Round 5 Part 2 - Finale

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Everyone watched in horror as Izuku started to destroy Ground Gamma, out of control.

Jack: What the hell is that?!

Zoe: Is Midoriya going to be okay?

Luna: Will our classmates be okay?!!

Tetsutetsu: Same goes for ours! What the hell is going on?!!!

Geysis: Everyone. Calm Down. I understand your concern but let's just watch on how things will be played out for now. If things do get bad, we'll send some help out there to subdue him. In the meantime, let's leave this to the others.

Class 1-C:....

Mikoto: Izuku...

"Help Him..."

Mikoto: Eh?

Mikoto looked around wondering if someone had said something. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him and had their eyes glued to the screen where they were watching the final round.

That meant only one person was talking to him...through his mind.

Mikoto: (Nana...Shimura-san...?)

"Help Him..."


Heeding Nana's words Mikoto went up to Geysis and tap his shoulder. Confused, the gym teacher looked at him wondering what he wanted but before he asked, he saw the look of determination on the snow user's face. He groaned, realizing what the boy wanted to do.

He grabbed the headset nearby and gave it to the boy.

Geysis: I don't know what's going on but just don't get killed out there, Yukimura.

Mikoto: I know...

He runs out to Ground Gamma.

Geysis: These kids are going to be death of me, one day.


Mikoto ran ahead but not too close to Ground Gamma, knowing that he can't do much to stop Izuku's unwilling rampage, he puts on headset and begin talking to the only person who can respond through the artificial vocal cords.

Mikoto: Shinsou!

Shinsou: Eh?! Yukimura! Is that you?!

From the other teen's voice, he sounded frantic and scared. Probably had something to do regarding the scene that Izuku had displayed.

Mikoto: Yeah. It's me! I'm close to Ground Gamma. I'm here to help you! I need you to stop Izuku and I think you know what I'm talking about...

Shinsou's eyes went wide. Yukimura wanted him to brainwash Midoriya.

Shinsou: ...Wait what?! Why are you asking me to do it?!

Mikoto: Because...You can use your ability to stop him!

Shinsou: *Hesitate* But...



Izuku: GAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!

Lilac: EEEEEK!


Hein: RETREAT!!!




Izuku continued wrecking everything in sight as every student in Ground Gramma nearby tried to get away so they won't get hurt. If this keeps up. Someone could get injured...or WORST.

Mikoto: SHINSOU! I know this is a selfish request but PLEASE! Use your ability to mind control Izuku! It's our only chance to save everyone! Him included! You want to be a hero too right?!


Hitoshi had panic a little and tries to think of a correct question he could ask Izuku.

Shinsou: (He's right...I do...want to be a hero...and this is one of those lifetime opportunities. To use my quirk to help someone in trouble.)

Even if he can't see him, but he somehow can tell Mikoto was giving him a thumbs up.

He quickly calms down and reminds himself when he encounter Izuku in the infirmary sometime during the sports festival, realizing that he's come a long way since then and truly wishes to prove it. He removes his mask and asks Izuku if they can have their proper match.

Shinsou: Midoriya!

Deku: ?!!

Shinsou: Let's Fight Again!

Deku: RIGHT!

Izuku confirms and allows himself to fall under Hitoshi's spell once again. The mysterious black power disappears as he loses consciousness.

Mikoto took a breath of relief. He then felt something strange. Almost like...a magical surge of blue aura had begin rushing through him.

Mikoto: What is....this?

Before he knew it...he blacked out...


Only to wake it up again but this time...

His eyes were hollow.


Under the effects of Hitoshi's Quirk, Izuku re-emerges back in the vestige dream world of One For All, where he meets a blad person, one of the previous One For All users, who reproaches him for misusing his new power.

After explaining that this new power is his Quirk is called Blackwhip briefly explaining how it works, the predecessor says goodbye to Izuku, wishing him luck and warning him that he will awaken other Quirks.

Uraraka: Deku-kun! Deku-kun!!!


Deku: Ah-?!

Back to the real world, Uraraka immediately slaps Izuku to wake him from the brainwashing. Uraraka calms Izuku down as they float in mid-air.

Neito appears and takes advantage of their guard being down and ambushes Izuku from behind while floating on an enlarged metal nut, attempting to touch him and copy his Quirk.

He manages to knock Izuku over and Uraraka tries to subdue him using Gunhead Martial Arts.


Maria transforms into elephant and started charging.

Akira: Right!

Lilac: Leave it to us!

Hein: We're not losing this time!

Riku: We'll support you guys!

Reiko arrives in time and saves Neito by using flying projectiles to distract his attacker. Urakra dodges as everyone from all three teams join the fray, the once technical battle turning into an all-out brawl.

Shinsou sends his capturing weapon flying at Uraraka and Lilac, but Izuku darts out in front of them and grabs it, ready to face Hitoshi once again. Despite Izuku's chaotic outburst, all of the students are still eager to win the fight.

Akira used his shield and created another greenish attack sending it at Class 1-B. Reiko and Yui dodged it but was stopped by Hein, who used her fortune-telling powers to predict their next moves.

Hein: I knew you were going to used that attack. It won't do. Choose wisely next time!

Lilac: Healing Pulse!

Suddenly, Class 1-A and 1-B gotten a little weaker as Lilac steal some of their energy as she begin to heal her teammates.

Mina: W-What is that attack?

Mineta: I don't know but it ain't good. I feel sluggish all of a sudden.

Mina fires her acid atack at the other team, but Akira used his shield to protect his teammates while Yui blocks it with an enlarged plate of metal.

Nirengeki throws a projectile on the ground before increasing its velocity using his Quirk, and Minoru protects Mina from this attack using his grape bucket shield only to get hit more by Akira's shield needle shot.


Mina: This is looking bad for us!

Uraraka uses Gunhead Martial Arts to subdue Neito.


As it turns out, Minoru's plan the whole time was to get pushed into Mina's chest.

Mina: What?!!

Mineta: Hehehehe~!

Everyone: -_-;

Hein: Seriously...

Lilac: Not amused...

Maria: Poor Mina-chan...

Annoyed, Mina throws him at the other team using her acid layback as Minoru bounces off his own balls for a attack.

Mina: Hands off next time, you little perv!!!

Mineta: Awww...

Hein: Tch. Disgusting Simp.

Lilac: He's The Worst.

Neito throws a projectile at Izuku, Riku, Lilac, and Uraraka, but the latter deflects it with her wrist-guard.

Neito: Got you!

Deku: Huh?!

Neito: Now I can use you quirk!

Deku: M-Monoma! That's not a good idea!

Neito attempts to activate One For All but it doesn't appear to work.

Neito: Huh?!

This allows Uraraka to jump on him and swiftly pin him down. Maria comes at Yui and bashes her head causing her to black out.

Reiko used her spirit to attack her but Akira covers her. Lilac and Hein then charged at her together and binds Reiko.

Hitoshi realizes his teammate's been caught and calls out to him, readying his binding cloth to use to support Neito, but Izuku uses Uraraka's quitk float up to his position above the battlefield, distracting him from his captured teammate. They both start grappling and Izuku knows Hitoshi is too big of a threat not to neutralize now.

Shinsou: I'm not the same as before.

He tries to bring the pipes down on Izuku.

Izuku takes the fight to Hitoshi.

Deku recalls the short time he spent in One For All after falling under Hitoshi's brainwashing.

He had spoken to a former One For All user and was told to use his new Quirk, blackwhip, by keeping his heart under control.

This man reminded Izuku of All Might, and that gives him enough heart to focus and use the black tendrils to suspend the pipes in the air.

Hitoshi is surprised by this new development.

Shinsou: Are you only faking being in pain before.

Izuku suddenly gets some painful physical backlash for using Blackwhip, realizing his body isn't ready for its power yet and he must master One For All first. But the Blackwhip gotten out of control again.

Hein: Oh no!


Akira: Riku-kun! EVERYONE! GET AWAY!

Too late...

The Blackwhip charges at the Class 1-C team and straps them all trapping them in a tight grip.

Hein: Agh?!

Lilac: Can't move...

Maria: Why...Why can't I transform?

Lilac: Have we been defeated...?

Riku: This bites...

Maria: Sure does, nya...

Deku: I-I'm sorry!

To avoid another outburst, Izuku was about to adjust full cowl to 8%.


Maria: Wait a minute...Look!

Hein: Is that...?

Not far away, Mikoto was standing on the battlefield with a blank look on his eyes.

Hein: Yukimura-kun?


Jack: Hah?!


Kenji: What is Mikoto doing?

Haru: I-Isn't this cheating...?

Geysis: Wait! Hold on everyone... look...something's not right.

Everyone looked at the blank look on Mikoto's face.

Luna: *Whimpers*...

Oka: He looks...dead.

Shouto: Yukimura???

Class 1-A: What the...?

Class 1-B:....

Sylvia: Mikoto...What's gotten into you...?

They all hoped whatever was about to's a good thing.


Mikoto begin walking over to Deku, as he does so...a white surge begin to form around him. Beautiful crystals swirled all over the place. Mikoto then stopped to where Izuku was at.

Before Izuku could say anything, Mikoto holds out his palm...

A few seconds later, Deku grabs it.

Mikoto: ENGAGE.

He spoke in a cold monotone voice that didn't even sound like him at all. The magical aura bloomed even more faster. The whole area was covered in bluish white glow. Before their very eyes, the blackwhip was now in control.

Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor as this was happening.

Deku: Miichan...?


Said boy blacks out again.

Deku: Miichan?!

Lilac: M-Midoriya...? Is it okay if I help...?


Deku nodded as he let's Lilac go from the blackwhip and she goes over to Mikoto. She checked his pulse. Still warm. Surprisely from someone who uses a cold quirk.

Lilac: He's fine. But he needs some rest.

Hein: What is going on...?

Riku:....Even from my analysis. I don't know. Like the situation with Midoriya, Yukimura was also acting strange.

Lilac:....I'm withdrawing from his match. I need to get Yukimura to the infirmary.

Hein: Understandable.

Riku: I'll withdraw too.

Uraraka: Wait. You guys are quitting?

Riku: What other choice do we have? Plus, if we continue, we would just be exhausting ourselves like the others did in Round 3.

Lilac: Plus, Yukimura needs help.

Hein: You guys can continue without us.

Maria: Guess you guys withdrawing. I'll withdraw too, nya. We did kind of lose to Deku's blackwhip thingy.


Hein: *Nods* We did our best.

Shinsou: H-Hey...?

Riku: Hmmm?

Shinsou: When Yukimura wakes up...tell him I said thanks...

Maria: No problem, nya! BTW! This was a fun match!

Akira: Indeed. T-Thanks to this match. I have the courage to continue going forward.

Lilac: M-Me too!

Hein: *Smiles*

With that, knowing there was nothing they could do now. Class 1-C withdraws from the final round and went to go get medical attention for themselves and Yukimura too.

Meanwhile, Class 1-A and 1-B resumed their match.

Neito sends a metal pipe at Ochaco, who's tied him up and is floating him to the cell, with Poltergeist and she dodges it quickly.

She turns to him, realizing that, as five minutes has passed, the time limit of his Copy should be up now so he'll soon lose access to his teammate's Quirks. Neito taunts her.

Neito: I could've extended his limit to ten minutes. Do you thinks you could beat me one-on-one.

Ochaco looks defiant but doesn't
verbally reply, and Neito realizes just how cautious the Class 1-A team has been because of Hitoshi's Quirk.

Neito: How many quirks can I copy at a time, and, noting the number of clocks on my belt?

She holds up three fingers. He slyly asks.

Neito: What would you do if it was four?

As Uraraka starts to move Neito into the cell, he begins to explain Copy to her. He says that although he can only use one Quirk at a time, the effects of one Quirk will remain even after he activates another unless they directly affect his body. Ochaco doesn't understand what relevance that bears and pushes Neito into the cell.

He gets the last laugh...

Neito laughs, knowing she doesn't get where he's coming from.

Sneaky Uravity takes out the girls. Ochaco successfully locks him up, but not before Neito uses Nirengeki's Twin Impact to hinder Izuku's pursuit of Hitoshi.

Nirengeki subdues Minoru with a strong punch to his gut after reading his moves, and Reiko follows up with a metal rain attack on Mina. Class 1-B begins to gain momentum, but Izuku refuses to give up.

Izuku spins off a wall to completely evade Hitoshi's Capturing Weapon. He remembers his origin and this gives him enough courage to use his Quirk without fear.

Uraraka chops Reiko's neck to subdue her from behind and then pushes Yui into a trap made of Minoru's balls, which gives Mina an opening to uppercut Nirengeki to save Minoru.

At the same time, Izuku pins down Hitoshi, reminding his team of the claim for a victory that he made before the match began.

Deku: WE WILL WIN!!!

Shinsou: (No...I waited so long for this. To show how much I'd grown. But still moving forward without stopping. Even Class 1-C...They all seem so further and further ahead of me...Go Beyond Right...Plus Ultra...Damnit...)

Class 1-A's team manages to turn the battle around as soon Nirengeki, Reiko and Hitoshi have soon joined Neito in the cell.

With that, Class 1-A won the final round.

As the team celebrated their victory, Izuku looked back at the spot where his friend was taken.

This situation, it reminded him of that time where he, Mikoto, Sylvia, and Bakugo faced off against All Might during the final exam.

This whole scenario felt so surreal.

Deku: (Miichan...What happend to you?)

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