The Second U.A. Traitor...

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The Second "U.A. Traitor" is revealed to be Yuga Aoyama from Class 1-A. Yin Hamada was the first...

Riku had did an quick analysis on the former. Yuga Aoyama.  was born Quirkless, and his parents made a deal with All For One to give him his Navel Laser Quirk in a desperate move to grant their son a happy, successful life. At was that way at first...but because of the deal, the Aoyamas were forced to comply with All For One's orders against their will, or else they would face dire consequences.

So like Yin who was forced to do his father's and Niko's bidding by stealing Izuku's journal analysis to give information about every hero student and their quirks. Aoyama on the other hand...had provided information aiding in the U.S.J. Incident, as well as providing the location of the Summer Training Camp.

His parents had received another order from All For One, apologizing to Yuga for still needing to do this.

When Midoriya and Toru confronted him, he tearfully admits his actions, declaring he "despicable villain".

The Aoyamas attempted to escape but Izuku captures them all using black whip while Toru yells at Aoyama for being a traitor.

Then leaving Aoyama with the others, Izuku and Toru went to go tell Class 1-C everything and the rest was history.

Jack: I...I don't believe this...

Luna: *Crying* Aoyama-kun...

Yin: All This Time...I wasn't...the only one?

Samuel: *Fist Clenched* Damnit! This shit again!

Oka: *Sad* Why...Just Why???

Mikoto: (Tsume was telling the truth...there was a second traitor...and that was Aoyama...)

Maria: Aoyama-kun! Why did you do it, nya?!!


Destiny: *Devastated* Why aren't you answering us?!!

Mio: So all this time...You been lying to us...?! I thought you were our friend!

Chassy: Mio! Keep out of this!

Mio: But!

Souta: Aoyama isn't our classmate. So he doesn't owe much of an explanation. It's Class 1-A he owes it too.

Yin: But still...Even if he isn't our classmate. He's just as guilty as I was...

Mina: Yin-kun...You were also an U.A. traitor, right?

Yin: *Guilty* Yes. But I had an reason too. I know it's selfish of me to ask this...but we should hear the truth from the horse's mouth.

By horse's mouth, he means getting the answers out of Aoyama himself before they jump to conclusions. So both classes reluctantly agreed.

So in the U.A. A.V. Room, the Aoyamas are interrogated by All Might, Detective Naomasa and the U.A. staff, learning he received his Quirk about 10 years ago, and that he doesn’t seem to be rigged to explode like Lady Nagant as. 

Nedzu asks the students to leave the room, but a devastated Class 1-A and Class 1-C bluntly refuse. 

Ojiro: Aoyama...What was you planning to do if Toru didn’t expose you?

Kirishima: Aoyama! Please tell us it’s a lie!

Bakugo: It’s a “small world” that he’s another one of those people that started out as Quirkless.

Mikoto: Just like Jack, Izuku, and Yuiga-Senpai...

Sylvia: Not just them...

Haru: So many others out there...

Geysis: How many of them...have we failed to save...?


Naomasa asks the parents all they know about All For One, with the father saying they know nothing, only that they carried out his orders, and if they failed or lied.

Mizuki:'re saying you would be killed of you didn't comply with these orders.

Father: Yes. That is correct.

Everyone knew that feeling. Even if they're were just following orders as pawns.  The Aoyamas have been shown the bloody remains of someone who tried to go to the police in the past.

The father continues to beg that it was only them who are at fault and Yuga had no idea.

Yuga begins to break down, thinking about everyone that could’ve died because of him, yet he still had the nerve to smile with everyone like they were friends.

Especially after seeing Izuku, another former Quirkless person, fighting so hard againt All For One and Yin, who was another traitor fighting Niko and his own malicious father, Yang, who tried to bend him to his will, made him realize how pathetic he was, wallowing in his own despair, and that he’s just a villain through and through.

Hein: And what were the commands?

Riku: It is revealed that All For One told Yuga to attend U.A.

Kelly: After learning about All Might becoming a teacher...

Mizuki: He has given Yuga three commands. To inform him when the class was isolated, to tell him the location of the training camp, and currently to lure Izuku away.

Tsukachi: According to the confession, All For One also admits to seeing the Aoyama Family, as well as most of his other subordinates, as disposable tools.

Class 1-C:....

Denki: OMG....

Jirou: Aoyama...

Mineta: *Crying*...

Tsuyu: I hate this...I hate hearing all of this...

Destiny: Girl...That makes two of us.

Mio: There of us...

Luna: Four...

Aoyama: *Sobs* Midoriya...Everyone
...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...


Yin: Aoyama...You're just like me...You tried to protect your family by complying the orders of a villain who would commit genocide if you don't do as he says...I know how that feels...

He thought about his Auntie Jade...He failed her...he failed his mother...the only two people he ever considered family...His father took advantage of that.

His father knew his Auntie Jade was dead but used her name in order to forced Yin to do his dirty work for the family business.

Yin hated every moment of it.

Aoyama: Hamada-kun.

Yin:....Aoyama...It hurts like hell doesn't it...?

The other boy sobbed and nodded. Living in constant fear with a threat hanging over his head. It felt like hell.

Luna: *Crying* I...I can't take this...

Zoe comforts her.



Aoyama: Midoriya...Yukimura...

Mikoto: NO YOU'RE NOT!!!

Aoyama: ?!!!

Deku also shook his head.
Aoyama tries to continue saying he's a villain but, Izuku retorts, asking why he tried to save Katsuki and Tokoyami during the camping trip as well as asking about the cheese message, realizing that it was a cry for help, and that’s why he’s crying now.

Mikoto: Aoyama...We know of another hero was manipulated by All For One, but her soul wasn’t crushed, only her spirit. It isn't just you the League Of Villains hurt...Look at Yin...

Yin:....Aoyama...I've lost everything. My Home. My Family. All thanks to my quirk and my villainous father. But Class 1-C gave me hope. They gave me a life that I'm fighting for. You should not give up on hope either.


Deku: Doing wrong doesn’t make you a villain for the rest of your life.

With tears in his own eyes, Izuku that he can still be a hero.

Mikoto: Don't give up, Aoyama...Niko...AFO...We won't let them win...

Aoyama started crying again as Class 1-C and 1-A.

Aoyama: Why?...Why do you all want to help an villain like me?

Yin: The same way of how everyone wants to help me...

Aoyama: Eh?

Present Mic: Like with Yin, they're willing to trust you.

Aoyama: ?!!

Tsukachi: But we don't know where Niko or AFO's location is at.

Deku: That's the point!

Mikoto: We'll be "steering the villains" to enter the fight.

Denki: Hey! You stole my line, Yukimura!

Mikoto: I did?

Momo: Yuga may be the only one able to deceive All For One.

Iida: What happened is in the past, and with them being unable to realize how he's been feeling all this time.

Hein: So we'll carry some responsibility.

Lilac: So we must reach out to Aoyama as friends in order for all of us to become equals again.

Souta: The same way we did with Yin.


Haru puts an arm on his shoulder to reassuring. Yin looks at him and nodded with a smile.

They trust him. They have his back.

Present Mic: Aoyama-kun. Eraserhead also wants to tell you something.

Aizawa watching from a tablet held by Present Mic. He asks Izuku and Mikoto if they has a plan, with Izuku responding that he don't but Mikoto on the other hand will try to come up with one. Aizawa then addresses Naomasa and Mizuki, taking full responsibility for also not recognizing Yuga's pain and siding with the rest of the class.

Eraserhead: Aoyama Yuga. I have no intention of expelling you from U.A.

Aoyama: ?!!!

Shota reveals that he has an idea, and after the Aoyama Family's ears have been covered, he informs Class 1-A, Class 1-C, the U.A. Staff, and the Police Force of his plan.

After the discussion, Nezu hates that it seems possible, while Naomasa has the Aoyama Family escorted back to their HQ, telling everyone not to say a word to anyone else about the plan.

Before he leaves, Izuku shouts out to Yuga, with the rest of the class looking on sullenly.

Mikoto then looked at his classmates while Izuku looked at his.

Mikoto: It's time we gear back up into shape.

Izuku: Yes.

Class 1-A: Izuku/Deku-kun/Midoriya...

Class 1-C: Mikoto/Miichan/Yukimura...

Mikoto looked at everyone as they all had the same idea.

Mikoto: Everyone. Niko. AFO. We won't let them win.

Everyone, with fire and rage in their eyes over the betrayal, prepares to bring All For One and Niko down once and for all.


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