Eito's Rebirth...

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A/N: Didn't bother giving Eito's ex much of an appearance because he's another faceless person in the crowd. He's only seen in Eito's flashbacks for now. Sorry.

*Plus Ultra*


Eito: Takkun~! Takkun~!

Boyfriend: Eito, I told ya to call be my real name.

Eito: Ehhh~? But I like Takkun, plus. I'm happy that we're going to be together forever~! Like you promised~!

Takkun: Yeah. Of course. You're the only one for me, after all.

Eito: (My boyfriend is perfect. He's kind, lovable, and sweet. He's willing to befriend anyone. But the day I confessed to him. I was surprised that he taken my confession very well~!)

Takkun: Hey Eito. Earth to Eito! Is your head in the clouds again?

Eito: Sorry! Sorry! Didn't mean to space out.

Takkun:...*Chuckles* You sure are weird. Let's continue being together for now on and staying side by side. Okay?

Eito: *Smiles* Okay!


Eito: Eh? I feel asleep in class. It's after school now at our middle school! I better go find Takkun. I was supposed to help him study.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Eito: (He just managing to get ready for the big exam soon. Even though him and I are going to different high schools. Me going to U.A and him attending a top ranked one not too far away. I know he wants to aim to get a degree. But I hope he doesn't push himself...)

He continued walking down the halls until he noticed Takkun not too far away talking with his friends.

Eito: (Oh there he is!) Takk-?!

"Wow! Seriously! You mean that pink-haired freak confessed to you?!"

Takkun: Hahaha! Yeah! That's right!


"Lol. I didn't know he was gay. I thought he was just messing around. Now he's just twice as disgusting!"

"Yeah! Just like his quirk. Love Manipulation!"


Takkun: You got that right. That faggot believes we're going to be together for the rest of our lives. Ha! What an pathetic loser.

"You got that right man, you should ditch him. He ain't worth your time!"

"Yeah! That faggot believes he's has a chance of going to U.A. Lol."

Takkun: IKR. People like him should just really know his place. Like anyone wants to date a gay bitch like him~!



Just like, Eito's views on love was shattered. Broken beyond repair...



"Aishite (Love Me)..."

"I'm a good boyfriend, right...? Right? I always did like you asked for me to do and yet...you..."






Eito miserably looked into a direction. He saw his so-called boyfriend kissing a girl.

Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.


The girl noticed him and smirked evilly. Eito's eyes went wide as she stuck her tongue out at him. Takkun just laughed.





Takkun: WTH?!!!

Eito: Aishite...Aishite...Aishite...

Eito had brutally attacked the girl in front of him while Takkun watched in horror. The girl cried as some of her hair had been pulled out as she was rubbing the bruise on her face that Eito inflicted upon her.

Eito continued mumbling crazily like he was in a trance.

Takkun: W-What's gotten into you, Eito?!!

Takkun just started panicking as Eito walked towards him menacingly. He giggled manically as hearts appeared in his eyes.

Eito: Takkun. You lied to me. You said we would be together. You lied.

Takkun: T-That's not true, Eito! I was just messing around! This girl was the one who came onto me!

Girl: Wait?! I did what?! This is your problem! You're the one who said you wanted to be with me! Take responsibility! This is his fault! Please don't hurt me no more!

Takkun: E-E-Eito! Come on, we're boyfriends! Surely you wouldn't hurt me, right? Right?

Eito: .......You're disgusting...If I can't have your love. Then no one will.

Eito grabbed him as Takkun stared in horror as the hearts in Eito's eyes got bigger.

He know what he was about to do.

Takkun: No! No! Eito! Spare Me! I won't do it again! I won't cheat on you again! Please!



Eito's eyes glowed activating his quirk before pressing it onto Takkun. Marking him as his....FOREVER.



Eito: Now...No one will love you besides me~~~!

Takkun:.....*Emotionally Scarred*

The girl that Takkun was with could only stared in shock before getting up and screaming as she ran away in fear.

Eito: More...More...I need...more love....


Eito: *Unstable* I need...more boys to fall in love with me...That way...it would make me feel whole again...

Just like that, Eito's manipulative power for love...begins.

Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.
Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite. Aishite.

A/N: Eito...was a young villain in hero's clothing, JFC. Time for him to change To Become Not Only To Become Hero, But A Better Person...

Eito: And that's what happened...

Class 1-C:...

Eito: Quite Ironic Isn't It. After the years of being used by someone else. I ended up becoming way worse than him. I lied and deceived so many people in the past by acting like happy-go-lucky boy in pursuit of love...when in the end, I was just like my ex. An backstabber lying cheater.

Kenji: Eito...

Eito: You guys were right. I don't deserve redemption and have the right to apologize. Because it's too late.

Jack: Eito....

Eito: Jack, Luna, Samuel, and Destiny. You guys...were always there for me but in the end. I never returned the favor...because I thought you were all secretly making fun of me behind my back.



Luna: (Why am I crying...again?)

Eito: Then there was Kenji...Even after countless times of him rejecting me. He actually gave me a chance and I ruined it. How could I have been so blind...


Eito: The cold fake smiles I gave to everyone that has been there for me...the "love" I gave back in order to protect myself...But in turn, it made me into the biggest monster in this class. I have no excuse for what I've done...

Eito: All this time...I was only looking at myself...how better I was compared to others which is a big fat lie. Without a single thought at how others felt...I lied, cheated, mistreated, blackmailed, and deceived everyone around me. I played the victim just for the attention. But in the end...it doesn't even matter anymore now that everyone knows what kind of person I am...But til now...I never realized how much all of this has left a deep scar on everyone and how I hurt so many others around me...Class 1-C, even though I know it's meaningless and you will never forgive. But I am truly sorry...

Class 1-C:....

Everything was so silent in the hospital room. It's the nature of some people to remain quiet. They might not feel comfortable or the need to communicate with Eito after what they had just learned. Even the loud chatterbox Jack didn't know what to say. They wanted to say something no doubt but they feared they would be writting off everything as the severe case of misjudgement. Because at this moment, they literally didn't know anything about Eito at all. They know he was not a good person after the stunts he pulled a couple of months ago but at the exact same time...he was another victim broken by society. Just like the rest of them.

Another reason was...because he didn't connect with anyone in the class like they thought he did. But at this moment, they all realized everyone has different body waves that don't match so easily whether it be by appearance, personality, mentality, instability, spiritually, race, color, gender, sexuality, weight, etc.

We all are different in this world.

Kenji:....(Eito. I can sense it. He's...actually telling the truth.)

He looks at the others whom were searching for answers to whether they should trust Eito's claims or not.

Kenji: He's not lying. He's being genuine this time.

Gasps had filled the room.

Jack: OMG...

Destiny: Seriously...?!

Maria: He's like...a while different person, nya...

Eito just looked...emotionally and spiritually damaged. Just seeing him like this...didn't sit right with anyone in the room.

Eito: Well...I guess that's it now...

Samuel: W-What do you mean, Eito?

Eito: Now that you all know about me. The truth of why I acted like that beforehand. I already know my presence isn't welcome any longer.

Yin: Wait...Are you saying...?

Eito: Once I'm admitted from the hospital...I'm going home. I'm already made an embarrassment of myself to everyone around me.

Mikoto:...Stop right there.

Eito: ?!!

Mikoto: I know what you're trying to say. After you leave the hospital. You're thinking of never attending U.A again aren't you?

Class 1-C:....

Eito: Yes...

Kelly: Eito....Even if you do that....

Luna: Where will you go?

Now that think about it, he has no where else to go. Everyone knows what type of person he is. Whatever school he chooses to transfer too, he surely will not be welcomed anywhere...

Yin: No one will help you for now on...

Eito: I'll...think of something. It's for the best anyway. No one wants me at U.A. Nobody. I already caused enough trouble.

Jack: We know. But we're not letting you go. You need to make up for everything you done.

Eito:....But I don't understand. Wouldn't you guys be happy if I were gone.

Kenji: I would be happy...but that's probably what I said if I didn't feel sorry for you.

Hein: Eito. We all made mistakes, downfalls, though those are what brought us all together.

Eito: Eh?

Riku: The world is already in enough trouble. We all made the promise of a bright future, perhaps. The promise to take down the villain Niko and take back the society that the citizens once had. This is an opportunity for an lifetime, to see what no one else had.

Mio: Wow...if you put it like that...And boy, were their expectations so far off, yet so, so close. Plus, we're heroes. It's our job to help each other.

Mikoto: Eito. Look at me.


Mikoto: No More Tricks. No More Secrets. I refuse to let us fall like our senpais did.

Sylvia: We are together as a team and as family. Sure, we still forgive for what you done. But we're willing to let you make amends by staying in Class 1-C.

Eito: Everyone...

Souta: It's not too late to make this change, Eito. Sure, most of the students back at U.A may hate you still. But...if you prove to them that you can change. Then maybe...just maybe, they can change their opinions on you. Maybe. Maybe not. But you need to show them.


Kenji: It's not just you that's changing. We're all changing. The war had affected all of us. One By One. But now...we need to get back in shape and show the world that heroes are still trustworthy.

Luna then holds her hand out to Eito.

Luna: It's for the best, Eito. So Please...Let all make a change...together.

Eito stared at her hand before looking up at the others who were watching him expectantly.

Eito: (These people...even after all I did. They're still willing to give me one more chance. I...truly don't deserve them.)

He then felt the tears in his eyes as he gently took Luna's hand as she gave him a warm smile. Samuel, glad at this outcome gave him a hug exclaiming that he's happy he's still alive.

Destiny: BTW. About this Takkun character. He's your ex, right? What's his address, school, and phone number...? If you still have it

Eito: Uhh...Why?

Destiny: So I can beat him up.

Mio: *Gasp* Destiny!...Let me in on the fight.

Sylvia: Hell Yeah! He cheated on Eito and he's one of the reasons why he's like this!

Maria: I can't forgive cheaters, nya.

Hein: Let's go. *Has her gun*

Jack: Oh Yeah! Time to burst some eardrums~! Permanently.

Kelly: On My Way Out. *Has his sword*

Oka: *Evil Smile* I finally get to make an puppet. Hehehehehe~!

Haru: Ehhh?!

Mikoto: Guys...We're not killing him. But we could still beat him up...or at least punch him.

Chassy: This class gets more chaotic by the minute.

Yin: Sure does...but I guess that's part of their charm.

Souta: Enough with the chit-chat already. Are we beating someone up or not?

Eito: You guys...

His classmates...willing to go this far for him. Eito felt his heart go doki doki.

Eito: (So...this is what love truly feels like...It...feels great.)

For the first time in so long, Eito truly appreciate what his classmates were doing for him...and someday, he will return the favor

Eito: (I...love you all so much...I hope one day, I will show you all that you were never wrong to give up on me and I will become a hero that this society needs. Someone will help them. Someone will show them care and love that no one ever did. The Love Hero: Passion...)

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Riku: Oh sorry. That's my phone...Hello?


Riku: I see...okay.

Riku then hanged up and looked at the class.

Riku: Guys. That was Kieran...He...has something he wishes to speak to us about. It...sounded important.

Class 1-C:....

One problem solved. Another one opens...What does Kieran have to say to the whole class?!

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