Class 1-C Reacts To Demon Siblings

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A/N: They react to Shiho's Siblings. Again.


Class 1-C: WAHHH?!!

The entire class felled into the theater room once again with questionable looks and remarks.

Mikoto: AGAIN?!!

Jack: I think I hit my head.

Lilac: Do you need any pain medicine for headaches?

Jack: I think I'm good...

Lilac: Take some just in case...

Jack: Okay.

Hein: The rest of us are present and accountable.

Mikoto: That's good...

Souta: So we're back here again...Ugggh...


Maria: Hey! It's the God that kidnapped us!

"Again! I didn't kidnap you! Kidnapping is a strong word. I just brought you here to react to some more shit to get your mind off of things."

Samuel: What reason why you brought us here now...?

"Because I'm bored...I'm running out of ideas. It's not easy making a story. Speaking of which, a story I'm working on is coming to an end soon...No Spoilers."

Class 1-C: Oh...

Sylvia: Are we reacting to my family again?

"That too but some other things to spike things up!"

Yin: Interesting...

"Alright! Here we go!"

The screen turns on as everyone turned their attention to it.


I'm Gilbert!

I'm Oliver!

Sylvia: -_-...Oh No...

We're the Fujioka Twins!

Or Bloody Twins called by our classmates at school.

Akira:.....Bloody Twins?

Sylvia: Don't Ask...

While we call them either "food" or "toys".

Destiny: Food?!!

Luna: Toys?!!

Sylvia: Again. Don't Ask.

We spend most of our time either killing or experimenting on humans in our torture chamber~!

-Cues torture chamber scene-

Class 1-C: O_O....

Mikoto: Sylvia...Should we be concerned?

Sylvia: Uhh...

Jack: They have a fucking guillotine?!

Sylvia: Where the hell did they get that is still a mystery.

Kenji: Seriously?!!

Sylvia: Seriously...

Oka: I see nothing wrong here.

Everyone in the class gave Oka a look.

Gilbert: But also other times we spend time together with Big Brother Shiho.

Oliver: But we also despise our other two siblings.

First there's Fuyumi.

Ah Fuyumi...She's a BITCH!

Mio: Ouch....

Haru: Why do they gotta be mean to their own little sister?

Sylvia: They're mean to me as well...

Twins: A damn succubus who enjoys sucking the quality time with Big Brother only to try and get into his pants!


Twins: What a slut...

Class 1-C: (How is she a slut... Isn't she like eight?!)

Then there's Kyousuke.

Sometimes we bully him when we're bored.

Jack: Jerks...

Sylvia: Oh they are. They really are.

He's such a brat.

Kyousuke: HEY!!!

Luna: Poor Kyousuke-kun...

Shiho: The only brats I see around is you two.

Mikoto: HA!

Jack: Got Them! XD

Mio: They deserved that.

Twins: How long has big brother been there?

Shiho: Long enough to hear you're interview.

Twins: Yikes...he's mad at us.

Scary...Scary...Big Brother is scary when he's mad.

Shiho: -Glares-

Gilbert: Oh will you look at the time. Hey Oliver!

Oliver: Yeah?

Twins: Let's go torture that human that we left in the chamber!

Class 1-C: WHAT?!!!!

Sylvia: This was years ago...

Class 1-C: STILL WTF?!!

Sylvia: We're demons. What do you expect?

Class 1-C: STUFF!!!

Oliver: You mean that upperclassmen cheerleader that tease us at school.

Gilbert: Yep!

Oliver: Then let's go!

Shiho:....This would've never happen if I didn't tell them to stand up for themselves when I learned they were getting bullied in school...I had no choice. Then I gotten a complain from the principal about their behavior last week...It's tough being the eldest sibling.

Mikoto: I know I'm going to feel that soon... It's bad enough I gotta deal with Ruby and Sapphire. But also look after Sora, Tomie, and Inari.

Kenji: Don't forget the Jacksquad.

Souta: Yeah. Them too.

Jacksquad: HEY!!!

Luna: Your uncles are crazy, Sylvia...

Sylvia: Crazy is just one word. Try mentally unstable.

Mio: That works too.

Oka: I see nothing wrong with them-?!

Sylvia: Oka! Shut Up!

Oka: Tsk.

-Gilbert's Troubles-

Gilbert: Big Brother!

Shiho: Huh? What is it Gilbert?

Gilbert: Umm...Can I talk to you?

Shiho now look concerned when Gilbert sounded sad.

Shiho: Gilbert...

Gilbert: Some of the kids in my class call me a demon. I hate them...

Shiho: Hmm...what happend?

Gilbert: I didn't do nothing! They took one look at me and BAM! They started bullying me!

Shiho: Oh....I think I know how I can help.

-At school-

Gilbert was now in his classroom where most of his classmates were at.

He looked at his desk and notice someone's handwriting on it.





Class 1-C: Assholes...

Mikoto: Did you deal with this type of bullying yourself.

Sylvia: Well. Not occasionally. Most people were afraid of me.

Gilbert: Hmm...?

Gilbert looks around and notice one of the jocks were smirking at him.

Gilbert then smirks himself. Did those stupid humans really think this would affect him?

Well then...they got another thing coming~!

Gilbert then jumped on his desk and straight into the air gathering everyone's attention in the room.

Students: EHH?!

Gilbert then jumped on another desk over to the teacher's table and grabs a stapler. He does a super flip in the air diving onto one of the jocks.

Jock: AHHHHH?!

Gilbert grabs the jock's shirt and holds the stapler to his mouth.

Gilbert: Alright. Who did it~! Which one of you bastards wrote on my table.

Every student looked in horror by what's happening. None of them even move because they were scared. Gilbert then holds onto the Jock's mouth while bringing the stapler closer.

Gilbert: Come on~! Tell me! Or I'll staple your mouth!! It would be fun hearing you scream. Now tell me!

The Jock begins to freak out when he realize Gilbert isn't bluffing.

Class 1-C: Oh Shit....

Gilbert: Hurry~! 3...2...1-?!

The Jock pointed to one of his friends who was another jock with blonde hair whose green eyes went wide.

Gilbert pulled away.

Gilbert: Arigatou~!(Thank you)

He then notices the blonde jock trying to run away in fear.

Gilbert: Oi now! Where do you think you're going.

Gilbert throw a chair at the blonde jock hitting him square in the back.

Blonde Jock: GAAAAAH?!!

Students: -Scared-

Gilbert then got closer to him and puts his foot on his head.

Gilbert: Now...You're going to beg for mercy. If you don't...I'll crush your head~! Right here and now~! So...Make your choice.

Blonde Jock: I-I-I'm sorry!

Gilbert: Hmm...For what?


Gilbert: Pfft...What a fucking lie...You made you're own choice and dug your  own grave~!

His foot was getting ready to crush his head.

Mikoto: Oh dear.

Haru: Let's hope all of this is just an intimidation tactic.

Sylvia: Don't worry it is....I think....

Everyone: Ya think?!!


Gilbert: ....You promised?

Blonde Jock: YES!!!

Class 1-C: Liar...

Gilbert then took his foot off his head and smirks down at his prey.

He then looked at everyone.

Gilbert: Next time you better watch you're step humans. I may be a demon but you all should realize whose the true monsters are. Take a guess! Yourselves! Next time this happens! None of you won't be so fortunate!


Gilbert smirks to himself before sitting back down to his seat as the Blonde Jock begins to cry and apologize.

He didn't care.

He just gave him what bullies deserve.

Gilbert: (Thanks Big Brother...)

Luna: Awwww. How sweet.

Souta: Those bullies deserved it.

Class 1-C: Yep.

-About The Twins-

Some people always did wonder about the twins.

They're always seen experimentating on people.

They laugh evilly and stalk their victims.

Sometimes they're always seen with blood from the humans they killed.

They really are demon twins.

But Shiho knows there's more to them.


Shiho: Sure, the twins act the same sometimes. But just because their twins does not mean they personality is the same. They are identical twins but they're polar opposites.

You see, Gilbert is more arrogant and naive.

Shiho: Gilbert's been into more violent fights than Oliver has and won.


in: I guess that's one way to tell them apart...

Mikoto: Yeah. Back then, I had trouble figuring out Ruby and Sapphire.

Shiho: While Oliver is more quiet and mature. His IQ is close to being very intelligent. But together, they're evil little brats!!

Twins: -Pouts-

-Which Twin is older-

Luna: Yeah! I want to know which twin is older!

Class 1-C: Same...

Shiho: Yeah...About that I really don't know...


Chassy: Do you Sylvia-chan?

Sylvia shook her head no.

Hein: Well that's bloody annoying...

Shiho: The only people who knows which twin is older is our parents. I usually assume it's Gilbert, since he claims to be the older twin, but it could be Oliver since he's more mature.

Twins: That's our little secret big brother~!

Shiho: Seriously! Which one of you guys is the older twin?!


A/N: Who do you guys think is older. Gilbert or Oliver?

-Tell the difference?-

Shiho: Sure they're identical, most people can't tell which twin is which. But remember base on their personalities. I can tell whose who. Gilbert is about a few centimeters taller than Oliver. Oliver carries a teddy bear with him at points, Gilbert doesn't.

Fuyumi: Tch and their childish too. You forgot to add that Onii-chan~!

Twins: What was that succubus?

Fuyumi: -Growls-

Oka: They need to stop. Seriously.

Zoe: Correct. She's not an succubus. At least we're not aware she is.

Kyosuke: (Bakas...Can't they just shut up?)

Shiho: Guys....Please stop...

Class 1-C: Please Do.

-Next Up: Fuyumi- Shiho's Little Sister-

Mikoto: It's funny how she got the same name as Shouto's sister and my cousin.

Haru: Small World We Live In...

Fuyumi: Ohayo~~~!

Class 1-C: Ohayo!

Jack: What does that mean again?

Mikoto: It means hello in Japanese Jack...

Jack: Ohhh...

Souta: How do you not know that by now, Loudmouth.

Jack: Shut up, Nightmare Freak! I forget a lot of things, okay!

Fuyumi: I'm Fuyumi Fujioka. The only sister of the Fujioka Siblings.

Girls: Kawaii.

Fuyumi: Also no, I'm not a slut or a bitch that those stupid twins claims I am. Honestly, I'm only 6 years old and they believe I'm a succubus! They are so mean!!


Mio: I thought she was eight?!

Sylvia: She's older now by fifteen years.

Class 1-C: Dafaq?!

Fuyumi: Anyway~! My appearance is like Shiho Nii-chan. I have black hair and red eyes. My hair is tied to two high pigtails.

Fuyumi: Here's a picture of me~! Just a little younger.

-Shows her picture to Class 1-C-

Luna: OMG! Sylvia! She looks like Yazawa Nico from Love Live!

Sylvia: Yeah...She does...

Mio: I love her! She's my favorite character!

Destiny: IKR! Does she cosplay as her or something.

Sylvia: Sometimes.

Fuyumi: What I like to do in my spare time is watch anime, read manga, and hang out with friends. Fashion too!

Luna: OMG! I need to meet this girl. I know she's probably older than me! But I betcha we would be friends!

Sylvia: Yeah. She's not as bad as the twins and Kyousuke. So I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Fuyumi: My favorite anime are Black Butler, Danganronpa, Durarara, Corpse Party, Osomatsu-san, Nichijou, Pokemon, Ohshc, and Vampire Knight.

Kenji: I like those animes.

Jack: Same bro!

Samuel: This girl is one of us!

Eito: She's adorable too! Much better than her brothers.

Sylvia: If they heard that from you. They would butcher you alive.


Fuyumi: The manga I read is usually yaoi...


Girls: *Giggles*

Luna: That means she's one of us, Mio-chan!

Mio: Yep~!

Fuyumi: Unlike most of my brothers, I'm more sociable~!

Class 1-C: We can imagine that...

Fuyumi: Hmm...What else? Oh! My favorite brother is Shiho nii-chan!
Because, he so nice to me and he takes me shopping! He's also buys lots of gifts for me! He's also overprotective of me. This one time, A creepy boy that was passing by tried to look up my skirt and Nii-chan beat him up~! What a funny day that was!

Luna: Wait! Did that actually happen?!

Sylvia: The creep got arrested after that. Don't worry.

Class 1-C: Good.

Fuyumi: Kyousuke...Well he's fine and all but he does creep me out sometimes.

Luna: Oh come on. He can't be that bad...

Sylvia: Friendly Warning. You're going to regret saying those words.


Fuyumi: Then there's the twins...I hate them so much...But why do they hate me? I don't even know.

Class 1-C: (That's what we want to know?)

Fuyumi: We never get along when Shiho nii-chan is not around. But who cares. But...I am jealous of Sylvia Sakuma.

Class 1-C:.....Why?


Fuyumi: Well...Reason why is...
Why does Shiho nii-chan always paying attention to her?

Destiny: Aren't you his daughter?

Sylvia: Adopted Daughter?

So far, the only ones who knew was Mikoto and Haru. No one else did until now.

Fuyumi: What about us? Aren't we his baby siblings that he promise to protect?

Mikoto: But she's his daughter. He has no choice but to look after. That's the fact of life.

Sylvia: At least he tried to make time for her and the boys.

Fuyumi: If so...Then why does he look at her the same way? I-If he actually does look at her as another sibling...will he leave us?! T-That won't happen will it?!!!

Destiny: Not gonna lie...She's confusing.

Sylvia: Don't worry. Papa and her relationship is still okay. Thought I can't say the same for his brothers though...

Class 1-C:....

-Scary Sister-

Shiho: -Bored-

Fuyumi: Nii-san! Nii-san! Let's go shopping!

Shiho makes a smirk.

Shiho: Why? So you can go buy that expensive dress you wanted?

Fuyumi: Yes! Also to spend time with you!

Luna: Awwww.

Maria: Sibling Bonding? Gross.

Sylvia: Same girl same...

Shiho: -Sighs- Alright. So what other stuff you need?

Fuyumi: Oh~! It's not just for me~!

Shiho: Eh?

Fuyumi: It's for the twins....cause you see...

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room got thicker as Fuyumi puts on a dark smirk.

Fuyumi: Because I burned all their stupid clothes~!

Class 1-C:........




Fuyumi: Okay then! I'll get ready!

She left leaving Shiho with Jun.

Jun:.....What a scary sister you have Shiho...

Class 1-C: She sure is...scary....

Mikoto: It's hard to believe she shares the same name as my cousin on my Mom's side.

Shiho: For once...I agree with you...

After that, the siblings went to the mall for clothes and stuff. Espically for the twins.

Gilbert: ....Where the hell did our clothes go?

Oliver: I have no idea...And why does our room smell like burnt chicken?

Jack: Pffft. Burnt Chicken.

Sylvia: Burn Bitch Burn. XD

Class 1-C: Lmao.

-Psycho Sister-

-Shiho: Fuyumi! Have you seen the twins?

Fuyumi: What Twins?

Destiny: She playing dumb.

Class 1-C: Yep.

Shiho: *Eyebrow Raised* Ya know. Gilbert and Oliver.

Fuyumi: Oh...Well...I haven't seen them.

Class 1-C: (She obviously did something...)

Shiho: *Gives Her A Look* Fuyumi?

Fuyumi: I swear I haven't seen them.

Shiho: -Sniffs- Ugh...what's that smell.

Fuyumi:  getting rid of a skunk that snuck in our house. It's gone now.

Shiho: Hmm...Okay... -Leaves-

Class 1-C: (Something ain't right....)


Fuyumi looks at the mangled corpse of the twins that she left in her room.

Class 1-C: (O_O....)

Sylvia: (Ah. Just like every other bloody Sunday.)

Fuyumi: Hehehe. That's what you guys get for taking my nail polish and using it as paint!

Class 1-C: JFC!

Sylvia: They revived hours later. Don't worry.

Class 1-C: (STILL THOUGH! WTF!!!)

Kelly: (All that for some nail polish?!!)


A/N: They are so jealous of her...

Shiho: Alright~! Tickle Torture!

Sylvia: Hehehehe. No! Big brother! Stop! Hahahahaha!

Shiho: Not until you admit it!

Sylvia: Okay okay! I was the one who ate all the chocolate cupcakes! They were so good!

Shiho: Knew it. Don't do it again or you get the tickle torture!

Sylvia: I won't...(Rats!!!)

Gilbert, Oliver, Fuyumi, and Kyosuke all glared at Sylvia.

Why does she always their onii-chan's attention?!!

She not even his sibling like they are!

Sylvia: I'm his daughter, that's why!

Destiny: Sheesh. They really hate you.

Sylvia: The feeling is mutual.

So now...They decided they're going to get rid of her!

Class 1-C: Uh-Oh.


Shiho: Guys. Where's Sylvia?

Twins: We sent her to the moon.

Fuyumi and Kyosuke: On a rocket.


Twins: Because we don't like her.

Fuyumi: She's always stealing your attention!

Shiho: She's my daughter, Fuyumi!

Kyosuke: No regrets~!

Shiho:.....Go get her back. Now.

All of the siblings groan.

Twins: Aw man...Do we have too?


Class 1-C:....*Looks at Sylvia*

Sylvia: They deserved to get their asses beaten once in a while.

Luna: Girl. After all that, are you even okay in the head?!


Class 1-C: Here we go...

Kyousuke: Oh...Umm...Hello...

I'm Kyousuke-kun I guess.

Akira: H-Hi Kyousuke-kun.

Haru: I think he's like us.

Sylvia: Not really...

Haru/Akira: ???

Kyousuke: Or is it pronounced Kyosuke? My Onii-san, Shiho, kinda messed up my name.

Jack: Wait. How did he messed that up?

Sylvia: *Shrugs*

Kyousuke: Not that I mind though.
I'm the youngest sibling in the family.
Anyway let's continue about me...
I hardly share any interest besides pocky. I love pocky. If you despise pocky?


Class 1-C:....Okay...

Mikoto: (Not gonna lie... That's how I feel about my ice cream. Dad better stop taking them...)

Kyousuke: My appearance is similar to my siblings. I have black hair like Shiho nii-san and Fuyumi nee-chan. I have heterochromia.

Lilac: That's New...

Sylvia: Yep. The others don't have heterochromia like does.

Samuel: He must've been born differently...

Kyousuke: One eye is red while the other is brown. Usually I hide my eyes with my bangs.Whose my favorite sibling? Shiho nii-san of course.

Class 1-C: Not surprised...

Sylvia: He's obsessed with him.

Class 1-C:.....Ehhh??!

Kyousuke: He's tries to spend time with me when I need it. He's...My obsession...I want him...But...he only sees me as a brother. Why does he like that incubus instead of me...

Class 1-C:.....

Kyousuke: It's not fair. I want him...
I want my nii-san...And I won't stop at nothing until I have him.Until I claim him to be mine. Shiho nii-san only belongs to me and me alone.

No one else...

Mikoto: But it's your Papa choice if how he should be with. It's not up to Kyousuke.

Sylvia: Exactly. Papa is not a tool for his mere disposal. It took all of us a long time for finally get Kyousuke out of the house.

Luna: Uhh...What happend to him?

Sylvia:.....He's currently in a mental hospital.

Class 1-C:......

Souta: And the twins?

Sylvia: Restraining Order. Papa Shiho had enought of their antics towards me and Jun. So he pulled some strings. Only Fuyumi is allowed to visit us.

Class 1-C: Damn....

Mikoto: What about you brothers???

Sylvia: Oh they're fine. Annoying as they are. Daku and Sousuke are so much more better than Papa's brothers. 


Fuyumi was out shopping with her friends Aki, Sayuri, and Sylvia, so that left the Fujioka Brothers some time to themselves.

Gilbert and Oliver were playing with toys until Shiho came in with Kyosuke.

Shiho: Hey guys~! What do you think of Kyousuke's cute pajamas?

Shiho showed Kyousuke in racoon pajamas.

Gilbert: Haha! He look silly!

Oliver nodded with his twin while having his arms around Shiho's neck.

Oliver: Funny...

Kyosuke:-Pouts- I do not!

Shiho: No Kyousuke. You don't look  funny...BUT YOU DO LOOK KAWAII~!

Kyosuke hides his blush.

Kyosuke: N-NII-SAN!!!

Shiho: Haha. Gomen. Gomen! Don't be shy! Ya know believe it or not. I used to wear this kinda stuff when I was your age.

That caught all of his brothers's attention.

Zoe: This caught my attention.

Class 1-C: Same...

Gilbert: Really? Big Brother.

Shiho: Yep. Kaa-san (Mother) used to make me wear them.

Oliver: Wow....Big Brother...What was Mom and Dad like?

Shiho: ...Well guys. Kaa-san and Tou-san(Father), believe it or not. They were the nicest demons you could've ever met. Because most of our kind are usually cruel, evil, selfish, and manipulative. However, they prove me wrong. Not all of us are like that...we're just misunderstood.

Class 1-C: Wow...

Haru: They sound like decent people.

Souta: (Wish my parents were like that...)

Lilac: (I know how that feels...)

Yin: (Same goes for my father...)

Oliver: Is that another reason why humans hate us?

Shiho: Well...yes but it's because their scared of us. They let their fear over run them making do things that they'll regret sooner or later. To be honest, they think most of them are doing the world a favor by trying to get rid of us.

Kyosuke: Humans...are bakas...

Jack: We can be sometimes...

Souta: Yeah. Because you're one of them.

Mikoto: Actually. I think that applies for all of us. No offense.

Shiho giggles a bit at Kyosuke's answer.

Shiho: You got that right. Although, not all of them are bad. Remember my childhood friend Yui?

Twins: Yui-chan~!

Kyosuke: Yui-san~!

Shiho: -Snorts- Of course you guys remember her. Unlike most humans, she has a heart made of gold. Sure she is scared of our race too but she doesn't judge us. She and her father are the best humans I ever met.

Twins: True that!

Kyosuke: -Nods- Onii-san?

Shiho looked down at his youngest brother.

Shiho: Yeah?

Kyosuke: Where....did Kaa-san and Tou-san go? How come they're not here with us anymore?

Shiho gasped a bit. he even couldn't fight back the tears when Kyosuke ask that question.

Twins: Kyousuke! You idiot!

Shiho: N-No guys! Don't worry about it...He doesn't know yet. Kyousuke...don't be worry about that now...I'll tell you when you're older. Okay?

Kyosuke: Okay...

Shiho: Good.

Kyosuke: But my name is Kyosuke. No Kyousuke.

Shiho: Oh right. Gomen.

Twins: Whatever.

Shiho: Now let's forget all about what I said. Who wants cookies.

The other brothers perked up with interest at hearing the word cookies.

Twins: I DO! I DO!

Kyosuke: I WANT SOME~!

The younger brothers all squealed and jump on Shiho as he begins to laugh.

Shiho: Hahaha! Okay! Okay! Quit squirming!

Younger Brothers: Cookies!! Cookies!!

Shiho: Okay don't rush me! Hahaha! I'm getting you guys some! Hold it! Oh come on!

Luna: Awwww. This was so cute...

Destiny: It's sad about what happened to them in the future...

Sylvia: Yeah...(Sometimes I believe that was probably my fault even if Shiho Papa said it isn't....)

"Alright. It's time to go!"

Class 1-C: Aww man...


Class 1-C: *Glares*....


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