Murder plan?!

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"Good morning Radhama." Meghna wished cheerfully on the breakfast table.
"Good morning Putri." Radhama wished back.
"'Oh Putri I have to inform something to you. I have to go to Hastinapur for a few days. Karn's father  works in Hastinapur amd I have not seen for many days. I was thinking of visiting him for a few days. " Radha said smiling as she remembered her loving husband.
"Definitely Maata. Adhirath kaka would feel so lonely . You should visit him." Meghna supported as she noticed the smile in Radha's face.
"Will you be able to stay alone here?" Radha asked a little concerned.
"I am not alone maata. Vrushali will be here." Meghna said.
"Actually my parents too are calling me. They were saying that our marriage has been postponed for three months so I should go and stay with them for some time. After marriage I may not get the chance very often." Vrushali added joining the breakfast table.
Meghna looked sad.
"Absoltely. You should visit your parents. They must be missing you. Moreover our marriage is not for the next three months so you should enjoy some time in your maternal home." Angraj Karn said as he joined the table with Vrushali.
Wait...wait...wait! With Radhama and Vrushali both going to Hastinapur keeps me alone with Karn in Anga. I cant tolerate the man, Meghna thought.
The next morning Vrushali amd Radhama left together for Hastinapur.

"Hey Mahadev! How long will she sleep?" Karn asked the dasi as she returned for the third time from Meghna's chamber informing that she was sleeping.
"It's 10am. Nobody sleeps for so late. I had some work with her." Karn said to himself.
"Maharaj will you come to the court today?" The Mahamantri asked.
"Are there any complicated cases Mahamantri?" Karn questioned with sincerity.
"No Maharaj the cases are really easy and you had completed today's work yesterday only. So there is almost no work today. " mahamantri informed.
"Okay so I will not come to the court today then Mahamantri. And can you please ask a dasi to check if Meghna is still asleep?" Karn asked.
"How many more dasis telling me to get up will I receive in my room ?" Meghna asked storming inside the room.

Karn was amused looking at her red angry but gorgeous face.
"Its 10 am Meghna. People dont sleep for so long here." Karn said a little softly considering the fact that Mahamantri was standing right beside him. Mahamantri himself sensed the matter and took his leave.
"But I wanna sleep. What will I do any way? I am bored. Radhama and Vrushali both are not here. What will I do getting up?" Meghna asked with sad facial expressions.
Karn couldn't help but smile at her childish expressions.
"Well you can visit Angdesh. You are from Kaliyug and are new in this yug. And all this time you have stayed only in the palace. Maybe a slight tour around the city will be a good change for you." Karn suggested politely.
He was behaving politely with her now but not exactly friendly. He felt a little weird but he would not misbehave with her anymore.
"But what will I do alone? Moreover I dont even know the locations ornplaces to visit. I want a guide..." Megbna continued blabbering when Karn interrupted her.
"I will be your guide! If you dont mind. I hve no work in the sabha today. So I was thinking of showing you my city Anga." Karn said smiling.

Meghna was taken aback. What has suddenly happened to him? Why was he behaving sweetly.
"But you are the king. Wont it be weird for you to show around someone?" Meghna asked hoping he would step back. But Karn was not someone to step back so easily.
"No not at all. You are my guest . Actually according to Radhama you are family and I cant devote some time for my family. I will show you around . You will enjoy." Karn said with a genuine smile on his face.
It would be refreshing though. Meghna was anyway getting bored.
"Okay done. When?" Meghna asked casually.
"Now. If you're ready?" Karn asked.
"I am ready if you will let me go out in these clothes amd if you have a problem I am sorry. I am not interested in any trip." Meghna said with attitude .
"Wear whatever you wanna wear. Just hurry up. Anga is a big city to explore." Karn said calmly.
Meghna was taken aback. What was happening? Angraj Karn was behaving properly?!

"I am telling you. He is planning something!" Meghna said hoping Govind was listening.
"You are overreacting sakhi." Govind's voice was heard .
"Oh please Govind! Did you listen to his tone? He was acting sweet! Something's wrong! Shit! Jow didn't I realise it earlier? He is trying to impress me so that I go out with him and eventually he will kill me. Yes! He's planning my murder." Meghna concluded her face filled with fear and horror.
"Hey Mahadev! Save me from this woman! She is impossible! Sakhi...listen to me. If he was planning your murder he could've murdered you in the palace itself. He is the king sakhi. He has the power. " Govind cried.
His words made sense but....
"But why is he behaving sweetly with me then? Any explanation?" Meghna asked confident there was none.
"Maybe he feels guilty about treating you badly?" Govind said.
"Are you kidding me? He is a sample piece who cant be changed. He has his personal motives. I am sure." Meghna cried .
"He didnt have motives when he saved the pandavas in the varnavrat." Govind said.

Meghna stopped. Hmmm....again! Again Govind's words made sense.
"Devi Meghna...maharaj Karn is waiting for you. Are you ready?" A dasi asked.
"Oh god...hope you're right Govind." Meghna mumbled.
"I am!" Came Govind's voice.
Meghna looked at herself in the mirror. She looked okay.
Before leaving she quickly penned a note saying  : If I die then only amd only Angraj Karn is responsible for my death.
Keeping it on the table she left.

"You look good" karn cried looking at the front.
"How do you know? You didnt even look at me." Meghna said  confused.
"I did but continuously looking at a woman is considered impolite so I quit looking but that doesnt mean I didnt look. You look pretty" Karn said still looking forward.
Hmmm....Guy's got lines. He can flirt. Wait....what are you thinking Meghna? He is Angraj Karn! He is Vrushali's fiancee and probably the rudest man you have ever met. And here you are rating his pick up lines. What's wrong with you?, Meghna thought to herself.
'What is she thinking? Did I cross my boundaries by praising her? God I shouldn't have! But she looks pretty though.' Karn thought.

"So where are we going?" Meghna asked as they sat on the chariot.
"Well we can start with the biggest temple in Anga. It is the fourth largest temple of lord Shiva in the entire Bharat." Karn said.
Meghna was excited. Karn was disguised as a common man so that people wouldn't recognize him and they could visit the places without a crowd following them. And also Karn wanted to know what the people thought about him as a king.
She was finally getting out. And Karn was behaving nicely. Surprising! Where was his secret hidden weapon which he would murder her?
Meghna you are seriously overthinking now, Meghna thought to herself.
They reached the temple. It was a beautiful temple. Te structure was built so beautifully. Meghna looked at it with satisfaction.

"Pranipaat Panditji." Karn said.
The priest couldn't recognize him in his disguise.
"Kalyan ho my children. You both are very lucky. Today is maha shivratri and the married couple who visits this shiv temple today are bonded for life amd tied by the invisible strings of attachment." The priest said.
Karn and Meghna were shocked. They looked at each other strangely. This was weird.
"But we are not married Panditji." Meghna said.
Karn looked at her frowning. His expression was unreadable.
"That's okay. But you both should stay for the puja." The priest suggested.
"But you said the puja will tie a married couple forever. " Karn blurted out.
"Not just for this life but for eternity. But you both are not married so this will not have any effect on you both" the priest explained.
"But ..." karn tried to reason but Meghna interrupted.
"What's the matter? I want to see the puja. " Meghna said firmly as a final ultimatum to Karn.
Karn had no other option but to stay. He cant argue with her again. He was already too guilty to argue . Moreover he didnt believe in these rituals. And if he protests too much she will grow suspicious and what if she comes to know that they are married accidentally. Then she will claim her rights. What about Vrushali? And Radhama?
"Okay let's stay" karn agreed though he had no wish .

"The plan is successful!" The pandit of the Anga shiv temple said.
"This pandit look is really suiting you Mahadev. " krishna said.
Mahadev smiled.

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