SS3 - Pianorikachi

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So... basically, Torikachi knows how to play piano, but not professionally. Only knows to play some tracks fluently because practicing what track he likes.



POV: Torikachi

It's currently 4:00 PM the next day. Yesterday was quite a stunt, to be honest.

Speaking of it, I haven't played the piano for a long time, since I came to this world. I don't want to brag about it, but I practiced a lot in my world.

I remembered there's a piano on the cruise. According to Vol. 4,5 of 2nd year, it should be somewhere around here...

I look at the map of the cruise, locating the piano's location. I hope I won't attract too much attention during this time of the day.

I saw the piano room in front of my eyes. I guess I should play for a measly 30 minutes.

I have a few tracks in mind, such as Flower Dance, Kaleidoscope, Maelstrom, .etc

I thought about Fur Elise for a moment, but that's common for piano players. I decided to play something a bit uncommon. Those I think of are quite hard to master though, but my time of practicing is worth it.

I open the piano, deciding what to play.

'That's it, I'm going to play Starless Night by Plum.' I thought. The track is quite long, but it's for a warm-up before I play other tracks.

*insert Starless Night by Plum


(Credits to Plum for creating this amazing track. Most of his/her creation fits my ears.)

I continued playing the piano, as I dive into my own world. Putting myself in such an illusion that separates myself and reality.

Maelstrom, Kaleidoscope, Rainbow Chaser, .etc (all from Plum)

After all those tracks, I decided to play the last one. Not from Plum, but this sounds great.

*Insert Flower Dance by DJ Owaraki


I finished my illusion world, as I close my piano. I hear people clapping their ass chee- I mean clapping their hands, creating applause.

"I never expect someone who plays the piano so delicately." Said, someone. I think I remember her: Nishikawa Ryuko, an A-class student. As I heard from most fanfic, she's quite a talent in violin. "Where did those songs come from?? I never once heard it before, and well-played."

"Oh..." I pondered. "Can you wait for me for a few seconds?" I need to confirm Plum's music if it exists in this world.


Apparently, those songs aren't in this world. I'm quite surprised.

Now I don't know how to respond. Since I don't want to be labeled as a prodigy, since it would be troublesome for me in the future.

"E-Etou..." I start to come up with a lie as I scratch my cheek. "Those... are from an artist I admired, but I don't want the person to get exposed, the person said I'm free to play this any time I wanted."

I hope my lie is believable.

"O-oh..." She murmured. "It's fine. It's for that person's privacy."

"Thank you." Yes. My lie is believable for now... if I got forced too much, I might spill the beans in front of the crowd. All students are here, including the teachers. This is bad. I heard that Chie-sensei is the supervisor of the school's music club... (plot convenience)

"I'm smelling cap." Shouted Chie-sensei. Damn it, I was going to keep it confidential.

"I never knew that Sae-chan's class has a prodigy. Am I right Sae-chan??"

"I don't know," Sae-sensei replied. "He said it's from someone else. So I guess it's that person's choice."

Chie-sensei might start to investigate me. I don't know if it's allowed for me to call myself a prodigy in this world or not, so I came up with a half-assed lie.

"Die you Ike-man." Shouted Ike. "How are you so good at the piano. Why didn't you tell us that you're that good?"

"It's not that good though." I calmly replied. "And I practiced those for a long time."

"Why didn't you join the music club?" Asked Ryuko. "Your talent in music is really good. Even if I practiced in a lifetime, I won't be as good as you thought."

"I'm not really that confident," I respond. "Besides, I only mimicked the person's soundtrack."

"I see. I thought of you as an unknown prodigy at first, but the songs are really good for my ears, especially the first and the last one." She said with a smile.

"Wait... how long have you been here?" I asked.

"Since you are in the middle of the first song." She replied. "As soon as I walk by the hallways, I heard the piano nearby, so I followed the sound and saw you."

"I see."

As we talk, we got interrupted by Chie-sensei's mouth.

"Sae-chan! Sae-chan! Can we share him??" Such a childish teacher. I wonder why the Chairman accepts her in the first place.

Not that matters anymore...

"Sorry sensei." I said. "I don't have any affection for you."

For now, I guess...

"Hmph!!" Chie-sensei pouted.

I'm quite well acquainted with students in this school actually. Some I considered friends, some I don't.


It seems like Nishikawa Ryuko doesn't know my name. It's hard for me to get along with anyone in class A except for Arisu though, so I guess it's understandable.

"I shall be leaving then. Goodbye for now everyone, and I hoped you enjoy the play as much as I am." I said with a bow.

As I leave, everyone looked dumbfounded.

POV: 3rd Person

As Torikachi leaves, students start to gossip.

Satou: "Hey, do you think he's lying??"

Matsushita: "I don't know girl. He doesn't want to brag about it."

Satou: "But Chie-sensei said 'cap' doesn't she mean that he's lying?"

Somehow, Amikura Mako joins the conversation.

Mako: "I don't even know. We don't have evidence that he's lying."

Ryuko: "I at first thought of him as a prodigy though."

Matsushita: "This is kinda unexpected from Torikachi-kun..."

Ryuko: "T-Torikachi-kun? You mean him??"

Matsushita: "Y-Yes..."

Ryuko: "Can you... give me his phone number?? I want to talk more about his taste in music." (Edit: This was supposed to be Ryuko's line, but I accidentally made it into Matsushita's)

Mako: "Hoh?? So it is love from the first sight I'm assuming??"

Ryuko: "J-Just curious you know?? I mean... the tracks he played... I never once heard about it before, so I'm really surprised."

As the girls in the piano lobby gossiping, the boys act all out of jealousy. However, they know that they couldn't compare Torikachi's skills.

"Damn it that Ike-man." Shouted one of the boys.

"Kill that bastard, kill that bastard." Following with the boys.

Somewhere in one of the dorm rooms, Torikachi's thinking...

'This is troublesome. I didn't expect everyone in the first year to come to the piano lobby. I probably attract too much attention now.'

There's no use for him to cry over the spilled milk now. Other years might be informed about this after this cruise vacation.

*later that night

Kiyotaka: "I guess you have some explanation about the stunt you made earlier."

Torikachi: "Well... I don't know how to explain..."

Kiyotaka: "What do you mean?"

Torikachi: "I guess you can assume that those tracks are from my previous world."

Kiyotaka: "So I can assume you are from another world?"

Torikachi: "You could say so. I don't want to talk much about it."

Kiyotaka: "Then I won't pry anymore further..."

Torikachi: "This is going to be troublesome in the future..."

Kiyotaka: "I can understand that."

With that, two of them return to their respective rooms.

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