Wake Up!!!

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A/N: Wake Up...Wake Up...Snap Out Of It...Wake Up...Wake Up...

Lilac: W-What is this?!!

Lilac was assigned to watch Eito by the doctors as she checked his monitor screen.

The line on the screen was going down.

Eito's breathing patterns may also be very irregular and blood pressure was dropping significantly.

Lilac: OMG! This is bad! I have to get the others!

Lilac quickly pulled out her phone and message everyone in the class group chat.


*Some Time Later*

Mikoto: Lilac! We got your message!

Jack: W-What's wrong with Eito?!

Hein: What seems to be the problem, Lilac...

Lilac: Everyone...

Lilac turned away from Eito before looking at everyone with a fearful yet solemn expression.

Lilac: It's a possibility that Eito is dying.

Everyone's eyes went wide in the room.

Luna: N-No! That can't be!

Kenji: I thought you said he was going to be okay!

Lilac: I also said people can die in comas!

Chassy: What are the symptoms...

Lilac: He's...active-dying.

Destiny: W-What is that?

Lilac: Active dying is the final phase of the dying process. While the pre-active stage lasts for about three weeks, the active stage of dying lasts roughly three days. By definition, actively dying patients are very close to death, and exhibit many signs and symptoms of near-death. For instance, actively dying patients are often times unresponsive, and their blood pressure often drops significantly.

Sylvia: H-How is that possible?

Hein: In most cases, active dying is long pauses in breathing like Lilac has described for us...patient’s breathing patterns may also be very irregular...

Riku: Along with blood pressure drops significantly the  patient’s skin changes color (mottling) and their extremities may feel cold to the touch...

Chassy: It's even worse if the patient is in a coma, or semi-coma, or cannot be awoken.

Mio: Oh My God!

Maria: No...Nya...

Haru: *Sad*....


Jack: No! No! Eito can't die! He can't just die!

Samuel: No! Big Brother won't allow this! He still has so much to live for!

Destiny: This can't be how Eito's story ends! He still has to makeup for everything!

Yin: Exactly. Him dying won't make anything better. Right Kyuuketsu?

Kenji: Yeah. I admit. I know I can be a little cruel to Eito. But him dying won't make me feel grateful.

Mikoto: Lilac...How long does Eito have?

Lilac:......According to the results, maybe a few hours...

Class 1-C: O_O...

Oka: But...didn't you said the symptoms last for days...

Lilac: Yes but for Eito. It's seems the progress went faster than others. I found it impossible myself but there can be complications in dire situations such as this.

Jack: Shit...

Luna: *Crying*

Zoe: *Comforts Luna*....

Destiny: H-How are we going to tell his parents about this...?

Mio: A painting ending in tragedy would be an horrible masterpiece. We have to do something.

Maria: But what can we do, nya! Eito is going to die.

Hein: Can't you heal him, Lilac?

Lilac: I can only be able to heal physical injuries. Not something that can take place in someone's mind.

Mio: What about you, Riku?

Riku:....There's no way my analysis can do that. Sorry.

Class 1-C:......

Haru: Then...that's it then.

Kenji:.....It's over...we can't...save him....No.....

Everyone looked down to the floor while others were in tears. Even if most of them didn't like him, but Eito was still their classmate.

They had good & bad memories with him.

You can't just tell them to forget about it.

Sylvia: So...there's nothing we can do, huh?


Class: Eh?

Mikoto: There is a way.

He looked at everyone who waited for an answer. So he gave them one.

Mikoto: Engage.

Everyone's eyes went wide upon remembering that quirk. Of course, Engage could help.

Hein: That's it! Engage! Maybe if Mikoto use engage on Eito. Maybe it's a possible chance he could save him.

Riku: I'm not sure if it's possible. It defys all logic.

Luna: Screw Logic! It doesn't exist anymore! Anything could happen if you put your mind to it.

Riku: I guess you're right.

Chassy: But that's the thing. Mikoto, are you sure you know what you're doing?

Mikoto: Not a clue. But maybe diving into his mind and if it means reaching Eito and bringing everyone back together. Then I'll do it! Even someone like Eito...needs a hand.


Mikoto: Kenji?

Kenji: Take me with you.

Mikoto: Eh?

Souta: Kyuuketsu?

Jack: Are you sure about this, buddy. I mean out of everyone here. Eito hurt you the most. You don't have to do this for him.

Kenji: True but someone here needs to pull that idiot back into the living. Someone he could listen to.

Mikoto: That's true. If I remember, he doesn't listen to anyone besides you.

Kenji: *Nods*

Riku: Okay then. Let's make preparations of "Operation: Save Eito From His Coma".

Mikoto: Yes.

Everyone then got ready. One they were prepared and Riku using his ditigal computer to help them dive into Eito's mind followed by Engage.

It was a chance that it could work.

Lilac: Okay guys. You only got one hour before nature takes it's course. You don't know what could happen in there. It's too dangerous but since we all dealt with dangerous things before. Just stay safe. Find Eito and get him out of there. All three of you must make it back in one piece. Hurry!

Haru: Good luck!

Sylvia: Be careful you too!

Souta: Please...all three of you come back.

Mikoto: Right...You ready Kenji?

Kenji: Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go save that pink hair idiot.

Mikoto nods before walking over to Riku's digital headset that was logged into Eito's mind.

Kenji: Here we go....

Mikoto: Right. Hold on to me. It's going to be a bumpy ride.




Stuck thoughts. Painful ruminations. Unrelenting obsessions. They are the curse of depression.

Eito cried and cried as the dark thoughts and voices won't leave him alone.

Whispering "Die" and "Go Kill Yourself" All Over Again.

Eito: I deserve this! I deserve this! I don't deserve love! All I deserve is hate!

Eito had the gauge the severity of his depression based on the intensity and frequency of his stuck thoughts. Sometimes they can outright debilitate bim.

One seemingly benign thought — often a rumination about a decision he have made in the past, a regret of one form or another, or sometimes something that makes no sense at all is packed with panic and plays over and over again in his mind, keeping him awake at night and besieging me with anxiety during the day.


Something he had craved for years.




He thought of it so much to the brink of insanity. All he ever wanted...was for someone to love him.

To cherish him...

More than any other symptom of his depression more so even than unrestrained tears and bawling his eyes out in public, the stuck thoughts make him feel truly insane, scared to be living inside my body and mind.

The mocking had continued...the darkness was surrounding...

This was it...

He was going to be consumed...

No one was coming to save him...

Not his parents...

Not his classmates...

Definitely not his ex in the past...

Not Kenji...

All he could do...was sit there...and wait...until the darkness consumed him and eat him alive.




Eito: What...? What's going on? I could've swore someone is calling me...

He wanted to chuckle bitterly. Like anyone coming to save him. Everyone hates him.


His ears might be ringing. He must be going crazy.

The shadowy hands all surrounded him.

This was it. His final resting place.

"Eito! Eito! Eito!"


"Wake...Up...Wake Up...Snap Out Of It..."


"Wake Up...Wake Up...Snap Out Of It..."

Eito:....That voice...it sounds like...

"Eito...Wake Up..."

Then he felt a hand grabbed him. It felt warm.


He turned his head recognizing the voice. It was...

Kenji: WAKE UP!!!!!

Eito: Ehhh?!!

Kenji: Hurry Mikoto! We don't have much time!


A bright light glowed around them and Eito saw the shadowy hands disappeared...

Then...the light illuminated everywhere...freeing him from the prison of his mind. Eito then felt the strangest feeling.

Eito:....I feel...love?









Niko: *Grumbles* Dammit! I've almost had him!



Kenji: Eito....

Eito: *Opens His Eyes* Eh...? Kenji???

Kenji made a smile of relief seeing Eito was okay.

Kenji: You're awake...Everyone was worried about you.

Eito: E-Everyone?

Eito looked up to see Class 1-C all staring at him.

Eito: All of you....

Most of them had mixed emotions while some of them looked to cry tears of joy while the rest of them were just relived as Kenji was.

Destiny: Thank Goodness You're Alive!

Destiny and Luna both hugged him while Jack puts an arm around Eito while laughing happily. Samuel just gave him a knowing smile.

Eito: Y-You...guys were worried...? I thought you didn't want me around anymore...

Souta: Well...yes and no....


Kenji: Eito....

Eito: What happened to the villain I was fighting. Ya know. The one that stuck me down.

Riku: I ran a database over the arrow that hit you. Turns out it's a quirk that not only pierces the target. It puts them in a state of comatose making them slowly die from the inside.

Lilac: That would explain how you ended up in such a state.

Eito: I see...and the villain?

Sylvia: They been apprehended sometime later while you were asleep. You can thank Jack and the others for that.

Jack: It wasn't just us. Maria helped too by following the scent from the arrow.

Maria: Hehehehe.

Eito: I see...

Mikoto: Eito...I know you just woke up but...Please...tell us what happend. Why did you take that quest alone.

Eito:....Because I know no one wanted to see me after everything I said.



Luna: Eito... What happened in your past. I know it's personal but...what...turned you into the person you are now.

Souta: Yeah. I know that it's a invasion of your privacy and all. Especially with how we're questioning you like this....But after everything you done to us, I do believe you owe us an explanation.


Kenji: Eito...Please...just tell us. Why do you act like this? Why were you being this way? What or who made you act like this?

Eito:......I'll...tell you everything...

Everyone was a little surprised to see Eito this way. He no longer had his flirting yet perverted attitude anymore. He just looked...empty. Like he had given up on everything.

Now they were curious. What kind of person made Eito the way he is now...

Eito: It all started with my ex....back in middle school....

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