confused, heads upstairs with Caroline following behind her. Following her gut, she picks the door to the study. When she opens it, she finds another familiar face.

Guess who...😏


"Hello, cousin."

Ariel smirks and walks over to Clarissa who rushes towards her. The two embrace in a hug.

"I've missed you, Ari." Clarissa says tearfully.

"Missed you too."

Caroline joins in on the hug. "The Forbes' woman are all together again!" She says making them laugh.

Leon is in his dorm, looking at the gift he brought for Charlotte while smiling. He hears someone knocking on the door and quickly places the gift box in his desk drawer. He opens the door to see Lucifer.

"Mr. Morningstar, you're back!"

Lucifer sighs. "Still won't call me grandfather... Yes, I've returned and I brought..." He steps to the side and reveals...


"Hi baby!"

Leon laughs and hugs her while lifting and spinning her around.

Ella Lopez is here!

At a prison in Los Angeles...

"One of the inmates just died. Father Kingley."

"Coroner got the body?"

"Yes, sir."

In the morgue lies Father Kingley's body... However, his eyes open and they are completely black.


For those of you who don't know who this character is, check out the Ariel Forbes - The Vampire Diaries!

As for Ella... I admit at first, I didn't know if she would appear in the series and for Leon's character, I was trying to figure out who his mom should be. A character from either show or my own oc... Then the thought occurred to me... Why not make Ella his mom because I had actually made a few of Leon's traits are very similar to her without realizing it at the time! And as a bonus, it was ANOTHER PLOT TWIST! I had to do something else where none of you could see it coming!😂

Maia Mitchell as Carina Mikaelson

Born: 2011/Age: 17




Species: ?

"Aunt Clary, you know me so well!"

Katelyn Nacon as Jolie St. John

Born: 2012/Age: 16




Species: Banshee

"This is why you're my favorite aunt."

"I've got my dad's sense of humor, so deal with it."

Now introducing Carina Mikaelson, Finn and Sage's adoptive daughter and Jolie St. John, Caroline and Enzo's adoptive daughter! Weren't expecting that either, were you?

I hope I did a good job with fitting Kai into the Lucifer, Chloe and Clarissa partnership. What are your thoughts? I feel like this wasn't as good as the first flashback chapter but I did my best. This one was a struggle!

And now Dromos has arrived! The trouble truly begins!

I also announced recently that I would be editing the series to include more Josie and Lizzie, maybe Alaric. She will still remain the surrogate mother and will be a mother figure to them. But from now on they will be calling her aunt. In the earlier chapters, I will keep it the same where they called her mom. Just to piss Klaus off before he knew about the other kids. I will let you all know when I do this and list which chapters include new scenes.

There's also a chance of me writing more special chapters like "My Little Angel"! I might write one or two more chapters dedicated to Eleanor. I'm thinking of even writing one for Carenzo.

And I don't know if anyone is up for it, but is there anyone interested in making video edits for this series?

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