New arrival in the story

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Karn was feeling terrible as he looked at the crying girl. Why was he behaving so rudely with her? Was it her fault that he had poured sindoor in her forehead?! Why the heck was he ill treating her? What would happen if she hated him? He was not feeling any less guilty for hiding the truth. Moreover he was filled with even more guilt for hurting an innocent girl. He had committed blunder after blunder in these past days.
Meghna cried her heart out holding on to Karn. She was feeling light. Karn's arms holding her shoulders like a protective shield. She wanted them to always protect her. But why? Why was Karn being so protective all of a sudden? Meghna had no idea but she was in no position to question him.
"You okay?" Karn asked as he saw the sobbing stop.
Meghna nodded her head.
"I am really sorry Meghna. Please forgive me. I had no intention of hurting you." Karn said and there was genuineness in his tone.
Meghna knew that Karn was at fault but her reaction was not completely Karn's fault. It was a reason of her dark past. She was not used to anyone touching her after that incident. After that incident Meghna was so sensitive that everyone including her friends and family did not interrupt in her personal space . They maintained their distance.
"I need some space Karn " Meghna cried and came out of his chamber.
Karn felt extremely helpless and guilty. What had he done! His action had affected Meghna really badly and he didn't know if she would accept his apology anymore.

Meghna was strolling alone in the darkness. She could feel the eerie sounds of the night but they didnt scare her anymore. People are afraid of ghosts but for her humans were far more scary and the worst part about humans were that they surely existed.
She was walking without any hint of directions. She knew Karn had not touched her inappropriately but she was reminded of her horrible father. And she hated her father with all her heart.

"Where are you going Devi?" She heard an unknown voice.
She turned around to see a bunch of men following her. They looked drunk and their way of approaching towards her did not give Meghna any good vibes. She probably should return to the palace. She ignored them and started walking towards the palace but she could hear their footsteps following her. Fear crept into Meghna's mind. She shouldn't have come out of the palace this late and that too alone. She increased her pace of walking but the footsteps were heard nevertheless. The men were following her.
She tried to run but suddenly one man among the group came right in front of her guarding her way.
"What do you want?" Meghna shouted gathering all her courage.
"So you are the new girl emerged from the fire. You too are extremely beautiful like the panchal princess Draupadi."  The man spoke.
"That's not the answer to my question. Why are you following me?" Meghna asked.
"You are the king's guest. How much do you think we will get for returning you back to the castle?" The man asked with an evil smirk in his face.
"You guys are planning to kidnap me ?" Meghna asked without any fear.
They seemed like street hooligans and she didnt need to be scared of them. They were no warriors!
"You seem very smart young lady" Another man in the group cried. He was going to hold Meghna's hand . Meghna was already ready to attack them with her karate moves. But before Meghna could attack she heard a noise and suddenly she saw an arrow approaching her. Ropes came out of the arrow and imprisoned the goons. Meghna was taken aback.
"Angraj Karn!" She shouted as she noticed the figure coming out of the darkness.
"Are you okay devi?" An unknown voice was heard.
A very handsome man came out of the darkness.

"Who are you?" Meghna asked .
"'I am a humble brahmin. I am here to meet Angraj Karn and it seems you know him. So you might be knowing the way to the palace too." The man said.
"Yes I do. And thank you for saving my life. I am Meghna." Meghna introduced herself.
The brahmin looked at her as if amazed by her beauty. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He finally controlled himself and smiled and nodded his head politely.
Meghna reached the palace along with the Brahmin. On reaching the entry gate of the palace she saw Karn coming out of the front door. He looked worried. On seeing Meghna,Karn ran to her and held her hand protectively.
"Thank god you are fine. The palace guards informed me that you had gone outside the palace . It was so late at night and you were alone. I was extremely worried Meghna. I was going out to find you as soon as I heard you were out.Are you okay?" Karn asked concern visible in his perfectly handsome face.
Meghna nodded . She was surprised to see Karn's concern for her.
"Karn I was in danger but this brahmin mahashay saved me" Meghna cried pointing at the brahmin.
"Arjun!" Was all Karn could say.

Meghna was shocked by the revelation.  The man who had saved her life was the great warrior Arjun. She was so excited about meeting him and when she finally met him she couldn't even recognize him. She cursed herself. She was sitting in her chamber relaxing after Karn had strictly forbade her from going outside the palace at night. It was a funny moment. Karn could not order her as he was feeling guilty about his past deeds. He was stammering and stammering.  Finally he had to request her to stay indoors at night . Meghna couldn't stop herself from smiling whenever she imagined the situation. Karn was looking innocent and sweet.
He has still not applied the medicine on his back. She had noticed the blood in his back. She didn't know why she cared so much about Karn's wound? He did not seem to care. Then why was she so concerned? She didnt know why but she felt restless seeing Karn's injury. What's wrong with her?
"Well this is mixing of the souls sakhi. Though you hate Karn at this moment your soul is till very much connected yo his soul and it cannot see him in pain. That's the reason for your restlessness and concern" krishna cried to himself as he witnessed Meghna's condition.

"Welcome to Anga Arjun. Dont worry no one over here knows you are pandu putra Arjun. But its extremely risky for you to be near palaces. People will easily notice you in rajsabhas. I thought you all were in hiding" karn asked with concern.
"Yes we were. My brothers and mother are still in hiding. I came her for a purpose Angraj." Arjun said.
"Sure Arjun tell me. What can I do for you? " Karn asked with a smile on his face.
Arjun was surprised. Why was Karn being so kind to him? His smile seemed really genuine.
"'No Angraj. You have helped us. What is your motive behind helping us? Do you want a part of our wealth or do you have some other deal in your mind?" Arjun asked bluntly.
Karn flinched a little at his harsh words.
He sighed sadly.
"You always misunderstand me Arjun. I did not save you all for my own selfish reasons. I saved you all because I didn't want you all to die. You all may hate me . I too am not a great fan of yours but I accept the fact that you are a good person Arjun and so are your brothers. I did not want you all to die . Moreover I respect Rajmata Kunti very much since childhood. I had to save her. You are mistaken Arjun . I swear on my mother that I had no evil motive while I was helping you all." Karn said with a straight face but the smile had disappeared from his face.
Now it was Arjun's turn to feel guilty. He hung down his head in disappointment.  He was disappointed in himself. Maybe he had actually misunderstood Karn.
"'I should probably leave Angraj. I have to reach the hiding before dawn. And Thank you for helping us" Arjun said and smiled .
Karn smiled back.
Meghna could feelt a wide smile appearing in her face as she heard their conversation from behind the curtain. She was getting bored so she decided to roam inside the palace when she noticed Karn talking to Arjun. She was not someone who would eavesdrop in normal times but it was not normal times. She was in dwapar yug and the great warriors like Angraj Karn and Arjun were having a conversation. She couldn't stop herself  from eavesdropping.
When she heard Karn's confession she was surprised and  delighted. Karn was not infact a complete monster it seemed. Maybe she could forgive him for his past deeds. Or maybe not. She was yet to decide. But on learning that it was Karn who had helped the pandavas escape from the varnavrat she found herself respecting  Karn. Only a little but yes respect! Karn and Arjun who were brothers in real life were smiling at each other made her heart flutter with joy.

And he has still not used the medicine. As she noticed his bare back. Oh god! Why is it bothering her so much! She doesn't know but one thing she does know that if he is anymore late he will sure have an infection in his wound.
Next morning Karn woke up and found his back filled with Meghna's medicine.
He was taken aback.
"I have applied it. Meghna said you were hurt. You dont even tell me stuff anymore Radheye. Thank god the girl saw your wound. How did you get hurt though?" Radhama asked.
"During practise " he answered plainly.
How was she so kind?! He had misbehaved with her so much and yet she cared about his injury! What was wrong with him!

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