Mahamahim is cool!

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Mahamahim had come for some serious business with Karn regarding the  difficult situations in the Aryavrat.
"Duryodhan had planned his own brother's murders in the Varnavrat. Because of that Shakuni he is completely distracted from the path of dharma. You are his friend Karn and I know you are a noble man. Only you can drag him out of Shakuni's clutches." Mahamahim said.
It was a private conversation and there were only the trusted people in the court.
"Are the pandavas safe mahamahim? What about Rajmaata Kunti?" Karn asked with concern.
"Thanks to you.  They are alive. If you had not informed us about Duryodhan's evil plan then the pandavas would have been dead. Thanks for informing Karn." Mahamahim expressed his gratitude.
"I dont want Mitr Duryodhan to murder his own brothers and whatever it is I didnt want the pandavas dead. They are good human beings. Maybe they did not treat me properly but they are noble men and saving their lives was a duty. And Rajmata Kunti was also along with them. I have extreme respect for Rajmata since childhood. It's good to know that they are safe. Where are they anyway?" Karn asked.
"They are disguised as Brahmins and are in hiding. Hope this information will remain safe with you." Mahamahim said.
"Not to worry Mahamahim. All my trusted people are in the sabha now. The pandavas will remain safe and so will this information with us." Karn declared.
Mahamahim thanked Karn one last time.
"Oh and congratulations on your wedding Putr. Where is Maharani of Ang?" Mahamahim asked with joy.
Karn was going to tell him the truth when Meghna entered the sabha.
"Pranipaat Mahamahim. It's an honour to meet you. I have heard so much about you. " She exclaimed with excitement.
Meghna was so excited to meet Mahamahim Bheesm . Bheesm was one of her favourite characters. He was a good human stuck in his family politics. She pitied the man.
"Its indeed a pleasure to meet you . I had noticed you in Karn's chamber earlier but you were hiding from me." Pitamah said smiling.
Karn and Meghna looked at him open mouthedly.
"Actually my clothes..." Meghna was going to speak.
"I am an aged man my dear. I have recieved my education from Bhagwan Parshuram. How could you think that I'll judge you based on your clothes? Clothes are materialistic and I am not that shallow Putri.  You have the right to wear whatever you want. Many people in this society will disagree with me even challenge my thought but I know my values and I have not forgotten the teachings of my great guru. You are free to wear anything you want before me Putri. It will never make me uncomfortable. " mahamahim said and smiled heavenly.

Meghna was too impressed to speak. She had never imagined such an answer from Mahamahim Bheesm . Now she truly respected the man's progressive thoughts and ideologies.  She couldn't stop herself from admiring the man. Mahamahim was cool!
Karn nodded his head completely agreeing with his statement. 
'Now this Karn is acting as if he too believes the same while a moment ago he was roasting me for my shorts. Hypocrite!' Meghna thought.
Hardly did she know the reality!
"Devi Meghna, Radhama has called for you." A dasi came and declared in the court.
"I should leave but it was wonderful meeting you mahamahim . Hope we will meet again soon." Meghna expressed her genuine happiness on the acquaintance.
After Meghna left Mahamahim also asked to take his leave.
"I will also take my leave Angraj. You are a very kind and noble man and your wife too is a splendid woman. It was really nice meeting you and your wife. You both look really good together." Mahamahim said smiling.
Before Karn could protest mahamahim had already left the palace.
"Now Mahamahim feels Meghna, who by the way is my accidental wife , is my wife and I dont know what will happen when he meets Vrushali. Why is my life taking such disastrous turns?" " Karn muttered to himself.

On reaching his chamber Karn found Meghna sitting on his bed. He was a bit taken aback to see her in his chamber.
He tried his best to behave coldly. He had given up the act last time when he had tried to console her. But now he will stay firm and cold. No more acting soft towards Meghna.
"What are you doing here ?" Karn asked in the meanest way possible.
Meghna was a little irritated by his tone but she was somewhat used to his cold behaviour now.
"I was....I was a little worried." Meghna said stammering.
Karn looked at her with confusion.
"Your was bleeding.  Is it paining? " Meghna asked a little scared and nervous.
Karn preferred to ignore her question.
'Why is she here? Doesn't she understand that I have been avoiding her? It's really difficult to behave so coldly with her without any fault of her. But she keeps coming to me and I am compelled to behave like this with her. Else I will feel guilty while marrying Vrushali. I have to hate her else I will continue caring for her and wont be able to marry Vrushali. That will Radhama's heart.Does she even know that she had vermillion in her forehead? If she knows then is she taking the sindoor thing seriously? There are so many questions in my mind but I cant ask her anything.' Karn kept thinking.
"Have you atleast cleaned the wounded area? No ! You haven't! The blood marks are clearly visible! You didnt wash the wounded area? It could be infectious!" Meghna exclaimed with horror.

"Dont you understand? I dont like you. And it's my body! My wounded part! I will do whatever I want to do! My wish!" Karn shouted angrily.
"No! It is your body and I wouldn't have cared a shit but unfortunately I was the one who had hurt you. So it is my responsibility to help you with your wound !" Meghna shouted back.
Karn was surprised . No one had outspoken him before except his parents! Not even Vrushali! And here is this naive new born girl who is arguing with him.
"I have brought some ointment for you . Govind had packed it in my suitcase for emergency purposes. It is a very effective medicine in kaliyug and it will heal your wound immediately." Meghna continued chatting.
"Are you deaf? Or you are just dumb? I told you I dont need your help! " karn shouted angrily.
"Why are you so mean to me?!" Meghna shouted back.
"'Nobody raises their voice before me Meghna! No one! This is your last and final warning!" Karn said with rage.
"I will leave once you have applied the medicine!" Meghna said firmly.
Karn was done being polite! He was angry now! He had explained a lot of times to her but she wont understand .  He had to hate her and she was behaving so nicely with her and it angered him even more.
"'Meghna don't!" Karn shouted and held Meghna's hand and pinned her to the wall.
"I warned you several times. Dont piss me off! I am not in a proper mental state these days. Dont piss me off. But you wont listen!" Karn whispered angrily.
Meghna's face was inches away from Karn's face and they both could feel each other's breath.
"Karn please ...leave me" Meghna whispered slowly. She was too scared to react. After her father's attempt to rape her in her childhood Meghna was scarred for life. She was afraid of men touching her. She was scared of their closeness.
"Now you are suddenly so scared! What's wrong Meghna?" Karn asked still pissed off.
Meghna pushed Karn away with all her strength.
"Karn I said leave me alone!" Meghna shouted and the tears escaped her eyes. She started sobbing bitterly.

Karn was taken aback.  He had not expected her to cry. He didnt hold her in any inappropriate manner. Why was she crying? She seemed traumatized. She continued sobbing.
Karn was done being the cold person. A girl was sobbing in front of him and it was all because of his cold behaviour! He had hurt her badly!
"Meghna..." Karn was approaching Meghna but she backed away from him as if scared .
"Meghna ...Meghna please listen to me. I am extremely sorry. I didnt know you would be so hurt. Please forgive me Meghna" Karn apologised with all his heart.
Seeing Meghna cry before him Karn felt horrible. Acting like an asshole was a terrible idea! He was only hurting her in this manner!
Meghna didnt listen to him. She continued sobbing.
"Meghna!" Karn said in a very understanding tone and held Meghna's shoulder. This time Meghna didnt push him away. His touch seemed protective. As if he was caging her with his protective arms and thus Meghna didnt push him away.
"Listen to me Meghna. You are safe. Dont cry please.I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I swear I had no intention of hurting you. I didn't know it would affect you so much.  I was acting like a horrible person. But I swear Meghna...I swear I have never touched you with any sort of wrong intention in my mind. Please trust me" karn said consoling Meghna into best possible way.
Meghna tried to stop crying. But the tears would not stop. She was shaken from inside. She was suddenly reminded of that horrible night when her father had touched her indecently.
Karn slowly wiped her tears.
She was still crying. What have you done Karn?! How could you be so blind in your rage?! You have hurt her so terribly,karn thought to himself.
Meghna tried to forget that disgusting event when she felt a warm hand on her cheek. Karn caressed her cheek . He was touching her but there was extreme gentleness in his touch. He was extremely careful with her now. Meghna didnt move his hand away as it was somehow consoling her. She held on to hand and cried her heart out while Karn held onto her shoulder with his other hand providing her support.
It was a very vulnerable moment for both Meghna and Karn. All of Meghna's emotions were flooding out and Karn was breaking from inside. He couldn't believe he had been so unfair to her. He acted horribly.  He regretted his cold behaviour towards Meghna deeply.

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