Yoichi Shigaraki

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That's what all Mikoto could see...

But yet...

He couldn't move...

He couldn't feel...

He wondered how long will this continue? After all...hasn't he been here before...

Mikoto: Oh... that's right. When I met Nana Shimura-san...

He couldn't believe a former user of One for All was currently residing in not only Izuku's but his body as well.

The whole thing was just unheard of...he didn't want to believe it. Speaking of Nana Shimura. Why was she taking so long to talk to him again?

Also, didn't she spoke to him when Izuku was out of the control with the blackwhip incident?

Mikoto: Nana Shimura-san...are you here...?


Silence was the only thing he got back...


???: Not quite.

A new voice, sounding gentle, appeared from the shadows. But Mikoto still felt on edge. Who was this...???

Wait...the voice sounded familiar.

Then, a mop of white hair comes from out the shadows. From Mikoto's angle, he was a young man with a sickly and malnourished appearance and a weak body. His white messy hair was similar to that of Tomura Shigaraki. His hair reached to about his shoulders, and his bangs usually obscured his bright green eyes, which gave him a sinister appearance not consistent with his benevolent personality.

From what he remembers from in the flashbacks, he used to dress in simple clothes, wearing a white shirt and dark pants. He would occasionally be seen wearing a light blue jacket.

He now knew who this man is.

Another previous one for all user. Someone he never thought who would end up meeting.

But not just any One For All User.

Mikoto: (He's...the brother of All For One!!!)

Man: Kid. Are you okay?

Mikoto: U-Uhh...Yes?

Man: Oh good. That fall you had was a pretty deep blow to the head.

Mikoto: Fall?

Ohm...That's right. Somehow during the event of round 5. He lost control of his body after talking to Shinsou.

Yoichi: You're an impressive individual, Yukimura Mikoto. Allow me to introduce myself. As you're aware. I'm a previous, One For All User. But you can call me...Yoichi. Yoichi Shigaraki.

Mikoto: Shigaraki?!

Mikoto's eyes went wide. Hold the phone...does that mean?

Yoichi: No. Shigaraki Tomura is not related to me nor my brother. His real name is Shimura Tenko. He's the grandson of the enemy who my brother killed in cold blood.

Nana Shimura...

Mikoto: I see.....Yoichi-san...What are you doing here...(In my mind as well...)

Yoichi: I have been watching you...for quite some time. Like your friend, you have an conviction to help people in distress. But in your own way...I like those who have a strong sense of justice. That's why...I helped you. By letting you unlock a power of your own.

Mikoto: Wait what...? Does this mean...like Izuku, I possibly have a new quirk as well.

From what Mikoto could understand. The only things he could be able to do with his quirk is snow manipulation. It was a pretty self-explanatory quirk. He can create snow in any shape or form. He was also able to craft snow weapons. Which was a similarity to his father's old quirk combined with his mother's.

Almost like a dual-quirk but at the exact same time. Not really.

But now like Izuku, he possibly has a new quirk.

Yoichi: It is called...Engage. It is a phenomenon in which two people to enter a synchronized state allowing them to telepathically share thoughts and emotions. Like you had done earlier, your thoughts and feelings had allowed you to activate "Engage" to help control your friend's quirk.

Mikoto: I...did that?

He didn't know how to feel about all this.

Excited? Thrilled? Exhilarated. Atonished? Scared? Agitated?

His mind felt like it was going through a kaledioscope. Things was going so fast he didn't know how to adjust to this new situation.

Yoichi: I understand that is a lot to take in. But...I need you to listen to me.

Mikoto:....What is it?

Yoichi:...Your world. The hero society. Whether from my brother's role in it or not, it will soon fall into chaos. The League Of Villains will soon take action once again.

Mikoto: Oh My God...

He was afraid of this. Ever since he got that recorder from Mr. V. It had left him and his friends on edge. Now hearing this from Yoichi-san was enough to baffled him.

Yoichi: Also. This concerns your friend as well.

Mikoto: Huh? Izuku? What do you mean?

Yoichi:....The League Of Villains will be targeting him soon.

There it was. The tip for the iceberg. A icing pit dropped in Mikoto's stomach hearing the devastating news.

Mikoto: NANI?!

Yoichi: In the future, they'll soon be aware that he is a One For All User and they'll come after him to attempt to steal it from him!

Mikoto: Oh No...Izuku...

Yoichi: He's in grave danger and it's up to you and everyone else to save him. Because...Yukimura Mikoto...if you fail...your friend will go down a darker path...

Stray far away from the hero path...


Yoichi: Please. Save Him...You Must...If his classmates can't...if All Might can't...Then you may be the only one that could be able too. PLEASE...YOU MUST...BEFORE MY BROTHER REACHES HIM...BECAUSE WHEN HE DO...THE HERO WORLD WILL SOON COME TO AN END!!!

Before Mikoto could give his answer to the former One For All User, Mikoto was brought into the light as his conscious came back into reality.

"Good luck young future hero. We, the previous One For All Users, believes in you..."

"Be The Hope That Shows The Future!"


Mikoto: Ah?!

Sylvia: Oh thank goodness you're alright!

Mikoto: Eh?

Mikoto looked to see some of his classmates standing before him in the infirmary.

Mikoto: Guys...

Haru: You really scared us, Mikoto-kun.

Kenji: Are you truly alright?

Souta: What happened to you?

Sylvia: Do you need some more rest?

They kept baggering him with questions until Lilac pushed all away from him.

Lilac: Stand back everyone! Give him some air!

Everyone: Sorry!

Mikoto: Hahaha. That's okay...What I miss?

Souta: Not too much.

Souta begin to explained to him what happens after he passed out.

Class 1-C forefeit from the match. Geysis was disappointed at first that the final Class 1-C team quit but understand their reason to because they needed to aid their Class Rep. Mikoto apologized for making them lose but Riku and the others didn't mind. They're just happy to see that their friend is alright.

Also...Class 1-A won that round.

Vlad King knew the entire battle was serving his entrance exam for the hero course, also saying that he was disappointed in his performance as he apparently lacked the strength to do anything on his own after Neito was captured. Though Geysis called him out on his bullshit.

Samuel: Your Father is pretty weird, Kenji.

Kenji: Vlad King is not my father. He just practically raised me.

Luna: Ehhh...That still makes him your father.

Kenji: *Sighs*....

Mikoto: Anyway...what happened next?

Riku explained the rest.

Apparently...Aizawa had questions Izuku about the new move he used, and the latter anxiously wonders how to reply without giving away the secret of his Quirk, eventually saying that he wasn’t sure about releasing his tendrils and describing how his power overflowed, spinning out of control.

Aizawa wanted to ask Yukimura the same question given of what took place in the final round but since the snow user was out of commission for a while. He decided he will ask him again on a later day.

Deku then that Mikoto, Uraraka and Hitoshi’s teamwork was the thing that truly saved him, and he thanks the three for their help.

Mikoto: Izuku...

He couldn't help but chuckle...But then he begin to wonder. He remembers what Yoichi-san told him.

Should he...tell Izuku about what's going on?

Or should he keep this to himself?

Whether it'll be a secret or not, he needed to protect Izuku.

Zoe: I still can't believe Aizawa-Sensei strangled Shinsou.

Mikoto:....Wait. He did what?!

Luna: Yeah. It was really surprising.

Jack: That threw me off guard.

Samuel: It threw all of us off guard.

Destiny: I was not prepared for that.

Luna: Same. Lol.

Maria: Why did he do that again, nya?

Sylvia: Pretty sure he did that so Shinsou could stop monologuing...

Mikoto: Oh.....And then what happened?

His classmates all made knowing smiles.

Zoe: After that, the teachers made an announcement that starting next year, Shinsou Hitoshi, will be finally admitted into the hero course.

Mikoto: OMG! That's amazing!

Sylvia: Yeah! Good for him!

Haru: Yeah at first he was bewildered by this. But he looked happy after that.

Maria: Yeah! His face was so cute, nya!

Eito: I still say he looked more attractive without the nasty eyebags.

Kenji: EITO....Want me to give the "Bloody Eagle" talk again?

Eito: *Gulp*...

Samuel: Eito. Just stop before you embarrassed yourself even more.

Mio: Too late. He might as well bury himself a grave because Kenji-kun is about to put him in one.

Kenji: *Death Glares*

Eito: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Luna: What's Bloody Eagle again?

Chassy: Long story short. A Viking Execution. Pretty Brutal, Gorey, And Bloody.

Luna: *Crying* O-Oh....Forget I ask....

Akira: I wonder which class he'll be in next year?

Destiny: I hope our class! He was pretty cool.

Samuel: Agree. He was really helpful during the second round.

Luna: Yeah! I hope it's our class...I mean no pressure if he'll be in one of the other two.

Lilac: Also. Mikoto-kun.

Mikoto: Yeah?

Lilac: Todoroki was here a couple of minutes ago to check up on you. He looked really worried about what happend during round 5.

Mikoto was secretly groaning but tried to keep a brave face on.

Mikoto: Oh...(I know he's going to have questions for me. Looks like I'm probably gonna have to talk to him later...Let's hope this doesn't turn into one of his crazy conspiracies. I still can't get over the secret love child incident.)

Lilac: Also...Shinsou Hitoshi relayed a message and said thanks.

Mikoto: Eh? For what?

Souta: I think it's because of you giving him a chance to be a hero and helping Midoriya out of that fray.

Mikoto: Oh...

Hein: Anyway. With that out of the way...Yukimura-kun. Could you please tell us...what happend back there.

Jack: Yeah! That blank face you made really scared us...

Kieran: It was really worrying...

Samuel: Yeah. Was that some new power you were working on?

Mikoto:....Actually yes and no...

Destiny: Huh?

Mikoto:....I...know this may sound weird and all...but like what happend with Izuku. I well...may have gotten a new quirk...by coincidence...


Class 1-C: EHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!!!!!

The snow user quietly surmised. Oh boy, this may take a while to explain....

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