Circles And Circles... (3/4)

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Eito Koishi was a very curious case to Riku Hiroshi.

Even though they were classmates but like the others he wasn't very fond of the other male student. He made fun of Riku and the others back then at the school festival while humiliating them in front of not just of the whole country of Japan...but the world...

He be lying if he said he wasn't worried about Eito.

Sure the boy loss his trust, but didn't mean he wouldn't be worried about him regarding his situation.

He never bothered looking at his classmates' past because he knew that would be a invasion of privacy unless they ask.

So when Jack and the others asked him to look up anything receiving around Eito.

He wanted to protest but Samuel said they would ask him in return to tutor them later on any assignment or project in the later future.

Riku took that as a deal and begin his work.

Riku: Alright. Let's get started.

He pulled up his ditigal computer and begin his work. He ran an analysis on Eito Koishi.

Riku: What kind of tragic backstory do you have that turned you into what you are now, Eito?

He pressed an ditigal button and he soon met with a bright light.

Riku: Whatever it is...I'm about to find out...


Jack and Samuel were trying to learn anything about Eito at school while Luna and Destiny were trying to find the boy's parents or provide locations of any family member he's used to live with.

Jack and Samuel were met with the same results.

"Ugh. You still care about that, Little Bitch?"

"He hurt my brother. I never want to see him again."

"Next time I see him, he gets beat up."

"Seriously. After all he done to you guys? No need to continue kissing his ass. He deserved what he gotten."

"You guys are too nice. Ditch him already before you get hurt again."

"I always do wonder how someone like that came to U.A? How did the teachers even allow his behavior?...
It's surprising to me..."

"Even the little pervert Mineta from Class 1-A isn't that terrible..."

"Eito Koishi is an horrible person that deserves to be kicked out of this school."



Jack: Wow. They don't mince words.

Samuel: Yeah. Things got worst. After Eito gotten into a coma. We checked his locker and...Discovered something very unnecessary...

There were words and slurs written all over Eito's locker.




"We know what you did!"

"You don't deserve to be here at U.A!"

"I hope you die in that coma!

"I'll NEVER forgive you!"



Jack: Man...I never thought Eito would get so much hate.

Samuel: Do you really believe people would be over what happened at the school festival. Especially all those boys he hurt in the past. Not just Kenji.

Jack: True...

Samuel: After Eito was exposed and released from his suspension few days later. I wondered has anyone been giving him any closure.

Jack: Probably not...

Samuel: That's...very concerning...Also, has anyone threatened or give him any trouble in anyway?

Jack: Unless some of the students have balls enough to try and bully him, I wouldn't put it pass them.

Samuel: Eito...

Jack: Damn. Never thought I would end up worrying for someone who almost ruined my life. Geez, what's wrong with me?

Samuel: I... don't know. I wish Big Brother could give you an answer to that. Those students were not agile with the answers but they do have a point.

"Is Eito...even worth the effort?"

Jack:....Don't say that.

Samuel: Huh?

Jack: A part of me wants to believe Eito is still a good person no matter what anyone says. We...just need to stir him in the right direction. We just need to find out more about his past.

Samuel: Yeah....We could do that...Once he wakes up.

They then heard footsteps and saw the girls walking over to them.

Jack: Any luck?

Luna: Not much...

Destiny: We talked to his parents. Seems like his dad doesn't even want to speak about him. My guess is...he either is disappointed in Eito for his actions...or...he hates his son because he's gay...

Samuel:...I hope it's the former and not the latter.

Luna: Same. I mean his mother gave us a clue.

Jack: What she said...?

Destiny: When he was young after the got his quirk, Eito used to be surrounded by lots of young children. However, something went wrong and the kids started avoiding him during middle school.

Samuel: Oh My...

Jack: So something indeed happens during middle school...If I remember correctly...Kyuuketsu had learned that Eito used to like a boy and hang around him but they stopped being together.

Luna: So...if we put two and two together...

Destiny: The reason why Eito is like this now...

Samuel: The boy who he used to like...

Jack: Rejected him...

Luna: Oh Dear. Poor Eito.

Samuel: There's still more to this story though that we need to find out. We can't just sit here grappling in straws. Since we couldn't find any outside information.

Destiny: What about the boy who hurt Eito?

Luna: We still don't know his name, appearance, personality, quirk, background, etc.

Samuel: Then we have no choice but to turn to Riku.

Jack: He probably has better luck finding out more about Eito then we do. Let's go see him...

Luna:....I wonder how Eito is holding up in the hospital...


In Eito's coma, he for sure thought he would be alone. But what he didn't expect was to see a replica of himself standing right in front of him.

Clone: Well Well Well~! What do we have here~!

Eito: W-What the-?! Who are you?! Why do you look like me?!

Clone: Why do I look like you? I am your conscious.

Eito: My conscious?

Clone: Yes. Everyone has one in their minds and bodies..

Eito: Then why are you...?

Clone: I'm here to tell you how you fuck up. You had so many people that cared about you and yet you stomped on them, mock their dreams of being heroes. Because of your selfish actions, everyone left you...What do you got to say for yourself.


Clone: Still refuse to admit your actions. How shallow can you be...?

Eito didn't say a word.

The Clone then grabbed him which surprised him.

Eito: H-Hey! Let Go!

Clone: You're deluding yourself in a world where you believe everyone's love should belong to you. But tell me something...Eito Koishi...

"Are you even worthy of being loved...?"

Suddenly the world around them started flashing black and white. The arrows he saw earlier that attacked him appeared.

Unable to use his quirk, all he could do was wait for the piercing pain to hit him...

But it never did.

Eito looked up to see the arrows were gone.

Eito:.....What is happening to me?

Clone: You still don't get it? You're so far away from reality...You're leading your own life in circles and circles.

Eito: J-Just...what is going on? What is all this!


"You're in your own personal hell."

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