Circles And Circles...(4/4)

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Video Made By SayroBaby
Kudos For Her For Making Such An Amazing Video! Song Made By Gumi Though.

Eito sat up feeling a pounding in his head. He quickly brought his hands to his head and looked around the dormitory.

Eito: Where did everyone go?" He asked. He was sitting up from the couch in the living room the classmates all shared. There wasn't a single soul in sight.

Eito: I guess they all left to class without me again. I'll better catch up. I don't want to be late...Maybe I have a few more minutes to do my makeup.


Eito: Eh?

He looked around once heard the voice but didn't see anybody.

Eito: Was imagination?

He said rising to his feet. It looked dark outside which led him to believe that class was already over.

Eito: And no one bothered to wake me up?! Present Mic is going to kill me for being late!!!

He dashed up towards his dorm to get his school uniform before coming back and sliding on his dress shoes to head out the door.

Arriving at the classrooms not long after, Eito was shocked to find that the entire building of U.A was completely empty...

He raised an eyebrow.

Eito: Where the hell is everyone?

After spending time to wash his hair and clean up he left without another word and returned home. He returned his things to their proper place and searched the school, still not finding a single soul inside.

Eito was starting to get worried, it was one thing for people to not be around the halls, but to have all of his classmates and teachers missing as well was unsettling.

"What happened to everyone? What's going on?"

He asked to nobody as he searched the school and dorms for the fifth time. Everything looked pretty normal. Nothing was out of place, so where were Class Rep, Kenji, and the others? 

Was this some kind of prank? If he is, he's not laughing.


Eito: (That voice again...!) Alright! Whose there?! Come out!

He got into defense mode while trying to pull out his love arrows only to discover they weren't there with him.

Eito: What the...Where are my cupid arrows?

Eito tried using his quirk but to no avail.

Eito: What is going on?!

"You are so slow..."

Eito: W-What?

Eito turned his head to see...himself...again with a mocking expression.

Clone: You're all alone. Just like what you deserve.

Eito: N-No...That can't be true...I can't be alone! I can't be! I don't want to be alone!

Clone: Well too bad. Nobody cares. Not your parents. Not your classmates. Not Kenji. Nobody.

Eito: Shut Up! There has to be someone here! Leave me alone!

Eito set out to find any of his classmates. He checked all of Mikoto's favorite ice cream stores, the quiet places for Haru and Souta. The training areas for Kelly. The petting zoo for Maria, The art museums for Mio, the garden houses for Zoe, the graveyard for Yin, Jack's favorite music stores and idol stages, Hot Topic for Sylvia and Oka. Luna's aquariums and Samuel's favorite local waterparks, Destiny's favorite local coffee shops with no sign of them.

Nothing. He couldn't find anyone. Not even his beloved Kenji whose usually at the hospital looking after his brothers.

It was starting to near noon by the time he had finished his search and he still had no sign of his classmates or his parents either.

He started to panic again.

Eito: You gotta be kidding me! I can't be alone! I can't! I need comfort! I need love! I need attention! I need...I need...

He needed some space...He needed to clear his head. So he went to the local park. There was a bridge there where he liked to just relax and listen to the people pass. But to his ultimate surprise, the bridge was completely empty, save for one person.


Eito: Kenji! There you are! Where were you?!!

Eito ran over to try and give him a hug however, the vampire turned around. For Eito, it kind of weird though. I mean, he can see Kenji but not his face...Well he can see his mouth with the pointy fangs. But his expression was hidden and shadowed beneath his black bangs.

Kenji: Don't come near me.

Eito: Eh? (Oh. Is he still mad at me. Well, if that's the case or not. I'm just so happy to see him.)

Kenji: I don't want to see you again.

Eito: K-Kenji?

Kenji: You lied to me. You cheated on me.

Eito: K-K-Kenji...I...I...

Kenji: You deserve to suffer. You deserve to be left alone.

Eito: *Crying* K-K-Kenji!

Kenji: I hate you. We all do.

Suddenly, to Eito's shock everyone appeared around him. All of their expressions were hidden as well like Kenji but Eito could feel their gazes full of anger and hatred.

Mikoto: Liar.

Sylvia: Manipulative.

Haru: User.

Souta: Bitch.

Jack: Manwhore.

Samuel: Horrible.

Luna: Mean.

Destiny: Disgusting.

Kelly: Asshole.

Akira: Jerk.

Eito: N-No...Stop! What's going on?! Why are you all doing this to me?!!

Mikoto: You still don't get it? How dumb are you?

Mio: You don't deserve us.

Riku: You made fun of us.

Hein: We gave you so much love and support but yet you threw it back in our faces.

Yin: You deceived us and made fun of our insecurities.

Kieran: We put up with you for a long time because we thought you could change. But we were wrong.

Oka: You don't deserve love, you piece of shit.

Lilac: You wounds you caused will never heal...

Chassy: I hope you die a thousand times.

Zoe: We should've never let you back into our class. That was our biggest mistake.

Luna: I will never ever forgive you...

Maria: I hate you Eito. I wish you were never born.

Eito felt the tears stream down his face as one by one his classmates continued to rain hate and scorn upon him.

He knew they despise him for his actions but...not like this...

This...was just too much...

Too much for his head and his heart to take.

Eito: Please...Stop...

He then remembered their words...

"He was very mean to us."


"He did say some awful things about us."

Eito: I...I...

"He also humiliated us. So why should we care about him?!"

Eito: No...But..Wait...

"I'm still angry about what he said about us back at school festival!"

Eito: I didn't mean...Wait...Stop...

"He did humiliate us? So should we really care about what happens to him now?"

Eito: B-B-But...

"Yeah! I'm starting to realize that too! After what he did! Who gives a fuck about Eito anymore! Not Us!"


He mocked them. He humiliated them and yet...he still acts like he has the gall to say he didn't do nothing wrong. Well now, his actions had turned aganist him once again.




"We know what you did!"

"You don't deserve to be here at U.A!"

"I hope you die in that coma!

"I'll NEVER forgive you!"



Suddenly, another clone of Eito was a child version of himself.

Kid Eito: *Appears* Do you see now? Everyone had cared about you Eito. Starting with Jack, Luna, Samuel, Destiny, Mikoto...all the way up to Kenji and betrayed them all...


Kid Eito: They weren't like him...the one who hurt us...the one from long ago...who betrayed and hurt us while tossing away our love...and now look at us....

Eito: Takkun...

A/N: Yeah... that's the name I'm giving Eito's ex. That's all I'm giving. Lol.

"We became a more bigger monster than him..."

Clone Eito: You keep hiding from the truth...

Eito felt the hate, spite, and scorn continuing to come upon him. Finally realizing the truth.

He brought this upon himself.

Eito: *Broken* Oh...I'm such a fool...

The horrible broken memories starting to haunt him...

Memories of his classmates showing praise and acceptance before it turned to hate, pity, and scorn against him. All because of what he done to them. He made of them. He treated them poorly. Not just them. Anyone whom he come across and hurt. Any boy whom he pretend to love but stabbed them in back later on. He became an monster obsessed with wanting love for himself. He can't blame them anymore.

He truly was a bitch in sheep's clothing.

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

He felt himself going through circles and circles as his mind went through a kaldeoscope.

Eito: I'm...sorry...


Really? Does he even have the right to apologize anymore?

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

Eito: *Broken* I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry...I know it doesn't excuse what I've done to all of you.

Class 1-C:....

The shadows of his classmates stared at him.

Eito: I know. It doesn't make up for anything. But I'm sorry...really.

He then turned to Kenji.

Eito: *Crying* Kenji...if you're truly there and if you can hear me...Gomenasai...for everything.

Kid Eito:....

Clone Eito:...

Circles And Circles...Gone Around...

No one could hear his tears as they hit the non-existent ground.

Everyone...probably wouldn't care if he dies now...

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

I'm dying, I'm breathing
Repeating, repeating
I'm crying, I'm healing

The world around him went dark.







*Small Preview Of Next Chapter*


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