Kieran's Goodbye...

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They affect our everyday lifestyle...

Whether they are good or bad. We have no choice but to face the consequences of them later on.

Kieran knew the choice he made would affect his classmates. They were supposed to stick together til to the end.

To make the world the better place. To bring everyone in this society back to their livelihood.

He had finished packing his clothes, accessories, and other items he would need in his suitcase for the trip back home. He knew he had no choice but to go back.

He knew his classmates would miss him. He made so many good friends here.

But sadly...

His country needs him...He is their prince.

Kieran: To think, these past couple of months of being a hero student and not a prince had be the most fun I've ever had...


As soon he will as done packing, he accidentally knocked over a small photo frame. He picked it up to see that it was a photo of Class 1-C together. Kieran, of course, was in the picture himself.

He stared at the picture in his room with sad smile.

He wish he could stay a little bit more but...

But sadly, all good things must come to an end...

Kieran: I'm sure they'll be fine without me. Someone else could take my place next year. Maybe Shinsou would if he gets into class 2-C. Right?...Right...

Kieran sighs before putting the photo in the suitcase as well. He looked around to see that his room was empty. The only that remain was the small plain bed in the corner.

Kieran: I've had a lot of fun but now...It's time to move on.

His flight will come in two hours. He better get going.

He walked out of the room and took off down the halls. As soon as he made it to the living room.

He noticed that all the lights were off.

Kieran: Strange. They were on a hour ago....

Suddenly he heard a voice.


The lights came on.


Confetti exploded everywhere much to his surprise as the entire class sprung up from their hiding spots gaining his full attention.


Kieran: H-H-Huh?!

Mikoto: What? Did you think we let you leave without throwing you a farewell party?!

Jack: Never! This is how Class 1-C says goodbye to a fellow classmate!

Luna: Take a good look around you! Do you like it?!

Kieran did as he was instructed and looked around the dorms which was decorated in the color of gold, black, and white ribbons, balloons, confetti, a few presents, and large banner that said: "WE WILL MISS YOU".

Followed by a vanilla cake made by Maria and the few others.

Kieran: Y-You guys...did all this...for me?

Destiny: Of course we did!

Mio: Are all you done for us. There's no way we wouldn't return the favor!

Souta: BTW. We're not doing this because you're a prince. We're doing this because you're our classmate.

Sylvia: Don't be rude Souta. But yes. He has a point.

Jack: Alright! Enough chit-chat! So Pincey Boy! What's your favorite song?! We could do anything that's follow your tradition! So what do you like? Ektherra? Asyad Elsoot? Bum-Bum?

Note: Those are great egyptian songs of anybody wants to look them up.

Kieran: Well...we can play anything.

Jack: Sweet! You heard him! We're going to have this party lit full blast!

Hein: Jack! I know you want to party! But we can't keep Kieran waiting know...

Jack: Jeez...Way to a ruin the moment!

Hein: I'm just saying!

Maria: I hope you like the cake I made. Mio and Chassy were a good help decorating it.

Mio: Awwww. Thanks Maria-chan.

Akira: I hope you like the decorations.

Haru: Riku-kun and Hein-chan did their best to make sure everything stays organized.

Kieran: Y-Yeah. I like them. I really do. How did you guys...get all this done in only about an hour?

Samuel: Nothing is impossible as long as Class 1-C works together. We're still trying to get Eito back to his regular self...

Kenji: Just without the pervert part.


Kieran just looked around the party as Class 1-C gathered around him.

Mikoto: So what do you think? Do you like it? The farewell party?

Kieran:....Like it? I love it. I mean...I'm honored.

Class 1-C: *Happy*...

Kieran: I...I...I'm so glad to have such great classmates like you all. This
...all of this is really special. I don't deserve it. I've only been your classmate for these past couple of months.

Jack: So what! You're still one of us.

Souta: Yeah. Nothing will change that.

Luna: You helped out this class out of many situations.

Destiny: You inspired us. You shown your bravery as a hero.

Samuel: Big Brother is happy to meet such a person like you.

Maria: It's sad that you have to leave though, nya...

Kieran: Yeah...

Suddenly, he felt someone grabbed his hand. He looked up to see Yin giving him a reassuring smile.

Yin: Even if...we are hundred of miles apart. We will never forget you. As much as we want you to stay. But we know you're needed elsewhere. So we won't hold that against you.

Kieran: Yin...

Yin: Ya know. When I first met you. I was pretty skeptical about you being here. But after getting to know you. I understand that you are more than just a prince. Like us, you are a hero in your own way.

Kieran suddenly felt like he wanted to cry. Especially seeing everyone's smiles.

Kieran: You guys...I...

Then he smile himself as he let the tears flow...

Kieran: Thank You All...For Everything. When I get home...I'll tell everyone your stories. Your heroism. Your strength. Your bravery. Everything. That way, my country will remember you guys for a very long time. And...if you guys ever feel that need to come visit Egypt. You will be seen as honored guests.

Jack: Whoo! I can't wait for that!

Souta: Don't take advantage of his kindess.

Jack: I'm not!

Luna: WAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm gonna miss you Kieran-kun! You'll always be my friend!

Jack: Same here buddy!

Haru: We're always be friends...Forever!

Kieran: *Smiles* Yeah...!

With that, the party continued until a hour later. Kieran's flight shown up early.

Present Mic: Such a shame you have to leave, little listener. But thank you for everything. Good luck in your country.

Kieran: Thank You Present Mic-Sensei. I'll never forget your funny jokes.

Kieran then looked at his classmates. Some of them such as Luna, Mio, Destiny, Mikoto, Jack, Samuel, Kenji, and Yin gave him hugs. The rest watch with tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces.

Kieran: I'll really miss you much...

Agent: Master Kieran. Your father requested your presence back in Egypt. We were sent to escort you back home.

Kieran: Okay...

He then looked back at everyone.

Jack: Goodbye Kieran!

Luna: *Crying* Don't forget us!

Destiny: Y-You better write to us!

Boys: We'll remember you!

Girls: You'll always be in our hearts!

Yin: Goodbye...Friend...

Mikoto: Never forget the slogan! Don't Underestimate Class 1-C!!!

Kieran: ....Class 1-C...Ma'a El Salama (Goodbye)...

Class 1-C and Present Mic all waved goodbye as Kieran backs up into the plane with his suitcase. He looked at them one last time. With tears in his eyes, he waved one last goodbye as well to his friends before getting inside.

Class 1-C then recalls the memories they all shared together with the prince.

They laughed together...

They fought together...

They cried together...

They stand for good...together.

The plane closes it's door before it begins to speed away from the airport as it took flight. Everyone continue waving until the plane disappeared into the sky leaving behind the tear stained faces of the remaining students and their teacher.

Class 1-C went down to twenty-one students.

Mikoto: Goodbye Kieran...May we meet again...someday...

A/N: I'm not're crying...

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