Mikoto v.s Niko PT. 2

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Shadows start forming around Niko whispering HATE and DEATH which caused Niko to giggle evilly before he broke into an maniacal laughter. With slight fear, Mikoto noticed one of villain's eyes had changed. His left eye was darkened with his pupil turning red and his teeth turned razor sharp. Shadow Claws all around them ready and active.

His new sudden appearance was like that of a shadow demon.

Niko: Cause so am I~~~! You better entertain me more~!

Mikoto: You're gonna pay for all of this, Niko!


The brutal wicked fight continues...


Mikoto's eyes went wide seeing Niko's new change. But he wasn't going to let that make him falter. Because he knows if he hesitate, then that what Niko would want.

Mikoto quickly uses Engage once again and starts powering up as quick as a flash.

Once the bright light consumed him, Niko was already coming at him.


Lining up the shadowy area around them came together with quick strikes from Niko, and Mikoto was quick enough to ducked beneath the claws as he tried his might to evade the fury of slashes Niko came out him with. Mikoto using Engage and ice walls for defensiveness was making itself more than clear given just how many shadows were gathered in the area, and the open area specifically felt so overwhelmingly nauseating. Niko had so many openings for Mikoto. But what made it so hard to catch him was that everytime Niko left an opening, more shadow claws appear from who knows where trying to slash him down.

Mikoto didn't let that stop him though, and he decided to take advantage of the power that he had been given by Yuiga by lashing out with a quick blast of ice magic following by image breaker to destroy the shadows all around him.


Not bothering to answer him, Mikoto sends another snow tornado at the shadow slasher only for Niko to take it down with only a night slash and menacing grin.

Niko: Come on! You can do better than that!

Not falling for his taunts, Mikoto used a Mystical Snow + Freezing Kunais combo to make force him backwards with a swift blast of air. Niko conjured up two shadows of corrupted men to catch him up in one strike but Mikoto pushed them away with a maximum of snow from the heart of the battle.

Niko was the next to respond as he jumped in the air evading the snow as Mikoto continued to create blocks of ice that was admittedly much more impressive than anything Niko could ever hope to give him.

Mikoto: Icicle Bash!!!


The ice was able to pin some of his shadows in place, and regardless of how much they struggled against the cold solid keeping them trapped, they were unable to escape causing the shadows to freeze until they crumbled into ice.

Niko: Hmph! Impressive! You have gotten strong! Very Strong! But the battle is far from over~!

Mikoto: Why...? Why are you and the other villains are doing this?

Niko gave him a look. Why? He should already know by now. Or maybe he just wanted to hear it from the person's mouth himself.

Niko: Why? Why am I doing all this? You mean by turning the world into nothing but chaos and destruction? Because I'm bored. I get bored VERY VERY Easily.

Mikoto: So...you're not doing this as an act of revenge against the hero society for what they did to you?

Niko: Nah~! That's boring! Why get revenge when it would just make me feel empty and bored even more! In the end, it would just be meaningless. I mean...why bother getting revenge on the people that's already dead....

Mikoto: Your...Parents...

Niko: Yep! That's right! They're DEAD. But who cares! They were shitty parents anyway! Like if they didn't want me to be born! They should've never had me and saved themselves so much stress! But here we are! They said my existence was a sin. What foolishness~!

Mikoto: Don't Tell Me...You killed your parents...?

Niko made a sick grin.

Niko: Nope. I didn't. But...Hikari-Nii did~!

Mikoto: E-Eh?

His brother...killed them?!

Niko: My brother always had a screw loose since we were young. I can tell because we're twins. Like me, he has darkness residing in his heart. He believes he is untouchable because he's got the light powers from "God". But in my opinion, he is so fucking stupid! XD

Mikoto: W-What do you mean?

Niko: Think about it, Miko-chan! Hikari-Nii...He's insane, sadistic "god" who gains entertainment from watching "pawns on the game board" struggle and suffer, so he deliberately ignores and disregards the simple and effective solution for any "problem" or "anomaly" and goes for the most bizarre, convoluted, illogical, inefficient, and immoral method he can, just so he can sit back and see what happens, and to generate the most collateral damage possible.

Mikoto's eyes went wide hearing that. So Hikari is hoping that the heroes and villains would take each other out so he could pick up the pieces and become an tryant of the world...in his own image.

Mikoto: No...

Niko gave him a sad look that almost made Mikoto feel sympathetic for him. Key Word: ALMOST.

Niko: It hurts doesn't it...to know that the whole world hates you and wants to blame their problems as a "Child Of Sin". Parents abandoned you. Friends and Family used, abused, and neglected you. Heck, even your own twin despised you and wants you dead...

Mikoto: (It's true that I only learned later that Niko still had a living relative who did nothing to stop him, much less help him. People like that make me so angry. If you have the power to help someone in need, then do it! Don't play victim after everything is said and done!)

Niko: Those years in that church...No matter how much I've tried to cling to my humanity...People still saw the worst in me...


Niko: I tried to be a good boy. But it wasn't enough. Everytime something bad happens. Even if it was caused by someone else. I get blamed either way.

Mikoto:....What was it like? To be treated that way...?

Niko: I grew in fear of their whispering and muttering about me. Hearing the same words over and over.

"Demon" "Monster" "Devil Child"

Niko: Tried to be a use for them, everytime I try to speak to my parents, they would always turn away.


Niko: My "family" always saw me as troubling. Always preaching about prophecies I couldn't understand...


"They Never Understand Nor Accepted Me..."


Mikoto: *Sad*...

Niko: So after I got my quirk, they hid me away in that dark church. Stike me with whips, forced holy water in my mouth, baptized (drown) me everyday, etc. I pleaded for my parents and brother hoping that one day. They would ask for me back.

"My dreams turned into screams..."




Mikoto: (So that's the sad tragic backstory of Tsume Yamikage...)

Niko: Funny. Even though I'm aware of what I'm doing myself is wrong. But TBH. I really don't care. Those who were forced to follow orders from evil people in order to live and eventually, faced a tragic death. The same goes for how twisted the hero society really is. Even if people turned against you heroes. Do they really believe everything will finally be handed to them? How Silly~~~!

Hearing that, Mikoto's knuckles clenched angrily until they turned white. All sympathy flew away.

Niko: Think about it... There's the others. Shigaraki Tomura became a villain because of his father's constant rejection of heroes and causing the murder of his own family.


Niko: Toga choose the villain life. Spinner got discrimination. Same goes for Magne and Shiromi before their deaths. Your cousin Touya is Dabi. Geten maybe a Himura relative to you as well. Twice was rejected by society.

Mikoto: And...your little suicide squad?

Niko: Juurou killed his abusive father and was sent to juvie for that. Seriously it was self-defense and they still arrested poor the poor guy for killing his horrible father. Society is so unfair. Miyumi killed her parents when her quirk activated. Remy and Teddy's parents were taken away from thanks to the heroes. Each of us have our own story to tell. But to be honest, do you people even care? No. You don't.


Niko: Besides. It doesn't matter what happens to me anyway.

Mikoto: But...

Niko: What? Do you expect me to cry my eyes out because the world is unkind to me? Nah. Who cares about tragic backstories anymore? I mean Hawks already proved it once he killed Twice. He may have sympathize with him. But he still decided to out him down and kill Twice.

Mikoto flinched at that.

Niko: Not a lot of people have sympathy for others like me. They sees us through our quirks instead of getting to know us. That's how it always been. After all, actions do speak louder than words~!


Niko: I know the world wants me dead. Everyone wanted me dead since the day I was born. I am the Pinnacle of Chaos and Destruction. I know even you hate me for what the trouble I've caused. But like I said before, I really don't care either way. So how about you get it over with and kill me. I have no regrets~~~!

Mikoto gasped hearing that. He had no regrets for what he had done? Sure he knew Niko didn't care about but the way he just disregards his own life.

Niko: Why surprised? That is your mission right? To come and kill me. You're doing everyone a favor here. You want to save the world from my control, right? The only way to save these people and the faith of the world...is to kill me. If you have to take out one person to save millions. You have to do it. That's the way of the hero life. Sucks don't it? People can be so complicated it's stupid! I mean seriously who wants to hear them bitch about their problems every single day~?!

Mikoto: You're wrong! Don't make fun of people's problems! Sure, I may not agree with everyone and have my own opinions whether or not people want to listen to them or not! But nobody is perfect! Humans. Mutants. Quirks. Quirkless. None of that matters anymore! With my friends by my side! I'm putting an end to it!

Niko gave him an disappointed look.

You are a fool. Niko wants to tell Mikoto. He wants to drop his mask again and reveal everything at that moment. He wants Mikoto to know that he truly is alone and that everyone will leave him whether he likes it or not. You can only rely on yourself in this world and life isn't fair. No matter if you're a hero, villain, civilian, or bystander.

Niko: Oh Miko-chan. Still clinging to those silly ideals. And you're supposed to be the realistic one. How utterly boring...

Mikoto: I...will save you Tsume Yamikage. One way or another. It doesn't have to end this way!

Hearing that name caused an berserk button.

Niko: Ugggh. Enough with that name!!! Tsume Yamikage is dead! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! WAKE THE FUCK UP ALREADY! YOU CAN'T SAVE HIM! YOU CAN'T SAVE EVERYBODY!

Mikoto: I don't know unless I try!


The corrupted shadowmen and deadly claws had all appeared from the ground. They wasted no time charging at Mikoto to strike him down.

Niko: DIE TRYING!!!!

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