Beating "God" Up...

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Fraternal Twins...even though they could look different, inside, the twins are one and the same. Which may mean that they inherently have the same personality and can choose which aspects of it to present to others, while keeping the other aspects, which the other twin is supposed to have, hidden?

Of course, they still keep some of their original traits, like for example, Tsume being outspoken and independent, and with that type of personality only he would rebel the way he did after being cast away from the family, which is the starting point for his 'Niko' persona, with Hikari being trained to become the successor is the starting point for 'God's Messanger' personality.

There is a dark side to any religion. The Christian church has created a legacy that has seeped into cultures all over the world.

One tends to wonder...which twin is more evil.

Light Or Darkness...

Tsume may love chaos and destruction but he does love humanity despite their sins.

Hikari, who is ironically, the Pillar Of Humanity, does not. Instead, he looks down on human sin and calls them out on their mistakes.

There is a dark side to any religion. The Christian church has created a legacy that has seeped into cultures all over the world. The church played a part in hate, racism, quirk discrimination, bigotry, sexism and abuse. Due to religious obsession from their parents. Hikari and Tsume ended up being victims to this twisted scheme.

Tsume let out his demons through chaos and destruction.

Hikari, on the other hand, remain doormat from his demons. Over the years from the pressure of being succesor, he quietly went insane...

Because of their quirks, their horrific parents, quirk discrimination, and the sins of righteous cult leaders. Both twins had lost their ways and descended into madness.

Who is more evil? Hikari or Tsume?


Despite their best attempts, Sylvia and Haru were pushed into a corner by Hikari.

Every attack, every ability, every move they use, Hikari would still remain undeterred. He would blast energy of light at them sending them flying throughout the area.

Hikari released multiple chain and slashes them both causing them to scream.

Scratches, scrapes, and bruises appeared. Followed by blood and opened wounds.

Sylvia's body felt like it was on fire. No pun intended. The pain was searing everywhere and her muscles were screaming.

Everything really hurt...

Haru's body structure was growing. From their brutal battle had been a very painful ordeal, which was saying something given Haru's past experience with pain from previous fights against villains, and could not hold back the screams that came from his mouth or the blood that flowing down from it.

Hikari: Give up now. There is no way that you both can defy fate. You lives end here...Your God has spoken. Kneel before me.

Sylvia: *Pant* *Pant* (OMG...All this talk about God, fate, and religion. It pisses me off...)

Haru: *Pant* *Pant* (If you think about it, he's more annoying than Niko...)

"Are you even listening to me?"

Said the Pillar Of Humanity with Sylvia simply stayed silent, watching like a predator stalks it's prey. She wasn't going to give up. Neither was Haru. After all, they both made a promise.

Their friends are counting.

Their teachers are counting on them.

Mikoto is counting on them.

Hikari: So stubborn it's pathetic. It's also annoying how your classmate is taking so long to get rid of Tsume. Once I'm through here. I'll get rid of that good for nothing brother myself! Then I'll become a GOD!!!

Hikari sended a very powerful light ability down to them.

Hikari: Got nothing to say? Are you afraid? You should be. God stands above all! SAY GOODBYE FILTHY SINNERS!!!

Sylvia: (I ain't dying here...)

Haru: (Neither will I...)

Hikari had a small moment of triumph as he finally managed to strike down the two sinners. However, triumph was replaced with pain as Sylvia used that exact same fire arm to punch Hikari across his face sending him flying back a good fifteen feet.

Hikari: (No...How?!)

Sylvia: Really Hikari-sama? Is this the best you have to offer! How.....Disappointing!

Sylvia finally spoke, shocking the self -proclaimed God by her now deep and demonic voice was while she taunted Hikari with a smirk and she saw Hikari go red in the face upon hearing him comment.

What do you know. So the Pillar Of Humanity can get angry and show emotions.


Hikari sends a wavelength of light attacks at Sylvia only for it to be defected back by Haru used a mirror quirk from wild card.

Hikari gets hit by the wavelength which caused him to get even more angry.


Haru: Sylvia! Now!

Sylvia: On it!

Sylvia grabbed Haru as the copied Engage, to which he borrowed from Mikoto.

Combined with Sylvia's fire attacks and his elemental abilities, they created a new powerful light attack of their own and came after Hikari

Hikari didn't have any time to react as they both suddenly vanished from the spot he was in and appeared directly in front of him.


Sylvia:....NO YOU'RE FUCKING NOT!!! HELL NAH!!!!!!!

Hikari was knocked up in the air as Sylvia hit him with an uppercut. Before he could fly away however, Haru quickly grabbed him by the ankle, turned around, and slammed Hikari face first into the ground so hard the ground created spider web cracks. If anyone was watching, this caused many within the crowd to cringe at the impact from the sound and the violent vibrations.

Sylvia then appeared again abiding the chains Hikari had used to protect him before she destroyed them, then she lifted Hikari up by the back of his head and started repeatedly punching him in the stomach.

The impact of each hit echoed across stadium. You could literally hear Hikari's ribs cracking and breaking.







Finally, after the thirtieth punch to the sternum, Sylvia threw him high up in the air, and everyone saw the nearly broken body of his enemy.

As he was coming down, Sylvia's body was surrounded by a mysterious fiery red aura as she, with great speed, flew up in the air and kneed Hikari in his jaw.



Hikari sailed a long distance across the arena before Haru soon grabbed and deliver the final blow. Hikari once again tried to use God's power to sav him and heal himself...

Only to wasn't working anymore?

Hikari: (No...Why...Are you saying...I've been wrong...? All this time...I' God?)


Using the card surrounding him to create all the powers and using them up in a single attack, Haru striked Hikari straight in the abdomen which caused the older boy to o crash landing on the ground, causing him to cough up copious amounts of blood staining his priest robes.

With that, after the long brutal fight...Sylvia and Haru emerged victorious...

Hikari Shirogami, the Pillar Of Humanity. The Pinnacle Of Light had lost.

And finally was proven...that was no God.

He was just...a boy. Driven by ambition and desires. Which led to his downfall.

Hikari: *Groaning in pain*........-K.O-

Sylvia glared at the broken form of Hikari. She never would've thought she would end up hating someone more than Niko.

To Sylvia, Hikari is just another jealous insecure brat. He basically had everything handed to him. Tsume didn't. So why is he so infuriated with his own twin? Why does he hate Tsume so much?! It doesn't make any sense. As much as she wanted to beat the answer out of him, she hardly had any strength left and her vision was fading into unconsciousness.

Sylvia: Tsk. You deserve it you wannabe crazy bastard....

She collapsed in exhaustion.

Haru: I hope you learn a lesson from this. Do not mock heroes. Sure, not everyone is perfect. Neither is you or your brother. You two may have lost your ways in the past. But there's still time to make up for all of it between you. Your brother isn't a hopeless case. He isn't a curse...


Haru *Tired* ....And BTW...You should've helped him...All for this...All of this...wouldn't been avoided...if you would've just gave him a chance...
wake up already. Life isn't fair. I get that. But that doesn't mean you should be contributing to the problem...I believe that something God would want for all of us to do for once in our heroes and villains...

Using up all his words, Haru collapsed as well and blacks out leaving beaten and bloody Hikari in his own thoughts.

Hikari: (....What God really wants us all to do....How foolish...I'm not finish here...I won't give up...I won't...I...I.......I don't even know what to do anymore...God...What should I do...?)


He received no answer...


Hikari: *Sad*....Has God forsaken me...? *Groans*

He closed his eyes while wallowing up in his own despair of his lost. He felt his power fading.

He has nothing left...

Beunknownest to him and the two young heroes, a small doll girl who remained observant to the battle...quietly waltzes away...

Hinako: (Time is almost up...I better hurry...or else...the world is doomed and Onii-chan's fate will be sealed...After all, this was the purpose...of why I was made...)

QOTD: Oh dear...What are Hinako's true motives?!

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